Cheerilee's Thousand

by xjuggernaughtx

Date Fifty-One - The Laws of Attraction

Perfect Match smoothed the soft flannel blanket before patting the area just beside him. “It’s a little chilly, don’t you think?”

Cheerilee didn’t think it was chilly in the least. In fact, the thought of getting a little bit closer to this handsome pegasus stallion was getting her a little overheated. Breathe, Cheerilee. Play it cool. She blew her mane away from her eyes, then made a show of checking the blanket for any dirt before sitting.

“Wait until you see what I’ve brought for us,” Perfect said with a grin. “I really think you’ll enjoy some of this. Let’s see now…” He opened the large picnic basket and fished through it. “Ah! How about… smoked gouda with flax seeds and barley crackers?”

Cheerilee gasped. “Th-that’s my favorite! How did you know?”

Perfect tipped her a wink. “Just a hunch. You look like a gouda kinda girl. Hmmm. What else?” His ears perked up. “Oh, I hope you enjoy wine. This is a one of my favorites. It’s—”

“A Stonyfield Red Special Reserve!”

Perfect beamed. “You have excellent taste!”

“Well, actually, Berry does. We drink together.” Cheerilee winced. “I-I mean we go out together sometimes. For drinks!” Cheerilee’s face darkened as a slow flush crept up into her cheeks. “Not like that. She’s a marefriend. Th-that is, she’s a mare that’s a friend, not—”

“Shh.” Perfect gently pressed a feather-light hoof to her lips. It smelled vaguely of cedar and holiday spices, bringing with it visions of nights cuddling beside a crackling fire. “I understand what you mean, so relax. If anypony should be nervous, it’s me. The truth is...”

Cheerilee trembled as his hoof left her lips to cup her burning cheek.

“The truth is that I’m crazy about you, and I have been for a long, long time.”

Cheerilee swallowed hard, her eyes round as saucers. “R-really?”

“Since the moment I laid eyes on you.” Perfect edged closer, and his voice dropped down to a husky whisper. “It probably looks like I have it all. Wildly successful match and candle entrepreneur. A fifteen time winner of the Equestria Philanthropic Leader Award. Two Ph.Ds and ten Masters across various fields. Named “Best with Foals” by Mare Monthly.” Perfect looked away for a moment, and his eyes shimmered with welling tears. “But I don’t have a mare to share it all with.”

Cheerilee’s heart was pounding, and her hoof trembled as she laid it over his. “But… but you probably have hundreds of mares who’d—”

“Yes, but there’s only one that I want, you see.” Perfect’s crystal-blue eyes twinkled. “You don’t know what a chore it is, Cheerilee, to find a smart, caring mare who’s dedicated to art, education, and the future generations.” He shook his head. “I’d nearly given up… but then I came to Ponyville for that conference, and there you were.”

Cheerilee tried to respond, but her voice seemed to have disappeared. She settled from gripping his hoof more tightly.

A slow smile crept its way across Perfect’s ruggedly handsome face. His teeth were brilliantly white. “I could hardly believe my luck. Imagine, of all the seats to be assigned, mine was next to the most caring and clever mare I’d had the pleasure of speaking with in quite some time, and for her to be the recipient of the conference’s Leadership in Education Award. Why, I was enthralled!” Perfect leaned in, now only inches away. “And it didn’t hurt that you were the most gorgeous mare I’d ever seen.”

“We should probably spend some time together, then.” Cheerilee found her hoof in his mane, pulling him closer. “Lots and lots of time.”

“I think I’d like that…” Perfect’s lips brushed hers.


Forgotten picnic plates and glasses flew into the air as Cheerilee and Perfect scrambled away from each other. A cold wind sprang up, sweeping the basket away and wrapping the blanket around Perfect’s hooves just as he rose. With a grunt, he half-fell against a tree, then slid the rest of the way to the ground.

Landing a few yards away, Princess Luna’s eyes flashed when she glowered at the confused stallion. “Thou wouldst come into this realm—Our realm—seeking to prey upon a yearning heart?”

“I-I’m not sure—”

SILENCE!” The word slammed into Perfect, pinning him against the tree. “We will not tolerate thy untoward advances. BEGONE!

Cheerilee had just started to throw a restraining hoof up when a crackling beam of dark energy erupted from the princess’s horn and enveloped Perfect. For a moment, his face writhed and bulged into grotesque shapes before he melted away.

“It is done. Thou art safe once more, but—”

What did you do to him?” Cheerilee tore through the tangled blanket before whirling on the princess. “You killed him!”

Her eyes confused, Luna brought a hoof to her chest and took a step back. “Killed? We have killed nothing. He was merely woken from this dreaming state.”

“This is a… dream?” Cheerilee’s clenched hoof wavered uncertainly between them for a moment before she hung her head with a sigh. “Of course it is. I should have known.” She pulled her head back up to scowl at the princess. “But it was a really good one!” she said, stomping a hoof.

“We were afraid of this, Cheerilee. Thy concupiscent heart has left thee vulnerable.” Luna pointed to the various picnic items, and one by one, they melted away. “It went unnoticed, then, that thy amorous companion failed to bring thee the requisite band of woven laurel branches and morning glories?”

“I, uh…” Cheerilee looked away from a moment, but the surrounding forest held no answers. “What?”

Princess Luna shook her head. “And the Melody of Joining played upon a hoof-carved fife of his own creation. Was it heard? Your sire and dam, were they spoken to in accordance with the law?

“Law?” Cheerilee brow furrowed. “Equestria doesn’t have any laws about dating.”

