//------------------------------// // Chapter Fifteen // Story: Sunset Shimmer: Element Bearer // by ConningOfficer //------------------------------// “Stand back, sugar cube! A coal fire isn’t something you mess around with,” said Applejack. Sunset Shimmer and Discord stepped away from the forge as the blonde farmgirl ignited the fuel. Yellow flames danced across the substantial pile of coal and heat began to build throughout the smithy. “Thanks for coming out here, Applejack. I know what I need to do, but not how this particular forge works. I can’t exactly cast a wind spell here. So how do you increase the airflow to make the fire hotter?” asked Sunset Shimmer. She had removed her leather jacket and donned a long-sleeved protective shirt over her normal clothing. Sunset carefully rolled the sleeves to make the garment fit as well as it could. Discord chortled and playfully said, “The better question to ask is ‘So, Applejack, how did you manage to use this simple task to trick Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash into doing the dishes?’ That was masterful!” “Somebody needed to help you out here, and firing the forge is a mite harder than snapping your fingers,” explained Applejack. “Sunset, the electric fans for supply and exhaust should be able to give you enough air to get the fire hot enough to coke the coal and melt just about anything you need to make that mace. They’re both powerful and reliable. If you need a bit more air, you’ve seen where the bellows are kept. Is there anything else?” Sunset Shimmer picked up the branch from the Golden Oak Library. “I have an important job for you, since you’re so good with wood. This is going to be the handle for the mace. I need you to look at the scale drawing and get the diameter right. We’ll need a space for a wedge and some holes for rivets to make sure the head doesn’t fly off the first time Aria swings it.” “Really? Well, I’ll do whatever I can to help, especially with something this important,” said Applejack. She sprang into action and rummaged through a toolbox underneath one of the workbenches. Applejack emerged with several items, including a chisel, a drill, roughly two dozen drill bits, a whittling knife and a whetstone. Discord nodded admiringly, stroking his beard. “I’m glad someone around here thinks practically. In Equestria, I’m sure Celestia would have had some grand ritual for boring a hole through a branch! We don’t have time for that sort of pomposity.” He took off his jacket and set it carefully on the couch with Fluttershy’s lapel pin still attached. Discord donned one of the leather aprons and his shirt transformed into a garishly colored copy of Sunset’s garb. “Thanks, I think,” said Applejack. She looked at Discord suspiciously before turning back towards Sunset Shimmer. “I’m regretting not making it down here much before my parents were killed. Back then, I was in a girly-girl phase and had too many wrongheaded dreams about moving to Manehattan and living with my kin. I know it would make Pa smile to see me working here tonight.” Sunset Shimmer slipped a leather apron over her head, patted Applejack’s shoulder and said, “As I mentioned at dinner, I’m grateful for the privilege to work here. Speaking of work, I’ll make the wedge for the handle first. It’s the metal piece that holds the head of a wood axe or carpentry hammer in place. It’s the perfect piece to refresh my memory and test the equipment.” Discord sighed and rolled his red eyes. Annoyance dripped from his voice as he said, “I suppose you should practice with something easy, especially since the mold’s not here yet. Have you ever worked with Crystal Empire star iron before?” “Of course not! When I left Equestria, the Crystal Empire was a lost legend and only a handful of ponies even knew about it,” she replied, selecting a hammer and a set of tongs. Discord’s brown hair was suddenly covered by a policeman’s cap. He blew on a silver whistle and held up his right hand, palm out. “Slow down, Sunset Shimmer. There are many reasons for this metal being so prized and expensive. When first heated, it’s very malleable and easy to work with. It’s an unparalleled conductor of magical energy, but it’s fickle.” “That metal sounds like someone I am getting to know,” quipped Applejack as she made carefully measured pencil marks on one end of Chainbreaker’s handle. He ignored the farmgirl and continued. “Unlike other metals, this type of star iron only wants to be heated or melted once. It’s very malleable at first, but once you shape it and let it cool, it’s nearly adamantine in its hardness.” Sunset Shimmer stroked her chin and said, “Hm, I see the similarity to volcanic and metamorphic rock crystals. The first dose of heat creates them. The second would shatter them. Where’s Pinkie’s dad when you need him?” “Uncover the anvil. I want to see this!” said Applejack excitedly. She wiped sweat from her forehead as the heat rapidly built inside the smithy. Discord, again attired in his protective clothing, removed a tarp from the anvil. He said, “If you ever get a chance to learn more about the Crystal Empire you’ll learn that this stuff,” he gestured towards the pile of star iron ingots, “is what kept the evil King Sombra in power for so long.” Applejack fanned herself and interrupted the history lesson. “Do you mind if I open up the doors and windows?” “Oh, please do! And, while you’re up, could you start filling the slack tub with water?” asked Sunset Shimmer. Her green-blue eyes were twinkling with excitement. She seemed nearly impervious to the heat, ignoring the sweat that was already dripping down her cheeks. Discord smiled as Applejack ran outside with a large bucket. His leather apron suddenly sported the words “Multiverse’s Best Teacher.” He said, “You’re as happy in front of that forge as Twilight Sparkle is in her library.” “I’ve missed this. More than I want to admit,” she replied. Discord chuckled and lowered his safety goggles. “At least I volunteered to help a pony of action. Your friends and the Sirens are anything but boring.” “Coming from you, I’ll take that as a compliment,” said Sunset Shimmer. “Well, it’s time to get to work!” She flicked the switch for the forge’s fans. The increased airflow immediately intensified the blaze. She took a deep breath, used the tongs to pinch a single small ingot of star iron and thrust it into the hottest part of the fire. ----- “We’re back!” cheerfully called Apple Bloom. Rainbow Dash smirked and threw a dishtowel to the younger girl. “Good! You’re just in time