Gong Yi Tem Ponies

by TrombonePlayingPony

The Dragon of Light

The moment I got to Ponyville I noticed I was getting a lot of stares, a few ponies even muttering something under their breath to each other. Guess it has been awhile. I stopped and staggered my stance as I heard something: the whistling of a speeding object. I felt something soft slam into me, but managed to keep my ground.

“Ally!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she snuggled into my stomach. She paused for a moment before poking me. “You’re not as soft as you used to be.”

I smiled down at her. “No, two months of training and labor will do that to a tipo. How have you been Pinkie?”

“Oh oh oh! You totally missed it! First, there was this scary zebra who turned out to be really nice. And then there was a magician who wasn’t very nice and some kids led an ursa minor into town but Twilight was all like ‘magic fix-it-uppy thing’ and was awesome! And there was a mean griffon who was friends with Dash, and a dragon spitting smoke, and and-”

“Alright, I get it niña. I missed a lot in two months.” I chuckled. Pinkie suddenly seemed to get rather sad as she looked up at me.

“Why haven’t you come to visit sooner Ally? Did you not care anymore about your friends?”

I sighed before kneeling down and scratching Pinkie behind the ear. “That’s not it at all Pinkie. I just… needed to work some things out. I’m back now though.” Pinkie grinned before gasping as loudly as anyone could ever possibly gasp.

“Oh, I know! We should have a party! A ‘Glad to have you back Ally’ party!”

I stood up laughing before rubbing a hand in Pinkie’s mane. “Maybe some other time Pinkie. I want to see everyone else before I have to get back to work.” She nodded before bouncing off to do… whatever it is Pinkies do.

Wasn’t long though before the next pony on my list of ponies to meet showed up. Actually, it was two of them getting competitive with each other.

“Oh please! I bet I could gather up all those apples way faster flying than bucking the trees will.”

“Ya, but with how often you crash I wouldn’t take the chance wit that. Sides, you’d bruise most of them.” Apparently Rainbow and Applejack were in some argument about apple picking so I waited on the sidelines until it died down before walking in.

“I’d say leave Applejack to the apple picking Dash. If that storm a few weeks back is any sign, you’ve got your hooves full.” Both ponies glared at me for a moment as they wondered who was getting in the middle of their argument before relaxing.

“Allan! That you? You look… bigger fer sum reason.” Applejack put a hoof to her chin while Rainbow just flew a corkscrew around me hooting and hollering.

“Ya! Allan’s back! We thought you’d never get away from that thing you’re building.”

“Master Gongniu says I should have some free time just for friends, so I came down to see what’s going on.” I turned to Applejack. “And ya, I guess I am a bit bigger. I have been doing a lot of hard work.”

“You’ve been working out?” Rainbow said with in a confused tone. “You looked like the kind of guy who would hate that kind of thing. Well, used to anyway.”


“What? Don’t tell me you didn’t think it either when you first saw him.”

Applejack shook her head. “Well it don’t matter now.” She turned to me. “I will say you certainly have done a good job on yerself there. Bet ya eat a lot now too.”

“That certainly seems to be a part of my training. Body needs all the energy it can get.”

“Well here.” She tossed me an apple. “It’s on the house.”

I thanked her and took a bite as Rainbow Dash spun around some more. “Oh man! I wanna see what you can do now! Can you show us?”

I raised an eyebrow at her. “And just how am I supposed to do that?” Her grin was the only response I got before she pounced.

*     *     *

Twilight was having a normal, quiet day tending to the library. Currently she was stocking the shelves, replacing books that had been returned. Everything was calm… until a ball consisting of one human and one rainbow maned pegasus slammed through the door. They crashed through the table and couch she had set up in the center of the room before coming to a rest near the fall wall, Rainbow Dash on top.

“Ha! Gotcha no-woah!” Allan brought his feet up and kicked Rainbow off. As she hit the ground, Allan pushed off the ground with his hands, landing on his feet and taking up a stance with his hands in front of him.

“Sorry Rainbow, but it’ll take more than that to keep me down.” He seemed about ready to charge before he realized where he was. “Woah. Rainbow! Time out!” He held his hands in a T-formation.

“What? No fair! No time- oh, hey Twilight.” Twilight just stood there agape before glaring at the two of them.

“Clean up this mess now!” She growled, the two quickly moving at her command.

*     *     *

After Rainbow and I cleaned up the mess we made of Twilight’s library we apologized to her. Rainbow took off, saying something about being late for weather duty.

“So Allan,” Twilight spoke “You finally come down off that hill.”

I rubbed the back of my head. “Ya. Master thought I deserved a break so I came into town to catch up with everyone.”

