//------------------------------// // To The Crystal Empire! // Story: Commander Thorn in Equestria. // by SolidArc5542 //------------------------------// "What are you doing?!" "Never let the weak; tell you what to do. Welcome to Deathwatch!" Pre Visla, welcoming Lux Bontari into Deathwatch, after burning a village, killing all of the villagers. -------- It had been two days after Sev and Celestia had their 'miss communication', since then; Twilight was really angry at him, for showing such disrespect towards her mentor. Twilight tried to knock some sense into him, even going as far to give him a book about proper social behaviour, Sev was not amused. During their time in Equestria, Thorn was the one who made the most friends, he had even picked up The CMC from school one day, surprisingly, Sev had agreed to go with him. Sev was not afraid of the Princesses, he thought they were weak, and since Thorn had told him what they meant by 'immune to magic' Sev had him confirmation, they were indeed at their mercy. And now we watch as the Commander and Commando, stroll through the busy streets of Ponyville. "So Sev, tell me, what would you prefer? A Sonic Detonator, or a Thermal Detonator?" Thorn asked Sev. "Easy choice, while the Sonic Detonator explodes on impact with any organic being, and Battle droids,I'd still go for the good old Thermal Detonator." Sev replied. "Yeah, Thermal Detonators saved my life many times." Thorn said while waving at a nearby pegasus colt. "I remember Scorch, making a customized bomb, it almost killed us all." Sev said with a chuckle at the end. "I remember one of my men, throwing a Thermal Detonator towards a squad of B1-Battle droids, it literally bounced of their heads!" Thorn replied while laughing. Sev couldn't help but laugh with the Commander, the only down side was because his voice was so low his laugh sounded almost evil. "Hey Sev, do you think a garrison of B1-Battle droids could take out a squad of B2-Super Battle droids?" Thorn asked. "That depends, are we talking standard B2's or heavy-class B2's?" Sev asked. "Normal." Thorn replied. "The garrison would probably win, seeing as those B1's are made to overwhelm you." Sev replied. "Sev, have you ever held a Lightsaber?" Thorn asked. "No." Sev replied confused. "Have you?" Thorn nodded. "Well, I picked one up in the heat of battle, but then the General took it from me and said "thanks"." Thorn replied. "An elegant weapon for a more civilized time 'eh? Well guess what, times have changed." Sev said. Suddenly, Sev stopped in his tracks and pointed his finger at something. "What is it?" Thorn asked while looking at the direction; Sev was pointing his finger at. "Thorn, since when do trees fly?" Sev asked. Thorn watched closely, and it appeared that Twilight's library was floating in the air, but seconds later, it made impact with the ground. Thorn and Sev looked at each other and nodded. "Lock and load!" They said in union. As they ran toward the library, Sev grabbed a Concussion grenade from his belt. They reached the library door and they both stood on both sides of the door frame. "Open it, I'll throw in a Concussion grenade. "Sev said. Thorn nodded and opened the door. "Grenade!" Sev shouted while throwing the grenade into the library. "What's that?" They heard a familiar tomboyish voice ask. *Boom* "Gogogogo!" Sev said while entering the library, his DC17 at the ready. Thorn followed, his Z6 rotary blaster cannon already spinning up. Sev practically rolled into something, something orange. "Hey, get offa me!" Applejack shouted in frustration. "I can't see." Rarity whined. "What was that?" Rainbow Dash asked while rubbing her eyes. Sev got off Applejack and attached his DC17 to his belt. "False alarm Thorn, no hostiles in sight." "Hostiles?" Twilight asked while blinking her eyes a few times. "Don't tell me you thought we were hostiles." "We saw your tree thing fly, we thought something bad might have happened." Sev said. "Why was the library flying?" Thorn asked. "Well, Spike said something our little egghead didn't like, so she kinda got really mad and.. Well, you saw what happened next." Rainbow Dash replied. "What was it about?" Thorn asked. "Princess Celestia said she required my presence in Canterlot for a test." Twilight replied. "What was that thing that exploded?