//------------------------------// // Let the Journey...Begin // Story: Twilight's Fetish // by MoltenXKid //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle lay in her bed. Next to her was the stallion that she had spent the night with. She had no regrets; he was an avid performer, yet her nights grew boring. It was the same old thing every time she decided to have relations with a stallion. She needed something new, something different. Too bad all the books in Equestria that carried the knowledge to spice her nights where banned since they were written by the Princesses. No one except Twilight knew; that information could ruin Luna and Celestia’s pure name. So, the unicorn laid there and listened to the deep breathing of her midnight partner. With his rhythmic breathing, Twilight slowly descended into sleep. That is, until an explosion of confetti jolted her from sleep. All around her, pink fog crawled in as eerie music filled the room. In the fog, the silhouette of a pony figure took form. “We see you had another boring night, Ms. Sparkle…” said a very familiar voice. “Pinkie…what are you doing in my house at One A.M?” asked Twilight, not impressed with the display. “…I-I-I am not Pinkie Pie…” the silhouette responded, “I am simply one who contains the answers you want…” Twilight scooped a hooful of the confetti off the still sleeping stallion. She looked closely to see “Pinkie Pie Brand Confetti” labeled on each piece. “You’re name is on it!” The music stopped playing with a record scratch, the confetti dropped to the ground, and the fog dispersed instantly. Left in the clear room, was a clothed Pinkie. Black latex socks covered her legs to a little above her knee. A whip was holstered to her hip. Hanging from her neck was a pacifier, ball gag, a small vibrating egg, and a key. Her eyes were covered in a small black mask, but anyone could easily tell it was her. Finally, in between her hind legs was the biggest, longest, jaw dropping, mare swooning, “where has this been my entire life?”… Fog machine. (How else would one create pink smoke unless they had a high end fog machine?) “Twilight, you really know how to kill a vibe. It’s a wonder you get stallions in your bed.” Pinkie said as she packed her stuff up, “Anyway, I’m the Kink Fairy. Here to help you explore the world of sexual pleasures.” “Thank you, Pinkie, but I don’t-“ Pinkie interrupted by placing the pacifier into Twilight’s mouth. “You could explore, or you can do the same old thing you always do-buck and sleep” Twilight looked at the stallion next to her, who turned over and began to snore. With a silent nod to Pinkie, The Journey of One-Thousand Kinks began. In a flash of pink light, Twilight’s world changed. She went from her own room into something she faintly remembered from her childhood. Tall wooden columns ascended from the nice soft mat she was laying on. All around her the bars columns went, creating some sort of cage around her. She started to walk, yet noticed restriction on her backside. One quick look told her the answer- a diaper. The Element of Magic was wearing a diaper…slightly used. Twilight went to speak, yet forgot the pacifier was in her mouth. With a quick spit, it was out. “Pinkie…” Twilight looked around her cage to find her friend. Located on the other side of the room, Pinkie was in a similar cage, “What’s going on here?!” “Well, Twilight, you seemed to enjoy sucking on that pacifier…among other things you sucked tonight…that I thought you might enjoy some baby erotic play.” “PINKIE! Take me ho-“ Before Twilight could finish her sentence, two strong-looking earth ponies came into the room. One had light brown fur with an orange mane. Her eyes light blue, and her cutie mark being a baby bottle filled with milk surrounded by a heart. The other mare Twilight couldn't get a good look since the first one blocked her view. Without asking permission, the earth pony picked Twilight up, and leaned her over her shoulders. “How’s the baby today?” asked the mare in a caring, motherly tone. For some odd reason, Twilight felt calmed by the voice, “Did the baby sleep well?” “I am not a baby!” Twilight yelled, fighting off the calming effect. “I am an adult!” Twilight began whine and struggle within the Earth pony’s grasp. For some reason, the urge to cry began to fill her…among other things that night. The brown mare stayed calm and began to rhythmically pat Twilight’s back, whiling rocking back and forth. “I am Princess Celestia’s top student, the Element of Magic, and top stamp collector in all of Equestria. I will be treated as such! Now, I demand you put me down or else you’ll receive strongly worded letter from Princess Cele-“ Mid sentence, Twilight let out a large belch. Instantly, her cranky mood went away; her calm state began to return. She wanted to go to sleep on this mare’s back. She had to fight it ,though. This whole situation was unbecoming for a unicorn like her. Amidst her turmoil, Twilight spotted Pinkie getting treated the same way. The pink earth pony had a “Just role with it” look on her snout as she let out a confetti filled burp. “See, the baby was just cranky because she needed burping.” The mare stated in her baby speaking voice. She continued to pat the purple foal’s back until another burp escaped her, “Now the baby is ready for a nap, but first, someone needs a changing.” Expertly, the mother mare carried Twilight to the changing station. It was like she had once done it before with her own video game playing child. Carefully, she laid Twilight down onto to the changing mat. Too relaxed from the burping, Twilight could only stare in horror as the brown mare began to take off her diaper. Twilight frantically looked for Pinkie who was only two mats away from her going through the same experience. The only difference was that Pinkie seemed to being enjoying the treatment on a whole other level. The unicorn began to call out to her friend, but the relaxation had its hold, yet when the caretaker mare began to slide of the diaper, Twilight found her voice. “P-p-Pinkie, get me out of here!” Twilight whispered. To her disliking, the brown mare started to wipe. “Just enjoy it, Twilight…” Pinkie responded in deep, pleasure filled breaths, almost melting away as her caretaker sprinkled her with baby powder, “Just a little more, please.” “PINKIE!” “Alright, alright, alright. Jeesh, right when I was close too.” Pinkie jumped from the table leaving a trail of baby power behind her. With a quick flip, she grabbed Twilight. With another flip, she left each caretaker a twenty bit tip. Then, she pulled a small capsule from an undisclosed location (between her legs), and threw it on the ground. A pink smoke spewed from it, and both elements disappeared. When Twilight opened her eyes, she was in her bed again. It seemed no time had gone by since she left. Next to her was the still sleeping stallion. On the other side of her was Pinkie still wearing the diaper and sucking on her pacifier. Twilight didn’t know what to say, so she waited until Pinkie said the first words. “So…did you like it?” Pinkie asked in baby voice with a hopeful smile Twilight took deep breaths before speaking, “No, I didn’t like it. How could somehow possibly get aroused from being treated like a little foal?” “The same way a pony can get aroused from a kiss.” Pinkie responded, “There are many things in this world that can getting a pony’s engine going…and I won’t stop until we find you one!” “No…please no.” “That was only kink/fetish number thirty-three, Twilight! We still have nine-hundred ninety nine to go.” “Wait…so why did we start on thirty- three?” “Because who can become aroused by starting at the same old number over and over again?” Pinkie asked, stuck in her own kinky world, "Well yes they can...that's fetish number one." “Uh…” Twilight opened her mouth to speak, yet Pinkie closed it back. “Keep that closed…we still have a lot of kinks to explore and you never know when you might need your mouth.”