The princess curled her lip. “Nay, citizen, you err. Such laws were established long ago to keep in check unseemly coupling, but it appears that Our sister has been lax in their enforcement. We have spoken to her several times on the subject, but to no avail. The words ‘prudish’ and ‘antiquated’ were unfairly levied upon Us, but the law still stands. It ill-suits the crown to show such apathy toward their own mandates.”

Cheerilee stared at Princess Luna for a moment. “Are you telling me that it’s illegal to date in Equestria?”

“Far from it!” Luna’s eyes widened, and her wings fluttered. “It distresses Us mightily that thy reaction to this news is not a joyful one. The fifty-seven steps to legal courtship were designed to ensure harmonious relations. Is that not what you seek?”

“Fifty-seven steps?” Cheerilee replied, her eyes bulging. “Princess, forgive me for being blunt, but you’ll never enforce that! Times have changed since… since whenever that was. Nopony will follow that.”

“We’ve seen the evidence of thy words in Our governorship of the night.” Luna leaned against a tree and sighed. Standing this close to the princess, Cheerilee could see bags beneath her royal eyes. “Since discovering the rampant violations, We have been run ragged. Still, We persevere.” Princess Luna pursed her lips for a moment. “Our sister simply does not understand the full magnitude of the problem. Oh, the walks under the evening moon! The brazen hoof holding! Why, We have even seen necking and unchaperoned embracing in flower-adorned gazebos and upon secluded verandas! These things just do not happen in sunlight. If only Celestia would listen!”

Cheerilee’s head throbbed. I can’t even dream without getting a headache now?

“Please, citizen, tell Us why thy face adopts such a dire cast, and why thou rubbest thy temple so.” Princess Luna dropped her gaze to her hooves for a moment. “Our efforts have been met with some unhappiness, but it is for the good of all Equestria.”

Cheerilee sat, then took a deep breath. Her mane rippled as waves of power rolled off the nearby princess. “P-pardon me, Your Highness, but…” Cheerilee licked her lips. Her mouth was suddenly very dry. “But did you ask any of the couples that you, um, rescued if they wanted rescuing? Or their parents. Or, well… anypony?”

Princess Luna offered Cheerilee a small, grim frown. “Ask? The law is written!”

“But nopony knows about the law, and it’s so stran…”

The princess’s eyebrows descended slightly.

“I-I mean, it’s so old-fash…”

Luna’s jaw muscle twitched.

“What I mean is that every policy should be reviewed from time to time!” Cheerilee finished in a rush. She wiped away a light layer of sweat that had collected on her brow.

Princess Luna stared at her for a long moment, then nodded. “We are pleased thou art a teacher, for there is wisdom in thy words. It is apparent that Our customs have fallen from favor.”

“I’m so glad that you—”

Luna pulled herself up to her full height and tossed her head back. The air around her sizzled with arcane energy. “So We shall return to the castle and declare a new minister! One to travel the length and breadth of Equestria reminding all citizens of Our laws of courtship. The heart is bold, and left unchecked, emotions will run wild. Chaos reigned in Equestria before, and that is a darkness We would not have anypony suffer again!”

Cheerilee squeezed her eyes closed and slapped a hoof over the left side of her face. “But it was a dream! We can’t even dream about love?”

Princess Luna shook her head. “The world of dreams has many doors for entry and many paths upon which a sleeper might tread. Nightly, I observe countless—” The princess’s lips curled into a small moue “—distasteful fantasies played out in the minds of Equestrians. Those dreams are of little consequence, for they are fully within the mind of a single citizen. Thy dream, however, was of a different sort. When two hearts cry out for one another, they sometimes find each other in this realm. No longer is the dreaming purely innocent then. It is a true sharing, and if those two were to meet, the fires would burn brightly indeed! The blazing heat of such love would surely lead to ashen regret.”

Cheerilee shot to her hooves. “Are you saying that Perfect Match truly loves me, and you just woke him up?

“Nay.” Luna patted Cheerilee on the head several times. “Perfect Match is but a construct of thy subconscious. There is no such pony, but the connection was true. Somepony with desire sent out a call, and thy yearning heart returned it. Thy mind just gave the emotion form.”

Stepping away, Princess Luna’s horn glowed, and she began slowly fading from view. “We must depart to other dreams, Cheerilee, We cherish thy wisdom and wish for thee a prolonged courtship someday.”
Cheerilee charged forward “Wait!”

Waving, Luna disappeared from view.
“Who is it? Who is—


—my true love?

Gasping, Cheerilee bolted upright in her bed. Her hooves were still shaking while she fumbled  her way free through the tangled mess her sheets had become. According to the small alarm clock she kept on her nightstand, it was two-thirty in the morning.

Right. No time to waste! Cheerilee swung her legs off the end of the bed, then trotted to her writing desk. After lighting the lantern hanging above, she fished out a piece of parchment and her inkwell. I hate to complain, but Celestia really has to do something about this one. Time to call in that favor Twilight keeps trying to push on me. Cheerilee hunched over the desk, then stabbed her quill into the inkwell in the automatic strokes of a pony who has graded thousands of papers. So, what’s the best way to report a princess diplomatically?

Touching quill to parchment, Cheerilee meant to write a letter “D”, but instead watched as her hoof made a long, double-curved line, then another that mirrored the first. She stared down at the large heart that now occupied the majority of the space. Slowly, her lips twitched up into a spreading grin.

“Cheerilee plus…” she said while writing inside of the heart. For a moment, the quill hovered over that empty space before three drops of ink fell from it into an almost perfect row.

“You’re out there,” she whispered at the heart. It felt odd not being angry, but for the time being, it was enough.