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Concussion grenade, temporary blinds hostiles who are dumb enough to keep their eyes open when it explodes." Sev replied. "You callin' us dumb mister?" Applejack asked. "I'm afraid we haven't met before." Sev said. "Mah names' Applejack, owner of Sweet Apple Acres." Applejack said proudly. "My names' Sev, Republic Commando of The Grand Army of The Republic, skilled hunter and killer, a pleasure." Sev said. Applejack gulped. "H-Howdy partner. So you're ah Clone like Thorn?" She asked. "Yes." Sev replied. "So this 'test', when does it start?" Thorn asked. "I'm to leave momentarily. "Twilight replied. "Well good luck. "Thorn said. "I hate tests, reminds me of the simulations on Kamino." Sev said. "Oh and one more thing." Twilight said. "What?" Thorn asked. "Princess Celestia wants you two; to come with us." Twilight replied. "Great." Sev said sarcastically. **** Location: Equestria; Current location: Train station, Crystal Empire; Weapon status: Z6 rotary blaster cannon, fully operational, DC15 blaster pistols, fully operational; Explosives: 3 Thermal Detonators, 4 Electronics Counter Detonators, 4 Sonic Detonators, 4 Concussion grenades; Armor status: No damage, armor fixed due to Sev's spare parts; Status CC-5424: Alive. Location: Equestria; Current location: Train station, Crystal Empire; Weapon status: DC-17m ICWS blaster fully operational, sniper attachment, anti-armor attachment fully operational, DC-17s side arm blaster fully operational; Explosives: 4 Thermal Detonators, 4 Electronics Counter Detonators, 4 Sonic Detonators, 3 Concussion grenades; Armor status: No damage; Status RC-1207: Alive. **** As everyone walked out of the train, they were met by a artic wind, Twilight put a hoof up to her face, trying to block the freezing cold. "Ha! And you all made fun of me for packing so many scarfs". Rarity said while walki out of the train and onto the platform. Not far behind was Spike, carrying dozens of suitcases. "Don't say a word." Spike said while walking out of the train, he stepped onto the platform, but tripped and dropped the suitcases. One of them opened and four scrafs were grabbed by the wind. "Got them." Thorn said while grabbing two scarfs. "Got the others." Sev said while grabbing the last two scarfs. "Thanks." Spike said. "Shining Armor?" Twilight asked. Suddenly a vague figure could be seen through the icy wind. "Twily! You made it!" Shining Armor said. The two of them trotted towards each other and hugged. "We better get going, there are things here, you don't want to run into after dark." Shining Armor said. Fluttershy gulped. "What kind of things?" "Let's just say." Shining Armor said with a hint of fear. "The Empire isn't the only thing that has returned." The six friends looked at each other in worry. After a few minutes of walking through the thick snowstorm, Thorn was the first one to speak up. "What's this 'thing' you're talking about?" He asked. "Something keeps trying to get in, we think it's an old Unicorn King who originally cursed the place." Shining replied. "King 'eh, I've always wanted to kill a King." Sev said. "Hey I almost forgot to ask, who's the new guy?" Shining asked. "His name is Sev, he's a special kind of Clone, he saved Rarity's sister." Twilight replied. "Really? So that means we have two heroes now." Shining said with a smile. "Good, I think we are really going to need your help, the names Shining Armor." "Well I'm sure the King is no, match for--." "Mroaaaar" A loud, moan like scream interrupted Sev's reply. Thorn readied his Z6, while Sev grabbed his DC17m. "Where's that coming from?!" Thorn shouted. "T-That's one of the things, isn't it!?" Fluttershy asked. Suddenly, a large shadow with big green eyes appeared from behind them. "What in blaze's name is that?" Thorn asked, his Z6 already spinning up. "I don't know." Sev said while aiming his blaster at the shadow. "But I want to kill it." "We have to get to The Empire now!" Shining Armor ordered. Everypony turned around and ran away from the shadow. Spike froze in place and looked at the shadow in fear. Shining quickly used his magic to lift him up and dragged him away. He put Spike on