Commander Thorn in Equestria.

by SolidArc5542

Home Again

"I was apprentice to the most powerful being in the galaxy, I was destined to become so much more, but I was robbed from that destiny by The Jedi. By Obi Wan Kenobi."

"Then you must have you're revenge my brother."

"Yes, we shall start with revenge."

Dart Maul, to Savage Opress, after his resurrection.


"I can't believe we're back so soon, and to think it's only seven o'clock." Rarity said while walking towards her boutique.

"Yeah, but what ah can't believe." Applejack said while moving closer towards Rarity. "Is that Twilight requested Sev to stay in the library with her." She whispered.

"I know, but remember, Sev was the one to save The Crystal Empire, so technically he's a hero." Rarity said.

"Maybe, but that fella was covered in blood." Applejack said, a shiver running up her spine.

"That might be so." Rarity said while opening the door to her boutique. "But I still think ponies are getting the wrong point of view of him. Perhaps you could ask Sev to help you at Sweet Apple Acres?" Rarity suggested.

"Well, we could defiantly use tha help, I'll go ask him tomorrow." Applejack said with a smile. "It's the least ah can do after he saved Applebloom."

"And Sweetiebelle and Scootaloo." Rarity added.

"And an Empire full o' Crystal Ponies." Applejack added.

The two of them shared a laugh, and Applejack took her leave.

Rarity smiled and stepped inside her boutique, closing and locking the door behind her.

"Rarity, there you are!" Sweetiebelle said while wrapping her sister in for a hug.

"Hello Sweetiebelle, why aren't you in bed yet?" Rarity asked.

Sweetiebelle smiled. I" made dinner!"

Rarity's eyes widened. "Oh no!" She exclaimed while trotting towards her kitchen.


"You can put you're stuff on the table if you like, there's a spare mattress in the basement, I hope you don't mind." Twilight said.

"Purple, I've slept in dirt, on trees, on the rotting corpses of my fallen enemies." Sev said while sitting down on a chair. "Just a mattress, is a luxury for me."

Twilight hushed him. "Listen, not that I mind you talking about your.. Enemies, but Spike is really tired and a little but shaken up. So if you don't mind, could you keep the volume down?"

"That kid showed me he had guts, I can't say that about a lot of people I've met." Sev said.

"Yeah, but it was you who saved The Crystal Empire." Twilight remarked. "Not Spike, that's why there's an window holding your.. Peculiar image." Twilight said with slight hesitation.

"I told Cadence and your brother I'd butcher Sombra, I always keep my word." Sev said while grabbing his new trophy from his belt.

"That's King Sombras' horn." Twilight said with a gulp. "I saw the window holding your image, did you really do that to him?"

"Yes, he was a threat. Threats are there to be neutralized." Sev replied while looking at his new trophy. "You could see me as his neutralizer."

"Wow, but you saved an Empire nonetheless, but I believe Princess Celestia doesn't quite trust you." Twilight said with a sigh. "I've never seen Princess Celestia as angry as she was to you, but I don't fully understand why."

Sev cocked an eyebrow underneath his helmet. "Isn't it clear?" Sev asked confused. "She's afraid, afraid I might make a mistake."

"From what she's told me, she was very angry at you because you killed somepony, but that somepony would have enslaved an entire Empire." Twilight said while pacing around her living room.

"What are you getting at?" Sev asked.

"All I want to say is: I'm grateful, grateful that you killed Sombra, grateful that you saved not only my brother, but also my friends and sister-in-law." Twilight replied.

"So, you're grateful I removed his head from his spine?" Sev asked.

"In a matter of speech, yes." Twilight replied.

"Aha." Sev said. "You know, maybe I misjudged you Twilight." Sev said.

"Twilight? You called me by my name!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Yes, don't get too fond of it." Sev said.

"This is so cool!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Hey!" Spike shouted from upstairs. "Could you lower the volume?! Some Dragons want to get their much needed sleep!"

"Sorry Spike." Twilight said.

Sev shook his head.

"Sev." Twilight said while moving closer to him. "Ponies might fear you for what you've done, but I know you did what you thought was right." She said while placing a hoof on his leg. "And know that you've earned my respect, and that of my friends. Even if you are a cold-blooded killer."

"Twilight, stop praising me. It's getting annoying ." Sev said while pushing her hoof of his leg.

"W-What are you talking about?" Twilight asked with a hint of nervousness.

"What is the real reason you wanted me to stay here, with you?" Sev asked.

"I-I really don't know what you're talking about." Twilight replied.

"Twilight." Sev said in a threatening tone.

Twilight sighed and lowered her head. "How'd you find out I was lying?"

Sev shrugged. "I was kriffing with you. Didn't really expect you to take me that serious."

Twilight sighed again.

"But why did you lie?" Sev asked while getting of his chair.

"Princess Celestia told me to... Keep an eye on you, because she doesn't trust you." Twilight admitted. "She's afraid you might hurt somepony."

"So, the Princess is having her own people spy on me? Hmpf, what a coward." Sev said.

"Princess Celestia is not a coward, that I can assure you." Twilight said.

"Then why does she not trust me? Is it because I killed Sombra? Is it because of what her sister told her?" Sev asked, annoyance clearly present in his voice.

"I don't know, just don't tell her, I promised to keep it a secret." Twilight begged.

Sev sighed. "I won't tell her, but I won't forgive you either Purple." Sev said while walking towards the basement's entrance.