to get drying. Where’s Scootaloo?” “She took the holy water and went straight to the place where Sunset Shimmer is working,” said Sonata Dusk as she entered the kitchen. Her blue cheeks were pale and she was holding a hand to her stomach. Fluttershy pulled her arms out of the sink and carefully looked Sonata up and down. “Are you all right?” she asked. “Thanks, Fluttershy. I just have an upset stomach. I probably ate too much.” She smiled weakly as her eyes darted from side to side. “I’ll go take a quick bath.” Sonata turned on her heel and jogged up the stairs. Apple Bloom shrugged her shoulders and said, “Sonata’s been acting funny ever since we left the church. She was all smiles and happy talk on the way there, then barely said a word on the way back! Hold on, I’ll get these put away in the china cabinet.” She vigorously rubbed a wet plate with the towel, then took the towering stack of dishes into the dining room. After Applebloom left the kitchen, Rainbow Dash put away a cookie sheet and turned towards Fluttershy. “Hey, when I talked with Sunset in the music room today, I realized I forgot something pretty important this weekend.” Fluttershy yanked the stopper free from the bottom of the sink. She dried her arms and hands as the soapy water went down the drain. “What’s that?” she asked uncertainly. “When Sunset was telling me and Applejack about all that business with the flowers and Rarity’s dad, I kept thinking about what joke I should crack next. I assumed that just because she’s tough and plays guitar that we were alike,” said Rainbow Dash. Her forehead creased with concentration. Fluttershy raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. “Is that because you just wanted to laugh off her problems or because you thought Sunset just needed to laugh off her problems?” “No, neither one! The whole thing was almost a huge mistake and I’m glad Applejack interrupted,” said Rainbow Dash, shaking her head. “What I remembered is that it’s awesome we’re all so different. You and I have been friends for so long because I rush in and then you fix what I break if I screw up. I should listen to you more often.” Cautiously, Fluttershy replied, “I don’t know about that, but thank you all the same.” “Hey, I’ll just say it: I’m sorry that I ignored you and didn’t use your songs for the band.” She threw both arms above her head. “And I’m sorry I hurt your feelings because I got too caught up on creating epic moments for myself,” she said, dropping her arms to her sides and looking at the floor. Tucking a strand of pink hair behind her ear, Fluttershy approached Rainbow Dash and hugged her. “It’s all right. I know you get carried away sometimes, but you always choose to do the right thing in the end.” “But, I really screwed up during the Battle of the Bands!” she replied, returning the hug. “I’ve already moved past that. I will always see you as the one who stood up for me against those awful boys on the playground so long ago. You showed your true colors when you skipped that soccer tournament last year and spent the weekend helping me build all those animal houses,” said Fluttershy. She smiled kindly and broke the embrace. “Then, you did it again when you helped me carry Aria out of the woods.” Rainbow Dash’s brash smile returned. She gave Fluttershy’s shoulder a playful punch and changed the subject. “So, what’s with you and the crazy teacher from another world?” “Eeep!” Fluttershy’s pale yellow face took on a decidedly pink hue. She demurely shifted her weight from one foot to the other and played with a stray lock of hair. “He’s just so nice to me. We had a great talk about Angel Bunny and the other animals in the music room, and he was so wonderful at dinner.” Rainbow Dash smiled and chuckled. “Oh, he’s charming all right,” she said sarcastically. “But have you thought about the gigantic age difference? Forget eighteen! He’s like 18,000 years old!” “Rainbow Dash! You can’t mean…” While seemingly impossible, Fluttershy’s blush became even deeper. “Hey, I'm just happy to see you spend some time thinking about creatures other than animals. You know there are ones with two legs and the ability to talk, right?” she said. Rainbow Dash smiled sarcastically. “But that fang might be tough to manage.” Apple Bloom returned to the kitchen and unwittingly rescued Fluttershy by interrupting. “All done! What’s next?” “Since you missed all the scrubbing, you’re going to wipe down the counters,” said Rainbow Dash. “Fluttershy and I are going to have a bottle of fizzy apple cider.” She reached into the refrigerator, twisted off the caps, handed one bottle to Fluttershy and took a big swig from her bottle. The sounds of an acoustic guitar drifted up from the basement and broke the silence. As each string was individually tuned, the pitch changed slightly. As the tuning grew into chords, Apple Bloom shut the basement door. “This is the second night in a row they’ve been down there singing,” said Apple Bloom. She raised an eyebrow suspiciously. “Sonata’s been awfully good to me, but she’s been mighty friendly with my brother.” Fluttershy took a sip of her cider and sat at the kitchen table. “Sonata’s had a rough week. She seems so sweet but I can tell that there is still something big bothering her.” “Hey, maybe what she’s doing with Mac is like music therapy or something! Singing with Sweetie Belle really helped her voice come back and cheered her up,” said Rainbow Dash, who joined Fluttershy at the table. “Besides, the dude’s an oak! He’s totally in love with Cheerilee!” Apple Bloom finished cleaning the kitchen. She reached into her book bag, grabbed her homework and frowned. Apple Bloom turned to the two older girls and said, “I don’t know. Something has changed with both of them in the past couple of days, but I can’t put my finger on it.” “It’ll be fine! When you look at Sonata Dusk, do you see the face of evil? I sure don’t! Besides, Adagio’s the one we have to worry about,” said Rainbow Dash confidently. ----- Fluttershy gathered the deck of cards and slipped them back into the pack. “I’m sorry, girls, but I have to get back to the cottage soon. I’m sure the animals are all very hungry.” Scootaloo and Apple Bloom groaned. Scootaloo said, “But, I want to play again! How do you two keep winning?” “Fluttershy can beat anyone at euchre. You might think you can win and then she gives you ‘The Stare!’” said Rainbow Dash dramatically. She rose from her chair, placed both palms on the table and leaned forward. “It’s a lost cause after she does that!” She smiled and laughed with the two younger girls. The shy girl was poised to give a self-deprecating response. Just as she was about to speak, she was interrupted by the sound of tires on gravel. Outside, a custom car horn blared a loud and cheerful tune. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom echoed the horn and sang the lyrics in unison. “My name is Pinkieeee Pieee!” They ran for the front door, and Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy followed behind them. The pink Coltswagen Beetle simply came to a screeching halt in the center of the gravel courtyard between the farmhouse and the equipment barn. The hasty parking job ignored the Apples’ normal parking area to the side of the house. Bright floodlights, triggered by the car’s approach, dispelled the nighttime darkness and illuminated Pinkie Pie, who was jumping in a circle around her car with an ecstatic grin on her face. Meanwhile, Aria Blaze carefully set a large gym bag on the ground as she exited the passenger seat. Her pigtails obscured her face. The four girls from the farmhouse looked at the new arrivals with amazement. As Aria stood and her face became visible, everyone was shocked to see that she and Pinkie Pie were laughing raucously. “Who is that, and what did it do with Aria? She never laughs!” said Rainbow Dash. Pinkie was the first to recover her voice. “We did it! We finished baking the mold!” She pointed at Aria. “And, because you lost the bet, I get to take the mold to Sunset Shimmer.” “I don’t remember making a bet, but if you want to take all the credit, just go ahead,” replied Aria with a smirk. Her mirth was fading and she adopted her normally dour visage and wary mannerisms. Pinkie grabbed the gym bag and started down the path. Before she passed into the darkness behind the barn, Rainbow Dash sprinted and handed her a flashlight. “So, Aria, what sort of bet did you make with Pinkie?” asked Rainbow Dash. Her feet had found a partially-deflated soccer ball, and she began to play. Aria groaned and crossed her arms. “I don’t want to talk about it.” Her eyes focused over Rainbow Dash’s shoulder and into the equipment barn. She turned to Apple Bloom and asked, “What’s in there?” “Farm vehicles, harvesting equipment, hand tools, chemicals and a dozen other types of things you need to run an orchard. Why?” asked Apple Bloom. Aria looked at Fluttershy and gave her a knowing half-smile. She said, “Fluttershy, you know how much I hate waiting. I’ve had my fill of sitting around today.” “I have to get back to my house to feed the animals. I saw what you did to my chicken coop with my baseball bat, so I think I’ll pass on the type of fun I think you’re talking about,” she nervously replied. Courteously, Aria said, “I’m sorry I messed up the coop, Fluttershy, and I completely understand why you need to go. Thank you very much for your hospitality last night.” Her face contorted into an exaggerated, comical sneer as she turned to Rainbow Dash. “Do you want to put that ball away and play my sort of game while we wait?” “No offense. Aria, but the only games I’ve heard of you playing are evil mind control and breaking stuff,” replied Rainbow Dash, who forgot about the ball as she backed away from Aria. One of Aria’s eyes closed in an unnerving wink and she flashed a predatory grin. “None taken, Rainbow Dash. But, this is the sort of breaking stuff that I think will be right up your alley! So, tell me, when was the last time you were in a fight?” ----- “Special delivery!” shouted Pinkie Pie as she banged on the smithy’s doorframe. Discord and Sunset Shimmer were resting their eyes on the couch. Discord’s head was tipped back and he was snoring loudly. Sunset had folded her hands beneath her head against one of the armrests. Applejack, seated on the cot, put a finger to her lips. While keeping a careful eye on the forge fire, she was putting the finishing touches on Chainbreaker’s handle with a piece of fine-grain sandpaper. She was smoothing the length of Equestrian oak with light, feathering strokes. At first, the wood had seemed ordinary, but stripped of its bark and charred patina, the branch showed subtle, unearthly loops and whorls within the grain. Applejack pointed at Sunset and said, “She’s barely slept in two days, so let’s wake them gently.” “But what about him?” Pinkie Pie jerked her head at Discord, and then winked at Applejack. The farmgirl shook her head. She said, “I’ve seen some of what he can do over the past couple of hours. He’s hilarious when in a good mood. I wouldn’t want to meet Discord if he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” “Wakey-wakey…” Pinkie, smiling mischievously, nudged Discord’s shoulder. The Spirit of Chaos gave an immense snork then started to stir. Half-asleep, he said, “…just five more minutes, Tia. Don’t the kids know it’s Saturday?” Pinkie Pie suppressed a giggle and played along. “It’s your turn to make pancakes, honey. They can watch cartoons while you drink coffee, but you need to get up!” Discord turned his head towards the voice. As his eyes opened and focused on Pinkie, he jumped in embarrassment and then erupted with amusement, waking Sunset Shimmer. “Element of Laughter, indeed! I thought your polychromatic friend was the expert at practical jokes, but you just gave her a run for her money!” said Discord, stretching his arms above his head. Sunset Shimmer rubbed her eyes and blinked repeatedly. Suddenly, she leapt up and asked excitedly, “Is that the mold? Is it done?” “You betcha!” said Pinkie Pie. She nodded vigorously, and her pink curls quivered as she set the bag softly on the floor. Applejack cleared a space on the workbench while Sunset Shimmer opened the gym bag and carefully unpacked the mold. Tears collected at the corners of her eyes as she set each half on the workbench and carefully examined the inner surfaces. She slipped her leather apron on again and made sure that her red-and-gold hair hadn’t escaped the hastily twisted bun on the back of her head. Sunset Shimmer said, “Thank you. It’s not perfect, but it’s ours. We all did this together.” “Now comes the truly difficult part. To make what you have designed, you must be careful. The star iron, while heated, will act as a base. I recommend you collect all the reagents in a separate container, crush them together, and then add them to the molten metal all at once,” said Discord. Pinkie Pie and Applejack glanced at each other. Applejack raised an eyebrow and asked, “Reagents?” “All these items have magical properties and can be used for special