//------------------------------// // Intermission - How Pinkie Pie joined the Rainboom Thieves. // Story: The Rainboom Thieves // by KingJoltik //------------------------------// Many years ago... Pinkie Pie was out working in the rock farm. She just kept breaking rocks and moving rocks around while showing no emotion at all. One day, her father called her back to the house. “Pinkamena.” “Yes dad?” “Me and your mother have been talking and we’ve come to a conclusion.” “Conclusion?” “Yes, we think you aren’t cut out for the rock farm.” “Huh?” “Dear, we think that if your talent was rocks, then you would have already got your cutie mark in it.” said her mother. “Well...that is true...” “However Pinkamena. What you do next is your decision.” “Well...um...what do you think I should do?” “I would try and go out to find what your talent really is, but that is your decision.” “...” Pinkie sat there for a moment and then spoke up, “Then...I’m going to find my talent dad.” Her father smiled and then said, “Alright, leave when you want too, we’ll back you up as much as possible.” Pinkie hugged her parents, “Thanks dad.” The next few days Pinkie got ready for her journey and left the rock farm. She journeyed from town to town, city to city. However, she still couldn’t find her destiny. Then she walked down Manehatten. There a party was happening. She didn’t know who it was for or even why it was happening. She walked in and sat in a chair. She sat there for several minutes until a stallion walked up to him. “Hi there!” he said in a joyful tone. “Um...hello.” she said meekly. “Why ya just sitting there?” “Um...I don’t know.” “Well that’s no good. You need to get up and party!” “Um...” “No ums!” “But...” “No buts either. Do you know what this is?” “Uh...a party?” “That’s right! A party! It’s where everypony is happy! There is no ‘buts’ or ‘um’ here. There’s no sitting either! You get up and have fun! Here fun is everything!” As the stallion told her this, she looked around and saw the ponies in the party. They were all so happy, just having a good time with a smile on every face. At that moment a smile slowly grew on her face. “Who are you?” she asked. “I’m the planner of this party, Cheese Sandwich!” At that moment, Pinkie got up and started dancing and having fun. At that moment, her cutie mark appeared that became three balloons. At that moment, Pinkie became a party pony. After the party she began traveling place to place, starting parties. Several years later... Pinkie was in a slump, she had just come to Baltimare and was rejected as a party planner for a Baltimare filly. She had gone the last three towns with no success or no birthdays. She walked around Baltimare with several bags on her back. “Sigh...no pony wants a party pony here either, huh?” she said to herself. “Now what do I do?” She pulled out her map and looked it over. “Well...if I go north...no, I just did a party there two months ago...maybe east? Then again...augh!” She then started beating herself on the head. “Stupid Pinkie! Remember! It doesn’t matter where you go as long you can get a party started!” she said to herself. She then looked around and realized that she now lost in Baltimare. She then looked around for the nearest pony and saw a purple unicorn. “Maybe she can help.” Pinkie ran up to her and asked, “Hello! Can you help me?” “Hmm?” “Hi! I’m looking for the train station here in Baltimare, do you know where it is?” “The train station? It’s over there.” The unicorn said as she pointed her hoof. “Thanks! What’s your name?” “Twilight Sparkle, what is yours?” “I’m Pinkie Pie!” “So, um, if I may ask...” asked Twilight. “You may!” “Um, right, why are you leaving Baltimare?” “Oh, well, no pony wants a party here so I’m leaving.” “A party?” “Yeah! A party! You know, where everypony is happy and having fun!” “Oh well, I believe you are in the wrong place Miss Pie. Baltimare is nothing but stuck up nobles and rich snobs.” “Yeah...I kinda noticed that.” “Are you in a hurry Miss Pie?” “Call me Pinkie, and no, I’m not. Wait, you wouldn’t happen to know where I can do a party around here would you?” “Well...no, but you look like a pony who needs someone to talk too.” “Well...I won’t deny it...” “Let’s go sit down somewhere.” Twilight and Pinkie went to the local park and sat down on a bench. “Alright Pinkie, what exactly is your occupation?” “I’m a party planner! I go all over Equestira to make everypony happy with parties.” she said with a smile. But then Twilight noticed something. “I see, well...Pinkie, why are you hesitating when telling me this?” “Hesitating?” “I’m quite good at observing ponies and what they truly feel, looking at you, I can tell you don’t know what to do right now.” “Well...I have had a few failures recently.” “I see...but you still want to keep doing parties don’t you?” “Of course!” “Tell me Pinkie, do you make your own party stuff?” “Oh yeah! I make streamers, confetti, balloons, and even fireworks!” “Fireworks, huh?” “Oh yeah! I’m a party making machine!” “Hmmm...I see.” “What’s up?” “Well Pinkie, I could use a pony like you...” “Hmmm?” “Tell you what, take this card, its shows a meeting place and time to meet there.” “A meeting?” “If you can't accomplish what you're trying to do right now, just try something else. Sometimes a pony just needs to see a different perspective.” “What do you mean?” “It means I need your help Pinkie, but you don’t have to take my offer. It’s your decision Pinkie.” At that moment, Pinkie remembered her father saying the same thing. Pinkie looked at Twilight for a second. Pinkie knew what was in front of her. Pinkie knew the pony in front of her was asking for help and Pinkie could only say one thing. “Okay Twilight. I’ll be glad to help you!”