//------------------------------// // Golden Journal #5 // Story: Dragons of Hourglass // by Rammy //------------------------------// From the Journals of Golden Heart, He of Hourglass, Dragon Keeper of Harmony. Entry #5   (Unknown) I have such a massive headache that just won’t go away. How does that expression go? Where one roars one becomes burnt… Problems keep piling up with no solutions... My draconic instinct has been screaming nonstop since the arrival of the Dishonored. As much as it would be nice to shut it up by following the code as required I’m also a Keeper. A Keeper that needs to know what and why the Dragon Migration was attacked. The Dishonored distinctly remembering hearing this minotaur speak but for whatever reason he can’t remember what was said. It is very possible that he might never recall. I will never admit this, but He of Harmony was right in trying to get the defenses back up and running. He was quite clever in masking why he wanted the defenses back up. It’s true—I hate not being able to protect those that I love and to hear the implication that I might not be able to… it was too much and I snapped. He of Harmony is a more honorable dragon then I and he isn’t even a dragon. Also of note that concerns me is He of Harmony’s... health. At hearing the loss of He of the Flight he went into a full blown draconic rage. Two things wrong with this. One: he is not a dragon. Two: the kind of power required for what happened should have caused another Magic Wasting Disease episode. For that matter according to He of Laughter the mana coming from He of Harmony was off. If the burdens of being a Keeper are this complicated after such a short time… I’m amazed that He of Harmony managed to last this long without being crushed under the pressure. As for He of Laughter… well, yeah, not going there…