purposes. Pinkie, just think of it this way: The metal, once melted, is like batter. You add ingredients to improve the taste,” said Sunset Shimmer, pointing at the workbench. Her excitement grew as she placed a large number of ingots into a crucible. Pinkie smiled. “Oh, I get it! But, you don’t want to break your teeth on these bits of rock candy,” she said as she tapped the cup holding the shards of Aria’s Siren pendant submerged in holy water. “I’ll give you more advice about that ingredient once everything else is ready,” said Discord. His blacksmith outfit morphed into a long, two-shaded brown robe. A wide belt held a cylindrical device on his hip. “So, my young artificer, what are you using to give Chainbreaker its magical force?” Sunset Shimmer recounted the number of ingots in the crucible, added one more and then thrust it into the fire. Before turning on the noisy fans, she answered Discord. “Alicorn feathers from Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna. Between the two, they represent Aria’s new loyalty, military skill, mystery, purity and triumph.” “Excellent, Sunset Shimmer! What else is needed?” quizzed Discord. She answered, “We need the purified pendant shards, of course, but also diamond dust, carbon and lime. All are components used in spells against the enslaved and undead. After we break the mold and before the star iron is completely cooled, we’ll add Aquastrian coral fragments to Aria’s chain-and-star sigil.” “I’m so proud! They grow up so fast!” Discord wiped away a false tear and his robes melted away, replaced by heat-resistant clothing. His tone became serious. “Now, get blending, and take a look at your book so you get the mixture right.” Sunset Shimmer grinned at the Spirit of Chaos and saluted him with a porcelain pestle. “Yes, sir!” Pinkie silently reached into her pocket, produced two everlasting gobstoppers and gave one to Applejack. The pair sucked on the candy as they knelt on the couch with arms draped over its back and watched the two Equestrians make magic in the Apple Family’s smithy. ----- Aria Blaze held the makeshift mace in her right hand. The weapon made slow circles as she waited for Rainbow Dash to attack. “Are you just going to stand there and twirl that thing around, or are you actually going to take a poke at me?” asked Aria. Rainbow Dash spun her makeshift quarterstaff with blinding speed and said, “You’ll never see it coming.” Fluttershy had departed some time ago. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom had made themselves a thermos of hot chocolate to share with each other and pilfered a supply of apple fritters. After their impromptu supply run, they had refused to go back inside the farmhouse. They sat on the biggest tractor in the equipment barn and shared cocoa while watching the two older girls spar. Nimbly advancing, Rainbow Dash jabbed the staff at Aria’s chest, but wasn’t quick enough to strike her. Aria adjusted the mace’s rotation and her parry nearly knocked her opponent down. “Not awesome,” grumbled Rainbow Dash. Her clothes were stained with dirt from previous blows and falls. Aria stopped her swings, wiped the sweat off her face and made sure that the metal ball was securely bolted to the steel pipe she held. “You have the speed and coordination to do this. You just need to forget about Neighsian martial arts movies and concentrate on your footwork. Let’s try it again.” Rainbow Dash gripped the six-foot long piece of wood tightly and flexed her knees. Aria resumed her weapon’s rhythmic rotation. Rainbow Dash made an athletic head fake but didn’t advance. Aria frowned. “Really? That staff will dry rot before that works. Don’t waste movement!” Rainbow Dash’s eyes narrowed as she concentrated on Aria’s stance and the mace’s orbit. She shifted her weight onto the balls of her feet and leapt forward, aiming about three feet to Aria’s left. In midair she adjusted her grip and extended the staff to deliver a one-handed blow to Aria’s ribs before the mace could adjust to the reaching attack. “Good!” said Aria. She coughed and rubbed her side. “You came at me quickly and I couldn’t get the mace over to my left fast enough.” Rainbow Dash smiled and said, “With a little more practice, I probably could have rolled past you and nailed you in the back for good measure!” “Don’t get too cocky! Even this shabby thing could split your head like a pumpkin if you were too slow,” said Aria. She smiled back. “But you’re learning very quickly.” Rainbow Dash walked to the barn’s work sink and splashed some water on her face. “Where did you learn to fight like this?” She filled two paper cups with water and handed one to Aria. “It’s not so much where, but when. Adagio, Sonata and I relied on our voices and our wits to get us through the first few years of banishment to this world. But, with our powers limited, I took it upon myself to learn more direct methods to defend the three of us.” Guzzling the water, Rainbow Dash went back for a refill. Scootaloo, talking around a mouthful of apple fritter, playfully yelled at her. “Less talking! More fighting!” Apple Bloom stifled a giggle with her hand. “Your fan club is making demands again,” said Aria. She raised her eyebrows and threw the paper cup in the trash bin. Rainbow Dash twisted back and forth, stretching her triceps and back. “I’ve still got some more gas in the tank, but I’m going to be sore tomorrow.” She walked back to the open area that served as their practice yard. “Oh good, you’re here!” Pinkie Pie burst into the barn and grabbed Aria by the wrist. “Sunset Shimmer needs your help. You wouldn’t believe what they’re all doing down there. It’s like baking a cake, but with magic and coal and really hot metal that would burn your tongue right off!” Rainbow Dash twirled her quarterstaff impatiently. Her light purple eyes narrowed in annoyance. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! We’re in the middle of something here. Aria’s teaching me how to fight Trottingham-style.” “I think that the work down at the smithy is a bit more important right now, unless you’d like to meet my old Master closeup,” said Aria, who leaned the makeshift mace on a tractor’s tire. Pinkie Pie dropped Aria’s arm and closely examined the assortment of farm tools. “Hey, I could fight you! I’m feeling super-energetic right now. Everlasting gobstoppers aren’t everlasting. I had three of them just to make sure!” “I guess. It’s just not the same,” groaned Rainbow Dash. One of the corners of Aria’s mouth lifted in a half-smile. She said, “Do you think every opponent will act the same as I do?” Turning to Pinkie, she spread her arms wide and intoned, “Pinkamena Diane Pie, I name you a berserker warrior!” Aria puckered her lips to prevent the others from seeing her smile. “Yes! It’s about time!” Pinkie selected a handaxe and kept the protective leather cover in place over the blade. She jokingly threatened Rainbow Dash. “I’m going to chop you up!” Rainbow Dash protested as she jogged out of the barn. “Really, Aria? What am I going to learn from this?” She held on to her staff loosely and turned her back on Pinkie Pie. “Ambush!” cried Pinkie as she executed a flying tackle. Both weapons tumbled to the ground as the girls wrestled. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo exploded with laughter. Scootaloo held her sides and nearly fell out of the tractor’s seat. Laughter turned to watchfulness as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie stood, gripped their weapons and dusted themselves off. “Do you feel lucky, Dashie? Do you?” said Pinkie Pie. She brought the handaxe into a defensive position. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and began sparring with her sugar-fueled friend. ------ Aria didn’t need a flashlight to navigate her way to the smithy. Her glowing purple eyes and the half-moon’s light provided more than enough illumination. The scent of apple blossoms filled her nostrils, and the cool spring breeze dried the sweat on her skin. As she crested the path’s small rise, Aria’s eyes were drawn to the smithy next to the babbling brook. Yellow and red lights danced inside the small building, and the delicate aroma of flowers yielded to the acrid smell of the coal smoke that billowed from the chimney. “She’s here, Sunset,” said Applejack, raising her voice to be heard over the ventilation fans. The two halves of Chainbreaker’s mold were tightly cinched together on the workbench. A large crucible of molten metal glowed with a golden-white radiance in the forge fire. Sunset Shimmer set a mortar and pestle on the coffee table next to a cup holding the fragments of a Siren’s pendant. A carefully sanded, two-and-a half-foot long piece of hardwood was precisely pinched in the workbench’s vise. “Are those feathers, Sunset Shimmer?” asked Aria. Her eyes were drawn to the delicate lavender and dark blue down in the mortar. “Yes! They were plucked from the Princess’ wings yesterday,” she said excitedly. Removing her safety glasses, she nervously glanced at Discord and added, “But, we need to ask you a question before we do anything that can’t be undone.” Aria crossed her arms and frowned. “What is it?” Discord mopped his gray-skinned forehead and adjusted his plain leather apron. “I told Sunset Shimmer exactly what your pendant was before your banishment here, Aria. Unlike what she has planned for Sonata’s shards, if she proceeds in making Chainbreaker, there’s no turning back for you.” “Discord called the shards a ‘shattered heart’ and a ‘Siren’s heart’. What did he mean by that?” asked Sunset. She squeezed Aria’s shoulder with a gloved hand, and then picked up the mortar and added the pieces of crimson crystal to the mixture. Aria closed her eyes for a moment and compressed her lips. At last, she said, “In Equus, He Who Swims in Darkness created this crystal. There, it was a magical organ embedded in my chest. It absorbed the negative energy we would generate and was also was a lens to project magic. It’s the core of what made me a Siren.” Aria rubbed her upper chest and shuddered. “Beneath the seas, if my heart had been destroyed, I would have starved to death. After being banished, my heart was outside of my body, which made it less vital, but not by much.” “Sugar cube, that’s awful!” said Applejack. “If I would have known that’s what the magic had done at the Battle…” Her voice trailed off when she saw the resolve etched into Aria’s features. Aria stood straight and tossed her pigtails proudly. Her purple eyes glowing in the dim smithy, she looked at Applejack, then Discord and finally Sunset Shimmer. She said, “Over the past week, I’ve felt the magic slowly fading from me. Soon, I don’t think I’ll be a Siren anymore.” A tear ran down Sunset’s cheek and mingled with the soot and grime on her face. She held the mortar and hesitantly fidgeted with the pestle. “Aria, are you sure you want me to destroy your Siren’s heart to make Chainbreaker?” "Give me that," Aria demanded. She took the mortar and pestle from Sunset Shimmer’s hands. Discord watched expectantly. Aria began to grind the fragments of her pendant, mixing them with the pieces of Twilight and Luna's feathers along with the other components. As the shards were crushed into a fine powder, Aria cradled the container to her chest. Tears welled in the corners of her purple eyes and then spilled out. In a rich alto that drowned out the ventilation fans, she flawlessly sang a lament in a foreign tongue. The Spirit of Chaos, the former unicorn and the farmgirl simultaneously gasped when they distinctly heard the name "Aria Blaze" woven into the complicated melody. Spellbound by the song, Discord's outlandish blacksmith outfit transformed into a dark, three-piece suit. Fluttershy's lapel pin took flight from the couch and became the only splash of color visible on his ensemble. As the song reached a melancholy crescendo, Sunset Shimmer's jaw dropped in shock as a crimson mist rose from the mortar, circled Aria Blaze's head once, tickled the bough from the Golden Oak Library and escaped up the forge's chimney into the heavens. The last note lingered for a long moment and then merged itself into soft sobs from Aria, who hugged the mortar with both hands. Aria Blaze opened her eyes and composed herself. With difficulty, she dried her tears with the back of her hand, looked at Sunset Shimmer and said steadily, "I know this is ready to add to the metal. Let me help Discord and Applejack with the other equipment while you place the mold." ----- I was a rover, on land and on sea 'til a good woman's love made a new man of me Life had no meaning, it was so incomplete 'til a good woman's love put me back on my feet Still a-roamin' I go home in the evening and she's waiting there and I know that no matter what happens she'll always care and when night falls and the moon shines above I'm a man with a dream and a good woman's love “Big Macintosh, that was so wonderful!” squealed Sonata Dusk, clapping her hands and smiling. “I can’t believe we’ve been trading songs all this time!” The young farmer set his guitar into the stand