//------------------------------// // Silver the Mastermind // Story: Quicksilver // by PredictableOffender //------------------------------// You make a mental note to never go on a Road Trip with Mac and Caramel, you had spent all of five minutes in the car and they are already asking more questions than you can handle. That may just be the situation you are in, but they are still annoying. “So you are telling me that ya plan to kill Tirek?” Caramel says shocked. “I doubt Rares and her friends would like it if I did something like that, I was thinking of beating him until he cries uncle and trading in a reward for a pardon.” “Right. Now do you expect to get pardoned for your actions?” “Not really but its worth a shot.” you nearly have a heart attack when you notice that during the conversation you had driven right up to a police road block. You drive up to it and try to play it cool. You stop the car at the road block and wait for the officer to walk up, You roll down your window in anticipation but no one comes. You sit for a few more moments and nothing happens. “There is no magic in the immediate area” Sombra says out of the blue. “You still haven’t explained the talking sword.” “Shut up Caramel, Sombra is there anything else.” everyone goes tense for some reason. “I can detect an extremely powerful magic scoure up ahead, I have never seen such powerful magic. I am honestly fearing for my life.” “Alright pedal to the metal!” with that you floor it. ~~~ After some driving life seems to return to the town, at least according to Sombra. You take the car and park it in the parking Garage downtown. With Sombra’s direction you arrive at the Library, you realize something. “Are sure you’re not just sensing Twilight?” you ask Sombra. “I have encountered her, Her signature is nowhere near this strong.” In that case you Ready Sombra, and the handgun to Mac (because there is no way you would trust Caramel with a gun) and calmy knock on the door. “Twilight! It’s me Silver, you know Rarity’s boyfriend who is supposed to be in jail right now!” You get no answer so you decide to quickly pick the lock and open the front door. You walk into the library for the first time. You take a few steps inside and you notice Mac and Caramel coming in after you, Caramel spouts some nonsense that you don’t pay attention to. Before you could tell Caramel to shut up the door behind you slams, and hear Sombra warn you about what you are approaching. The library is in a state of disarray there are piles of books everywhere with charts and maps litters about the area. You see Caramel run ahead of you and up the staircase that you assume leads to Residential part of the building. Caramel looks back to you and says. “Silver, I’ll talk to Twilight.... I’ll tell her about the things you saw.” “Right!” You say as you wander over to the piles of books she assembled, most of them are on ancient magic and even the titles go over your head. “Sombra you have any idea what most of this means.” “Tirek first came before my time, I know as little as she does.” Sombra pauses. “However I still cannot explain this massive magical energy signature.” You hear Twilight and Caramel begin a bit of a heated conversation in the background. “Eyuuup. Caramel’s neva been too smooth.” Mac says as he picks up one of the complex magic books and begins to read. “You understand that?” “Eyuuupp.” Mac responds. “...hmmm If we can get on Twilight’s side my pardon is guaranteed.” You say as you continue to poke around the area and not finding anything you understand, your knowledge is really limited. Maybe you should move to the Gryphon kingdom where they don’t bother with all this magic stuff. You have to save Equestria first, as easy as that’ll be. Caramel and Twilight began to argue aven louder and you begin to hear Sombra’s name being mentioned a few times. “Sooo Mac, does has Caramel made a move on Twilight while I was gone?” “Nope.” Mac says flatly while looking up from his book. “I kind of hope their argument balloons into angry sex.” “A’hhh doubt that’s gonna happen, this ain’t some lame fiction.” “Thier both sexually repressed as fuck.” “Good point.” You wander through the library until you find a book on sword fighting that was just sitting on the ground. You pick it up and begin to study the pages. “You won’t need that.” Sombra says. “Why?” “I can take care of the technique for you.” “What! How?” “We would have to start with a first grade magic lesson.” “Fuck you.” “During my reign I got quite adept at controlling human minds and bodies.” “I don’t really want to know your history now.... Remember I am your master.” “I know how a good servant should act. I shall speak only when spoken too.” that sound more than a little passive aggressive. You spend some time wandering alone in the library before returning to the lobby to bother Mac. You start a speculative conversation about Caramel’s sexual history but you get interrupted. “Silver!” You hear Princess Twilight’s panicked voice address you. “Just stay here and defend the library... ” Twilight comes running down form the stairs. “And keep Caramel safe, If Tirek shows up hold this amulet” She says running out the door. “It’ll alert me and I’ll be able to come help.” Thats all she says, Caramel tries to run after her but Mac grabs him. “Boy, you’re under Silver’s protection now.” “The Queen’s rules are law.” you say sarcastically. You wait a few moments to be sure Twilight too far away to hear what you said. “Bitch just wants to hog the glory.” “Ya think you are some kind of war hero?” Mac says while restraining Caramel. “I’m more used to being infamous than famous.” “Just saying I’m safe but bored.” “Arrghhh!” Caramel breaks free. “We have to go after her!” “No we don’t. A good heist is all in planning and preparation.” your words calm Caramel down. “A’h think ya belong in tha army.” Mac says. “Anyway! Twilight just ran outside without a plan!” Caramel shouts again. “Then she can buy us time and we swoop in and save the day at the last moment like ballers.” Caramel tries to say something but you cut him off. “You two stay here and look for something we can borrow to use on Tirek. I’ll go find spike.” You leave before you get another earful from Caramel. You wander back off into the library, that guy may be slacking off or hiding from you. Honestly if you were a sheltered kid like he is you would be afraid of Silver too. You finish searching the main library area and find no children. When you go over to the stairs up to the second floor Caramel grabs your shoulder. “I’ve already checked up there. I don’t want you violating her privacy.” He sounds serious. “I’m a thief not a rapist.” Caramel grunts and walks off. “The only thing that has changed is your perception of me you Cheshier Cunt!” you don’t get a response from him. You almost had time to collect your thoughts when you heard a deafening whistling sound that sounds more than a little familiar.