//------------------------------// // Roots Of Darkness, Part 2 // Story: The CMC Defense of Equestria // by Dark Colt Sabata //------------------------------// “So, what? They’re dead?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Rainbow, nothing could’ve survived that explosion, so yes, they are dead,” Twilight said. “Wait, what is that?” Scootaloo asked pointing a hoof at the plane. A ball of light was coming out of it and rose to the sky until it couldn’t be seen anymore. “That would be His Heart, Scootaloo,” Celestia said as the scene faded. The scene changed into an alley in Canterlot. The ball of light flew into the alley and the ball of light grew into a human form, the same boy that they saw earlier. In the alley were four foals that looked vaguely familiar. “Those are the ponies that we fought! But... are they our age?” Sweetie Belle said. “Yes, those are four of His generals, and yes, they are your age here, Sweetie Belle,” Celestia said. The boy woke up to see that he was in some sort of alley. He stood up confused, the last thing he remembered was Earth getting invaded by aliens, someone took him to safety and then he died in an explosion. Looking deeper into the alley he saw four foals sleeping there. “What the hell?” He said quietly leaning over them, “Ponies? What are ponies doing here?” One of them stirred at his whispering. He felt pity for the poor guys, these foals were homeless they don’t have a place to go. Without thinking twice he picked up the four foals, got them out of the alley and began to search for a place to live in. The boy noticed that only ponies could be seen and they were giving him weird looks probably because they never saw a human before. Not too later he had left the city and was walking in an open field the boy walked for a few hours until he found a castle in the middle of the woods. On the castle gates he found two guard ponies with golden armor and white coat. “Hey um... me and these guys need a place to stay, so is it possible that you...” The boy said holding the foals in front of the guards. The two guards took the foals before proceeding to knock out the human boy. “What? Why did they do that?” Twilight said. “Back then things were different... maybe a little too different for you to believe,” Celestia said. The boy slowly opened his eyes to see that he was in some sort of Dungeon or prison, he stood up and walked to the iron bars, there were two guards standing outside. “Hey! what’s happening? what did I do?” He asked to the guards. “Oh good, looks like you’ve finally woke up,” said a young voice. “Wait, was that-?” Twilight started. “Yes that is Discord,” Celestia answered. “Why in tarnation is he free?” Applejack asked. “He hadn’t always been the spirit of chaos, in fact he was-” Luna began. “Don’t spoil the surprise, Luna,” Celestia interrupted. A figure came out of the darkness that looked like he had different animal parts for each limb. He started to take a look at the boy curious of where did he came from or what he is. “Hmmm... I can tell why the guards locked you up. But please, allow me to introduce myself. I, am Malichias,” the thing said with a bow. “Um, can I ask you something?” the boy said. “Actually, I was going to ask you some questions myself.” “Where to begin? Where am I?” “Currently, you are in the dungeons of the castle, in the city of Canterlot, which is the capital of Equestria, which, I might add, is on the planet Equis.” “Ok, second: why did you throw me in here?” “I did nothing of the sort! By the way, whose foals were you carrying when the guards arrested you?” “I’m not sure, I just found them when I woke up, honest!” “... They did say that they were orphans... very well, guards, please let him out.” The guards doubtfully opened the cell and the boy stepped out to meet Malichias face to face. “I sure hope you know what you’re doing, Mal,” a white alicorn said as she came through the door at the end of the hall. She looked like princess Celestia, only her mane and tail were pink. “I do, Celestia.” “Your mane was PINK?!” Rarity said. “Like I said, a lot was different back then,” Celestia said. “Who is she?” The human boy asked looking at Celestia. “That, my friend, is Princess Celestia,” Malachias said. “Oh, hi there!” “I hope you know, that since you found the foals, you are responsible for them,” Celestia said. “Well obviously, but I don’t feel very comfortable talking down here,” “I know, I was just about to take you to the foals... they do need names, don’t they?” “Hey, you’re right, they DO need names.” With that they left the dungeon and walked through opulent hallways to a room that had a huge bed and four foals playing on it being watched by another alicorn with a dark blue coat. “I think my heart has exploded from the cuteness,” the boy said smiling. The foal with a grey, speckled coat looked up and said, “If that were the case you wouldn’t