//------------------------------// // CHAPTER 8: Flight Attempts // Story: CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS FOREVER! YAY!: A TwiMacVerse Story // by ThatBronyWithTheClipOns //------------------------------// Ramp In between preparing for the talent show, Sweetie Belle was of course going to help Scootaloo try to fly. Apple Bloom had constructed a large ramp near their clubhouse for Scootaloo to ride down on her scooter, letting go of the scooter and attempting to fly. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" exclaimed Sweetie Belle up to Scootaloo, at the top of the ramp. "Speed an elevation are key to gaining flight," Scootaloo replied. "Did Rainbow Dash tell you that?" asked Apple Bloom. "Well, more or less," said Scootaloo. "I'm still training with her and Bookworm, but I still wanna have you guys in on it. That's what our group is all about." "This still seems dangerous," said Sweetie Belle. "That's why I put on a helmet and padding," retorted Scootaloo. "I also have a parachute if things go wrong." Scootaloo then put goggles over her eyes, and prepared herself to ride down the ramp. She took in a deep breath, let it out, and then swooped down the ramp. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom looked on in fright, but also some excitement at the prospect of their friend finally taking flight. The little orange pegasus swooped into the air, letting go of her scooter and doing her best to get her wings flapping. When it was made clear she wasn't going to fly, she attempted to pull the ripcord on her parachute, but it wasn't going to come out easily. After a few more attempts it finally shot out, only to crash into a tree and spinning around and around till she was tied to a large branch. Naturally, she was quite dizzy from this experience. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belles ran towards her to make sure she wasn't hurt. "Scoots!" exclaimed Apple Bloom. "Are ya ok!?" "You didn't break anything, did you!?" followed Sweetie Belle. "I uh...I uh think I may have goofed it up some," said Scootaloo, her eyes spinning around like mad. Slingshot For this next flight test, Scootaloo decided to not use her scooter in any way. Apple Bloom constructed a big slingshot that she mounted securely into the ground in the center of the park. All three Cutie Mark Crusaders struggled to secure the sling in the proper position. "Now, this one really feels like a bad idea," said Sweetie Belle, struggling to hold back the slingshot. "Would you relax!" exclaimed Scootaloo. "I got a helmet for Celestia's sake!" "But, why doncha have yer scooter?" asked Apple Bloom, also struggling with the slingshot. "Coach Snowflake is right," began Scootaloo. "I rely too heavily on my scooter to get me airborne. So, I'm gonna go without it." The orange pegasus then got herself into position to be launched into the sky. "Ah'm losin mah grip," panted Apple Bloom. "Me too," said Sweetie Belle. "I don't think I can hold it much..." Before Sweetie Belle could finish her sentence, she lost her footing. It didn't take long for Apple Bloom to lose hers as well. "TOO SOON!" exclaimed Scootaloo. But, it was too late for that. Both of her friends had lose their footing and grip on the sling and it caused all three of them to go airborne. All three went into separate directions: Apple Bloom crashed into a flower stand in the marketplace, Sweetie Belle crashed into their school, and Scootaloo crashed into the Golden Oaks Library. Needless to say, crusading was postponed for a few days.