next to his chair and returned the smile. “As well as you sing, Sonata, the hours fly by. That’s an old bluegrass song that Granny Smith taught me a long time ago. After you hear it a couple more times, you’ll get the tune. Besides, you sing a whole lot better than even Applejack does.” Big Macintosh was sitting in a folding chair at the foot of his hastily made bed. The furnished area of the farmhouse’s spacious basement doubled as the young man’s bedroom. The furnace, a utility room and a storage area were hidden behind other thin partition walls. A double bed was pushed against the back wall and the rest of the room held musical instruments, piles of dirty clothes, a couple boxes of old comic books and stacks of sports magazines. All of these items had been quickly hidden beneath the bed or stuffed into the closet to provide a minimum of cleanliness for Sonata’s visit. A desk, once used for schoolwork, sat in the corner. The items that sat on it showed Big Macintosh’s accelerating growth into responsible adulthood. A farmer’s almanac was perched on top of a stack of books that dealt with marketing, tending apple trees and producing agricultural hybrids. A legal pad was full of neatly organized notes and work lists. Centered behind the desk’s blotter sat a large picture of Cheerilee, flanked by pictures of his sisters. Sonata stood between Big Mac and the closed door. After her bath, she appeared to have fully recovered from any ill effects from the trip to Scorpan’s church. Her long blue hair, still damp, hung loosely around her shoulders and stretched all the way to her waist. She was wearing a set of thin, clinging pajamas she had grabbed from Applejack’s drawer. It’s time, Sonata thought. With everyone at school, tomorrow will be the best time to confront Adagio. She took a deep breath and said, “There’s a very special song I’d like to teach to you, Big Mac. It’s a song from a long time ago, but I think it’s perfect for you to learn tonight. It’s from a man’s perspective, but bear with me. My point is that one day soon, I’d like for you to sing it.” She looked down at the floor demurely and brushed the hair out of her face. She looked the young man in the eyes. “Are you ready?” “Eeyup!” said Big Macintosh enthusiastically. He sat up straight and listened attentively. Sonata Dusk, recalling a song that was written over seventy years ago, swayed provocatively. Her singing voice was perfectly pitched as she performed: I'll be with you in apple blossom time I'll be with you to change your name to mine One day in May, I'll come and say Happy the bride that the sun shines on today Sonata took a seductive step towards her unsuspecting prey after each line. Big Macintosh’s green eyes were wide, taking in every aspect of the performance. The young man’s frustrations with Cheerilee over the past two weeks were forgotten as he gazed upon the Siren, who performed for him alone. She is so beautiful, he thought. With that voice, and those eyes and those… those curves, I can’t believe she’s here in my room. It’s like a dream! Sonata, expertly reading the young man’s body language, closed the distance between the two of them one step at a time. She thought, He’s starting to forget Cheerilee. Sonata continued to sing: What a wonderful wedding there will be What a wonderful day for you and me Church bells will chime You will be mine in apple blossom time Sonata finished her song and extended her right arm, placing her blue-hued palm flat against Big Mac’s chest. She could feel his heart racing. Sonata gave him an alluring smile. “Did you like my song?” she asked. That tune was about getting married! What brought that on? I had always thought Cheerilee would be the one for me. But, Siren and all, there’s just something about her, thought Big Mac. Aloud, he looked up at her with a smile. Scratching his mop of light orange hair, he said, “I’ve never heard anything quite like it in my entire life.” Taking the last step to the young man’s seat, Sonata sat atop him and wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders, her legs straddling both Big Mac and the chair. Sonata felt the powerful muscles in his legs tense with unease and heard his sharp intake of breath as she settled onto his lap. Sonata thought, He’s not quite ready to betray her yet. A weaker male would have already given in to his desires, but that is why he is so perfect. Oh, he is so handsome... She gazed at him, her eyes blazing with desire. “I know this is sudden, but I don’t know when I’ll have a better chance to tell you. Big Macintosh, I’ve been waiting to be alone with you since I first set eyes on you.” It was difficult to Big Macintosh to focus with the gorgeous girl sitting on him. He thought, Sunset Shimmer’s been trying to teach her to do the right thing since she found her. Maybe she just doesn’t know. He cleared his throat. “Sonata, this is very flattering and you’re incredibly beautiful, but there’s something you need to know…” “What, that you’re dating Cheerilee? That she’s been your woman for months?” she interrupted, self-satisfied with her slightly crude choice of words. Frowning, Sonata Dusk ran her index finger along Big Mac’s jaw line. She wiggled her hips and pressed against him, further warming his body. “Of course I know that. But, I can give you so much more, if you only let me.” Sonata felt Big Mac’s tense muscles begin to relax and thought triumphantly, He’s starting to break! Her conscience sadly whispered, But, he’s not yours and you shouldn’t be breaking anyone anymore, then fell silent. Big Mac’s eyes took on a curious look, and he shifted beneath Sonata’s pleasant weight. He inhaled deeply, drinking in the scent of her hair and skin. “More?” he asked. Why are you even asking? You should throw her out! thought Big Macintosh. But, what more could a Siren give me? Much more than a roll in the hay, I reckon. “You work so hard to care for this land and your family. I want to help you. You are the man of this house, and I’m convinced you are entitled to riches you don’t yet have. I want to make success easier for you. I want your family to be rewarded for the wonderful people that you and they are. Cheerilee, while sweet enough in her way, can’t do that,” Sonata said. Her blue hair tickled Big Macintosh as she grabbed his face in her hands. “Tell me, do you want a family of your own?” He answered, “Of course! Having a big family is very important to me. I wouldn’t mind having seven or eight kids. Well, I’d have them with the right woman, of course. I would love to