Dawn of the Arcane

by The Library

Brief history lesson

"Alright Sophia, I believe it's finally time to introduce you to my friends and my teacher." Twilight said while she walked back towards her little group who were standing behind her. But then I remembered I was still naked accept for my underwear so I snipped my fingers and a rune appeared underneath me moving upwards covering my body with clean cloths along with my cloak and hood. I ignored the looks everyone was giving me since I could care less.

Once I was completely dressed Twilight cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. I crossed my arms eyeing the group before me as they seems to get a little uneasy under my gaze, it might be my miss colored eye or just the fact that I keep a serious expression on my face.
'Sheesh these ponies need to relax a little, they seem stiffer than the original guards in Stormwind City.' I thought.

"Let's start with the front of the group" She points at the orange pony.

"Eh... Howdy there, Mah name is Applejack." Applejack said trying not to make eye contact with me. "Ah own tha apple farm down at Ponyville."

Next up was the pearl white unicorn who seems to look at my clothes for some reason. "Hello darling, my name is Rarity. But I must say your cloths just look magnificent, you have to tell me who made that dress of yours." Rarity told me as she starts to beam the more she looks at my robes.

"I'll explain that another time Rarity, for now I'd like to know everyone of you. I believe it's your turn." I replied pointing at the rainbow mare who slightly shrinks as my finger is pointed her.

"My name is Rainbow Dash, for your information. And I'm the fastest pegasus in Equestria, And don't try to pull another trick on me shorty or you'll have to do with me." She boasts as she puffs out her chest to show her huge ego.

"Do I need to remind you, I killed over a hundred changelings a week ago. Yet still had enough power to take on Chrysalis one on one. Then you expect me to show you proper respect while you have the bloody nerve to call me short, and then say you can take me on. I must say Rainbow Dash, you sure have a death wish." I always had a short fuse when it came to showing off power, and this mare was just plain racist about the fact I can and will outsmart her, and that I'm short. One day she will feel the consequences. As she was silent for now, I motioned to continue.

I looked at the pink pony next to Rainbow Dash as she has an unending bounce. I blinked once and she was right up my face, talking in a phase I thought would break the fabric of space and time. If she was a mage in Azeroth she would be the most powerful of all, since we cast spells through thoughts and speech.

"HiI'mPinkiePieandwe'regladyou'refinallyawake! butIcan'tbelieveyoutookontheentirechangelingarmyandCHRISALISforthatmatter,ButIhavetoask.Doyoulikemuffins?" Once she was finally done, I noticed that I was lying on the ground with her a little too close for comfort. I thought for a moment to how I can possibly react to such a question.

"Well, I like muffins though they were Rare in Azeroth. Only Highly skilled chefs could make such a dish. Yet when I have a muffin I always take the one with raspberries." I replied to her as she squeaked and bolted out of the room. I wanted to ask Twilight about it but she mouthed me not to question it. So I just shrugged it off, looking at the spot where another pony once was.

"Eh, Twilight. Where is your other friend? The once with the soft pink mane and butter yellow coat?" I asked her as I looked around the room, only to spot a soft pink tail sticking from under my bed. I turned to face Twilight again as I raised an eyebrow at her, to which she chuckles awkwardly.

"Well since she won't be coming from under there soon, I better tell you her name." Twilight said, "Her name is Fluttershy, and as you might guess she is quiet shy around new ponies or gnomes in your case." I looked at the tail as it seems to shudder as Twilight mentioned her name.

"Now that you met my friends I want you to formally introduce you to my teacher and her sister, without being in a stressful situation."
I looked at the huge white mare who I called sun-butt, as she gives me a friendly smile. Yet her eyes hold order and something I haven't seen in millennia, mothers love. I slowly made my way towards the princess as I kneeled down before her, keeping my head low to show proper respect.

"It is an honor to meet you under normal circumstances, I am Princess Celestia Co-monarch and goddess of the sun. I also want to apologies for my actions within the halls, I was in the wrong to judge you on a moment notice. I was merely protecting my little ponies." She said as she kneels before me. It was now my turn to properly introduce myself.

