The Story of Zenno Clownie

by EspressoThePony


Another long day is coming to a close in the land of Equestria. As the sun begins to set many ponies begin making their way home to their families to enjoy a nice dinner after a long day of work. All of the Filly’s and Colt’s say goodbye to their friends as they also begin making their way home. That is except for two ponies who seem like they may just be up to something. From the looks of it an older Mare and a young Colt. The two live in a small remote town not too far from Manehattan, in a town called Ponsor. The two duck behind a wall slightly poking their heads out as they stare at an object located in the center of the road. It appeared to be a basket with a freshly baked piece of cake resting in it. The young colt seemed as if he couldn't contain his excitement as he kept chuckling to himself only to be quieted by the older Mare.

She held her hoof close to her mouth trying to silence the colt. “Shhh! If you keep laughing you’ll give us away” The young colt nodded and covered his mouth trying to heed the older mares warning. There was no way he was going to miss this even though the thought of it brought up the urge to laugh. “Look someone’s coming!” Said the older mare quietly as she leaned back more not to be seen by the approaching pony. It had appeared to be a stallion, he had a dark gray coat with white hair that flowed back. He also appeared to have a quiver filled with arrows resting on his back. As soon as the stallion neared the basket a puzzled look came across his face.

“Huh what in equestria is this doing here?” He said as he studied the basket. There had been no other ponies around from what he could tell. (Did someone drop it?) He thought to himself.

“Who leaves a perfectly good piece of cake just lying out?” Said the stallion as the freshly baked cakes aroma began to fill his nose.

“Come on…..come on…” The older mare muttered to herself as a bead of sweat began to form on her forehead. Had he found out? Does he know? She began to ponder and worry a bit that their plan might go south.

“Well I guess since no one else will…” The stallion then reached down to grab the piece of cake. Just then as his hoof touched the cake a pop noise was heard as confetti landed all over his face. They young colt began to laugh as the confetti finally settled on the stallions face and mane.

“I should have guessed it was you two” The stallion said with a smile as he turned toward the laughter. The older mare began to walk toward him with a smile “Was it that obvious?” she jokingly said going up to greet the stallion.

“Yeah something about lone cake just screamed Giggles and Zen” He said laughing a bit

“Oh I dunno I think we got you pretty good” she said as she rested her hoof on his shoulder.

“What do you think Zen? Think we got him good?” She called over to the small colt who was still over behind the wall having a laughing fit. He then tried to recollect himself as he made his way over to the two older ponies. “Yeah we nailed him!” The young colt said still trying to take control of his laughter.

“Well Bullseye it looks like its two to one so what do you say I’ll make you a new cake tomorrow and we’ll be even?” Giggles says as she gives the stallion a smile. Bullseye smiles blowing at his muzzle for a small piece of confetti that had been laying there. it then gently floats over an lands in Giggles mane. “Yeah we’re even” the three begin to laugh as a voice is heard in the distance.

“Giggles! Zenno! It’s time to come home dinner is ready!” The voice of their mother echoed through the streets.

“Well looks like we gotta get going … See you tomorrow?” The mare said with a smile as she raised a brow.

“You bet after practice I’ll come meet you” the stallion returned the smile as the mare scooped her little brother on her back. As they say their goodbyes the stallion ruffles Zen’s hair and the little colt begins to laugh again. Giggles laughs “Don’t get him started again he’ll fall off when I get going.” She then makes sure that her brother is holding on tight as she dashes toward their home hearing their mother yet again call for them this time with a bit of annoyance in her voice.

The stallion then calls out “Alright see you tomorrow! And stay out of trouble little dude.” He waves as the two become smaller in the distance.”

“No Promises!” Yells the little colt as the two near home. Trouble could wait for tomorrow, for now it was time for dinner.