Equestria: A Magical Drama

by CoryBrandstetter


Authous note: Yeah this is kinda rushed sorry about that, I just wanted to get it out soon so my brother Brandsca123 would stop asking me about it.

Kuro was walking through a long marble hallway. The marble was a very bright whitish colour and very beutiful paintings of himself and others adorned the walls. He looked at the painting of himself; it wasn't quite right yet it seemed very familiar. The mark on his hand and his hairstyle were right but the clothing was all wrong, he wasn't wearing the green hoodie and the blue jeans that Rarity had made for him. Instead he was wearing a red overcoat with a black shirt underneath it and on his head was a golden crown.
"Remember...." A sad voice told him " I am thou and thou art me."
"Who...who said that?" Kuro asked
"Remember...." The voice said sadly. The room was starting to go black
"No wait!"
"Remember..." The whole world went black.

"Gahhhhhh!!!!" Kuro screamed as he fell out of the bed. He heard the sound of hooves running up to his door and the door flew open, a yellow pegasus mare was standing at the doorway. Fluttershy walked up to him and tried to comfort him.

"Kuro you had another bad dream again?" She asked

"Yes Mamashy, It was awful this blackness came and swallowed me up." Mamashy was what Kuro started calling Fluttershy when she agreed to look after him. Fluttershy really liked that nickname he called her, it made her feel like she was a parent and she loved the feeling of responsability.

"You've been having them ever since you met Mina." Fluttershy said as she stroked her adopted child. She was right; he had been having these nightmares ever since he met Mina a few days ago he snuggled closer to his adopted mother as he remembered that day.

Several days earlier

"Oh sweet Celestia another one." A pink earth pony squealed in delight as she squeezed the cheeks of a small human girl in a frilly black dress. " She is just sooooooooooo cute. don't you agree Twighlight?" Pinkie Pie continued to squeal in raw delight. A lavander unicorn with a purple mane that had a hot pink stripe down the center stared open mouthed at what she just saw. Twighlight Sparkle was on her way to her library home when she heard Pinkie Pie scream in utter delight, she was expecting to see a new born filly and his/her mother together; but instead she saw Princess Luna walking down ponyville with a royal guard dragging a chariot filled to the brim with belongings, and another one of those strange ape things in tow, this time it one that was no larger then a young filly no more then Applebloom's age.

Guess the cat's out of the bag. she thought as she saw what she saw. In a way the reactions the other ponies gave when they saw the ape girl thing (sort of a mix between surprise and instantanious acceptence) she felt as if a huge burden was lifted off her shoulders; now she could tell Kuro that he was allowed to mix with everyone in town, he would really love to hear that since he was starting to get a little depressesed being cooped up in Fluttershy's cottage.

"Yes she is very adorable." Twighlight gave the girl a warm smile. "Welcome to Ponyville..."

"Mina." The girl said shyly, she hid a little behind Luna's legs.

"That is such an adorable name..." Pinkie squealed then she gasped. " Wait now that I know your name...and also that Kuro can come visit in Ponyville now...I'll be right back." Pinkie ran off to Sugar Cube Corner to do...Pinkie Pie stuff.

"Err. sorry about that princess...Uhm I got some errands to do myself." Twighlight Sparkle told Luna.

"It's OK Twighlight Sparkle I can see that you are a bit busy." Luna said and with that they both went their seperate ways.

At Fluttershy's

"Oh my that is good news." Fluttershy told Twighlight upon hearing the latest happening in Ponyville. Fluttershy was really relieved to hear this news and so was Kuro.

"Does this mean that I can go out now?" Kuro asked.

"Yes you can dear." Fluttershy told him.

"OK I'll be back before sundown Mamashy." Kuro told Fluttershy as he left.

"Mamashy?" Twighlight Sparkle asked.

"Oh that is just a nickname he gave me, isn't it adorable." Fluttershy beamed

"Err...yeah..." Twighlight gave an nervous smile.

