Dashaloo Days: Wonderbolt Flight Training

by RGLloyd

The Akashic Records,Twiligeddon, and Scootaloo

Birds chirped happily, dashing and darting through the skies in graceful aerial ballets. Squirrels skittered up and down trees, their tails flicking back and forth as they chattered at each other, playing the day away. Butterflies flitted along the warm afternoon breeze, and the occasional honey bee made its rounds in search of pollen. The Canterlot Castle gardens were pristine, green, and caressed by all manner of delicate flowers, every color of the rainbow.

In the middle of it sat a glassy eyed Luna staring uncomfortably at her sister, Celestia. Both of their tea sat cold and untouched. Luna stifled a yawn, noting that the sun was already a quarter along it’s way through the sky. Her eyebrows shifted irritably, her hoof itching to break her sister out of a stressed trance she’d been in for hours.

Luna thought back on the morning. Celestia had been exhausted and agitated, and Luna could feel a deep sadness radiating from her. After raising the sun, she had hastily teleported away, but Luna had been determined to find her sister and inquire what was bothering her. Eventually she found her out in the gardens, but her sister was already deep in meditation. She had resolved to wait it out, but her patience was wearing thin.

Without warning, Celestia’s lips moved. Luna cringed nervously, hanging on the edge of her seat, her eyes growing wide in anticipation. After a few moments, however, Luna huffed in frustrated defeat as her sister once again fell into a long maddening silence.

“Come on Tia...” Luna whined foalishly. “We’re getting bored…” Her head flopped down on the table with a thump, the teacups clattered in their saucers. It wasn’t that she couldn’t be patient, but rather she didn’t want to. A thousand years starved of social contact had taught her incredible patience while making her quite sick of it, and curiosity was swiftly getting the better of her.

Luna rolled her eyes, shifting the tea cup back and forth to make little ripples that bounced back on themselves, crashing together in tiny choppy waves that produced an occasional droplet that bounced up and plopped back down.

The sun ticked across the sky slowly towards its apex. The chaos of tea ripples could only hold her attention for so long. Luna was not pleased, and quite frankly, her nose was beginning to sunburn. She waved a hoof in front of her sisters wide open eyes.


She waved a little faster, her hoof blurring into a wedge of impatient purple.

Still nothing.

Luna growled, sure that her sister was playing one of her notorious pranks. “That’s it! We’re not waiting any longer…” She stood with a huff, and pranced out of the garden.

Celestia didn’t move, eyes fixated far off in the distance, hair waving gently around her. The small clearing was serenely quiet.

Luna leapt wildly over a bush, intent on tackling Celestia out of her meditation, a mischievous grin on her lips. “Surprise! Ye ol’ comet to the face!”

‘Smack!’ She rammed into Celestia, but her sister was unfazed, sitting statuesque and immovable.

“Ow! A barrier?” Luna slid to the ground. Then stood shakily to her hooves, and dusted herself off. The fun was gone from her demeanor.

“This is serious isn’t it, sister?” She placed a hoof on the invisible magic that surrounded Celestia. After a few moments of concentration her hoof slid through the barrier, and she extended the magic out to encompass her own body. “Show me, dear sister, what disturbs you so?”

Luna gently placed her hoof on Celestia’s shoulder, closed her eyes, and let the gardens melt away.

Luna opened her eyes, and adjusted to the sudden darkness. She smiled at how she and her sister manifested inner worlds the same way with a backdrop of infinite stars.

Inner worlds were much like dreamscapes, and reflected their creators mood, an ever changing landscape. Luna was quite adept at reading such things, and quickly took in the scene before her. She was standing on a flat platform that swirled with the same glowing pastel rainbows as Celestia’s tail which stretched off into the distance to every side. The colors felt dull to her.

“Tia must be tired…” Luna picked out irregular patterns in the swirls that gave off feelings of apprehension. She frowned. It was nothing she hadn’t already known, but having it confirmed was nonetheless unsettling.

She jerked back protectively as something tickled her nose. A tiny almost invisible thread floated into view. She squinted at it. Crystalline refractions of rainbow light flitted up and down the thread.

Luna’s brow furrowed with worry as she glanced every which way. thousands of the strands were floating almost invisibly around her, swaying back and forth to an imperceivable breeze. Now and then one of the strands would snap and then burst into a tiny cloud of diamond dust that would float off in sparkly swirls.

