In a Life Unspoken

by Thunderstorm823

Just Leave It

After spending the rest of the night thinking, Scootaloo rummaged through her closet. It was the dead of the night as she continued to pull out random items that were shoved into her closet. She sighed in relief as she found what she was looking for and pulled out a small metal box, her hands slightly shook and she closed her closet door.

Scootaloo set down the box on her dresser and leaned against the dresser, staring at the blue coated box with a picture of her and an older women. Scootaloo softly smiled, caressing the photo as she opened her mouth to speak. "Hi mom... Sorry for... leaving you in the closet for so long..." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small key unlocked the box and opened it to show that the box was full of her mother's ashes. "I miss you..." She stuttered slightly. "It's been... uh..." She took a deep breath. "It's been a rough couple of years without you."

Scootaloo paused for a few minutes as she continued to stare at the box, unnerved by the fact that inside it was her remains. "I'm sorry. I haven't been a very good daughter to you, I'm trying to be better but... it's just not happening." A single tear left her eye and drooped down slowly on her cheek. "I love you." Her voice cracked slightly. "Why'd you have to go?" She softly sobbed, moving her head away from the box so her tears wouldn't fall in the ashes.

A knock came to the door and Scootaloo jumped, realizing her door was open and saw the owner of the orphanage standing in the doorway with a concerned look. "Uh... Destiny, I didn't um..." She frantically wiped her tears. "I didn't see you there."

Destiny softly sighed as he entered the room, putting a hand on Scootaloo's shoulder. "I know what it's like to lose someone, I know exactly what you are going through." He slowly pulled Scootaloo into a hug. "And I'm sorry for it."

Scootaloo instantly pushed into the hug, letting herself cry into his chest and gripped on his shirt. Destiny rubbed her back, accepted Scootaloo's sadness that was set upon him. She needed a friend, so he was there to help her no matter what.

Scootaloo pulled away softly. "Sorry... I..."

"Hey." He put a cupped her cheeks and made her look at him. "I care about all the kids here, if you ever need anyone to talk to that I know can keep secrets. You can talk to me." He softly smiled, wiping some of Scootaloo's tears away.

"Don't you have kids of your own?" She asked.

Destiny let go and backed away. "Yeah, but still. I've put everything into this place because all I wanted was to see kids smile and live life without a worry. Because the owner of this place is a big old softly; besides, I treat my kids with as much love as the rest of you."

Scootaloo softly smiled. "We've got to stop having this conversation."

"Don't do anything sad when I come visit."

Scootaloo chuckled, after she finished she gave the owner what he always wanted; a smile. "Thank you."

Destiny smiled back. "You're welcome, just remember what I told you." Destiny turned around and left the room, closing the door behind him.

Scootaloo turned to her mothers ashes with a smiled whispering "I love you." quickly and picked up the box, putting it back in her closet.


The night was fading and Midnight had gotten back from the second location he was assigned, it really wasn't anything special. He was literally given a flash drive at a theater while he watched Luna's Banishment He didn't know who it was but it resembled a women, the tech said he would know who that would be soon.

Midnight made his way back to his own apartment building that seemed surprisingly empty but it didn't bother him, he went upstairs to his room and pulled out his keys. In days like this, Midnight would just blow it over and just get some rest.


But no.... He was visited...


Midnight's eyes widened as he hurried to open his door, after locking it behind him he barged into his bathroom grabbing the handle to the medicine cabinet.


Midnight felt his arm be thrown back from the handle and he collapsed onto the tile floor. "No..." Midnight tried to get back up.


He reached and tore off the cabinet door, knocking the objects inside out until he heard a familiar clang hit the ground.


Midnight fell back onto the floor and reached for a bottle, quickly opening it. He dabbed it the open container on his hand and pills fell into his hand. He shoved the pills in his mouth and gulped them down as his body began to shiver, he regained some of his strength and he got up. He let his jacket slip off and onto the floor, he continued to take off his pieces of clothing until he reached nothing but his skin.

He turned on the shower and quickly jumped into it, to let the water drench away the pain that burned inside him. He began to examine his chest, nothing but scars and burn marks that would remain there for a long time.

Midnight closed his eyes, remembering how he got those in the first place. The one that hurt even more was the scar that went all the way down his spine with burn marks surrounding it, even after three years it still burned and felt like the source of his insanity.

The water trailed down Midnight's body, releasing all tension that was rising in his mind. He began thinking of other things, the people he had met here, the events that were taking place now. But once Scootaloo popped into his mind something inside him completely lifted, he didn't know what it was or why it happened but once he kept thinking of her his entire body would feel complete bliss.

He shook his head, erasing the image in his mind. She needs to stay away, for her own sake.

"That was pretty harsh."

"So? I spoke the truth, I wasn't going to tell her with a smile on my face or she would think I wasn't serious."

"Why not be nicer about it?"

"I've tried... trust me... I'm DONE being the nice guy."

After the long shower he got out of the bathroom and put on a pair of underwear, going straight into bed without even a simple noise.