"Look out!!!" Suddenly there was a crashing noise outside. Both mares gasped as they ran out to see the comotion. They saw Rainbow Dash and Kuro on the ground in a heap.

"Heh heh, Sorry about that." Rainbow Dash told Kuro. During the few days that he had been in Equestria Rainbow Dash had warmed up to Kuro, much to his relief. The cyan pegasus mare had an envolope in her mouth. She handed it to Kuro. " Pinkie wanted you to have this." She said as she handed it to Kuro. "Oh hi guys sorry I can't stay and chat just got some training to do." Rainbow dash said as she turned towards her two friends that were watching. She then took off into the sky.

"Oh my...What is that?" Fluttershy asked as she walked up to Kuro. The young boy got up and wiped the dust off of his favourite green hoodie that was made for him.

"Dunno Mamashy?" He said as he began to open it. Streamers popped out of the envolope as he opened it and inside was a note.

You are invited to a welcome party, Be at Sugar Cube Corner by sundown.
-Pinkie Pie

"Mamashy I just got invited to a welcome party."

"That's great what time does it start Kuro?"


"Well I'll just leave you two to prepare for this highly expected turn of events." Twighlight said as she left. She should have known Pinkie would do something like this. The lavender mare unicorn giggled to herself as she thought of what Pinkie Pie had planned.


Princess Luna was busy moving her self into the cottage that her sister had bought for her and Mina. The cottage ; if you could call it that, was fairly big. This wasn't a surprise to Luna since it was bought and paid for by her sister Celesetia. The roof itself was a goldish colour and the outdoor walls were a light blue. The home itself came fully stocked with servents.

So much for getting away from palace living. She thought as she tried to unpack, but try as she might the servents kept insisting that she and her 'pet' relax as they did the work. 'pet' she hated it when they refered to Mina as that, didn't they realize that she was as inteligent as any pony else. Luna took a deep breath and walked away to find Mina. She found the little girl running around inside the house exploring everything.

"Hows everything so far Mina?" She asked the girl.

"This house is big." Mina said she spread her arms wide to show her point.

"Yeah it is a big house isn't it." Luna gave a small chuckle as she responded to Mina.

Suddenly one of the servants tapped Luna on her shoulder. Luna quickly turned around to look at the butler.

"Uh your majesty, if I may be so bold to interupt you, I got a letter from a...oh what was her name, oh yes a Pinkamina Diane Pie. She said it was for your pet Mina." The greyish white butler said to Luna.

"She is no pet." Luna said coldly. She took the letter and gave it to Mina. "Now away with you." Luna ordered the butler. He quickly left to make sure the unpacking was going smoothly.

"What does the letter say Mina?" Luna asked the girl.

"Dunno I can't read." She replied. Luna was shocked to hear this, but then she realized that Mina was still a young filly/girl and that she probably never learned to read yet.

"Well then just hold it up to me and I will read it for you." Mina held up the letter.

"What's it say?" The girl asked excitedly.

"It says that you are invited to a welcome party at Sugar Cube Corner this sundown." Luna read to Mina.

"A party!" Mina sounded excited.

"Yes, oh I should probably ask Rarity to make a dress for you this evening." With that being said Luna left to go get a dress for Mina.

A few hours later somwhere else but still in Ponyville

Kuro walked down the road of Ponyville. He was wearing a very beutiful tuxedo with matching shoe's that Rarity had made for him for the party. He suddenly realized he had no idea where Sugar Cube Corner was, so he decided to ask somepony where it was. Kuro looked around his surroundings and found that the whole village was deserted.
Hmm that's odd? He thought. Kuro looked around some more until he saw an aquamarine blue unicorn mare with an equally blue mane that had a white stripe, her cutie mark was a harp. He walked up to her and asked her if she knew where Sugar Cube Corner was, but he didn't get to finish for as soon as started to talk...

"Oh sweet Celestia they're real!" She said. Kuro was confused at this.

"Uh...what?" He said.

"Oh sorry bout that. Let me introduce myself my name is Lyra Heartstrings." The unicorn now known as Lyra said.