Twilight looked at him with a saddened expression. Was he really that bad? Sure he had some anger-- well, major anger issues. But he did save the day. He did save en empire.

Sev opened the door to the basement and walked downstairs. Finally reaching the basement, he took a quick look of his surroundings. On the ground was a mattress, it had pillows and everything. The was a small window that could be opened, there were some small bookshelfs and what appeared to be some sort of tubes.

Sev sighed and laid down on the mattress, feeling the soft fabric made him feel a little bit better. He removed his helmet and put it beside the mattress.

'So, let's review my current situation.' Sev thought while looking at the ceiling. 'I've got a ruler from this planet that doesn't like me, her own student has been ordered to spy on me, an entire Empire fears me. Yep, that about sums it up.'

Sev gave a relieving sigh and grabbed his new trophy from his belt.

'At least I killed an inhabitant of this planet, no matter what planet I am on, I at least kill one inhabitant... That Wookie on Kashyyyk was an accident, but it still counts.' Sev thought while placing his trophy beside his helmet.'And that Duros kept asking for it. Told him a Thousand times I didn't want to buy any death sticks, but he just had to keep asking.'

Hoofsteps could be heard, it was probably Twilight, going to bed or something.

Suddenly, the basement door opened, the dim light shining through the doorway.

"Sev." Twilight said from upstairs. "I don't know if you're asleep or awake, if you want to talk or not." Twilight said with a regretfull sigh. "But, I'm sorry I lied to you, I shouldn't have done that, especially since you saved my brother and everypony else. All I want to say is: I'm so, so sorry, about everything. I hope you can forgive me."

With that said, Twilight closed the door and walked upstairs, thinking about nothing but Sev.

Sev listened carefully, hearing the hoofsteps of Twilight getting softer and softer. Sev put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes.

'I don't know if she was telling the truth, or that this was another one of her lies.' Sev thought. 'But either way, forgiveness is not something you just get. You have to earn it.'

Sev rolled on his side, his back facing the many bookshelfs. He relaxed and drifted of into the land of dreams.


"Thorn, I'm so glad you're not hurt." Fluttershy said, handing him a blanket and a pillow.

"Fluttershy." Thorn said while taking the blanket and pillow from her. "That's the fifth time you've said that to me." He said while putting the blanket and pillow on her couch.

"I know." Fluttershy said with a gently smile. "It's just that.. I wouldn't know what to do, if you hadn't come back." Fluttershy admitted.

"And why is that?" Thorn asked while removing his helmet.

"Because we're friends, I care about you.. And Sev." Fluttershy replied.

"You do?" Thorn asked surprised.

"More than you realize." Fluttershy replied, a faint shade of pink appearing on her muzzle.

"Fluttershy, are you blushing?" Thorn asked jokingly.

"N-No!" Fluttershy quickly replied, her blush deepening.

Thorn laughed. "Daww, Fluttershy it's nice of you to say that. In the war, we Clones had our brothers to look after, they were the ones who were glad we were still alive."

Fluttershy lowered her head. "I'm not one of your brothers, does that mean you don't like me?" Fluttershy asked with a hint of sadness.

Thorn got on one knee and cupped her head with his hand. "Fluttershy, for the last couple of days you have been nothing but nice to me." Thorn said with a smile. "Of course I like you."

Fluttershy smiled and wrapped her hooves around his torso, Thorn smiled and returned the hug.

"Thanks Thorn, you're really sweet and caring." Fluttershy said.

"Hey, I learned from the best. I learned from you." Thorn said while breaking the hug.

"Really?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes, in my entire lif, I have never met such a sweet, caring woman like you." Thorn replied.

Fluttershy could explode from happiness, never had she been given such a compliment, especially from a stallion. Is this why she felt so strange around Thorn all the time? Could it be because he saved her from that Manticore? Or could it be because of what he just told her?

"Fluttershy." Thorn said while getting up

"Yes?" Fluttershy asked.

"Don't change, stay who you are." Thorn said while walking towards the couch.

"I will." Fluttershy said, the memories of her and Sev's meeting coming back to her.

"You're a sweet girl, don't let anyone tell you differently." Thorn said in honesty.

Fluttershy nodded and turned around.

"Goodnight Thorn." She said while walking towards the stairs that led to the upper level of her cottage.

Thorn laid down on the couch.

"Goodnight Fluttershy." He said.

Fluttershy walked upstairs, she took one final glance at Thorn, who had his back turned on her.

"Goodnight my sweet Clone, don't you ever change, you're personality is the thing I like about you. "

And with that said, Fluttershy walked upstairs, she got ready for bed and fell asleep instantly; when he body made contact with the soft fabric of her and mattress.

"Goodnight Sev." Thorn said. "Celestia has a wrong point of view of you, you're a good man, she just has to see it for herself."

And with that said, Thorn closed his eyes and drifted of to sleep, ready to take on the next day.


Meanwhile in a galaxy far, far away...

"You wanted to speak to me Chancellor?" An infamous Clone Commander asked.

"Yes." The grim figure known as Chancellor Palpatine replied. "Please sit down Commander Fox, we have much to discuss."

"Yes, my lord." Fox replied while sitting down in front of The Supreme Chancellor.

"Now, tell me exactly what ARC trooper fifty five fifty five told you." The Chancellor said.

"Yes, my lord." Fox replied.

"Good, like I said, there is much to discuss." Chancellor Palpatine said in a grim voice.