Wings of Hope

by Zeroxdoom


Silence, it’s blissful, especially in sleep. It was one of the things the young stallion enjoyed, next to flying and anything he thought was fun. However, in Manehattan, it’s rare to have silence, everypony is so busy in this city day and night, that’s why its nickname is ‘The city that never sleeps’, so some treasure these moments as much as they can befor-

“HEY, WAKE UP!!!” shouted a young voice across the dark room. “You’re going to be late at this rate.”

“Just leave me alone, let me enjoy sleep while I still can.” said a lazy voice coming from the sheets on the bed. The lights in the room came on revealing a Pegasus filly with sky blue eyes along a silver coat and a dark blue pigtailed mane wearing a pink shirt and a yellow skirt standing by the door. “Besides Wind, it’s not even six o’ clock yet.”

“Zero, its six thirty, your gonna be late if you don’t hurry!” shouted Solar Wind. At that moment a gray stallion with yellow eyes and a black, back spiked mane emerged from the covers wearing nothing but red underwear.

“Oh no, why didn’t you say so sooner!” In a hurry, Zero ran to his closet and put on a black shirt and black pants and was about to fly out the window until he looked at the clock on the wall…….it was five fifty seven. Zero slowly turned around and walked towards his sister with an angry look on his face. “Not only did you make me think I was late.” said Zero in an angry tone. “But you woke me up EARLY!”

Solar Wind began to giggle “Well that’s payback for putting a fake spider in my room.” Wind knew he enjoyed sleep more than anypony she knew, and taking away any amount of sleep from him was an easy way to get on his bad side.

Zero sighed “Ok I may have deserved that.” and with that the two walked out the room and headed toward the bathroom to freshen up then to the kitchen to greet their parents. As they entered their mother, White Star, a unicorn with long silver mane, a gray coat, and green eyes, was wearing a purple robe and making breakfast for the family. Their father, Sound Barrier, was a black coat Pegasus with short dark red hair, yellow eyes, and he was wearing a brown jacket and blue pants, was sitting down reading the newspaper.

“Well somepony’s up earlier than usual.” commented White Star.

“Don’t get used to it.” Zero stated while giving a cold stare to his sister. “Anyways I’m just gonna grab some food and go for a fly before I head to work.”

“Hold it.” said Sound Barrier. “Before you go I want to ask you something.”

“Ask away.”

“When are you going to become captain of the weather team?”

Zero frowned, he was hoping he asked something else; he was one the best flyers on the team and in Manehattan, he even knows the city from top to bottom, but leading was something he never felt comfortable with, that and he would have less free time than usual. “Why do you ask?”

“Well it has a better pay and since you’re a great flyer, I thought you would have gotten the job by now.”

“Yeah, I’m always telling my classmates how awesome you are and not to mess with me or you’ll come flying through the doors to teach them a lesson,” added Wind.

Zero chucked, “Well I appreciate the concern but I’m just not ready for the responsibility just yet, anyways I gotta fly.” Zero opens the window and flies out the window in a blurring speed into the bright new morning.

“Does he ever use the door?” questioned Sound Barrier.

“Do you?” grumbled White Star.

Zero flies through the city with a sad look on his face, he looks at the city below hoping to see something new for once. It was the same thing every day, taxi’s speeding off to go who knows where, ponies rushing to work or school, crowded sidewalks, nothing really happens in this city, better yet, nothing ever happens in this city, it’s so casual and so boring. He sighed “At least there’s still hanging out with Thunderwing and the team.”

Zero arrived at the weather control building; it was a small building with a large cloud sign on top of it, usually nopony goes inside, the only reason anypony would was if they were applying for the job or they had a complaint involving the weather. Those on the weather team however come for attendance in the morning. The captain tells them what’s the weather plan for the day, they do the job, report back, and do whatever they please for the rest of the day. As Zero walked inside the building, the captain was just in the middle of attendance.
“Ah, Zero Gravity, there’s my number one worker.” exclaimed his boss with joy. The captain, Cosmic, was a dark green Pegasus with a purple neatly combed mane and teal eyes. He was wearing a blue vest with a tag that said ‘captain’ on it and brown pants.

“Am I late?” Zero asked with no concern in his voice.

“Nope, you’re just in time for my announcement.” Zero joined the crowd of his coworkers so Cosmic can finally begin.

“Alright everypony listen up, recently, Canterlot scientists have come up with a way for weather teams in large cities such as las Pegasus to communicate with each other since there was an accident in Fillydelphia and the Pegasi couldn’t contact one another.” He held up a small device in his hand “You will be using this earpiece to communicate with each other and myself, there are two channels on it, one channel is to talk to one another, the second is for me only. To use it, just hold the button on you hear to speak and let go to hear what the other person has to say, to switch channels, just simply press it twice. Everypony got that?”

“Yes Sir!” everypony said in unison.

“Good, now for the weather plans for the day. Just clear the sky for the day, it’s going to be sunny for the next two days.”

Everypony cheered in excitement, they knew whenever it’s sunny for a couple days in a row it means they don’t have to come in for work until then. Once the crowd calmed down, Cosmic dismissed the group and everypony scattered outside.

“Hey Thunderwing lets hurry and bust some clouds so we can hang out.” Zero said with excitement. Thunderwing wore indigo coat and had a slightly messy teal banged mane that covered his right blue eye, he was wearing a steel colored button shirt and wore green pants.