"My name is Kuro..." Kuro didn't get to finish for he was tackled by Lyra who then used her magic to tie him up.

"There. Now they'll believe me. I know I think I'll bring you to that party Pinkie Pie was having that way everypony will see that humans really do exist. Yes my little Kuro you will be my ticket away from being the town lauphing stock." Lyra gave an insane chuckle as she started to drag him to Sugar Cube Corner.

what in the hey have I got myself into. Kuro thought as he was being dragged away.

At Sugar Cube Corner

"Where is he." Pinkie Pie said as she looked out the window for the missing guest.

"Where is who?" Mina asked as she walked up to Pinkie Pie. The little girl was wearing a dark blue dress that had stars all over it, and she was also wearing some cute looking dress shoe's with white socks.

"The other guest of honer that's who." Pinkie said sadly.

Suddenly the door burst open and standing in the open doorway was a crazed Lyra.

"You all said I was crazy, but look who's lauphing now." Lyra dragged Kuro inside.

"You're here." Pinkie said happily as she jumped up and down.

"Oh uh hello Pinkie. I'm a little tied up right now." Kuro said.

"Yeah there is no way you can party all tied up like that, here let me help." Pinkie skipped over to him and began to untie him.

"Wait you know him?" Lyra asked as she started to calm down.

"Of course silly, Why do you think I threw this party for him and Mina?" Pinkie Pie pointed at a little girl standing beside the refreshments table. It took a few moments for this to sink in for Lyra, she soon started to help Pinkie Pie untie Kuro.

"I'm terribly sorry about this." Lyra said, she was starting to blush from embarresment.

"No problem Lyra, I just forgot to thank you for taking me to Sugar Cube Corner." With that being said they both went their seperate ways at the party. Lyra was busy chatting with her friend Bonbon, while Kuro went over to see Mina. He was surprised to see another human here in Equestria. All this time he thought he was the only human in Equestria. He decided to introduce himself to the little girl.

"Hello...uh...My name is Kuro." He said nervously.

"Hi my name is Mina." She responded back.

"Mina...That's a nice name." Kuro said. He continued to stare awkwardly at Mina when he realized something.

Some thing was off here. Kuro couldn't quite understand it, but for some strange reason he felt as if he should know Mina. Kuro felt a little pain in his head and it quickly became excruciating. He quickly fell to his knees as he held his head in pain. He saw flashes of a different world. This world seemed very similar to Equestria except it was inhabited by humans instead of ponies. The humans all had marks on their right hands that symbolized something, but he couldn't quite put his head on it. He saw a flash in the sky as a cloud of darkness came rushing through the scene, he felt the earth beneath his feet rumble as it came closer. Kuro felt no more.


Kuro woke up inside a strange room. The walls and floors looked pristine, he noticed he was in a very comfortable bed and he heard a strange beeping noise beside him. He found out that he was hooked up to a heart moniter.
Am I in a hospital? He thought. The door in the room opened and a yellow unicorn in a nurse's outfit came in followed by a yellow pegasus mare.

"Is he going to be all right nurse Nightly?" Fluttershy asked the nurse.

"Of course he is going to be all right, all he needs is some rest as all." Nightly answered Fluttershy.

"Uh...Doc..." Kuro was about to ask the nurse what happened to him, when Fluttershy squeaked in surprise when he spoke. The yellow pegasus mare quickly recovered from her initial shock and ran over to Kuro and hugged him.

"Oh I'm glad you're OK." Fluttershy said with tears in her eyes. Fluttershy stayed like this for a few more minutes until she let go of him. "Just be sure to do as the nice doctor's say Kuro, I'll be back to see you tommorow." Fluttershy then left the room.

"*ahem* Anyway as I was saying..." Kuro didn't get to finish as Nurse Nightly interrupted him.

"Now I need you to rest OK from the X-rays we gave you, you have very considerable brain trauma. So lay down and relax." Nightly said with a warm smile.

Kuro decided to listen to her for now since his head started to hurt again. He lay down and let sleep's soothing fingers take a hold of him.