Luna gasped. “The Akashic records, these are strands of fate where the past, present, future and all the infinite possibilities for each are recorded ...” She whispered, deep in concerned thought. “If Tia is here, it must be serious.”

She closed her eyes and focussed on her sister’s energy. She found her easily, and as such is the nature of inner realms, when she reopened her eyes her sister was standing before her. Celestia was in deep concentration, her horn glowing brightly as she focused on two wildly sparkling strands.

“Celestia! What are you doing?” Luna charged over to her sister, staring in shock as Celestia worked forbidden magic.

“Doing what only I can do, sister.” Celestia gritted her teeth through a deep frown. Tears stained her cheeks as the golden glow of her horn glistened off her wavering eyes. “I was hoping your arrival wouldn’t be so punctual.

Luna reached a forlorn hoof towards Celestia.

“Stay back!” Celestia growled. “This is hard enough as it is. You may disrupt the spell and damage the strand.”

Luna recoiled in shock. “What exactly are you doing? This is the Akashic records, tampering with ponies’ realities is forbidden by the very one doing the tampering!” She stepped forward in challenge. “Especially with their strands of fate! Sister, this is dangerous and unethical!”

“I am out of options, Luna!” Celestia didn’t flinch, but as Luna drew closer she saw the matted trails down her cheeks had fresh tears. “Don’t you think I’ve thought at length on this dilemma? Do you not see the act of desperation before you for what it is?”

“Tia…” Luna’s tone dropped to a soothing mellow softness. “You know better than this. What has gotten into you? You are the wisest of all ponies. I needn’t remind you that acts of desperation rarely end as we mean them to, and are a far cry from well planned solutions. If you have a problem, let us talk over a calming cup of tea. I am here for you, dear sister. You aren’t alone in this.”

The corners of Celestia’s mouth turned down ever so slightly as her tears redoubled. “I know Luna, I know. I was prepared to face you when the time came, knowing you would object, but I find myself too exhausted to argue with you. So, please trust me. You must understand, we already have. We spent weeks talking over solutions.”

Luna’s jaw dropped, but Celestia continued before she could speak. “Allow me a moment to give a little background. All those centuries of ruling on decrees, dealing with diplomats and foreign relations, matters of state, and egotistical aristocracy. It all became routine. I needed a creative outlet beyond the traditional arts and studies. I have always indulged in finding the most promising student with the strongest strands of fate, and then opening up opportunities to them they would have never had access to otherwise. Then, I would watch them blossom into their fates, becoming paragons of Equestrian potential. I reveled in the awe and inspiration, peace and harmony they brought to ponies everywhere. Call it a hobby, indulgence, meddling, or whatever you will, nothing brought me more pleasure than seeing the effects of the seeds I helped germinate ripple across the land.”

Luna watched Celestia’s magic work on the fragile thin strand, knowing full well she was stalling.

“My students were always important to me. I loved them. I cherished them as friends, but I always knew there was a distance between us. I accepted this fact. They were mortal, I am not. I mastered the art of opening up my heart, without losing grip of the knowledge that one day they would pass from my life. I grew complacent over time. At some point, I fear I forgot my heart is still a ponies.

I remember the day I decreed Twilight would be my student. Her strand of fate sparkled like no other, and I knew some day she would achieve alicorn status. She was so excited to come to the castle, and I have to admit, it was a pleasure tutoring such an eager young mind. We both looked forward to every moment spent studying together. She would even wake me early by dancing back and forth outside my door, fearful of missing a single moment with me. She would refuse to use the bathroom, and waited for me to look out before she would ask permission to go. Some early mornings I would have to yell through the door to tell her ‘use the bathroom’ for fear she’d explode, and so I could roll over for another hours sleep. It’s one of the reasons that short distance teleportation was one of her first spells.” Celestia giggled at the memory.

Luna frowned. There was sadness in that giggle.

“She used to read next to me at night when the castle became cold, or when it was rainy and damp. She would read until her little head slid over, and she fell asleep, resting against me. I couldn’t help it, she looked so cold and fragile. I’d slide my wing around her and hold her tight until morning. Luna, I raised her with all of my love in the hopes that her heart would embrace the love and goodness in our world. But deep down I knew she held a special and sacred place in my heart and I in hers. Before I realised, it was too late, the line of distance had been crossed. Then, her night terrors began.”