“Well that’s good. You have been working yourself so hard lately. We were worried.”

“Allan!” A small voice spoke. I turned to see Fluttershy who zoomed over to me and started poking me in various places. “Are you alright? No torn muscles? No broken bones? Do you feel any pain?”

“Fluttershy.” I stated clearly, stopping her surprise check up. “I’m fine, really. Heck, I’ve never felt better.”

She let out a sigh of relief. “That’s good. I thought with all the hard work you had been doing, you might have… well…”

I ruffled her mane a bit. “Hey, it’s gonna take more than Master Gongniu working me to death to hurt me.”

Fluttershy gave me a little smile. “Oh, that’s good. For awhile I actually thought of maybe bringing you an animal to keep you company, but I didn’t know what kind of animals you liked, and you were always so busy…”

“Well how about we talk about it in a bit. I think Twilight might want something.” I had noticed her looking at my scroll practically the entire time I had been talking to Fluttershy. “Twilight?”

“Hm-wha?” She said, shaking out of her daze. “Sorry. I just… are you sure I can’t study your… whatever you call them?”

“Twilight. No. Besides, I only have one, and I need it in case I have to get a new Wu.”

She cocked her head. “I thought you had the princess’ locket as well.”

“Well ya, but that one isn’t coming out of the scroll ever.” That made her deflate a bit before smiling anyway.

“Well it’s nice to see you. You should probably go see Rarity now if you haven’t yet. Looks like Rainbow’s rough housing did some damage to your clothes.” I looked down to see a few tears in the both the pants and robes.

“Good idea. I should probably get a new set made anyway. Pretty sure my sizes have changed over the past few months.” I looked at Fluttershy. “We can talk about maybe getting me a pet some other time.” She nodded before I walked off, heading to Carousel Boutique.

Upon arrival I knocked on the door. Didn’t take long before my favorite little filly answered the door. “Allan!” Sweetie Belle cheered as she leapt onto me.

“Hey Sweetie.” I held her out in front of me, her being surprisingly lighter than I remember her being. “I hope things haven’t been too boring without me around.”

She shook her head. “No. I mean, they were for awhile, but then I made some friends at school, and now I get to stay with Rarity.”

“Sweetie Belle! Who is it at the door dear?” I heard the mare in question call out.

“It’s Allan! He finally got away from the mean old minotaur on the hill.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Master Gongniu? Mean? I mean, old I guess fits him rather well, but he doesn’t really show any emotion.”

“Than why doesn’t he let you come down and visit, instead making you work all the time.”

“He doesn’t make me Sweetie. I follow his instructions because he’s helping me.”

“How is he-”

“Allan!” Rarity gasped. “My, my, my! You’ve certainly grown in the past two months.”

I blushed. “Ya, I guess I have.”

“Well I certainly approve of this new you. But your clothes! They are so ratty and torn. Lucky for you I have those extra sets you asked me to make, although they might need a bit of alteration what with your… filling out.”

I shrugged. “Hey, if it was made by you, I’m sure it will be great.” Rarity quickly turned around and headed back into the room she had been in.

“Come in, come in. I have the outfits in here.” I put Sweetie Belle on my shoulders before closing the door and heading in. When I reached the back room Rarity waved me onto the same pedestal I had stood on last time to take measurements. Thankfully there was nothing on my head that really needed to be measured as Sweetie’s hooves were currently wrapped around them.

After a few measurements Rarity wrote down the changes on a piece of paper she had. “My word you have grown, but I should still be able to alter your clothes to fit. Just give me one moment and I’ll have that done.”

“Thanks Rarity, you’re the best.” She put the page up in front of her muzzle before turning to head to her sewing room.

“Oh you’re quite welcome Allen. How about you play with Sweetie for a bit in the foyer while I get this done, hm?” I just shrugged as Sweetie cheered before heading out of the room.

*     *     *

Sweetie Belle was having the time of her life flying around on the back of the Longi Kite while I just sat down below and supervised. I had already made one dive to catch a falling filly but I figured as long as I kept an eye out she would be alright. It wasn’t long before Rarity walked in holding a bundle of what I assumed were my robes and gasped.

“Sweetie Belle! Be careful!” Sweetie seemed to get the message and floated down, the kite landing in my hands before she hopped off.

“Rarity, I was fine. Besides, Allen would have caught me. He’s a lot faster now.” I put away the Kite before taking the clothes from Rarity.

“Thanks again Rarity. If you ever need any help with something, feel free to call me up.”

“It was nothing Allan. Anything for a friend. Though I was curious just what it was you have been doing up there with that strange minotaur.”