the ground and he began to run for his life. "Sev, fall back!" Thorn shouted while running away from the shadow. Sev opened fire on the shadow, his plasma bolt going straight through it. "What the?" Sev asked himself. "Let's go!" Shining Armor said while grabbing Sev by his arm. Shining Armor gave the shadow an angry glare and shot a bolt of magic at it, it gave the same results as Sev's DC17m. The shadow came closer to Shining Armor and Sev, Shining Armor tried to shoot another bolt of magic, but the shadow was closing in fast. "Let's see how you handle this you fat, ugly fierfek!" Sev shouted while throwing a Electronic Counter Detonator at the shadow. The Detonator exploded and a high volume of electricity hit the shadow, it recoiled and roared on pain. Sev shot the shadow again, this time, the plasma bolts did hit it. The shadow roared in pain and disappeared. "Let's go!" Sev said while running after Thorn, who he saw disappearing into some kind of blue force field. Shining Armor, his horn now full of black crystals, looked up at the Commando and nodded. They both ran towards the blue force field, they ran inside and were met with a beautiful sight. There was the Crystal Empire in all its glory. The entrance to the Crystal Empire stood tall. Sev looked around, confused as to how they were able to make inside so warm and cozy, while the outside looked like Hoth. Twilight looked at her brother. "Oh no." She said while running towards her brother. "Shining Armor, your horn." She said. Shining Armor tried to cast a spell, but the crystals around his horn prevented that. Shining Armor shook his head and walked towards The Crystal Empires' entrance, Sev took one final glance at the force field. 'Hmmm, that Electronic Detenator did something to that shadow, my blaster didn't seemed to do a lot to it at first, but when I threw that Electronic Detenator, it recoiled and my blaster did some serious damage. I'll have to talk to Thorn about this.' Sev thought while walking towards Thorn. "Sparklerific." Pinkie Pie said in awe. "Sparkle what?" Sev asked. "I don't know." Thorn replied with a shrug. "Come on, let's get going." Shining Armor said. "Yeah." Twilight said while looking at the castle. "Let's." "Thorn I need to tell you something." Sev said while grabbing him by his shoulder. "Sev, we have to keep moving, we don't want to fall behind." Thorn said. "Our blasters didn't even scratch that thing." Sev said. "I know, I saw you trying to blast it." Thorn replied. "Yeah, but when I threw a EC grenade, it recoiled and I tried again, that time; my blaster did some damage." Sev said. "Did you kill it?" Thorn asked. "I'm not sure, that imbecile Shining Armor tried to be a hero, so I don't know." Sev replied. "Well that's not good." Thorn said. "Don't worry, we'll get another shot, and when we do, we'll kill it." Sev said. "Copy that." Thorn said. "Come on you two! Hurry up!" Twilight shouted. "We're coming!" Thorn shouted. "Civvies, I still hate them." Sev said. Thorn and Sev followed Twilight and her friends, as they walked through The Crystal Empire, Thorn and Sev never lost their focus, that shadow was about to return soon, they just knew it. Oh it's absolutely gorgeous!" Rarity said in awe. " Rarity looked around the scenery, observing everything. "There are no words." Rarity said while holding her hoofs to her cheeks, twinkles appearing in her eyes. "Focus Rarity, we're here to help Twilight, not to enjoy tha scenery." Applejack said "I don't see what the big deal is, just looks like another old castle to me." Rainbow Dash added. "Ah, pfft, just another old-- have you lost your mind, have you looked at the magnif--." Rarity stopped her rant when she saw Rainbow Dash giggling. Rainbow Dash and Applejack bro-hoofed and laughed. "Hilarious." Rarity said sarcastically. They all walked inside the castle, Thorn and Sev were not far behind. "Hey Sev?" Thorn asked while walking up the stairs of the Crystal Palace. "Yes?" Sev asked. "Why did Fluttershy looked at you like you were going to do; something really bad?" Thorn asked. "Did she?" Sev asked. Thorn nodded. "I have no idea." Sev lied. "Alright then, hey look there's the entrance." Thorn said. "Looks like they already made their way inside, the doors are