The Rainboom Thieves

by KingJoltik

Time keeps moving (Part 1 of 2)

“Rainbow!” yelled Twilight right after Rainbow had left the hideout. Rainbow then stopped in mid-air as she heard the voice in her ear.

“Hey! Why do I have a thing in my ear?!”

“I sneaked it in while you were talking to Fluttershy and Rarity. Come back here for a moment. It's important.”


Rainbow slowly got back to the hideout only to find Twilight standing there with a paper.

“Here.” she said as she gave the paper to Rainbow Dash.

“What's this?”

“Just look at it.”

Rainbow skimmed the paper and saw that it was a missing poster for Scootaloo.

“I printed it off. Thankfully this was just recently made in Ponyville an it hasn't made it to Manehatten yet. This means will need to hide her for a while if she comes here.”

“Oh...okay. If that's the case..” said Rainbow as she then went to her room for a few seconds and came back with a saddlebag. “Alright. I'm going now.”

“Alright, good luck Rainbow.” said Twilight.

Meanwhile at a theater in Baltimare....

An announcer pony went up onto the stage, got the microphone and then said, “The winner of the annual fashion contest is..... SURI POLOMARE!”

Suri Polomare then walked onto the stage and spoke into the mike, “Thank you so much! I would like to say that I believe fashion is everything. Thank you so much everypony!” she said with a smile. Then the judges of the contest began to give her offers for fashion places all over Equestria. She quickly accepted the best offer and then began to leave the theater after a little while. There, backstage, she met with her assistant, Coco Pommel.

“Hello Coco...” Suri was with a bitter tone.

“Um...hello Suri. Congratulations on the contest.” she said meekly.

“Yes...Well, was there any doubt that I wouldn't win? Of course I was going to win. That reminds me, I have some news for you Coco.”


“You're fired.”

“Fired?” she said with a gasp.

“Yes, you see, I got a great offer to get big money and I don't need you anymore. Do you know why?”


“Because I am a winner and you are a loser. You will always be a loser, that's how this world works.”

“I'm....a loser?” she said with a small squak. “But I thought...”

“You don't matter, just like these..” Suri said as she then pulled out some papers from a bag.

“Those are...” said Coco with fear in her eyes.

“Yes, you're latest designs. These designs are absolutely disgusting.” Suri said as she pulled something else out of her bag. It was a lighter which she used to burn the design papers.

Coco then began to cry, “Why would you do that?!”

“Because, you're a loser. Now, get out of my way loser.” Suri said as she then went up and slapped Coco.


Coco fell over from the slap, still crying. Suri then left the building with a huge grin on her face. Coco just sat there with the design paper ashes, crying. Then a gray colored earth pony approached Coco.

“Are you alright?”

“Huh?” asked Coco as she wiped her eyes.

“My name is Octavia, are you okay?”

Meanwhile in an abandoned building in Manehatten...

Rainbow went up to Scootaloo's room she was staying in the broken down building. “Yo, Scootaloo, are you here?”

“Rainbow Dash?!”

“Yeah, it's me kiddo.”

“ actually came back?”

“Of course, I said you could keep the badge so I could pick it up later, remember.”

“Wow...I thought that was just a lie...” said Scootaloo with a surprised look on her face.

“Nope. Now I have a few questions for you first but I'm here to repay you.”

“Oh, you don't have to repay me.”

“Well, I'm going to anyways.” said Rainbow Dash as both of them sat down on Scootaloo's broken mattress. “Now, um, Scootaloo...the reason I was gone for a while was because I had to ask a friend of mine on how I should repay you. I'm not good at stuff like this...”

Scootaloo giggled. “Really?”

“Yeah, and my friend is an egghead too. She's super smart.”


“And...well...I found out a few things about you Scootaloo.” she said and then Scootaloo's face began to turn pale. “I didn't mean to but I found out about stuff like this.”

Then Rainbow put her hoof into her bag and pulled out the missing poster.

“That''s already reached Manehatten?!” said Scootaloo with fear in her eyes.

“No. My friend printed it off from Ponyville. Now, um, please let me explain Scootaloo.”

“ no no no...just please...don't tell on me Rainbow. Don't make me go back there. PLEASE!” said Scootaloo shivering.

“Don't worry.” said Rainbow as she then pulled out a lighter out of her bag and burned the poster in front of Scootaloo. “This is what I think of this poster.”

“ burned it?”

“Yes. I know yer a good pony Scootaloo, you saved me.”

“ you know all about me? About Ponyville and all that?”

“Yeah....yeah I do. But...I don't care.”

“Don't care?” said Scootaloo with a surprised look.

“That's right. I don't care. I wanna help you Scootaloo.”


“Yeah.” said Rainbow as she put her wing over Scootaloo. “Let me tell you a story about myself. I am like you in a lot of ways.”


“ you know about the Wonderbolts?”

“You mean the greatest fliers in Equestria? I don't think any pegasus wouldn't know who they are.”

“Yeah, I can't join them even though I always wanted too.”

“You can't? But you're such a good flier!”

“Well, a few years ago, I was at the Cloudsdale flight school to help me get into the Wonderbolts. One day, I defended a classmate from some bullies.”


“Yes. I got in trouble all the time for fights but I was always trying to help other classmates. However, that time things were a bit different. One of the bullies was the principal’s son.”

“Uh oh...” said Scootaloo, starting to realize where the story was going.

“Yeah, you catch on quick kid. The principal chewed me out and then expelled me. Then the principal sent a letter to the Wonderbolts to tell them to never accept me.”

“That's...that's horrible...” said Scootaloo as more tears went down her eyes.

“, you can see why we're similar huh?”


“So, now the part about helping you....I want to adopt you Scootaloo.”

Scootaloo froze after hearing those words. She didn't know what to say. Then she slowly responded, “Adopt....adopt me?”


“But...I'm wanted, remember?”

“Well yeah, so we're going to just skip the legal garbage alright.”

“We can do that?”

“Yeah. But there's one condition.”


“Yeah, let me explain... You see, if you come with me, I'm not gonna be yer mom. I'll just be yer...uh...big sister.”

“Big sister? Really?”

“Yeah... Now, if you come with me, you can't tell anypony about where I live. You can't tell anypony about the adoption or staying with me or anything.”

“Well...” said Scootaloo as she was trying to understand Rainbow. “Um...I don't have anypony to tell anything Rainbow Dash. I don't know anypony in Manehatten except you Rainbow Dash.”

“Oh...Well that makes it even easier. Okay Scootaloo, here's the moment of truth. Will you swear to not tell anypony about this and be my little sister?”

Scootaloo sat there with more tears went down her eyes. “YES! YES! YES!”

“Good, then let's get you to my place. You need to meet my friends.” said Rainbow with a smile while hugging Scootaloo.