“Master Gongniu has been training me, helping me grow stronger so that I can do my job better. Though I still have a ways to go before I would call myself a master, I definitely feel more confident about the whole ‘protect the world from evil’ thing than before.”

“Well that’s good. Just don’t push yourself too hard. With how frequent disasters happen around Ponyville I doubt you will be keeping much more away when you are on duty than off.”

“Oh ya. Pinkie did mention a few crazy things happening. Something about creepy zebras and mean magicians and a dragon?”

Rarity sighed. “Yes. A lot has happened while you have been holing yourself up on your hill. Perhaps we can sit down and-”

She was interrupted as the scroll went off, pulsing light as it usually does. Wow, this thing has mierda timing. “Sorry Rare, looks I need to run. Longi Kite!” The dragon appeared on my back before I flew off, heading to the temple as fast as I could. I landed and put the clothes away, than bringing the scroll to Master Gongniu.

“Master, there’s a new Shen Gong Wu. What should I do?”

“I can not answer that for you, young apprentice. Do you feel ready to face your foe, despite your failures in the past?”

“I don’t think I’ll ever feel completely ready… but I think I need to go this time. I just know it in my gut.”

He nodded. “Trusting one’s instincts is often a good path to follow. Go now. Use what I have taught you.”

“Thank you master.” I bowed before flying off and opening the scroll. As I headed in the direction it indicated, it showed me just what Wu I was after. The Sword of the Storms, a pretty simple Shen Gong Wu. It has the power to pick up winds and create tornados. “Now that sounds like a good Wu to come back on a winning streak with.”

*     *     *

I flew above a sandy beach, searching for the sword with little luck. How the heck am I supposed to find this thing if it’s buried? After awhile I was about to just give up and try my luck the next time when I saw something else. About two dozen cider bots digging through the sand as the brothers lounged nearby.

I flew into the tree line next to the beach before putting away the kite and creeping up through the brush. I managed to get just behind the brothers, close enough to hear them.

“I believe this will be an excellent spot to rule the world from, don’t you think Flam?”

“Right you are Flim! Right you are.” Suddenly a metal clang could be heard from one the droids, causing all of us to look up. A droid grabbed the end of what he had struck before pulling out the sword.

“And there we are. Another Shen Gong Wu for us.”

“A shame really.” Flam replied as he got up to take the sword from the bot. “I really did enjoy our little game with Allen.” I quickly flipped into the air, landing on the bots shoulders and touching the sword at the same time Flam did. I gave Flam a smirk as he looked at me in shock.

“Aw! I missed you guys too. Sorry to ruin your tanning though but it’s time for a Xiaolin Showdown!” Flam recovered from my sudden appearance, grinning for some reason.

“How about we make this interesting than? I will Shen Yi Bu Dare you!”

I raised an eyebrow. “You say-what now?”

“It’s a double dare, but with Shen Gong Wu. Wuya taught us about it, and since you only have two Shen Gong Wu, this makes it the perfect time to use it. Each of us now have to wager two Shen Gong Wu, winner takes all.”

Wait, that means… Maldita sea!! They tricked me! I looked down at the sword for a moment. Sorry Luna, but looks like I have to break my promise. I pulled the Lunar Locket out into my other hand while the kite appeared on my back. “Fine, you basura. I wager the Lunar Locket and the Longi Kite.”

“And I will wager the Eye of Dashi and, you know what, how about the Ruby of Ramses? Just so I can knock you down with your own Wu.”

“Not gonna happen this time.” I growled. “The challenge will be whoever can keep from falling the longest inside of a tornado. Last one standing wins.”

“Let’s go! Xiaolin Showdown!”

Suddenly the sand began to shift and spin as two pillars rose up beneath us. The sky shifted to a night sky with a full moon as The sword flew into the air, spinning faster and faster until the wind was roaring around us. The sand below became a whirlpool of sorts, the loose stones from either of our pillars sinking quickly beneath it.

“Gong Yi Ten Pai!”

“Eye of Dashi!” Flam began shooting lightning at me right off the start, letting me figure out fast what the eye did. Guess that’s the one I ignored last month. Let’s hope that doesn’t come back to haunt me now. I dodged every blast he sent my way before grabbing the far edge of my pillar and hanging off of it, using it as a shield. I could hear Flam laughing just barely over the wind.

“This will be too easy! Not only are you slow,” a bolt struck the stone, causing it to shake “weak,” another blast “and an imbecile,” I was beginning to notice cracks “but you have no Shen Gong Wu that can help you in this challenge!”

