//------------------------------// // Chaper 6: Trouble in Equestria // Story: Transformers: Harmony and Chaos // by zentradiplus //------------------------------// Twilight, Spike and the Autobot team, consisting of Optimus, Ironhide, Bumblebee, and Ratchet begin to walk towards a giant Autobot who has been standing right outside of The Ark, followed by Wheeljack. "OMEGA SUPREME, READY TO RECEIVE NEW ORDERS AND DESTINATION FOR TRAVEL." The giant said. "Omega Supreme," Wheeljack said, "I'm beginning the upload of the coordinates of Equestria to you." Wheeljack inserts a drive into Omega Supreme's circuitry, and data begins pouring into him. "NEW COORDINATES RECEIVED! PREPARING FOR LAUNCH!" "Better board you guys." Wheeljack addressed the team. "And take these with you." Wheeljack hands several wrist mounted communicaters to the Autobots, and a number of headsets with microphones. At total of six of them, to Twilight. "These will allow you to keep in touch with each other if you get separated while you're off world." "Excellent thinking Wheeljack." Optimus said approvingly. "I have a feeling we might need it." Suddenly a bright flash of light appears before the Autobots. It was Discord. "Leaving so soon my friends?" He asked mockingly. "DISCORD!" Twilight yelled. "What are you doing here?" "Oh, you wound me Twilight Sparkle. And after I came all this way to send you off on your trip home." Discord mocked. "State your true intentions Discord." Optimus demanded. "You WOULD like to know wouldn't you, Mon-Capi-tan?" He addressed to Prime. "Let's just say, Equestria, won't be the same when you get back home Twilight." Discord said in an onimious tone. "What did you do?" Twilight demanded. "I didn't do anything this time around. Draconequus' Honor." Discord said with a halo appearing above his head. "I do not believe you." Optimus retorted. "No, honestly, I didn't do anything at all this time around to our precious homeworld Twilight. But like I said, you will find some twists and turns when you reach your destination. Ponyville, Canterlot, the entire world, will not be as you remember it. Your homecoming may not be as sweet as you wish it. So until then...... Tootles!" Discord said, as he disappears in another flash of light. "I don't know what that was all about, but I don't like it." Twilight Sparkle said. "What did he mean by that?" Spike asked her. "Frankly, right now, all I care about is getting the Elements. Discord knew we were heading back to Equestria to find the only tools to stop him, yet he's letting us go. He always finds sport in victims that struggle back." she said to the bots. "We have no time to waste." Ratchet said, while Omega Supreme begins transforming into his rocket mode. "ALL AUTOBOTS, AND OUR EQUESTRIAN GUESTS PLEASE BOARD!" Omega said in his booming voice. "Autobots, prepare for launch." Optimus said as the group prepares to take off. "Good luck out there guys." Wheeljack said, as he returns to The Ark. Omega Supreme ignites his engines, and he flies off into space. The trip itself was rather uneventful. Althought Twilight Sparkle still found it fascinating. She saw the stars, shooting comets, astroids, meters, nebulas and other types of space anomalies. She had Spike jot down everything she saw as Ratchet explained what each of the anomalies were. Finally they reach the edge of the Galaxy, and see how it looked from the outside. Twilight was breathless as she watched the swirling arms of the Milky Way slowly disappear from sight. Several hours later, she sees Andromeda, in all her glory and beauty. Similar to the Milky Way, it had spiral arms, and a bright center. Omega Supreme then finally enters the spiral galaxy, and they see several similar objects such as star, and planet clusters, comets, and asteroids. "OMEGA SUPREME DETECTING STRONG GRAVITATIONAL PULL!" Nearby was a black hole. "Let's just steer clear of that bit alright Omega?" Ratchet said nerviously. "UNDERSTOOD!" Omega replied. Optimus and Twilight peer out one of the windows, and sees a blue marble orbiting a star. "Finally," Twilight said, "There it is, HOME!" "Omega Supreme, prepare to enter the atmosphere, and commence landing sequence." Optimus ordered. "ORDERS RECIEVED! COMPLYING OPTIMUS PRIME!" Omega begins his descent through the atmosphere of Equestria, as the heat levels rise. Omega then finally reaches a good distance into the planet, and begins his landing sequence in an area that appears to be near a forest. "Land over there. Right by that town." Twilight pointed to what appears to be a settlement. "That's Ponyville, my home." Twilight also notices something strange. "By my calculations of the time of day, it's supposed to be noon. Why is it still night?" She asked herself. "OMEGA SUPREME REPORTING! LANDING SEQUENCE SUCCESSFUL! WE HAVE TOUCHED DOWN!" Letting the area around them cool down first. The hatch finally opens, and the team exits Omega. "Omega Supreme," Optimus said to the rocket. "Please remain here until we return." "UNDERSTOOD OPTIMUS PRIME!" The giant said back. "We're a couple of miles from Ponyville, so we'll have to go on foot from here." Twilight explained. "Hey why go on foot, when you can drive?" Bumblebee said as he transforms. All the Autobots then transform. Twilight hops into Optimus. Bumblebee has Spike riding in him. "I'll direct the way. Everypony, follow Optimus." She said, as the bots roll off. After some time, they finally reach Ponyville. Twilight feels like that something isn't right, as she exits Optimus. "I