The Rainboom Thieves

by KingJoltik

Time keeps moving (Part 2 of 2)

“So...uh...what do you have to bring with you?” asked Rainbow.

“Um...All I have is my scooter and some money.” said Scootaloo with a bit of sadness in her voice.

“Oh...uh...that's all ya got huh?” said Rainbow with some hesitation. Rainbow felt even more sad about Scootaloo. She then got up and spread her wings. Scootaloo just sat there, admiring her wings.

“Okay kiddo, let's get yer stuff and get going huh? Are you ready?”

“Yeah! Let's go big sis!” said Scootaloo with a huge smile.

“Big sis, huh?” Rainbow said to herself, “That sounds pretty awesome.”

Meanwhile in a cafe in Baltimare....

Coco Pommel slowly sipped her drink in the cafe. She then looked up and spoke up, “Um...Thank you Octavia.”

“No problem.” said Octavia with a professional look on her face.

“Um..I have a question...”

“Go ahead Coco.”

“Why are you doing this for me? Treating me to this cafe? Being so nice to me?”

“Well, I couldn't just let you sit there in despair in the theater after what Suri did to you.”

“ you. Thank you so much...”

“It's fine. Anyways Coco, I have something to ask of you.”


“I need your help.”

“You need my help?” she asked with a surprised look.

“Yes. I could use a pony like you.”

“What do you need from me?”

“Well, for starters, I need a dress maker in my team I have.”

“Team?” asked Coco.

“Yes. I will help you get a good fashion job and in turn you will help me.”

“I don't understand.”

“I am a pony that is currently using multiple factions and jobs in multiple cities. I am currently setting up buildings for me and my team in each city that I plan to operate in. Because of this, I am currently trying to set a place here in Baltimare.”

“You want me to set up here in Baltimare?”

“Yes, don't worry. I already found out that Suri is going to Las Pegasus so you don't have to worry about her. Anyways, I am setting up a vacant building here in Baltimare and it will be possible to set it up as a fashion shop.”

“Really?!” said Coco in surprise, “You must have some serious money!”

“You could say that. Now, I will give you the shop on one condition.”

“You''ll give me the shop?! Why are you being so nice to me?”

“Yes, I will. Now will you hear my condition?”


“You will make certain dresses that I need at times. That is all.” said Octavia sternly.

“Um...that's a strange condition but....okay I'll do it.”

“Alright.” said Octavia as she extended her hoof to Coco, “Welcome to my team.”

The two then shook hooves in agreement.

Meanwhile in Manehatten at the Rainboom hideout....

“We're here!” yelled Rainbow as she opened the hideout door.

“Welcome back pardner!” said Applejack with enthusiasm.

Scootaloo and Rainbow entered the hideout. Scootaloo hid behind Rainbow for a second after she all the different faces.

“This here's Scootaloo. Say hi to everypony kiddo.” said Rainbow as she pushed Scootaloo in front of her.

“Um...hello everypony.” said Scootaloo slowly.

“Greetings Scootaloo, I am Twilight Sparkle.”

“I'm Applejack!”

“HI! I'm Pinkie Pie!”

“I am Rarity darling.”

“ Fluttershy.”

Scootaloo looked over the place as she saw the other five ponies looking at her. She then spoke up, “It's nice to meet you all...but I have a question.”

“What is it?”

“Um...why is the place you stay in an old building like this and underground as well?”

“Well...wait, you didn't tell her everything did you Rainbow?” said Twilight sternly while looking at Rainbow.

“Uh...heh heh...sorry.” said Rainbow with a small smile on her face.

“Scootaloo, we live here for a specific reason. Now, Rainbow did tell you not to tell anypony about this place or anything correct?”

“Yes. I don't have anypony I could tell anyways.”

“ Well, the truth is that we six in this room have a certain secret that you will now keep. Do you understand?” said Twilight with a serious voice.

“Yes. I understand.”

“Applejack, you're good at telling lies, is she telling the truth?”

“That's cruel to ask pardner....but yeah, she's telling the truth. She's sincere.”

“Sorry, I just had to make sure. I'm sorry Scootaloo.”

“It's fine.” said Scootaloo with a straight, understanding face.

“Very well, we six are the Rainbooms.”

Scootaloo froze for a moment and then her jaw dropped. “You're all the Rainbooms? The Rainbooms?!”


“Wow....I don't know what to say...”

“Cool, isn't it Scootaloo?” said Rainbow. “What do you think?”

“Yeah...that's awesome...”

Twilight then stood up and spoke clearly, “From now on Scootaloo you will be staying here. We have a few extra rooms here so you can pick whichever. There are a few rules to follow as well but we tell you later. Is that okay?”

Tears fell from Scootaloo's eyes as she tried to even talk, “Um...yes. Thank you for having me...”

“Now, lets' get you set up kiddo! You're going to have so much fun here.” said Rainbow with a huge grin.

“Yes.” said Scootaloo as more tears went down her face. “Thank you all so much!”

Meanwhile in another place in Manehatten...

Trixie slowly walked down an alley. She pulled out a map of her bag and then pulled out a marker out of her bag as well. She then used the marker on the map with her magic.

“Sigh....Another failure...Trixie wonders if she is even close...” she said to herself as she looked around. “Trixie has investigated ten abandoned factories today and still nothing. There are so many buildings in North East Manehatten....Hmm..what should Trixie do?”

Trixie then let out another sigh. “Perhaps Trixie needs a new angle...” she said to herself as she then proceeded to go home. “Oh well, Trixie knows Trixie is onto something...Trixie just needs a little more...”