be standing there.” “WHOA! Didn’t see that one coming.” The alicorn looked at the boy and said, “Who’s this Tia?” “Someone from a now dead planet,” Celestia said. “How did you know?” the boy asked. “I watched the destruction,” she answered cryptically. “But- It- Just- I- What?” The boy tried to speak obviously confused. “She means that she saw it though her special mirror,” Luna explained. “I’m...not gonna ask,” “Luna! Why do you have to make it sound like I’m crazy?” Celestia said with comedic indignancy. “How could that even be possible, Tia?” Malachias said. “Jokes aside,” The boy said interrupting him, “Care to introduce us?” “This is my sister, Luna,” Celestia said as she pointed to the other alicorn. “Nice to meet you.” “Same here,” Luna said as she shook his hand. “Now, about their names...” Malachias began. The boy began to name the foals with the help of the princesses and their....friend. Moments after, they had finally decided the names for all of the foals. “Then it’s settled, you will be Herbtail, you will be Frostfall, you will be Herbtail, you will be Fleetrain and you will be Moonfire, you guys like it?” The boy said naming the foals from left to right on the bed. They looked happily for the names that were given to them, the boy couldn’t have been more happy. “Oh, I almost forgot,” Celestia said turning to the human “You haven’t given us your name” “I forgot to ask that too, tell us your name,” Malachias said. The boy took his time to look around the room seeing that everyone even the foals have been staring at him curiously. After collecting his thoughts and seeing that this might be a nice place to begin a new life the boy finally introduced himself. “My...my name is Marcus” He said. “Marcus? what a weird name” Sweetie Belle said. “As time went on Marcus and the other ponies had been living a peaceful life, he had been taking care of those foals as if they were his own brothers and sister,” Celestia said. “Then... how did he turn evil?” Sweetie Belle asked. “I think it would be best if you saw it for yourself,” Celestia grimly said. The scene faded and the castle gardens appeared, and standing in the middle of a path was Malachias with a bouquet of flowers and Marcus standing at his side. “It’s going to be fine, Mal you two had been really close lately after all,” Marcus said trying to cheer up Malachias. “But what if she doesn’t want to be my marefriend? What if-” Malachias said worriedly. “I’m sure she will accept, after all she’s been there for you when everybody feared you and now you’re like from the family.” “Yes, but you didn’t see the way she looked at my creations...” “Look all that matters is what’s on the inside, now go get her!” Marcus said pushing Malachias forwards. Just as Marcus jumped into the bushes beside the path, Celestia came around the corner. She saw Malachias and said, “Hello, Mal, what brings you here?” “I was wondering... if maybe you would like to *cough* go on a date with me?” Malachias said nervously as he held out the bouquet. She grabbed the bouquet with her magic and levitated it in front of her. At first it looked like she was gonna say yes but the disgusted look on her face said otherwise. She threw the bouquet on the ground and began to stomp on it. “Do you think I have not seen your latest ‘improvement’ for ponies?” she snarled. “I said it was a new kind of pony, not an improvement. Besides those stripes-” “And you have the nerve to ask me to be your marefriend?! I am being judged just for being seen near you.” “Bu-” “Good bye, Malachias, I do not want to see even one feather of yours again,” with that she turned and cantered away. “Wha-? D-did you really say that?” Twilight asked. “... Y-yes, I did... I have regretted it ever since,” Celestia said as a tear rolled down her cheek. Marcus stepped out of the bush with his jaw dropped by the scene that had unfolded before him. She had rejected poor Malachias and in the most cruel way possible. Usually Celestia was kind and calm. Seeing his friend crying over the stomped flowers he rushed to his side as fast as he could. “Wow....just wow,” Marcus said looking down at Malachias, “That was so cruel that I can’t describe what she did without swearing.” “S-she... hates... me?” a shocked and heart-broken Malachias said. “I’m as surprised as you are, I didn’t think I would hear that from the princess’s mouth I... I’m sorry.” “... She... thinks... I’m a... a monster...” “I’m afraid so my friend.” “But... I... thought she... saw me differently than everypony else did...” “I guess not everypony can see one’s true self, but Celestia was completely heartless back there.” “If that is the case, then so be it. If they see me as a monster... I will become one.” “Huh?” “If they want me to terrify them, then I will acknowledge their desires.” “What are you talking about?” “Will you join me, Marcus?” “You bet I will, nopony treats my friend like