"The honor is all mine Celestia, I hope you don't mind if I call you that. I have a great dislike to formalities. I am Sophia Springlock, Battlemage of the Kirin'Tor under the lead of Jaina Proudmoore. I accept your apology, but that won't be needed. You acted the way you thought was right, I aint one to hold a grudge towards someone who only means harm to those who threaten the safety of their people, or ponies in your case." I said as I lifted my head to face her with a beaming smile on my face, which she returned with one of her own as we both shared a chuckle before a cough caused us to look next to us where a midnight blue mare was standing with a waving night sky mane. I looked at her flank to see a black spot with a crescent moon.

"Now that the two of you are acquainted, tis our turn to introduce ourselves." She said as she looks at me with a serious expression which was quiet unnerving. "We are Princess Luna, younger sister to Princess Celestia and also Co-monarch of Equestria and ruler over the night. We watch over the dream realm to protect our ponies from harm. It's our pleasure to meet you Sophia Springlock, from what we have heard you were quiet fearless against the changelings that invaded our city." Once she finished I gave her a slight bow and grinned at her as I did to Celestia.

"I am happy to finally meet the counter part of Celestia, but what is it with that talking about yourself like there are two of you?" I asked her as her expression darkens.

"Tis been a few months after our release from our prison on the moon, we are still using the royal we to talk to our subjects. But please do not ask us about it anymore, it still saddens us." Luna then looked at me as I placed my hand on her muzzle, softly caressing her nose and forehead while avoiding her horn as I had my eyes closed.

"That makes the two of us Luna, It's been a week since Twilight and Cadence freed me from my icy tomb. I've been there for over millennia, even before the time of ponies."

"Does thou care to explain?" Luna ask as she sat down in front of me while I kept on caressing her muzzle.

"I think I can, you all want to sit down. For this might take a while."

I crossed my legs as I formed a sphere of energy forming the old continents of Azeroth.

"It began before you arrived on this planet," I started, "Before that time the planet was called Azeroth and was the home to many wonderful and dangerous races. Even before my birth all these pieces of land were once piece forming the land of Kalimdor. But the planed was attacked by an legion of demons call the Burning Legion.

They manipulated the High Elves through their queen. Her name was Aszhara, she was beautiful as she was powerful. All of the elves are connected to one source of magic, which was called the Well of Eternity. The elves can use it to perform magic just like I can, the only difference is I can tap the magic out of the air while the elves needed a sold source of power since they didn't know how to do it.
But the history aside, I was sent along with twenty other people to a place called the Stormpeaks, mountains created by the titans. Who build their machines into the ground. Far north of the mountains lies a old and ancient fortress called Ulduar, the titan city. The city holds many secrets to how Azeroth came to be, many tried to enter the city only perish at the front gates, without even coming passed the defenses. We brought tanks, demolishers even bikes to fight the defenses of Ulduar. Once we were passed the front gate, we entered the city, only to be amazed by the look of the place. There were simply no words to say how beautiful the place looked. Ancient statues of the titans filled the halls, stained glass windows telling parts of the history before our time. But we came to the conclusion the place was corrupted by an old god. Old gods are beings of pure evil and are driven by the sins and dark emotions within everyone. In the end we had to fight those who swore to protect the city. While everyone continued on with their mission, I had mine. I followed Brann Bronzebeard into an Archievem and found out about the herald of the titans, who was in a few chamber away. it was my task to stop the herald before he could find any source of corruption within the planets system.

I did manage to convince him we are free from corruption, he gave me the Alpha Codes for the Titans, yet if these didn't arrive within the time of two days the Omega code would be sent and the planet would be wiped clean. This was called the planetary purge. So I was sent back to Dalaran to deliver the codes to Rhonen, my commander. But all I can remember is when I entered the grizzly hills I was fighting with some beasts before getting stuck in quick sand. My Mechanostrider was already gone, not moments later everything went black. Until Twilight and Cadence freed me.

My guess it that no one found me, so the codes were never delivered. Which resulted in the omega codes being sent to the titans which wiped the planet clean of life accept for me, the lone gnome deep within the earth, frozen in time. I somehow think the titans build an Archievem around me but I honestly think it's a bit farfetched." After I finished my explanation of how I ended up here I was pulled into a hug by a certain midnight blue princess who was crying like a little baby or foal in her case. It was nice though, to her I'm like a little plush toy.