~School Magic Panic!♥!~

by PhoKingAzn

Prologue: Faithful Student Twilight Sparkle

~School Magic Panic!♥!~

By Jonathan Chung Nguyen

Prologue: Faithful Student Twilight Sparkle

Many adventures await in the life at Canterlot's Academy School of Magic. There are many things to learn and tons of people to meet. My name is Twilight Sparkle and I attend to Celestia's school of magic. I'm Princess Celestia's most faithful student here in the academy. My friends Pinkie Pie, RainbowDash, AppleJack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and pet Spike also enrolled to the school. Life here is difficult at times, but me and my friends manage.

My story begins on a calm summer day. It was the annual School of Magic's Entrance Ceremony. At the time, Princess Celestia had invited me to enroll. That day was special to me. It marked the end of my boring life back home and opened a gate way to an exciting world in Canterlot. At the time, the entrance ceremony was on the day of Princess Celestia's Summer Sun Celebration. When i first saw the Celebration before I enrolled, my life changed forever.

The ceremony was about to begin as the sun began to rise. The carnival was empty as everypony gathered towards the stage. There stood my future mentor, Princess Celestia. She opens her beautiful stainless wings and flying towards the sky along the red burning sun. In a blind light, the whole sky turns crimson and a bright array of warm colors. I was speechless as I stares the fascinatingly beautiful array of colors.

The Color were beautiful and nothing that i ever seen before. The majestic form Princess Celestia performed was flawless...I then decided to myself. What if I could learn magic...I am a unicorn after all. That was when I decided to learn magic.


I spent weeks learning magic. I searched every book I had and read every theory on magic. My parents decided to enroll me to Canterlot's Academy School of Magic. Back then I was so blissful during the entrance ceremony. I stood in a crowd of ponies facing towards a decorated stage in the courtyard. I was overjoyed with excitement until a strange pony next me greeted me.

"Ohhh Helllo! My name is Pinkamena Diane Pie, but you can call me Pinkie Pie! Whats yours?"

"My-my name?", giving an awkward expression, "My name is Twilight, Twilight Sparkle."

"Ahhh nice NICE! That is a very-Nice-Nice! You know what this ceremony needs!"

"I don't know... what?"

"A Party! Party! Party!", exclaim Pinkie as she bounces in place.

Pinkie Pie wasn't an average pony. Her body shade was pink as her mane was a bubblegum pink. Her mane was twisted and curled as she jingles and shuffles in place.

"So why did you enrole into the academy Twilight? Huh! HUH!?"

"Well.. I want to fully understand and learn magic."

"Wow.... that sounds boring. I'm here because I can party on Friday nights and do special magic tricks."

Before I could say anything else the ceremony began

"Welcome young students", Princes Celestia proclaims in a calm soft voice.
"We will like to welcome you to Canterlot's Academy School of Magic."

Everypony in the crows began to cheer as several were jumping, like Pinkie...

"We will like to acquaint you to the school by introducing one of our number one students, Trixie."

A pony with a strange magician hat and teal apparel appeared on the stage. She walked proudly towards the intercom and shouted in an ignorant tone,
"I am the great and powerful Trixie the Beatrix! I am the number one student in this school."

Everypony in the crowd stared towards the boastful pony.

"Pfft...Welcome to the Academy, but before you can enter you must be tested in an entrance exam...that was totally easy for me. Good luck new ponies."

After I heard those words I was scared senseless. I didn't know there was an entrance exam...
What kind of test could it be? What if my magic isn't good enough? Those were fearful questions I had in my head inside the line of the entrance exam. When it was my turn, I was scared senseless. Inside the room were four executor ponies. They all had an annoyed look and a serious expression.


"Ms. Sparkles, you may now begin with the test", the main tester explains.

Instantly, a pony pushed a cart out. There laid a violet egg with essence of green. I stared towards the eggs with disbelief and attempted to hatch it. I was struggling, my horn was only giving out sparks. The tester looked towards me with an agitated look. I was frightened so I focused all my magic towards my horn and then suddenly... I felt a great sense of power. Unrelenting power...UNLIMITED POWER! My magic and my powers were beyond my comprehension. I notice during this surge the eggs hatches, but I couldn't perceive anything else, but POWER.

Everything started to turn fade away... I saw nothing put blank darkness and tremendous forces inside my body. I heard screaming and debris explosions around me... but before anything horrible happened, Princess Celestia was able to calm me down. I stared away from the alicorn in embarrassment, but she looked deeply into me.

"You have such an amazing gift. I want you to be my student so we can exercise how to control your magic."

I couldn't believe my ears... Princess Celestia... Princess of the Sun and Equestria... asking me to be her student. I danced around with joy and excitement. The days here is going to be great!