opened." Sev added. Sev and Thorn quickened the pace and reached the entrance. "Sunshine, sunshine, lady bugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake!" They heard two voices say in union. When they walked inside, they were greeted by Princess Cadence, only she looked very exhausted. "We really need to get together when the fate of Equestria, isn't hanging at balance." Cadence said.While Suddenly she flinched ans the protection spell was gone for a few seconds, but re-appeared. "Are you okay?" Twilight asked with a hint of concern. "Cadence has been using her magic to spread love and light, that's what's been protecting it. But she barely eats, or sleeps, I tried to help her; but my protection spell has been countered by King Sombra." Shining Armor said while looking at his horn, which was still covered in crystals. "It's alright Shining Armor, I'm fine." Cadence said. "No you're not!" Shining snapped at her. "She can't go on like this forever, and if her magic were to fade, well all you saw out there is waiting for that to happen." "That's why I'm here." Twilight said. "Why we're all here." Applejack added. Twilight looked at her friends, and the two new arrivals. "Well with Cadence keeping her spell going, an me trying to keep an eye on things, we haven't been able to gather much information from The Crystal ponies." Shining said. "Crystal ponies?" Rarity exclaimed in glee. "There are Crystal ponies?" Everypony gave her a confused look. Rarity quickly regained her composure. "Please, continue." Rarity said. "But whe have to know of one of them knows how to protect The Empire, without using Candence's magic." Shining said. Twilight thought for an answer. "A research paper!" She said. "Huh?" Shining asked confused. "This must be part of by test, to gather information from the Crystal ponies and bring it to you!" Twilight said while tapping her brother. "This is gonna be great! I love research papers!" Twilight said with much joy. "Yeah." Rainbow Dash said while nudging Pinkie with her hoof. "Who doesn't?" She asked sarcastically. "Ooh ooh, let me guess, is it Spike? Or Fluttershy? Or Rarity? Or Sev?" She asked while grabbing Sev's leg. "Let go, or I'll break it off." Sev threatened. "Don't worry big brother, I'm really good at these things." Twilight said while bringing a leg around her brothers' neck. Shining Armor smiled. "We'll stay here and guard Princess Cadence." Thorn said. "Just like my days in The Coruscant Elite Guard." "I'll stay here too, if that shadow shows up again, I'll make sure to kill it." Sev said while switching his blaster attachment for his sniper attachment. "It doesn't stand a chance against me." "Who's that?" Cadence asked. Twilight gave a sheepish smile. "Long story." **** Two hours later, Crystal Palace. "There she is." Thorn said while pointing his finger at Twilight, his other hand holding his Z6rotary blaster cannon. Twilight was happily walking towards her brother answer sister-in-law, Spike carying a big book. Twilight stopped in front of her brother and opened the book with her magic. "A crystal fair, according to this book, it was established by their first Queen and became one of their utmost traditions, it was held every year to.. Renew the spirit of love and unity in The Empire, so they could protect it from harm." Twilight said while reading through a page of the very important book her, and her friends had found, when they were gathering information about The Crystal Empire. "My friends and I could put it together, everything we need is in the book." "That sounds very promising." Shining Armor said while looking at his wife, his look; turning into one of sadness. "We'll get started right away." Twilight said while turning around and walking towards the throne rooms' exit." Come on Spike, we've got a fair to put together." "You two, please come with me." Shining said while walking towards the balcony of the Crystal Palaces' throne room. "Sure." Thorn said while walking after him. "Sev, you comin'?" "Yeah, I was just lost in thoughts, that's all." Sev replied while walking after his brother. "I can't believe I'm about to ask this but.. Would you two be willing to defend The Empire, if it were to be under attack?" Shining asked. Thorn and Sev looked