raise them here, in this house and teach them how to grow and sell apples, just like my Ma and Pa did for me.” Sonata dropped her hands to her sides. She pouted and said sympathetically. “Oh, that’s so sad. Do you know why Cheerilee has missed so much work lately?” With his mind foggy and all of his senses captivated by the woman straddling him, Big Macintosh tried to coherently answer. “She didn’t say much. She said it was, um, female problems.” He blushed deeply. Sonata began to reel in her catch. “Oh, my poor Mac. I can understand why she wouldn’t tell you, because you want to have children so badly.” She gripped his arm sympathetically. He raised an eyebrow and his powerful bicep tensed underneath the girl’s blue fingers. “What do you mean, Sonata?” Sonata Dusk pressed the length of her body against Big Macintosh’s chest. Her hot breath caressed his ear as she whispered, “My darling, Cheerilee’s blossoms may not ever be able to bear your fruit. But I am able, and oh, so willing, to give you the crop that you truly desire, my prince.” Sonata leaned forward with her eyes closed. Their lips met. Big Macintosh’s mind swam with anger, confusion and desire as his body tried to process what was happening. She didn’t tell me! But, how could she? If this is true, it changes everything, or does it? Sonata’s soft moan broke through the last of his resistance. Oh, the hell with it! The young farmer brought his hands up to caress Sonata’s cheek, kissed her back forcefully and passionately, and closed his eyes. His calloused fingers traced her smooth skin. Sonata broke off for a moment and smiled to herself before hungrily resuming the kiss. After what could have been ten seconds or an hour, Sonata spoke. “There’s no reason to wait, my prince. All the others are outside. Let’s start our future together now.” She reached under his shirt and tangled her fingers in the hair on his chest. Sonata tilted her weight back towards the bed, tipping the chair over and trapping Big Macintosh beneath her on the mattress, her lilac eyes smoldering as she gazed down at the young farmer. Suddenly, Pinkie Pie’s cheerful voice shouted from the top of the stairs. “It’s waaaaay too quiet down there! Are you playing hide and seek? You have to come see this! Sunset Shimmer did it! She made Chainbreaker and Aria’s in the barn trying it out.” Big Macintosh scrambled out from underneath Sonata. He hastily tucked in his shirt and checked the rest of his garments. Sonata sat up and grabbed his wrist. “Please don’t go!” she softly implored. “We have to, or else there’ll be six girls down here in two minutes. No offense, but your friends can be awfully nosy,” he whispered back. Louder, he added, “We’re on our way up, Pinkie!” Pinkie Pie replied, “Great! You don’t want to miss a moment of this!" “I’m sorry, Sonata,” said Big Macintosh. Sonata stood and kissed him softly. “I want to do this again, soon. All of it.” “One thing at a time, Sonata. This is all so sudden,” he said, looking down at her with a mix of guilt, affection and confusion. He opened the door and his boots made loud footfalls on the stairs as he ascended. Sonata Dusk grabbed one of Big Macintosh’s shirts off of the pile of laundry. She said to herself, “Don’t be afraid, my dear. Now we’re both ready for the next step.” Then, she followed the young man up the stairs. ----- “Finished!” said Rarity happily. She adjusted her red spectacles on the tip of her nose to examine Sunset Shimmer’s black silk gown and its red and gold accents. Rarity nodded with satisfaction and then stifled a yawn as she carefully placed the dress on a hanger. The sewing room was a creative disaster that was mercifully confined to the surfaces within arm’s reach of the fashion designer’s chair. She quickly cleaned up the mess, and every swatch of fabric large enough to be used again went into a small container. Rarity proudly surveyed her shop and took a last sip of tea. “Perhaps it’s time to have my name added to the door,” she mused while jiggling the lock and ensuring that the store was secured for the night. “I now own it, after all!” Rarity flicked off the lights and stood at the foot of the stairs. A mix of moonlight and streetlights cascaded across the collection of dresses, jewelry, accessories and mannequins. She took a deep breath, smiled and ascended to the second floor. On the way to her suite, Rarity opened the door to Sweetie Belle’s room. She was fast asleep in her bed, with soft music from one stage show or another playing in the background. Her schoolwork was piled atop a frame backpack which was filled to bursting with the items she planned to bring to tomorrow night’s sleepover in the Crusaders’ clubhouse. Rarity smiled at her younger sister’s sleeping form. She closed the door quietly, straightened the hand-painted name sign on the door and tiptoed down the hall. In her suite, she picked up a large framed photograph of all seven Rainbooms, taken just after their triumph at the Battle of the Bands. She tapped the glass with a pale finger, rubbed her blue eyes and said, “Heaven knows what’s happening at the farm, but at least one of us is going to get some beauty rest tonight.” ----- Midnight approached, and it was Applejack’s turn to doze on her father’s battered couch as Sunset Shimmer and Aria carefully removed the mold from the forge fire. Discord turned the ventilation fans off, since there was no longer an immediate need for a hot fire. Two star iron rivets were still being heated on the edge of the fire, emitting an eerie red glow. “Watch the color carefully, Sunset Shimmer,” said Discord. “Break the mold and add the coral pieces to the inlay just as red is about to turn to silvery-white.” Aria had split the supply of Aquastrian coral into two containers and set one next to Sunset Shimmer. “From all you’ve told me, we’ll have to act fast.” “It’s only fitting that you fill in the star and waves at the top and I’ll get the broken chain links on the bottom,” she said. “Discord, use the tongs to turn Chainbreaker’s head over when we tell you to.” Discord chuckled and the tongs he held transformed into a frying pan. “My dear Baconhead, I’m here to give you knowledge and inspiration! I’m not here to do every little task for you!” Aria clenched her teeth angrily as sweat dripped into her eyes. “Are you serious?” “This time I am. You’ve purified that weapon far too carefully to have me mess around with it at this point. Once it’s completed and cooled, then it’s safe for me to touch it, but not until then,” he said testily. His clothing