that and gets away with it,” Marcus said as he and Malachias rose up with evil looks upon their faces, “say your prayers Celestia, not that it will do you any good.” The two of them left the garden and vowed that no matter what, justice, would be served. Malachias and Marcus called themselves Discord and Malbitorus. They took the four foals and left Canterlot behind, not looking back. For years they perfected their chaotic powers and pillaged towns, wreaking chaos wherever they saw fit and revelling in the madness that had become their lives. Soon, they had attracted a sinister adversary that they quickly defeated and turned into their army. With legions under their control they turned towards Canterlot and burned a scar into the land in their wake. “Princess! Discord and his army are headed this way!” a messenger reported. “You MUST see to reason, Celestia, join your sister and be safe for when they can be defeated,” an alicorn chancellor said. “What about the search for the Elements, Primus, how does it go?” Celestia asked. “It will be months before Princess Luna discovers their location, if you would just join her we could-” Primus began. “Very well, I will help Luna search for where they are,” with that she teleported away. The scene abruptly changed to the inside of a huge cave filled with countless books, and even more numberless scrolls. At a table in the middle of the cave sat Luna, who was quickly going through thirty books at a time. Sensing her sister’s arrival she finished the books and set them down in a pile that had a sign sticking out of it that read: No Information. “There has been no progress with the search, Tia,” Luna said without turning around. “That is why I am here to join you,” Celestia replied. “I thought you were going to-” Luna was interrupted by a blast outside the cave. ~o0o0o0o0o0o0o~ The scene in front of the ponies changed to a large, technologically advanced room with two beings that looked like Marcus. One was banging on some buttons and muttering to himself; the other was looking at a small window-like thing. “Doctor! we have a situation here!” the second one said with a feminine voice. “What kind of situation, Daring?” the first one said as he hit a button with a hammer. “Wait, that’s Daring Doo?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Yes, it is,” Celestia said. “Huh, in the books she’s a pegasus.” “That is what she looked like before she came to this universe, Rainbow Dash.” “Wait, what?” “She means that Daring came from a different universe,” Twilight explained. “Come on, guys! Stop interrupting the story! The readers probably don’t want to hear what we have to say right now!” Pinkie said. Celestia looked at Twilight with a confused expression. “That’s just Pinkie being Pinkie,” Twilight said as she shook her head. “There’s an anomaly up ahead, what the TARDIS means by that, I don’t know,” Daring said. The Doctor came up behind her and looked over her shoulder, “That, would be a rip in the universe and we are headed straight for it.” “Are we going to try to close it?” “Yes.” “And how are we going to do that?” “We have to go through it.” the Doctor said as he ran around the console and mashed more buttons. “WHAT?! We’re going into that thing?! I thought you said that we would be ripped apart if we tried to go to another universe!” “No, I said the TARDIS would be ripped apart, and that was only if there wasn’t a rip in the universe assuming-” the Doctor was interrupted by a loud bang and sparks coming from the console in front of him. “Great, now we can’t change course even if we wanted to!” “What do you mean ‘if we wanted to’?! Of course we want to!” “Well there’s nothing we can do now, except close the rip behind us.” “And how do we do that?” “We don’t have to do anything, the TARDIS does it automatically.” “Why didn’t you say that before?” “Because, in order to do that, the TARDIS destroys itself and teleports us to the nearest planet.” “You mean, we’ll be trapped on an unknown planet? With possibly hostile inhabitants?” “Well, it’ll be awhile till we actually go through it. So I’ll see if I can find out what the nearest planet is like,” The Doctor said as he ran to another console. “Oh, well lookie here.” “What?” “It seems the TARDIS knows about the planet.” “How does it know about it?” “Because, it’s similar to a tv show.” With that the TARDIS sped up and reached the rip in seconds. As soon as it came to the other side of the rip the two beings vanished and the TARDIS exploded. ~o0o0o0o0o0o0o~ When the princesses got outside they saw a rainbow colored ring slowly expanding in the sky and two pegasi falling towards them; one was tan, the other brown. Without a word the princesses took off, caught the pegasi, and took them into the cave. “Who are these pegasi?” Luna asked as she set down the tan one. “Why are you asking me? They aren’t from this universe I can tell you that