at each other. "How can we be of assistance?" Thorn asked. "We're just two Clones." "Clones who are immune to magic, from what I've heard from Princess Celestia". Shining replied. "Yeah, and very skilled." Cadence added, her eyes barely open. "Cadence, you should spare your strength." Shining said. "I'll be fine, but I wonder, I sense this.. Dark presence." Cadence said. "That's probably Sombra." Shining said. "No, I know this sounds stupid but.. This one is far darker than Sombras'." Cadence said. "Well, can you tell where it's coming from?" Shining asked. Cadence shook her head. "No, all I can say is that it's really close." "Don't worry, if that King Sombra comes face to face with me." Sev said while activating his gauntlet knife. "I'll skin him alive." "Copy that Sev, have fun." Thorn cooed. "Sev? That's an odd name." Cadence said. "It's the only personality we Clones have, all we have are our nicknames." Sev said while de-activating his gauntlet knife. "But, will you help us?" Shining asked. "Yes." Thorn replied. "I will, Sev?" He asked. "Whenever there's something that needs to be killed, count me in". Sev replied. Shining smiled. "Thanks, it's good having two heroes like you around." "Yeah, especially considering last events, which we still need to give you something for; in return." Cadence added. "No need to, just doing my job." Thorn said. "Thorn I need to tell you something." Sev said. "What is it?" Thorn asked. "If King Sombra manages to break to the force shield that is protecting this Empire, use your EC grenades." Sev replied. "Got it, droid bloppers it is." Thorn said. "Droid bloppers?" Shining asked confused. "Electronic Counter Detenators, used to disable any small combat machine, mostly Battle droids, but Sev actually used one against that shadow thing, and it seemed to do a lot of damage." Thorn replied. "How many of these 'Detenators' do you have?" Shining asked. "I have four." Thorn replied. "Three, considering the fact I used one to save your back." Sev replied. "Yes, right, thanks for that." Shining said. "No problem." Sev replied. "So, Sev; are you sure you can take on Sombra?" Cadence asked. "Yes, I'm pretty sure I'll kill him, I've killed many other things, he shouldn't be a problem." Sev replied. "You seem to be very confident about yourself." Shining said. "When I've got him in my sight, he'll be dead before he even knows it." Sev replied. "I hope so, Sombra is dangerous, he enslaved the Crystal ponies a long time ago, when he was still the ruler of The Crystal Empire." Cadence said. "So he was a slave trader, well now it gets personal." Sev said. "Why?" Cadence asked. "I have a grudge against slavers, so now, I'll skin him alive and make him eat his own guts." Sev replied. Cadence flinched. "That's.. One way of putting it." "Sev does what he's good at." Thorn said. "Hey, when will those crystals disappear from your horn?" Sev asked while reaching a hand to Shining's horn. "I don't know but-- AAH don't pull them out, Unicorn horns are very sensitive!" Shining whined. "Weakling." Sev said while examining a piece of crystal that he had pulled out of Shining's horn. "Interesting, hey, are these things supposed to turn dark red?" Sev asked. "Dark red?" Shining asked confused. "Yeah, look." Sev said while holding out the crystal. The crystals' color was indeed the dark red, almost blood like red. "I don't know." Shining said. Sev shrugged and trew the crystal away, unaware of it regaining its black colour again. Cadence looked at Sev. 'Dark red?' She thought. 'That's new.' "Sev, is that *yawn* blood on your armor?" Cadence asked. "Some of it." Sev replied. "No green" Thorn mocked. "I don't like to get Trando blood on my armor." Sev replied. "Trando?" Shining asked. "Trandoshians, a race of humanoid lizards that are into slave trading." Thorn replied. "Slaves? King Sombra would fit right in with them." Shining said, venom leaking from his tone. Don't worry, just make you get to safety when an attack is inevitable." Thorn said. "We will." Shining Armor said. "We will." **** "Well, that's a nice fair they've put up." Sev said. "Yeah, nice job they did indeed." Thorn added. Sev and Thorn stood on the balcony of The Crystal Palace, together with Cadence and Shining Armor, watching