transformed into the radiation suit he wore briefly while teaching. On cue, Applejack’s eyes opened. She saw that the mold had been moved and then tossed aside the thin blanket Sunset Shimmer had draped over her. “How can I help?” she asked. Sunset Shimmer’s chin gestured to the workbench. “Put on some gloves and grab a set of tongs. Take that hammer and chisel and drive it into the crack between the two halves of the mold when I tell you to.” “We’re going to work quickly with this stuff,” said Aria as she shook the container full of Aquastrian coral, “and then we need you to flip over Chainbreaker’s head so we can fill in the design on the other side.” Applejack nodded as she pulled on the thick, heat resistant gloves. “I got it.” Discord backed away towards the smithy’s entrance. Inside the mold, the metal had solidified and changed from golden-white to red. As the night air swirled through the open windows, the red color began to dull. The three girls clustered around the mold on the smithy floor. Sunset Shimmer took charge. “Ready?” Applejack and Aria nodded. “One… two… three! Go!” With one strike, Applejack struck the seam in the mold and it broke free of Chainbreaker’s head. The clay fragmented and clattered to the floor. Sunset Shimmer caught the metal using protective gloves while Applejack grabbed the tongs and pinched the weapon. The star iron still held a slight pink glow. Aria and Sunset quickly and artfully filled the inlaid designs with pinches and then handfuls of powdered Aquastrian coral. They pressed on each section of the design to make sure the reagent mingled with the metal. The metal’s pink hue continued to brighten into a silvery white. Sunset Shimmer said, “Okay, AJ, flip it!” The three young women were a seamless team. Sunset Shimmer and Aria worked the second side much more quickly than the first, and Applejack held the heavy object rigidly in place. Aria finished pressing the last bit of the multicolored powder into the central star-shaped design as the hot metal lost the last bit of its glow. The three girls, breathing heavily from their exertions, looked at Chainbreaker’s head. Discord set a drink with an umbrella sticking out of it on the nearest windowsill. Wiping his hands on a floral-patterned shirt, he applauded and said, “Great work, ladies! It’s wonderful to see you pull together in the heat of battle. I’ll continue to offer my moral support from this restful vantage point.” “Now we have a little more time. Let’s cool the head in the slack tub and attach the handle,” said Sunset Shimmer. She undid the bun holding her hair back, removed her insulated gloves and combed her fingers through her red-and-gold locks. Applejack giggled as she looked at Sunset Shimmer, who was backlit by the forge fire. “You look like a little piece of flame yourself.” “It certainly feels a lot better than the last time I looked fiery,” she replied with a self-deprecating smile. She turned her green-blue gaze upon Aria and Applejack. “I have something tangible to share with my friends, this time.” Aria smiled and looked down at Chainbreaker’s head. She pinched it with a heavy set of tongs, gestured to the slack tub with a gloved hand and asked, “May I?” Sunset grabbed a nearby water bottle and nodded. “Of course, Aria. Once it’s cool, we’ll attach the handle.” Aria’s muscles strained as she lifted the heavy piece of metal and submerged it in the slack tub’s water for a time. Steam hissed throughout the smithy as the rest of the heat trapped in the star iron was released. Applejack stood and grabbed the water bottle from Sunset Shimmer, who put her gloves and goggles back on. “No time like the present, right?” asked Applejack. “Let’s finish this and take a break.” The simple final steps happened quickly. Aria retrieved the mace’s head from the tub and slipped it over the now-beautiful branch from the Golden Oak Library. Sunset Shimmer plucked the rivets from the forge fire and affixed metal to wood. Finally, the wedge was fitted into the very top of the handle and hammered into place to make everything fit snugly from one end to the other. Amazingly, and probably owing to numerous magical properties, very few burrs and molding errors existed, but they were rapidly ground away by tools. The three young women clustered around Chainbreaker and surveyed their exhausting handiwork. The entire weapon was breathtaking in its beauty. It was about two-and-a-half feet long with a roughly cylindrical head. Star iron had been shaped into crashing ocean waves at the top and bottom of the head, with the silvery-white color and crystalline texture of the cooled metal accentuating the effect. Along the cylinder’s center, the Aquastrian coral prismatically reflected light but clearly showed a five-pointed star shattering the links of a chain. Aria lifted Chainbreaker with both hands and her mouth opened as she stared at it reverently. She asked, “Do you mind if I take it where there’s a little more room?” Without a word, Discord, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack and Aria stepped outside into the clearing. They all had goosebumps, but only partially from the cool breeze that tickled their skin. Aria held Chainbreaker high over her head in both hands, just as the half-moon burst from behind a cloud. As the moonlight struck the weapon, it glowed with a pale, white radiance all its own. The coral star-and-chains glimmered with every iridescent color present in the sea. As they stood amongst the blooming apple trees, the entire group, including Discord, was moved to tears of wonder. Aria’s violet eyes shone with ecstasy even as tears spilled down her cheeks. Benevolent magic surged through Aria’s body. Her purple-and-teal pigtails lengthened, pointed pony ears winked into existence atop her head and delicate, pale green wings resembling fins burst forth from her back. The magical light from the mace streamed down upon Aria Blaze, who roared in triumph. Chainbreaker was born. **** Euchre is a fast but entertaining card game that requires two teams of two players. On occasion, secret signals provide an opportunity to cheat for long-time teammates. I played this game often in my youth and during long shipboard deployments before laptop computers were common and inexpensive. Big Mac’s solo song is entitled “A Good Woman’s Love.” No songwriter is listed. The lyrics were found at http://www.bluegrasslyrics.com/node/388 Sonata’s solo song is “(I’ll Be With You) In Apple Blossom Time.” This song was written by Albert Von Tilzer and Neville Fleeson