“Sure, but don’t get us in trouble again alright? I’m still finding noodles in my hair since the last we hang out.” Thunderwing said with grief.

“Hey, that show we performed in that restaurant was fun and you know it.”

“We were banned for life!” exclaimed Thunderwing.

“Maybe we wouldn't have if you done a better job at being heroic.”

“You threw me off the stage!”

“Didn't you read the script?”


“Ok fine, it was improv, anyways we’re burning daylight, let’s go.” Zero then left the building at full speed and Thunderwing sighed and followed along.

Later on in the afternoon after clearing the sky, the pair of friends went to their usual hangout on the Celestial Star Tower. It was the tallest building in the city and had a huge star on the top. They usually go there to enjoy the view of the city and get away from all the noise.

“Clearing the sky was a piece of cake as usual.” bragged Zero as he bit his hayburger.

“Yeah, but I bet I busted more clouds that you.” Thunderwing boasted with a smile.

“Oh yeah, how many?”


Zero smirked “I got 48.”

“No way, your lying.”

“Really, where’s you proof then?”

“Whatever, I stopped caring.”

Zero gave a victorious laugh. “Aww, is someone mad?”

“Shut up and eat your burger. I’m still pissed at you throwing me off stage.”

“I said sorry, things were getting boring and I went with it.”

Thunderwing laughed “Ok I forgive you, it was actually funny. The crowds’ faces were priceless when you threw me.”

After Zero joined in on the laughter, they continue eating their lunch as they watch the sunset quietly.

“Hey, Zero?” Thunderwing said breaking the silence.

“Yeah, whats up?”

“Why did you turn down the chance of being captain?”

There was long pause before Zero finally replied.

“I don’t like being responsible.” said Zero with sadness in his voice.

“But that makes no sense; you’ve always wanted to be a dad. If that’s what you want you got be responsible to show you can be just that. Cosmic is going to retire soon and you got to take charge dude.”

Zero sigh “OK, the real reason I don’t want the job is because I don’t want moments like these to go away.”

“What do you mean?”

“Us hanging out, doing stupid things together, laughing the day away, stuff like that. If I take the job I’ll be too busy to hang out with you. I already know things can’t stay the same, but this city begs to differ, I get up, eat, work, hang out with you or one of the others, go home, laugh with my family about something at dinner, go to bed, and wake up and do it all over again. I want to leave this city and live in Cloudsdale or Ponyville or anywhere interesting, but I don’t want leave what I have behind.”

There was silence in the air for a brief moment, Then Thunderwing spoke up.

“A Pegasus is meant to fly Zero.”


“Me and your family are like chains holding you down to the ground, you don’t want to add more chains but you don’t want to unlock the ones that are already on you. You need to unlock them Zero, or you’ll never see the world as what it is.”

Zero sat there stunned at what his friend said.

“And dude, don’t worry,” Thunderwing rested his hand on Zero’s shoulder. "Your wings with get tired, and you’ll come back down.”

Zero smiled, “Thanks dude, I needed that, even though I’m usually the wise one helping you out.”

“Oh quit putting yourself so high on the pedestal,” Said Thunderwing after playfully punching his friends’ shoulder. “And I’m just quoting what my dad said to my cousin Thunderlane when he was afraid of moving out.”

The two sat quietly for a moment.

“He was an awesome stallion.” Zero whispered sadly.

“And a wise one too.” added Thunderwing with the same sadness and a tear falling down his cheek. The sun finally went down and it became dusk.

“Hey I’m back.” Said the gray Pegasus as he flew in the apartment window

“Oh hey.” Said Sound Barrier after he finished chewing his food.
“How was work?” asked White Star as she finishes serving out food for Zero, it was a cherry pie with apple cider.

“The usual. I’m sleeping in tomorrow by the way.”

“Sunny day?” his parents said in unison.

“Yup.” Zero conformed as he prepares to eat his meal “By the way where’s Wind?”

“She’s finishing up a school project with a friend; she should be back any minute.”

Zero made a devilish grin on his face and rushed to his room and grabbed a rubber snake from under his bed and ran to his sisters’ room and placed it in her drawer. Then he came back to the table and started eating.

“What did you put in her room this time?” said Sound Barrier

“Snake in her drawer.”

“Nice.” He then gave his son a fist pump and continued eating.

“You know sometimes I wish you would bond with your sister the normal way instead of pulling pranks on one another.” Said White Star

“Well being normal is boring.”

After dinner Zero went to his to put his clothes away and then laid on his bed to drift off into sleep……that is until he heard the front door of the apartment open.

“I’m home.” Solar Wind stated as she walked in the apartment.

Zero smiled as covered his ears before counting down.




A piercing scream echoed throughout the whole building that made Zero laughed hysterically.

“Revenge is sweet.” Zero yawned as he fell asleep.

Meanwhile on the outskirts of Manehattan, two ponies were dressed in black and wore sunglasses, both had jet black manes, but one was a unicorn and the other an earth pony. The earth pony wore a brown coat while his unicorn companion had a lime coat.

“Damn it where haven’t we checked!” The earth pony shouted with anger.

“Calm down, witness reports say they were going east, that means the cities we need to check are Baltimare, Manehattan, and Fillydelphia.” Stated the unicorn

“Where should we check first?”

“Fillydelphia, its heavy populated by Pegasi so she might have went there. If we don’t find her, Manehattan is next. We will search every inch of Equestria until we find them.” And with that the two stallions headed towards their destination for their targets.

Next time: Newcomer