The Gaming Princess

by Red and Black Alicorn OC

Mass effect my flank!

Hello fellow bronies!!! It's been a loooooong time since I've actually written anything! Well, for me anyways. You see our time is different. Every, lets say, week you have on Earth is equivalent to every day in Equestria! Well, actualy, that means it must've been even looooonger for you!

Anyways, me and all of my friends have just celebrated Gummy's first birthday and is one years old! They grow up so fast these days...

Anyway, Twilight, who is now probably sleeping at her house, gave me a idea before she left. She said to me that this party that we just had was fun, so, I thought why not? Let's celebrate Gummy's after-birthday party!!!

So, I'm going to send out invites to all of my friends!!! Anyway, a game that has been suggested for me since the early Jurassic age is finally going to be put down in this story, hope ya guys enjoy!!!!

Luna was excited, and by excited I mean exci—ted! She had completed all of the other Mass effect games and was now on the third and final one! The grand finale!

From what she could tell, Shepard (pssst, it's her character!) had been brought to a political meeting with a bunch of other guys and the guys were whining about the large reapers coming in to destroy every living being in the universe and Shepard is trying to say something bad ass but epicly fails with a little choice of words that would give out a logical and smart way of defeating the undeniably impressive reapers. Did I mention that there was a reaper looking at them from outside of the window? It also shot a large beam of red lasery light at them! Ooh ooh! That sounds fun!

All of the ponies inside of the room flung across the entire length of the room and Shepard had appeared to be dazed. Well, until the admiral ran towards her and gave her a hoof hup.

"Shepard! Come on, we should get to the Normandy!"

He passed her a pistol and the both of them jumped down, out of the window and landed on a roof like area. Luna was now in control of Shepard, and followed him across a beam.

She looked outside and saw that there was dozens of reapers out there, slowly destroying the city with their colossus legs and burning hot laser beams.

Shepard and the admiral ran across the beams and jumped over a large gap. Luna gasped when she saw a small fighter ship fly over her head, merely metres away from their heads. But then she gasped again when three or so black ships flew across her head, taking pursuit. The trio of attack ships shot down their target and flew off, possibly to destroy more.

The two ponies ran onwards and reached the roof. They stopped when they suddenly saw five monstrous pale blue ponies run up the wall of a building. Pure instinct took place and before the admiral had a chance of giving the order Luna aimed and shot them all down. The duo jumped down onto the floor below and Luna saw five more of the monsters. Luna shot three of them in the head, one of them a headshot, and wacked one of them with her gun.

The admiral shot down the last one, and just in the nick of time too, before it managed to leap at Luna.

The two ponies walked towards the building, but not before a reaper shot a laser towards it.

The laser smashed the glass and it erupted into a flying massacre of shards. Luna's character flinched at the bright light but Luna continued moving her character forward. She walked towards a metal "slidy" door but then a husk popped his head out.

Luna's character jumped back a bit but then used her super-awesome attack move on it.

The husk died and Luna's character parted the two doors, giving the admiral enough room to squeeze through. Before Shepard could follow him, she heard a breathy breath breath coming from one of the vents.

Shepard moved out of the doors way quickly, to avoid being squished, and walked over to the vent. She bent down and looked through the vent to see a small colt.

"Hey, don't worry, come here."

The small colt did indeed look worried.

"Everyone is dying!"

A loud shudder swept across the room and Shepard looked behind her, through the window and saw a reaper walking slowly through the city.

Shepard looked back towards the young pony.

"We've got to go, come on and follow me."

The next four words he said to Shepard made Luna's blood turn cold.

"You can't help me."

Luna heard the admiral call from behind her. She looked around and saw the admiral. She looked back towards the vent and the child was now gone.

Luna followed the admiral through the doors and continued through the level. About a minute passed until she was outside again, greeted by some more reapers!

Shepard continued to run with the admiral, and was caught by surprise when a loud explosion sent the surface which she was on collapsing.

She slides down and onto the roof below,

Despite this the two still continued forward and was stopped when they saw two crewmen laying down on the floor, obviously injured. The admiral walked up to them.

"What's the situation?"

The two men started to speak but were interrupted by a loud screech. Shepard looked around to see what was causing the noise when laser bullets started to fly above their heads. Luna ran up to hide behind cover and saw the monsters. She shot them down with the help of the admiral and they started to hack through them.

It was possibly one of Luna's most enjoyable massacre yet...

Hmmm, mabye we should skip to the ending, what do you think Gummy?

Luna, was finaly here, at the end... Well, not yet but, she was reeeeaaaaally close to the end!

She got bored to death by the weird ghost, robot, child thingy. She had three options, run into the blue beam, get electrified and control the reapers, or destroy that red\orange machine thingy.

Luna decided that she should go for the blue beam thingy. Shepard ran towards it and dropped her gun. She was obviously sad, sad about leaving behind everything she had, but, she did it.

She leaped into the blue beam, and disintegrated.

Um... Ooookaaaaay.

Luna wasn't even sure about what she was doing, and what effects it had.

Then a cutscene appeared. It was very long, so I'm gonna tell you what happened in a nutshell.

Shepard died, big green beam spreads across the galaxy making the reapers go away, big green beam makes Joker's ship crash land on a native planet.

Oookaay, so now what? Luna wasn't impressed, and she wasn't hiding it. She then- oh what the hell, she just replayed the storyline again, and instead of going into the blue beam, she went to the electrifying thingamajig. A summary of what happened:

Shepard died, big blue beam spreads across the galaxy making the reapers go away, big blue beam makes Joker's ship crash land on a native planet.

Well... You know what happens next, she restarted from the beginning, again, and instead destroys that machine thingy. Another summary of what happened... Again:

Shepard died, big red beam spreads across the galaxy making the reapers-

Oh you know the rest! Everything is the same but this time you get to customise the colour of the beam that saves all organic form of life! What a honour!

Well, Luna didn't take it as a honour, in fact she took it as a large slap across the face saying "Ha! You actually thought that the ending was going to be good!" and Luna was like "buck this sh**!" And destroyed her Xbox. Wait, what?! She... How am I..... Urm, well, yeah, she sorta...

She got a new package from Princess Cadence from the portal and... No, that'll be boring!

Well, maybe.... I might have to do something about this, I'll... Oh never mind! I'll make something up!

Hm, I think that that's the end of that, I could do.... Don't worry guys!!! I have a back up plan! This story may have ended but I think I have a idea coming up... Don't worry guys!

Oh yeah, if you want to join in Gummy's after-birthday party then you need to shout out in the comments below:

Gimme a invite!!!

So... Yeah, see ya bronies soon!!! Oh, and make sure that you write it exactly like that, with rainbows otherwise I can't except it!