Valentaco Day

by Darknight293

"W-Will you b-be my-"

Aria Blaze trudged through the lightly snowed streets of Canterlot with her purple winter coat on as she headed home. The sun was already coming over the horizon, signaling it was morning. In her right hand was a taco with a very carefully tied bow around it.

Today was Valentines day. A day that Aria found out was just like Hearts and Hooves day back in Equestria. Just thinking about it reminded her of the Siren's home, but sadly they were banished here by Starswirl the Bearded. Despite his old age he proved to be a masterful unicorn...if his banishment spell was of any indication.

Now any hopes of returning to Equestria seemed lost. Sure they had their pendants and magic still, but they had to hide them within their apartment building so no one would know they still had them. It was the only way to make sure the Rainbooms didn't find out they still had them. Maybe one day they can return and enact revenge for their banishment by the ponies but...

Aria sighed to herself. She knew her friend, Adagio Dazzle, said something about a plan to get back to Equestria. However Aria did not wish to stay stuck on this...Human world for much longer and not did she enjoy this place. But at least it hadn't been that bad so far. At last she still had that stupid blue idiot around. Sure, Sonata Dusk was like a little kid a lot of the time, but she sometimes made Aria feel like a mother.

She blinked and lightly coughed to herself, a light blush on her purple cheeks. She didn't know how, but despite how Sonata usually was Aria couldn't help but feel an attraction to her blue siren friend. Not to mention a feeling to protect and guide her. But it was such a stupid feeling that kept seeping into her heart.

Aria mentally growled at herself as her free hand went to pull up the hoodie on her coat. She was trying to hide her slowly growing blush as she started to walk faster. Thankfully the streets were rather quiet this morning, as not many appreciate the cold. To her it was just like the sea of Rebona off the coast of Quinari back on Equis. Ah how she missed that cold sea...

'Stupid idiot,' She thought to herself, 'I'm suppose to be the tough one. So why have I been getting weak in the knees for her?!' Aria did have trouble keeping her slowly growing crush on Sonata a secret. Sadly after the incident at the ski lift her liking to Sonata became known to both of her siren friends.

Aria growled out loudly, causing a few birds on the power lines to fly off in surprise. 'Stupid bitchazzle,' Aria thought, giving Adagio a new nickname, 'Just had to kiss Sonata cheek in front of me!' Aria grunted and looked up to see their shared apartment block coming into view. She knew she was almost home, just a dozen or two more steps...

She took a deep breath and tried to calm down her heart as it slowly beated faster. She could do this, just go inside, up the stairs, into their shared apartment room, and give Sonata the taco. Simple right? At least that's what Aria thought as she reached the multi-floored building, her left hand grabbing the handle and opening the door.

She walked in and sighed with relief as the warm air it her in the face. She closed the door and turned to face the stairs, she walked over to them and looked up before sighing, "Had to pick the building with no elevator didn't you Adagio?" She said aloud as she looked at the stairs and began to walk upwards to the fourth floor.

Unfortunately for Aria, Adagio had insisted that they lived in an apartment with no stairs. She said it costed less, and she was right, but Aria left like it was just to be spiteful to her and her legs. As Aria walked up the stairs she let her thoughts drift off to other things.

She wondered, Sonata knew about the crush...sorta. Yet it appeared as if nothing had changed for the worst. Just the though that the blue taco lover hadn't taken her feelings negatively made Aria's heart soar. Even if it was weird for such feelings for one siren to love another siren, she didn't care.

Because Aria knew one thing, that she had...fallen for Sonata. It was too hard to describe it with her own words, but she knew she was right. Why else would get so soft around the idiot? It's the only reason she went on that stupid ski lift anyway.

As she huffed and was about to continue her mental rant, her foot slips. Aria squeals in surprise and tries to hold onto the taco as her other hand goes to the floor to stop her fall. Thankfully it was the top of the section of the stairwell, so she was able to easily stop her fall and save the taco.