Luna listened quietly, her heart sinking as she sensed the deep pain in her sister’s words.

“She was so eager as a student. She never complained about being away from her family, but I could tell she missed them in the way she would talk about how wonderful her brother was, and she was always bragging about him joining the guard some day. She would get excited around the end of the week when her parents would visit with snacks, cookies, and little trinkets to remind her of home. However, she was so absorbed into her studies from day one, that I wonder if she even noticed she missed them. The night terrors were always at their worst the days they visited, and subsequently, she had to say goodbye.

She began studying extra late into the night, burying her emotions with knowledge, and desperately trying to avoid falling asleep. I stopped waiting for her to ask to study in my room next to me on those nights and just expected it. Eventually it became routine. We would walk to my room together, and she would lay down next to me. She would force herself to read so late some nights, I would have to sing lullabies to coax her over the edge into sleep. Sleeping next to me was the only cure for her night terrors. I felt more important fulfilling one night of this role than with a thousand years of raising the sun.”

She took a deep steadying breath. “I took her from her parents at such a tender age. She needed her mother at such a crucial time of development, and I selfishly let myself slide into that role. I made a horrible mistake letting myself get so close to her, and I realised I needed to pull away as she grew older. She already had a mother, and it would be wrong of me to fulfill that role any more than I already selfishly had. When I didn’t continue in that role, Twilight suffered for it, but she buried the pain. She had relied on my love instead of her parents, hid that pain away from herself, and denied it existed until it festered in wait for just the right moment.”

Luna’s knees suddenly felt weak and shaky. “Sister, no! She... like me?” A terribly cold shiver ran up her spine.

“Yes sister, but in a different way. She isn’t trying to destroy Equestria, but she is going to break rules that will. Under the delusions she can prevent the consequences, she is attempting to rectify a mistake I made long ago in order to garner my full love as a mother figure in her life.” Celestia’s voice dropped to a low haunted whisper. “I was a fool, Luna. The other day, I let my desires get the best of me after guarding them for so long. I opened a wound in her heart so deep, and then I betrayed her, as a mother never would, by choosing Equestria over her safety. Twilight will never forgive me… I can never forgive myself, unless I do it right this time.”

“Sister, calm yourself. Twilight has just finished helping Ponyville recover from the recent disaster.You were only there last night yourself. Whatever problem there is between you, I’m sure if we go there, and talk to her we can resolve this. ”

“Yesterday, that is where the story begins again, Luna.”

Luna’s brow furrowed accusingly. “Again? You also mentioned we had already discussed this at length. What did you do?”

“It’s complicated, but we reversed time.”

“You-I-we-wait, I helped you do this?”

“I couldn’t have done it without you and Discord,” Celestia paused. “...and an assortment of artifacts from around the world that cost every bit of the Equestrian gold reserve and many lives to attain.”

“The three of us united our powers to reverse time, you put ponies in danger for personal gain, and you spent all of our bits? Dear sister, do you realize how insane this sounds?” Luna snickered. “Do you need a timeout on the sun?”

Celestia glared at her sister. “Be serious! Forgive me, Luna, but as I was the one to actually cast the spell, my memories were the only ones that remained. We have our bits back because the acquisitions never happened, and everypony that gave their lives is now alive and well. But I couldn’t go back any further than this! If I could have only gone back one more day, I would have prevented this whole mess.”

“Celestia, this is far more serious than I thought. You mustn’t feel well. Think about what you are doing, and what you have been through. You cannot make rational decisions in such a state. TIme has been reversed, so now we have time to rectify this properly. Come with me, tell me everything. I’m sure we can figure this out. Rely on me, sister, I will help you through this. Too much is at stake, and we must be rational.”

Celestia growled in frustration. “Rational! Was I rational when I chose to abandon her?”

Luna blinked in confusion. “There is a lot more to this story. Just tell me, sister. Let it all out.”

“There is more than I care to tell right now.” Celestia’s ears drooped in exhaustion.

“Sister, you are always very rational. Obviously you made a hard and terrible choice, but you are a princess and so is Twilight. Equestria must always come first. How many would have suffered if you had chosen otherwise? I needn’t remind you this isn’t the first time you’ve had to make such a decision.”

