//------------------------------// // Days of the Rainbooms. (Part 2 of 2) // Story: The Rainboom Thieves // by KingJoltik //------------------------------// Applejack approached her family's farm. She hadn't been there in almost two years. She slowly approached the farm with a ton of hesitation. She felt a lump in her throat as she knocked on the door. “Coming!” said a filly's voice. The door opened, it was Applebloom. She saw Applejack and just stood there. “Hey Applebloom.” “Um....hi sis...” “Ah... I'm back. Can ah come in?” “....” “Applebloom?” “....okay.” Applejack walked in and immediately saw Granny Smith in her rocking chair. “Well well well, hello Applejack.” “Hey Granny. Ah bet ya want an explanation...” “No.” “No?” “Sit down Applejack.” Applejack then sat down on the couch in the house. Applejack could barely speak. “Applejack, do you know what you are?” asked Granny Smith sharply. “Um...I'm Applejack.” “Exactly. But to us, we're family. Now, do you remember what I told you long ago what I hate the most?” “Yeah, yah hate lying more than anything.” “That's right Applejack, now, you've been sending us money for a while now. So I want you to be completely honest with me.” “Okay.” “Are you doing whatever you are doing for us? For the farm?” “Yes. That's what I've been trying to do this whole time.” Granny Smith stared long and hard at Applejack. Applejack never flinched. “Okay.” “Is that all?” Granny Smith opened her arms. Applejack, while tears went down her eyes, went up to Granny Smith and hugged her. “It's good to have ya back.” “It's good to be back Granny.” “So, how long ya staying?” “About three months, at least ah think so...” Meanwhile at Fluttershy's house... Fluttershy sat by the bed Rainbow was sleeping on. She kept looking at Rainbow Dash, who just laid there quietly. Rainbow's eyes slowly opened. “Fluttershy?” “Ah, you're awake. Just stay there Rainbow, you need your rest.” “....I know.” “Good.” said Fluttershy as she examined Rainbow. “You're already recovering well, in about a week you should be good to fly again.” “Good...Thank you Fluttershy.” “No problem. You're my friend Rainbow.” “Can I ask you something Fluttershy?” “Hmm?” “Why did you join the Rainbooms?” “Why do you ask?” “Cuz you're not the thieving type. At all.” Fluttershy giggled and then responded. “I joined to help Twilight.” “To help Twilight?” “Yes, when I first met Twilight, she hadn't started the Rainbooms yet.” “Really? When I met her she seemed like she had it all in her head.” “Oh, once she started she did, but it took a bit for her to get there.” “I see. I just hope we keep being the Rainbooms.” “.....me too.” Meanwhile at a certain Rock Farm... KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! A certain pink hoof slammed several times at a house's door. “Hello?” asked the stallion that came to the door and opened it. “Hi Dad!” said Pinkie with a huge smile on her face. “Pinkamena?” said her father Igneous Rock. Pinkie immediately hugged her father and then asked, “Can I come in?” “Of course.” Pinkie then hopped into the house where her mother then came into the room. “Pinkamena? Is that you?” “Hi mom!” she said as she hugged her as well. “It's good to see you.” “It's great to see you all as well!” “So, uh, what are you doing here?” Pinkie immediately gasped, went back a few feet and then replied, “You mean I can't visit my family?” “Of course ya can.” replied Igneous with a sharp tone. “Well, I'm just here for a little while. I thought it would be great to see you all again.” “Of course, you're always welcome here, my daughter.” Her mother, Cloudy Quartz approached her and asked, “So Pinkie, how long will you be here? “Um...I have no idea.” “Oh..um, have ya finally found ya a stallion?” asked her mother winking. “Nope!” Pinkie said with a straight face. “Oh.....okay.” Meanwhile, at Rarity's Boutique.... “YAY! Rarity's home! Rarity's home!” yelled Sweetie Belle. “Yes, I'm home darling.” “So how was yer trip Rarity?” asked her father. “Oh it was splendid! Though I will admit I'm not done though.” “You mean you're going to leave again?” said Sweetie Belle with a sad face. “Yes, I'm sorry Sweetie but I'll be leaving again in about three months.” “Awww....” “Don't cry, I'll be here with till then, alright?” “We're glad to see you again Rarity.” said her mother. “I am as well. I have learned a lot while I have been gone but I know I am far from being done. Though I will return at some point and open the boutique once more.” “Take your time Rarity. I can tell you've changed while you've been gone and for the better.” “Thank you.” Three months later.... The five had then returned to the hideout in Manehatten. All five arrived at the same time and went into the hideout. There they saw Twilight just sitting at the meeting table. On the table was map after map along with several disguise rings. “Hello girls. Good to see you again.” “HI TWILIGHT!” yelled Pinkie Pie. “Good to see ya again pardner.” said Applejack. “Hello again darling.” greeted Rarity. “Hello Twilight.” said Fluttershy. “Yo Twilight, I know that look, you got something good for us don't cha?” asked Rainbow. “Indeed I do Rainbow.” said Twilight as the five sat down to the table. “Now before I start I have two different heist plans, each with different targets and outcomes. One of them is the craziest plan I have ever thought up but it is possible to do it. The other is not as crazy but just as possible to accomplish.” “Do you have to ask Twilight?” said Rainbow. “What's the crazy plan?” “Do you really want to know?” The five looked at each other and looked back at Twilight sternly. “Okay...” said Twilight. “The plan will have us stealing from the bosses of the Fire Mafia and the Leaf Mafia, at the same time.”