think you guys better wait right here for now. I'm not sure how the others my react if they see you right away." "Understood." Optimus said in compliance. "Spike, let's go." She called, as the little dragon hops on her back. As Twilight and Spike travel through the town, everything seems out of place. "Where is everypony? And why is is still night?" She said, as all Spike would do is shrug. Suddenly a blue blurr flies across an area right in front of her. "Rainbow Dash!" Twilight called to her friend. "Huh? What? NO WAY! Twilight, that you?" Rainbow reacted, as she lands on the ground. From behind a building, Pinkie Pie bounces up. "TWILIGHT! YOU'RE BACK! OH YES! NOW I NEED TO THROW YOU A WELCOME HOME PARTY!" Pinkie bounced around in her usual cheerful tone. "No time for that right now sugarcube." Applejack said as she also comes out from another building. "Girls!" Twilight called out to her friends. "What happened? Where is everypony? Why is it still dark?" "HALT!" A voice said from behind Twilight. The figure comes closer, it was Princess Cadence, behind her were Fluttershy, Rarity, and her brother Shining Armor. "What's going on?" Twilight asked, as Spike dismounts from her back. "How do I know you're the real Twilight Sparkle?" Cadence asks. "What do you mean? What's happened?" Twilight now more confused than ever. "How do I know you're not a changeling?" the pink alicorn asks. "Changeling?! I assure you, I'm not, tell her Spike." "And how do we know that this is the real Spike?" Shining Armor added. "Fine I'll prove it!" Twilight said. "SUNSHINE SUNSHINE LADY BUGS AWAKE!" Twilight began to sing. "CLAP YOUR HOOVES AND GIVE YOURSELF A SHAKE!" Cadence finished. "Twilight! It really IS YOU!" Cadence happily said as she hugs the unicorn. "TWILIGHT!" her five friends call out in unison as they all run up and give her a hug. They also turn their attention to Spike, and embrace him as well. "Twilie, I'm so glad you're back." Shining Armor said while patting her on the head. "Can somepony finally tell me what's going on around here?" Twilight now clearly annoyed shouted. "Oh it was simply dreadful." Rarity said. "And scary." Fluttershy added. "Well ya see Twi, right after y'alls left," Applejack started to explain, "like only after a few hours, thems changelin' varmints attacked. They flew straight into Canterlot, and started blown' stuff up left n' right." "Yeah," Pinkie added, "I knew something wasn't right when my Pinkie Sense started kicking in." "And I should have taken it more seriously." Rainbow Dash said feeling guilty. "Twilie, what happened next was unthinkable. Queen Chrysalis had returned. She must have gotten wind of you leaving Equestria, and without your contribution to the Elements of Harmony, there would have been no opposition to stop her. She defeated both Celestia and Luna, and now wields their power. That explains why the sun hasn't shined since the day you left. When Celestia fell, it became eternal night." Shining Armor explained to Twilight. Twilight could only stare and listen in shock. "I'm currently the acting Princess" Cadence said, "and I'm doing whatever I can to take back Canterlot. Right now, we have guards protecting pretty much our last stronghold, the town of Ponyville. Whenever the changeling swarm attacks, we erect a force field around the town to protect ourselves. It's been working so far, but each attack has been more aggressive. I fear we won't be able to hold out for long. All of the unicorns are exausted. I fear the next attack, our shield will fail." "And that's not the worse of it." Rarity added. "The changelings have been capturing and kidnapping ponies, and taking them back to Canterlot for reasons unknown." Applejack began to form tears around her eyes. "Yeah, just yesterday, both Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom were taken." She sobbed. "An' there was nothin' Ah could do about it." "Oh no, I'm so sorry Applejack." Twilight tried to comfort her friend. "I'm so sorry everypony... This, this is all my fault. If I hadn't left, then the Elements of Harmony could have prevented this before it even happened." "Hey, stop that egghead!" Rainbow retorted. "This isn't your fault." "That's right sugarcube!" Applejack added. "Nopony's blamin' ya for any of this." "I'm just super-duper-excited-happy that you're back Twilight!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "I umm, I'm just grateful nothing bad happened to you." Fluttershy added. "We're all glad you're in one piece deary." Rarity said. "This situation has put us in an even more jam than before girls. I hate to add salt to the wound, but there's another reason why I came back early. And believe me, you're not gonna like what I'm about to tell you....." Some Time Later...... "YOU'RE KIDDING ME?!" Rainbow Dash said in disbelief. "He's back??" Fluttershy said in horror. "Fraid so girls." Spike answered. "Great, as if this situation can't get any worse." Shining Armor added. All Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity could do was listen with their jaws agape, not knowing what to say. "So not only do we have to deal with the bug queen, but Discord too?" Rainbow said while irritated. "NOT....Cool....." "Well don't worry girls, I brought some help from off world." "Ya mean ya brought some aliens with ya?" Applejack asked. "You could say that." Spike said with a small smirk. Twilight reaches into her bag, and pulls out her headset. "I've never seen an accessory like that before Twilight. Is that some alien