“How many suffered when I lost my mind to grief, and my magic failed to raise the sun for two weeks?” Celestia turned on Luna boring into her with pleading eyes as she let her spell fade. “Tell me, sister, is that rational? Is choosing any path that leads to my mental disillusionment revolving around the biggest mistake of my life rational? There is a marked difference between sending my sister to the moon to cool off until the warped magic in her heart weakens, and abandoning my Twilight forever to the land of the dead!”

Luna’s words were haunted. “Sister, I expected this had ended badly, but…” Her words grew hard as she gestured to the now free little strand that floated towards her. “Is this any more rational, Celestia? Besides, nopony can bring the dead back, and until now nopony could change the future. What consequences are we already facing?”

“I’m distraught, Luna, but you also agreed upon this course of action. I have a specific goal. I just have to be careful in how I achieve it. Consequences or not, there is no going back now. The damage has been done, and yes, we had the methods to bring her back.”

“That’s impossible. How could you get past the veil between this world and the next?”

“Twilight discovered a method, but it required a dangerous, and drastic...” Celestia shook her head. “Never mind. I’m nearly exhausted and I need to focus. I will explain everything in time. Please, sister, trust me. I can let nopony stand in my way!”

“Celestia, just listen to yourself for a moment and stop shutting me out!” Luna stood her ground and glanced at the strand Celestia was eyeing. “That is Sc…” She choked on her words. “Okay, sister…” She gently took hold of the strand with her magic and backed away. “I understand you are distraught and at wits end. I also understand there is much I don’t understand yet, but please, just tell me the whole story first…”

“Give the strand back, Luna.” Celestia glared commandingly at her sister. “We don’t have time for this!”

Luna slipped into the commanding Canterlot voice. “No, forgive me, but there is no excuse for jumping headfirst into a decision that will affect the fate of Equestria when you are in an emotionally compromised state!”

“I have no choice!” Celestia shot back.

“To tamper with a little filly’s fate?” Luna snapped. “You have no choice, but to mess with an innocent filly’s future, and possibly ruin her life or worse? Have you gone mad?”

“Yes!” Celestia hesitated, taking a step backwards, her voice dropping as she mulled her own words over in her mind. “... an-and no…”

Luna lowered her tone to a concerned whisper. “At least tell me what the hay is going on, and get a second rational opinion before you go playing with fates.” She gently hugged Celestia. “I’m not the same Luna you spoke too, and I may have a different perspective. You aren’t alone in this, tia. I will be here for you.”

“Right… You’re right, Luna. I have time, but not much. I need to calm myself.” Celestia took a deep steadying breath. “I looked ahead at all the possible futures within the Akashic records, and there are three facts I cannot change. One, Twilight will win regardless of what we do, or how we try to stop her. Her determination, and the emotional build up within her life all but guarantees this, so fate has been too heavily tipped into her favor. Two, at least one of three ponies will die during this ordeal. Twilight, her friend Rainbow Dash, and the filly whose strand you hold.”

Luna’s eyes widened in horror. “Scootaloo?”


Luna’s brow furrowed with worry, but she held the embrace, sliding a soothing hoof down her sisters mane. “What is the third inevitability?”

Celestia took another deep steadying sigh which failed to prevent tears from welling up. “The third inevitability is, if I choose to save Twilight, I will unleash demons of chaos and destruction upon Equestria.”

“And if you don’t, you lose your mind to grief, and there will be nopony to raise the sun…” Luna stared wide eyed at her sister. The weight of the situation slowly bearing down upon her.

“Yes, dear sister. These are my options to work with.”

“What is your plan then? Tell me you aren’t going to sacrifice a little filly’s life to save Twilight? You haven’t dropped that far into madness have you?”

“No, of course not. It must be, Twilight!” Celestia snapped grumpily as she glared at the floor and painful memories. “Nopony else is to die because of this. I have a lesson to teach her.”

Luna balked. “Tia, how can you say such a thing? What good is a lesson to the dead?”

“You don’t understand. She must die to learn it. I cannot leave my ponies to the whims of chaos, but I cannot leave Twilight to suffer eternally knowing that I abandoned her.”

“Share your memories Tia. Tell me everything so that I may relieve your stress, and bring you to your senses! Together, we can do this. There must be a way!”

Celestia grew calm, breathing in gently, and out with a long patient sigh. “Yes, there is one way, Luna. Be sure your magic is gentle upon that fate you hold, lest you condemn us all. We only have thirteen days to-” Celestia’s brow furrowed, her eyes growing deep, dark, and intense. “-Twiligeddon...”