I have to admit, he has a point. Flying at him will be practically impossible in these winds, and the moon? What good will that do? The stone I was hanging onto fell apart, causing me to slide down the pillar a few feet before I found a good grip once more. And I can’t just hide behind this pillar the whole time! How am I-

“Wait a minute!” I exclaimed as I flashbacked to my training.

*     *     *

Master Gongniu and I were sparring as we had recently begun to. I was obviously rather bad in comparison but hey, I was starting. Long story short, I got knocked down a lot to the point of wanting to just give up.

“What’s the point of this? I can’t even touch you!” Master Gongniu looked over me for a moment before answering.

“Since when had the goal been to touch me?”

“Wait, what? I don’t get it. I thought sparring was supposed to help me learn to fight.”

“The goal of this exercise was not to teach you how to fight. It was to help open your mind to the possibilities in battle. For instance, you always make the first attack, I always counter. You never stop trying to hit me, lashing out in every way possible and sacrificing your own safety as a result.”

“So… what are you saying? That I should try not hitting you?”

“I merely mean not to look at a situation so directly. Why fight the current of a river when you can allow it to carry you?”

*     *     *

“Don’t fight the current.” I looked up at the moon, glowing full in the sky before closing my eyes, feeling the wind blow over me. “Let it carry you.” In that moment, the flash of light came back, my eyes snapping open with determination.

“Lunar Locket!” I held the amulet out and within seconds, what had been a full moon was now darkened, making the entire arena nearly pitch black as a result.

“What the? What the heck are you doing?” I heard Flam call out but I paid it no mind as I leaned back and let go of the pillar. “Longi Kite!” The wings on the kite flared, catching the wind and sending me around the side of Flam. As he looked around, stumbling in the dark, I came at his left and gave him a kick right to the muzzle.

Flam was quick though and grabbed a hold of me with his hooves, sending us both careening into the wind as we fought. I felt him pulling the kite off my back and for a moment panicked. I quickly realized his error though and allowed him the kite as I grabbed the ruby from his saddlebag and kicked off him.

I ended up closer to the ground than Flam was but everything was going just as I wanted it to. “Ruby of Ramses!” I grabbed his entire stone pillar and heaved, sending it plummeting to the ground. This gave me a nice platform to land on.

I waited in the dark for a few moments, seeing if the showdown was over before holding out the locket again. “Lunar Locket!” The moon returned to full, showing that Flam had landed on the opposite side of the platform I had made, the kite hastily attached to his back. He snarled at me before aiming the eye and firing.

“Eye of Dashi!” Lightning came at me, but this time I had room to move. I darted forward, moving side to side as Flam desperately fired shot after shot. I could tell he wasn’t confident in his ability to fly in the storm, meaning I had him right where I needed him.

Once I was about ten feet away, I went on autopilot, just doing what felt natural. Oddly enough, that was sliding the remaining distance so that I was right between his legs. I shot both palms up into his barrel before shouting “Light!”

Suddenly my hands exploded in the same white light that I saw under my eyelids, sending Flam skyrocketing and the Wu he had on him as well. I watched him slam into the sand and sink before the showdown was finally over.

I stood back on the beach, my prizes in various places on my body as I watched Flam dig himself out of the sand, spewing it from his ears and mouth. He growled at me as I put away all the new Shen Gong Wu. “You cheated! What the hell was that last attack?”

I looked down at my hands, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. “Not sure, but I think I’ve got an idea. Anyway, I’m gonna jet. See you guys next time! Longi Kite!” I flew off toward home, only this time I was feeling more light-hearted than ever. Wait till Master Gongniu sees this!

*     *     *

“Ah, so it seems you have found your element after all. Congratulations my young apprentice.” Master Gongniu bowed slightly, I still not really believing what had happened. “Light is not a common element to receive, nor is it easy to master. Should you do so, you could become the next great dragon of light”

“Dragon of light? You mean like Spike?”

He shook his head. “Dragon is a ranking given to the greatest master of a certain element. Currently there are no light users that I know of, leaving you as the highest ranked.”

“Uh, cool I guess.”

He nodded. “I suppose it is. Now, since you have learned your element, the real training can begin. Come.” He stepped outside into the yard before turning and taking his ready stance. I took my own on the other side. Both of us simply watched each other stand for a moment, readying ourselves for whatever the other might-

“Go Ally!! Woo hoo!!” I looked to the source of the noise to find Pinkie and the rest of the ponies sitting on top of the wall watching. I grinned at the sight of them cheering before suddenly the only thing I could see is the grass in my face.

“Do not be distracted so easily, young apprentice. You may be a dragon, but that does not make you a master yet.” I pushed off in a front handspring before turning back to Master Gongniu, at the ready once more. “Let us begin again, shall we?”