//------------------------------// // A Troubled Trixie // Story: A Shy Shrink // by Draconaes //------------------------------// The next day, Fluttershy got up early in order to finish her chores quickly. She had to go visit Twilight and discuss the situation with Trixie. She had only be up for a few hours when her morning routine was rudely interrupted. "Fluttershy!" Fluttershy squeaked and dropped the bag of food she was carrying as her front door slammed open. She looked to see Trixie standing with her back against the door (Did she really open and close it so fast that she only heard one slam?). "You have to help Trixie!" "Trixie? You weren't supposed to come back until tomorrow, and it's pretty early. What-" Trixie raced forward and grabbed her shoulders. "This isn't about that! Berry Punch is chasing me!" Fluttershy blinked. "Umm..." Trixie just continued to stand there, panting for breath. "You... you can let go now..." "Oh! Um, yes, right, of course!" Trixie backed off and started meticulously straightening her cape. "Sorry, Trixie is just worried about facing Berry Punch again." "Why?" "Oh, well, you see, I may have accidentally given her the wrong idea at that first party that Pinkie Pie threw for me." "Um, I'm not sure what you mean... I mean, I heard about that... er... racism thing but, well, you are kinda-" Trixie blushed and waved her hoof in the air. "No no no! Not that! Besides, I've already admitted that I might be wrong about unicorns, okay? I've been trying not to let their snootiness get to me anymore. Luna, I've even payed back that dressmaker for destroying her dress forms. This is all beside the point, though! Did you hear what Berry and I did at the party?" "Well, I heard that you both got really drunk..." Trixie started pacing. "Hmph, what a waste. Not even worth idle gossip? I guess being drunk is the only reason I thought a stunt like that would ever be good for anything..." Fluttershy wasn't sure what was going on. Trixie had a habit of talking to herself like this, according to Twilight. Or rather, talking to others as though they were inside her own head. Twilight had speculated that it had something to do with Trixie imagining herself as a narrator. "Um, what exactly did you do to Berry then?" Trixie stopped pacing and sighed. "I didn't do anything to her. We both kinda... made out a bit." Trixie blushed again. "I haven't seen her since the incident, especially with all that stuff happening in the Ever..." Trixie seemed to realize who she was talking to. "Uh, nevermind. State secret. Anyway, I heard from Pinkie Pie that Berry is apparently maybe infatuated with me a little bit? I'm afraid she might have misinterpreted my actions." "Oh, I see. I mean, passionately making out with somepony at a party doesn't have to mean anything serious. I'm sure she'll understand if you tell her that it was all a publicity stunt and that you only wanted access to her alcohol stash." Fluttershy smiled sweetly at her. Rainbow Dash had once told her that she had the sharpest cutting sarcasm of anypony she knew. At first Fluttershy hadn't known what she meant, but after a rather... illuminating discussion, Fluttershy learned how to do it deliberately. Trixie did a double-take. "I- but- how- I didn't even say that she gave me the alcohol!" "It's Berry Punch. And she usually doesn't share with just anypony, as you apparently know." Trixie's eye twitched. "When did you get so..." She waved her hoof, searching for the word. "...this?" Well, it seemed that Trixie had left her eloquence behind today. Fluttershy almost preferred her when she was articulate. Fluttershy shrank back as she realized how she was acting. "S-Sorry. I, uh, well, it's just, if my friends need help, I do what I need to, even if it means being more assertive." She shook her head. "A-Anyway, that's not the point!" "Well, I get the feeling that you are implying that this whole situation is all my fault." Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. "Ugh, fine, blame me if you want, just tell me what to do to fix this!" "Well, you're going to have to tell Berry Punch sooner or later." "Just tell her that I was using her? Are you crazy? Can't I just say that I was too drunk to be rational? Trixie's not even gay! Well, I don't think I am. Look, even if I was, and even if she's a cute earth pony, I just don't like her! She gave me a hangover the next day, anyway." "Um, that's not really her fault, and, well..." Fluttershy was perplexed about her sudden denial of being gay. Homophobia was even rarer than (intra-species) racism in Equestria. "What do you mean you're not... you've been flirt-" "This isn't the important part! Look, I'll just tell her I was too drunk at the time and that it didn't mean anything." Fluttershy frowned. "Um, well, aside from being a lie, I don't that that would make her feel much better than being told it was an act." "Who cares about her feelings? I just want her to leave me alone!" Fluttershy grit her teeth. Twilight may be convinced that Trixie was making progress toward being less... Trixie... but from what she had heard and from her own current experience, Fluttershy had her doubts. Still, she had agreed to be friends with Trixie, and she wanted to help. Baby steps. "Why?" "Why?! Because-" Trixie cut herself off. "Because..." She sighed and resumed her pacing. "Look, it doesn't matter." "Well, do you think you could, maybe, try to fix things without hurting her feelings?" Trixie just grunted in response. "Well, what about this: if you talk to Berry without hurting her feelings, it would probably impress Twilight. Remember when you apologized to Rainbow Dash and Applejack? You know, you should probably apologize to Rarity as well." Trixie's face lit up at the mention of Twilight, but it fell when she heard Rarity's name. "But I didn't even really do anything to her! Besides, she didn't press charges when I vandalized her shop and assaulted her, so obviously she considers us square." Fluttershy had heard about that, but to hear Trixie admit to it so freely (and without guilt!) upset her. She took a deep breath. "It's not about being "square", Trixie. I don't know what you have against unicorns, but Rarity is one of my best friends. I know that she would genuinely appreciate an apology from you." "Alright, alright. Fine. Trixie will go apologize to Rarity and talk to Berry Punch. If this doesn't work out, I'm blaming you!" "Don't worry. I'm sure everything will be fine."