//------------------------------// // Bad and Beautiful and Free // Story: The Ballad of Time Turner and Rainbow Dash: Are a Drag // by dramatic_spoon //------------------------------// “So that’s basically my opinion on the subject,” Bluestreak concluded. “It’s a very unorthodox approach.” Clagan continued on, “What do your colleagues have to say on the matter?” “Well, Professor Bitterbill covers the modern era, so he’s a bit more critical of my interpretation of Modernism.” “Hrm. A Griffon?” “Yes, but his specialty is Rus history,” Bluestreak paused, “It’s quite interesting.” “I would imagine so.” “But onto another topic, what do you and your wife do for a living?” “I’m a lawyer.” Clagan stated. “…Somehow I expected that.” “Fortuna works as a secretary. It’s not entirely necessary, but she was adamant about being more than just a housewife.” “Ah. Getting out and interacting with other ponies is always good.” Bluestreak refilled his glass, “Top yours off?” “No, I think that’s enough for now.” Clagan paused, “Fortuna had made Gotlandish dishes tonight.” “Beetballs?” “No, stuffed cabbage, pea soup, that sort of thing.” Clagan waved a hoof, “She likes it.” “Well…I’m sure it will be good. Usually I just cook Skyrosian. My mother owned a small little restaurant in Cloudsdale, so I grew up helping her.” “Hrmh. And you went into education over culinary school.” “Cooking is a hobby. Teaching and learning was a passion,” Bluestreak paused, “I have a wonderful student named Beachcomber who loves art history.” “And yet you let your own daughter drop out of flight school.” “We…” Bluestreak paused, “Dash is smart. She’s just not book smart. She passed all her physical test and most of the written ones…She has a good job as weather manager, she got a lot of on the job training with Fog Gun.” “I suppose it’s not that difficult.” “Weather is actually much more difficult to deal with than you think,” Bluestreak chuckled, “The difference between a gentle shower and a hurricane comes down to experience.” “..And she still expects to join the Wonderbolts with just ‘experience’?” “She got accepted to the academy. She’s one of the better recruits.” “And the history exam?” Clagan continued on, “Has she thought about how she will deal with that?” Bluestreak paused, “As much as I hate to use the phrase, we’ll burn that bridge when we get to it. She has very good friends, Twilight Sparkle is Princess Celestia’s prized student, after all.” “Being a student is one thing. Being a teacher is another, is it not?” “…True.” Bluestreak shrugged, “I met her once, she seems to be very smart, but not so good with other ponies.” “I would hardly know.” The two fell silent again as Bluestreak refilled his glass. “I like Rainbow,” Clagan paused, “Time Turner and Fortuna both think that I don’t like her. Some nonsense about how the only mares I like are submissive and quiet. She’s strong willed, unafraid to speak her mind, and most importantly, loyal.” “Well, she is the Element of Loyalty after all.” “It’s a very good trait. The world and times are changing and they need to make it theirs.” Clagan paused, “I’ll be dead soon enough.” “That’s a rather pessimistic way of looking at it, isn’t it? “Hardly. I have a well-paying job. I’m married. I have a son who has a decent job and is likely to become mayor in the future. He has a marefriend. All that’s left are the wedding and the grandson.” “Child.” Bluestreak chuckled. “What?” “Grandchild.” Bluestreak chuckled, “No guarantees about if it’s a boy or a girl.” “It should be a boy.” Clagan huffed. “I think that should be left to the two of them.” “Hrmph.” “I like Turner if that’s what you’re going to ask next.” Bluestreak ignored Clagan, “He reminds me of myself at that age.” “…” “And Dash is certainly her mother’s child,” Bluestreak paused, “…They say the quote “History Repeats” is bunk, but it certainly does a good job of déjà vu.” “Hrpmh. Bright Spear claims that that’s the problem with history.” “Of course. He’s a lawyer too.” Bluestreak chuckled, “Red Banner called it a Farce and then a tragedy.” “Of course the revolutionary would.” Clagan scoffed. “How did you meet your wife anyway? She’s so…” “Some would say ‘Opposites attract’, but that’s not really true.” Clagan paused, “I met her at a friend’s get-together. Needless to say, I left that party with a red cheek.” “…This sounds like a really bad romance novel.” Bluestreak shook his head. “It was.” Clagan sighed, “My parents did not like her, but I didn’t care at that point. I did tell myself I would never be like them and,” he paused again, “Here we are.” “I think the important thing is that they’re happy.” “True.” “Also, please try not to antagonize Fly too much,” Bluestreak placed his drink down, “She gets punchy.” “ ‘Punchy’.” “Yes. She once knocked out a Royal Guard because he was giving her a hard time,” he paused, “Fortunately, the charges were dropped.” “…Hrm.” Time Turner popped his head into the room, cutting off the rest of Clagan’s response, “Dinner is ready.” He informed the two before vanishing again. “Well then, I hope you don’t mind Gotlandish.” Clagan stood up. “It’s nice to try new things.” Bluestreak stood up, “I’ll be there in abit, I need to use the bathroom.” Clagan trotted off as Bluestreak headed back to the bathroom. “He seems nice enough,” Clagan mused, “Rainbow Dash obviously takes after her mother.” Clagan entered the dinning room; Fortuna continued to cheerfully chat, while Firefly sat across of her and ignored her in favor of her drink. Dash and Turner continued to set the table as Clagan took his seat next to Fortuna. “Bluestreak is in the restroom, but I think we can wait for him.” “He has a weird bladder,” Firefly grumbled, “Talking to people makes him nervous.” “Hrmph.” Clagan paused, “What’s that smell?” “What?” Time Turner and Dash paused, sniffing the air. Dash’s eyes suddenly widened as realization hit. “Oh shit, the arksloppa!” She spun around and zoomed back into the kitchen as Time Turner followed her. The door slammed open and then slammed shut. “…I think I’m going to check on them.” Fortuna stood up, and followed the two into the kitchen. As she opened the door, smoke began to pour into the dining room and snippets of an argument could be heard. “…I thought it was supposed to be served cold!” Time Turner protested. “It’s Scandinavian! Everything there is ice and snow and stuff! Who wants to eat cold soup there?” Dash countered, “I thought you were keeping an eye on it!” Turner’s response was cut off as the door closed, leaving Firefly and Clagan in the dining room alone. “…So then,” Firefly sat back up, ignoring her glass, “I guess we should bite the bullet and talk.”