fashion?" Rarity asked. "Not exactly..." Twilight answered. She speaks into the mike. "Guys, you can come in now." Twilight spoke. "Understood" a stern voice said on the other side. Before any of the ponies could react, four large vehicles rolled into the middle of Ponyville. The Mane 6, Spike, Cadence, Shining Armor, and all the guards and civilians take a step back as they move in and stop in a row. "Whoa, giant carriages that move on their own without anypony pulling them?" Pinkie Pie asked. "It's more than that Pinkie. OK guys, show them who you really are." Twilight said. To the astonishment of all the ponies, the four vehicles seem to fall apart, then move their pieces around like a puzzle. Before they knew it, they were now giant bi-pedal metal humanoid beings. All the ponies present gasp. Pinkie Pie's eyes light up with excitement, while Fluttershy dives behind Applejack in terror. Rainbow Dash flies up to Optimus and eyes him. "Wow, you look really cool!" She says as she flies back to the rest of the ponies. "Greetings, my name is Optimus Prime. We are Autonomous Robotic Lifeforms from the planet Cybertron, or Autobots. Though we currently reside on the planet Earth." Optimus said addressing the ponies. "And this is the rest of my squad. Bumblebee, Ironhide, and Ratchet." He points to each Autobot as he introduces them. "We have come on a mission to find a means to stop Discord from ravaging Planet Earth, and I was told by your friend Twilight Sparkle, that the only hope may be the Elements of Harmony you possess." "Why yes, we do possess them. I am Princess Cadence, acting ruler of Equestria." Cadence introduces herself. "And this is my husband, Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal Guard." Shining Armor gives a respectul bow. "And these are the Element holders, though you already have met Twilight." "I'm Applejack." "I'm Pinkie Pie!" "I...I...I'm.......Fluttershy." "Rarity, it's a pleasure." "And call me Rainbow Dash." "Yes, Twilight has spoken very highly of you all. It is an honor to meet you. Although I was told that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are the rulers of this world. May I ask where they are?" "It's a long story Optimus Prime." Cadence answers. Some time later after some explainations from both parties regarding both worlds....... "I see." Optimus says as Cadence finishes her story. "This certainly complicates things indeed." "Ah just can't believe that varmint Discord got loose again." Applejack said in a huff. "The chaotic energy released when Chrysalis first invaded was what caused the seal to be broken." Twilight explained to the rest of the ponies. "We need to get the Elements more than ever. To save both worlds." "Well, with your castle taken over, how will we do that exactly?" Bumblebee asked. "I say we storm the place Prime." Ironhide said as he cracks his knuckles. "All in due time Ironhide." Optimus replied. "Well now that Twilight's back. Miss Meanie Pants is finally gonna get it!" Pinkie said while taking a boxing stance. All Fluttershy would do is hide behind Rarity. Optimus slowly approaches Fluttershy, as she begins to shiver even more. "Hello little one. Fluttershy is it? I know we may seem large, and intimidating, but rest assured that my Autobots and I will do whatever we can to safeguard your life. We are defenders of the peace, and protectors of the innocent. We promise that no harm will come to you. I swear it upon my spark." Optimus says as he gently pets her on the head. Fluttershy, hearing his sincerity, and moved by his words, finally warms up to the Autobots. She grabs Optimus' index finger and hugs it. "For a big scary monster, you're really nice." She said as she finally put her fear past her. "So what are we going to do about our current predicament Prime?" Ratchet asked. "Whatever we can. We will liberate this world from it's tyranny, and restore freedom to it's inhabitants. It is the duty of an Autobot to uphold justice." Prime replied. The Autobots raise their fists in agreement. "We go to Castle Canterlot. And we will restore the rightful Princesses to their thrones. Ratchet, I need you to stay here in Ponyville and help Shining Armor defend the town and civilians. Also see to it if any of the ponies need medical attention. The rest of you, roll out!" "Understood Prime. I won't let you down." Ratchet saluted. "I cannot thank you enough for all of your help." Cadence said to Optimus as he transforms. "With the Autobots here, and Twilight's return, we can finally take to the offensive." The rest of the Autobots transform, as Applejack and Rarity hop into Ironhide, and Pinkie and Fluttershy hop into Bumblebee, while Twilight hops into Optimus. "We will retrieve the Elements of Harmony Princess Cadence. Your world will be liberated." Optimus calls back to the acting princess as he begins to drive off. "I'll lead the way!" Rainbow said as she flies up to take point. The group start heading towards Canterlot. Meanwhile in Canterlot...... "My liege" a changeling walks up to Chrysalis as she sits on the throne. "It appears that the Element of Magic has returned. And she's brought some off-world help." "Is that so?" The Queen bellowed. "She can bring all the aliens she wants, but they are no match for my swarm, or my abilites. With all the love energy I have recently taken, I am invincible. Not even Discord could stop me if he tried!" she bragged on. "I am already more powerful than both Celestia and Luna combined. there is nopony that can stand in my way."