The sun will rise Tomorow

by Cauchemar

This is the only chapter

For Twilight Sparkle it's been a quiet decade. It just seems that after the friendship castle appeared not alot happened. Oh sue she traveled a bit and made a few friends but really The only surprises came from her friends. Fluttershy started staying over with Zecora after the zebra had tripped and needed Help getting around her home and The forest, Flutters Never got around to moving out. The animals didn't seem to mind. Neither did Zecora.

Pinkie ended up getting married to a certain pie loving pegasus. She was the first Pony without wings to live in cloudsdale. Dashie ended up moving in with them after she forgot where she left her house (Something that happened from time to time with pegasi).

Rarity and applejack had managed to make a joint business selling camping Gear and food supplies (so long as you dont mind frills on your pillow and all of your meals being apple based). All of the girls were happy with their busy lives and Twilight was happy to see them succeed. But if she were honest with herself she'd have to admit she was a bit lonely (spike having left for The dragon kingdom of smaug after outgrowing ponyville). All alone in her Treehouse (The crystal castle disappearing some years ago and being replaced with an exact copy of her old home). Sometimes one of he friends would stop by or send her a letter, but those times were becoming far less frequent and when they did happen they were far shorter then the one before.

Well at least she still got letters form Celestia. As if the thought of her had summoned it a letter appeared on the coffee table in a flash of light.

My dear Former student Twilight

There is something I need to speak with you about in person. Meet me in my room Please. hurry Twilight This is very important and come alone.


Well that was odd. Usually Princess Celestia's letters were much longer. It must be very important that she speak to twilight, Luckily Twilight had gotten over (most) of her panic problems years ago so she didn't fly off the handle (again). Setting the letter down and gathering her magic Twilight disappeared in a flash of light.

Only to reappear at the Castle gates seconds later. With a quick glance around She confirmed that she had landed at the north gate, near the Gardens. Quickly she made for inside as the dusk air was chilly. Oddly no guards stopped her. In fact she hadn't seen hide nor hair of anypony at all.

After a walk though the deserted castle Twilight finally made it to princess Celectia's room. Looking inside at first she didn't see anything out of the ordinary the big bed was messy (as usual for the princess) and there was a fire crackling merrily in the fireplace. It wasn't until she went to sit in one of the chairs to wait for the Princess that she noticed one of the chairs already had a pony sitting in it.

She was old, older even then granny smith (if such a thing was possible) a whitish color and wrapped almost head to hoof in a large comforter with whisps of a faded pink mane poking out from under it (that Twilight idly noticed had come from the bed) The little bit of her that could be seen was covered in worry wrinkles and laugh lines. Deciding to get this out of the way Twilight began to address the old Mare. " Excuse me ma'am? this is princess Celestia's room. For a while the Mare didn't speak and Twilight was beginning to worry she was hard of hearing. Don't wory Twilight I can assure you Your princess has no problem with me being here, but come sit with me.

Not the response Twilight was expecting but she decided to humor the old mare and took a seat. "So you know the princess?" Again the mare paused for a long while. I don't think there's anyone who knows her better. Feeling a little annoyed at the old mare Twilight asked her next question. I think I know her pretty well. Say I dont think I caught your name miss?

For once the Mare didn't even pause before speaking. Excuse me Twilight, you know a few things about magic correct? could you tell me what are the two constants? I have trouble remembering.

Annoyed at the blatant avoidance of answering but not able to resist her brainiac nature Twilight answered her. The first rule is that unless using dark magic a ponies magical aura doesn't change color. The second is Magic can extend life but only to a point.

The Mare sat quietly for a few minutes before next she spoke. and these rules are absolute?

Now Twilight was many things but stupid isn't one of them, She had a feeling she wasn't going to like the end of this conversation. Yes. These rules are absolute. No exceptions. For some reason as soon as she said those words Twilight wanted to take them back.
Looking at the old mare again twilight saw many things in her face sadness, pride, happiness, and a bone deep weariness. And that my little pony is the one law everypony glosses over. There truly are no exceptions.

Slowly and with visible effort she stood and shook off the comforter revealing her wings and horn to a horrified Twilight, but before she could do anything the ancient princess started towards the door. Walk with me Twilight.
Like the faithful student she was Twilight followed, she followed through hallways and down steps for many a minute, until they arrived at the Window history room. Princess? I don't understand why are we here?

Without a word Celestia just motioned Towards the windows. So Twilight looked, and for the first time she saw. She was how Celestia in the first window raised the sun with her orange magic, while in the second she fought Nightmare Moon with her white magic, and even one of her at a peace treaty holding a quill with her light blue magic. A sick feeling developed in her gut as she tuned away from the hidden history she didn't want to see. Princess I don't think I understand.

That was the first outright lie Twilight had ever told to Celestia. Neither of them believed it. But Celestia spoke anyway and tore down Twilights last hope that she was wrong. My dear sweet little twilight, you've already said it. No one pony can have more then one magic, nor can they live forever. It's my time Twilight. She didn't want to believe it but they were literally sitting in a room full of proof. why? why tell me now? why like this?! As she looked at her mentor she watched another emotion join the swirling storm in her eyes.


Because the sun has to rise tomorrow.

Those words hung heavy in the air. before the princess continued on I've seen you twilight. at your best, and at your worst. you have done great things and with great friends. I wish that you could go on as you have been. With adventures and friendship and happiness.

As twilight listened to this she grew horrified hearing how spells had been placed on her friends and family to slowly drive her to the back of their minds. Slowly that horror turned to sadness as Celestia told her more and more, of arranging for her friends and family to always be taken care of, of making spells that would make it so none of them ever truly forgot twilight, and of the many sleepless nights spent looking for anypony (ANYPONY) as worthy as twilight for the role she was needed for.

What do I have to do princess?

Celestia's pride was only matched by her sorrow as she touched her horn to twilights as golden magic covered them both.

As it covered her Twilight saw it all. From the first tribes of pony all the way to this moment, years and years of magical breakthroughs and wars and peace and politics all whirled together until it was a jumbled mess. But no matter all the changed one thing was always the same, There was always a little Filly with bright adoring eyes, there was always the love and pride, and thee was always the goodbye.
Goodbye Twilight. Thank you.

Just like that one.

After a few seconds of standing there giving her magic time to settle she opened her eyes to look at the body of her former mentor. Her horn had disappeared and her coat had taken on a tan color. She looked peaceful. Picking the pony once known as Treesong up in her magic The now white alicorn headed towards the graveyard only her and one other pony knew off. She'd have to hurry with the digging. It would sunrise soon.