as many of the Crystal Ponies were enjoying every stand and various kinds of food. "Well, let's hope this will work." Thorn said. "Hey, what's blue doing?" Sev asked while pointing his finger at Rainbow Dash. "I don't know, why did she grab that flag?" Thorn asked. "I don't know." Sev said. "Wait, I just though of something." Thorn said. "What?" Sev asked. "What if we would focus our blasters on the shadow's weak point? Maybe then we'll be able to kill it witg one big attack." Thorn replied. "Good idea, just don't steal my kills, I hate it when someone steals my kills." Sev said Suddenly, Twilight and Rainbow Dash came trotting into the throne room. "We have a big problem!" Twilight shouted. "Oh, here we go." Sev said while turning around. "Let's prepare the blasters." Thorn said while turning around as well. "What's wrong?" Shining Armor asked. Twilight came running up the balcony, the book she had before levitating in her magical grisp. "What's wrong Twily?" Shining Armor asked. "It's the Crystal Heart." Twilight said. "What about it?" Shining Armor asked concerned. "I didn't know anything about it being an actual relic, the book didn't say anything about the Crystal Ponies powering the heart." Twilight said while turning the pages of the book, frantically looking for an answer. Twilight gasped. "A page is missing, how did I not notice?!" "It's alright Twilight--." Cadence couldn't even finish her sentence, she lost her balance an fell to the ground. Sev quickly reacted and caught the Princess, Cadence was breathing heavily in his arms. "Twily." Shining Armor said with concern. Suddenly, the same moan like scream could be heard, just then the force field broke and the icy cold weather entered. But that was not the least of their worries. The black shadow appeared again, but this time; it formed into a Unicorn head. "Is that him?" Thorn asked. "That's Sombra, The Empire is under attack!" Shining Armor said. "Aah." Shadow Sombra said. Cadence slowly opened her eyes, but with incredible speed, cast her eyes protection spell again. Sombra tried to enter The Empire, but the spell was cast too fast. The tip of Sombras' horn was cut off by the force field. Unaware to the ponies, it landed inside the force field; after it closed. "I have to find The Crystal Heart!" Shining Armor said. "No, you stay here with Cadence, she needs you Shining Armor, I'll retrieve The Crystal Heart." Twilight said while trotting towards the balconies' exit. "Sev let's help her." Thorn said while running after Twilight. "You go, I'll stay here and protect Cadence." Sev said. "Copy that, hit 'em hard." Thorn said. "Solid copy." Sev replied. 'Let's just hope that force field stays active until we find The Crystal Heart.' Thorn thought while running after Twilight. "Sev, what are you going to do?" Cadence asked. "I'm going to stay here and protect you." Sev said. "That's so sweet." Cadence said while placing a hoof on his leg. "Thanks for catching me by the way." "Don't mention it." Sev replied. "And thanks for saving my flank out there. "Shining cooed. "Again: don't mention it, but try to stay out of my line of fire, when Sombra arrives." Sev said. "How do you know he'll arrive, maybe Cadence is strong enough to withhold him." Shining said. Sev shook his head. "No, I don't think she can hold on much longer, listen, that Crystal Heart needs to be found asap." "Do you want me to go and help Twily?" Shining asked. "No, stay here and protect her, I'll keep an eye on the horizon." Sev said while aiming his DC17m, at the Crystal gate. "Yes sir!" Shining said while saluting. Cadence giggled. "I didn't know the Captain of The Royal Guard, saluted." Shining chuckled. "Sorry, I got lost in the moment." "Loose the chatter, I need to focus!" Sev ordered. "Yes sir." Cadence and Shining Armor said in union. Sev shook his head. 'Royalty, nothing special about 'em.' He thought while looking through his scope. "Thorn, I told you not to follow me!" Twilight shouted while trotting down the stairs of The Crystal Palace. "I told you, it was either Sev or me." Thorn lied. "I thought you'd prefer me." Twilight sighed. "Alright, but if you ruin my test." Twilight warned. "I'll fly like your tree did." Thorn finished. "Yeah, that." Twilight said.