much,” Celestia said as she set down the brown one. “I was just thinking out loud, Tia.” “Well, until they wake up, there is nothing we can do for them,” Celestia said as she walked towards the table. A half hour and three thousand books later, one of the pegasi woke up. “Wha-? where am I?” the tan one said. Celestia put down her books and, without turning, said, “You are in Grydon, the gryphon kingdom.” “Wait, gryphons exist here? And they have their own country?” “Yes to both of your questions. Now,” Celestia turned around to face the pony, “I am curious as to what your names are.” The tan coated pony doubted for a while see if she can trust these two other ponies but after the hospitality that she has been showing she decided that it was alright to introduce herself. “I’m Daring Doo, and- AAHHHH!!!!” she said as she saw the brown pegasus next to her. “Hhmmff- Daring, could you keep it down? I’m trying to sleep,” the pegasus said sleepily. “Doctor?! Is that you?” “Yes, who else do you think I would be?” he said as he sat up. “I’m sorry to interrupt-” Celestia began. “Would you look at that, I’m a miniature horse!” he said as he looked at himself, “and I have wings as well! Do you, by any chance, have a mirror?” “As I was saying, who are you? and what are you doing here?” Both of them perked up at Celestia’s interruption. The brown pegasus wasn’t sure if he should tell them about how they ended up in here or about the adventures that they had. “I guess it would be better if you knew that, I am the Doctor and we came here through a rip in our universe, besides that, don’t know,” he said with a shrug. “What was that ring of light that we saw?” Luna asked. “Probably us entering this universe... Or the TARDIS blowing up.” “What’s a TARDIS?” Celestia asked. “TARDIS means: Time And Relative Dimensions In Space.” “Wait, you can not only travel through space but through time too?” Luna asked. “Yes, I am a timelord after all.” “Now that we have told you who we are, what about you two?” Daring asked. “Oh, sorry about that. I am Princess Luna,” Luna said. “And I am Princess Celestia,” Celestia said. “Nice to meet you two,” Daring said looking around the cave “Not to be rude but, why are you hiding in here?” “We are looking through these books to find something known as the Elements of Harmony,” Celestia said looking at various books. “Why do you need those?” “There is an army of dark creatures destroying our country, Equestria.” “Wait, if Equestria is your country then why are you hiding in a kingdom of gryphons?” The Doctor asked. “You know, I was thinking that myself,” Luna said. “Can you at least tell us about this army of dark creatures that you were talking about?” Daring asked. “All we know is that there are two leaders in control of the army and that they have four generals and that they are burning the land on their march to Canterlot,” Celestia said. Daring panicked at hearing this, right now countless lives are being lost and they are sitting here doing nothing she felt that she had to do something to help those civillians. “What are we doing here then? We have to stop them!” Daring shouted. “We can’t stop them, not without the Elements, and besides, it won’t take much longer if you would be quiet and wait,” Celestia said. “She’s right, we can’t do anything if they are as powerful as they claim they are” The Doctor said. Daring was still unsure, she wanted to help those innocent ponies as fast as she could but it seems that she would have to wait for a while to actually do anything. Looking at everyone she spoke up. “Alright, I’m gonna be patient. But I will go and take them on if it takes more than a week.” With that the princesses walked back to the table and continued reading. Three days later, Luna cried out with joy, “I found them! they’re in the den of a dragon named Flare!” “Flare? As in ‘The Dark Assassin’ Flare?” Celestia asked. “Yes that one, why you ask?” “Who’s Flare?” Daring asked. “Flare is a dragon that has abilities that other dragons don’t have,” Celestia said. “Like what?” the Doctor asked. “She can control the light around her, make herself invisible, or blind somepony she has a contract for.” “Wonderful,” Daring said, “how are we gonna get the elements from her?” “She does have one weakness...” “And that would be?” “She can’t say no to a contract with a big incentive.” .......................................................................................................................................................................... The group began to head towards Flare’s cave to retrieve the elements. On their way there the princesses saw what the chaotic army had done; everything was deserted it was as if nature itself was dying. Looking away at the horrible scene before them they increased the pace to their destination. They arrived at the cave in the cliffs that made up Equestria’s western border and landed