After taking a few deep breaths, Aria growled at the floor and slowly got up. She checked herself for any bruises or dirt before looking at the floor number. The sign had a 4 on it, signaling she reached her floor level. She started to walk again looked at the door numbers, attempting to find their room.

' but no....ah here it is!' She thought to herself as she found the apartment room they shared. One thing was for sure, Adagio got the what room out of the entire building, few of them had multiple bedrooms and a kitchen along with a living room. Sure, less rooms per floor and more expensive, but it appears no elevator killed the rent prices.

Aria opened the door and looked around the spacious living room, taking off her winter coat and hanging it up. It was like their own little expensive home, but as an apartment building instead. As she walked I to the room with the taco close to her chest in her right hand, she heard her friends.

"Happy Valentines Day Dagi!" She heard Sonata say as she rounded the corner.

"Heh, happy Valentines Day too you crazy little maniac." She heard Adagio say as she spoke up.

"Hey guy-" Her eyes went wide a moment later as she saw Sonata kissing Adagio's cheek, nearly damaging the fragil taco by accident, "HEY!!! SONATA WHY ARE YOU KISSING AGADIO!?" She yelled at them, her face flushed.

Sonata pulled away from Adagio and smiled at Aria, "HI ARIA!!!" She yelled back before replying, "Oh it's nothing at all~" She said, smiling innocently at the purple siren.

Aria shuffled and glanced away, "I sure hope so," she said, feeling the nervousness returning to her. She tried to quell it and continued, "I-I bought you something and I was wondering..." She went quiet for a second before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

"W-will you b-be my-"

That was all Aria could say before she felt a pair of lips connect hers. Her heart rate spiking as she shot her eyes open. Sonata was actually kissing here! On the lips! She didn't know why but it made her heart soar and fill her body with a tingling sense of warmth as her face started to become red like an apple. She started to close her eyes and push against the blue siren's lips.

"Oh guys will be so screwed up when this hits Youtube!"

Arias eyes shot open and she looked to adagio, who was holding her phone up and pointing it at them! Her pupils shrank in fear as Sonata continued to kiss her despite the video being taken. After a few more seconds Sonata pulled back as a small spit trail connected between the two.

Aria saw adagio lick her lips as she took a two to three second video tape of the spit trail before hitting a button on her phone. Aria growled and let go of Sonata as she started to approach Adagio. "Delete that, now!"

Adagio waved it at her teasingly as she started to walk back, "Have to catch me first~" she said before turning around and taking off, Aria right behind her as she chased her out of the living room.

Meanwhile Sonata happily munched on the Taco after taking off the bow that Aria forgot about and opened the note that came with it. She swallowed and flicked open the note, reading Aria's handwriting.

"Dear Sonata...I've always kinda liked you despite how I treat you. At first it was in a protective way and I didn't know how to express it, now I the I've actually developed a crush on you. A siren loving a stupid but...

But will you be my Valentines? Even after what I did in the past and despite that it's a stupid custom it's just like Hearts and Hooves day back on Equestria."

-Love Aria

Sonata giggled and nodded despite the room being empty as she finished her taco, "Of course Aria, I'll be your Valentines~"

Then the blue siren heard as crash in the next room, Aria coming back and brushing herself off. Sonata blinked at her, "Where's Dagi's?"

Aria stood near Sonata and smirked, "Knocked her out for awhile. Hopefully I deleted that video before it was sent."

Sonata giggled and kissed her friend on the cheek before blushing harder, "I'll be your Valentines Arie~"

Aria blushed at the pet name but smiled at Sonata.

1 hour later.

Adagio sat up and rubbed her head, having been knocked out on her own floor in her own room. She grumbled but picked up her phone and went to her youtube account. She then smirked as she looked at the screen.

"I might not have the video anymore Aria..but a few hundred other people do~" she chuckled and stood up, stretching, "Happy Valentines day you silly siren." She muttered before smirking and walking out for her room.