a few feet from the entrance. “And who might these ponies be?” a voice said from the cave. “I am Princess Celestia. I have come to you with a contract.” Celestia said. “How much are you offering?” Celestia took a deep breath and said, “I will give you four thousand black diamonds from the royal treasury.” “... And whom is it you would like dead?” “I assume you have heard of the army that marches toward Canterlot?” “I have...” “I want you to go after the army’s leaders and generals.” “And is that four thousand for each I kill?” “I would say more like a thousand for each of them.” “Three thousand.” “How about, two thousand black diamonds for each of them?” “... I accept your offer,” the dragon said as it stepped out of the cave. It was twice as big as Celestia and had blood red scales, icy blue eyes, and white spines going down its back. “I expect the diamonds will be here in three weeks?” Flare asked. “When this war is over they will be delivered to you,” Celestia said. With that the dragon took off and faded from their sight. After a few minutes, Luna whispered, “Now we go get the elements?” “Of course dear sister,” Celestia said and then turned towards the two pegasi, “you two have to wait here Luna and I must do this on our own.” With that the two sisters walked into the cave to retrieve the elements. Once deeper inside the cave their gazes were met with several enormous piles of treasure at the top of each were the six Elements. “We found them! The Elements Of Harmony!” Luna said joyfully. “I would say we found them just in the nick of time,” Celestia said. “Come, sister we might still be able to fight back.” With that they each took three of the Elements and went back outside. Once outside the sisters were met with the other two ponies and gave them a smile. “How did it go?” Daring asked. “We have them, now let’s go get Flare’s compensation,” Celestia said. “I knew something was wrong!” Flare said as she landed in front of her cave. “I’m sorry we had to deceive you, Flare, but we need the Elements to end this war and the chaos.” “You will have to do more than that, ‘princess’. In fact you can pay that fine right now.” “What fine?” Daring asked. “DEATH!” Flare shouted as she leapt at them. Daring shouted, “LOOK OUT!” and pushed the princesses and the Doctor away. Daring had been held down under Flare’s claw after landing on her, the pain was intense and she felt that her lungs would be crushed at this rate. Celestia tried to attack the dragon but she was thrown back due to Flare’s fire breath, Daring felt her energy leaving her slowly not much struggle was remaining as Flare’s presses her claw on Daring. Is this it? She thought, Am I....going to die here? At that moment the thought of ponies dying and screaming in pain while their homes were burned to the ground came to her, she remembered that there are innocent ponies that needed someone to save them, to help them. No way I’m not gonna die, not here, not yet! She pulled her back legs up to her chest and kicked Flare’s throat, making Flare release her hold to clear her own windpipe. Daring scrambled away from the dragon and stood next to the Doctor. “Daring, are you alright?” the Doctor asked. “I’m a little shaken, but I’m alright,” she replied. “We need to trap her somehow...” the doctor trailed off into thought. After a few seconds he said, “Alright, I know how we can do this.” “How?” “Celestia, can you cause an explosion that releases 1.4723 gigajoules?” “Huh?” the two alicorns said. “Can you- nevermind then. Just cause something that will collapse the cave’s entrance, I’ll take care of the rest.” With that he galloped at Flare, kicked her right leg and ran into the cave with Flare right behind him. The two sisters began to focus their magic as Flare chased the Doctor into the cave and Daring was still catching her breath. DAMN IT! Daring thought, how can I help them when they’re doing all the work themselves?! After a few minutes the Doctor came running out of the cave and shouted, “NOW!!” The princesses released their spells at the cliff face above the cave and ducked as the spells hit the cliff and closed the cave, covering the Doctor with a cloud of dust. “DOCTOR!” Daring cried as she galloped over to where she last saw him, only to be stopped by a boulder. She tried to shift the rock, but it didn’t move no matter how hard she pushed. Finally, with tears streaming down her cheeks, she collapsed and said, “Doctor... W-why? Why did you have to do that?” “Why are you crying? I’m right here,” a voice said from behind her. She immediately recognized the voice and looked behind her, confirming that it was indeed, the Doctor. “Doctor! I thought you had been crushed... I-I thought I had lost you,” she said as she hugged him. “It’ll take more than a trap of my own design to kill this old dog,” the Doctor said with a wry grin. They began walking away from the collapsed cave. Before they took more than three steps, they heard a muffled roar come from the rubble and then felt the ground shake, almost knocking them down. “Wh-what was that?” Daring asked as she looked at the Doctor. “... She’s trying to escape, we have to move,” he said as he ran towards the princesses. “Princess, I believe we should get out of here right now,” he said when he stopped in front of them. The ground shook again and part of the rubble moved. Another roar was heard. “I believe you are correct,” Celestia said as she put the Elements into a saddlebag and headed back to Canterlot. ....................................................................................................................................................................... When they were back the scene before them was horrible. The skies were dark, the land looked deserted like some kind of disease had killed life around here and finally there were skeletons of ponies with wings and horns everywhere. Horrified, Luna stared at a skeleton for a few seconds before saying, “H-how- I-I thought they were a month away...” “It was only five days ago that we got that news...” Celestia trailed off with a tear running down her cheek. “They... will... PAY FOR WHAT THEY DID HERE!” Daring said as tears flowed down her face. “It seems that our enemies can now control anything about the world now...” the Doctor said as he shook his head. “Not everything... Not yet, but... They already control the weather, soon they will be able to unmake the world,” Celestia said. “Then we have to find them and stop them. Right now!” Daring exclaimed before darting off into the skies. The others chased off after her to make sure she didn’t do anything reckless. They searched the land together, looking for signs of recent fighting, they found a pony after a day and saw that he was still barely hanging on. The stallion was muttering to himself and cowering under a tree, too frightened to do anything. “Are you alright, sir?” Princess Celestia asked as she stepped closer to him. “AH! NO! GET AWAY, I CAN’T TAKE ANYMORE!” the pony said as he tried to shrink further into himself. “What’s happened?” Daring asked. “The-They are monsters! they killed everypony!” He said still terrified. “It’s okay, we’re here to stop them.” The stallion shook his head and said, “Those... Things, can’t be stopped... I-I had to watch as they killed my family- I had to watch my son being tortured, My wife burn to death, my daughter strangled...” “... I-” “Don’t. I want to see my family again... please, let me die in peace...” “Bu-” “Daring, let us concede to his wishes,” Celestia said. “... Okay, if you know where they are, please tell us. We are going to pay them back for every life they have taken,” Daring said, shaking with rage. “Th-they went... north, t-to their... c-castle, please, avenge... my family,” with that his breath rattled in his throat and his body went limp. The Doctor turned to leave, but Daring said, “Wait.” “Yes?” the Doctor asked. “It’s not right if we just leave his body here.” “I agree but, we don’t have time to bury him.” “There is always time to honor the dead.” “Every-” “Doctor, you know she’s right,” Luna said. “... Okay, let’s get this over with then.” “Tia, let’s use Number Fifty-seven.” “Why not Number Thirty-two?” Celestia asked. “If you’re going to bring that one up, why not Number Thirteen?” “... You’re right, we should use Fifty-seven.” “Might I interrupt this lovely banter-” The Doctor said before he got interrupted. “Number Fifty-seven is a spell of our own creation that builds a tomb around whatever we focus on and it writes that pony’s name, birth date, and death date.” “What are we waiting for then?” The princesses bowed their heads and began the spell. As the princesses cast the spell, Daring watched as the tree slightly uprooted itself and leaned over the stallion and a stone slab slid up out of the ground to make the front of the tomb. On the stone slab appeared “Heavens Sparkle, born March third, 207 AE, died February twenty-seventh, 238 AE” (Moon_fire’s A/N: AE means After Equestria) Twilight’s jaw dropped as she read and reread what was on the tomb, “That’s- wait- how- but-” she stammered. “That isn’t your ancestor, Twilight, that pony was somepony else,” Celestia said. “How does he have the same name then?” “Your ancestor was born five thousand years ago, not ten thousand, like this Heavens Sparkle.” “Oh come on! What’s next? Daring Do is my ancestor?” Dash shouted. “... That, my sister and I are not certain about,” Luna said. “... What? You mean I MIGHT be related to Daring?” “Like I said, we are not certain.” “Come on, guys! stop interrupting the story!” Pinkie said. “Yeah, I wanna see how this ends as well,” Scootaloo said. The group turned around after paying their respects to the stallion and proceeded towards the floating white castle to end this bloody and fierce war.