My little Fairy Tail

by brandsca123

Battle at Manehaten Station

BonBon didn't take the news of Lyra going on a mission with Natsu and Happy very well.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!!!" BonBon screamed, "The Jungles of Gulmore are dangerous, do you have a death wish!!!!"

"BonBon calm down, Natsu and Happy will protect me, so you have nothing to worry about." Lyra said.

"Aye!" Happy said. BonBon then went close to Natsu's face and said,

"If you even let one hair on her head get hurt, I'll kill you myself." Natsu nodded, he was intimidated by Bonbon. She reminded him of Ezraa, a cold hearted woman that best Natsu in all the fights he had against her. He gulped and nodded.


Happy and Lyra were staring at Natsu, who was lying on the floor looking sick.

"Does Natsu always get motion sickness?" Lyra asked Happy.

"Aye!" Happy replied. Lyra sighed and looked out the window. She watched the scenery go by as Natsu threw up.

"Why did it have to be trains, I hate trains." Natsu grumbled.

"This is the only way we could get to Manehaten City, so don't complain." Lyra said. Natsu went back to being sick, he didn't enjoy this one bit.

Soon they got off at Manehaten Station. As Lyra and Happy walked out, Natsu stayed behind and leaned out of the window next to the exit.

"Natsu hurry up, we need to get going before the train leaves." Happy said. Natsu threw up a little in his mouth.

"Give me a minute Happy." Just then the train bell rang and soon it was running again. Natsu was still on the train as it went away.

"HAPPY, HELP ME!" Natsu cried as the train speed down into the distance. Lyra stared in shock before Happy broke the ice.

"Don't worry, this always happens." Happy said.


Lyra and Happy managed to get Natsu back, and soon they were on their way out, when Natsu's stomach started to growl again.

"What! You're still hungry, but you just ate twenty cupcakes." Lyra said as Natsu put a hand behind his neck and started to grin in embarisment.

"Lyra I'm hungry too." Happy was tugging on her tail.

"Ugg, you two are impossible..." Lyra's stomach growled too. "Errr...I guess I'm hungry too. Lets go get something to eat."

"Aye!" Happy said excitedly.


Elsewhere in the station, three unicorns were busy having a conversation on in the front lobby. These unicorns were, Rango, Icefire and Mantus.

Rango was pitch black with with a red mane and tail, his cutie mark was a blood red rock, which showed his ability to control the earth.

Icefire was a dark blue unicorn with a lighter blue mane and tail, his cutie mark was a blue flame. He controlled fire.

Mantus was a grass green unicorn with a dark green main and tail, his cutie mark was a tornado, showing that he controlled the wind.

It was quite obvious that these three were up to no good. Mantus spoke first,

"Right you two, remember the plan. We create a distraction so that the police ponies are busy trying to deal with us. That will give the boss some time to rob the place of all it's bits."

"Rango, you better not ruin the plan or I will burn you to a crisp." Icefire said.

"I got it guys, no screw ups." Rango was more muscle than brains.

"Right you two on my signal we let all hell break loose." Mantus said.

"Aye." Both Rango and Icefire said.


Natsu, Happy and Lyra wer busy eating some assorted fruit that BonBon gave them before the trip. It was then Lyra decided to ask Natsu a question.

"So what makes a guild by the way?" Natsu stopped eating and looked at Lyra.

"Why do you want to know?" Natsu asked.

"No reason, it just seems interesting that's all." Lyra answered. Natsu sighed and thought about his words carefully.

"Well our guild master always told us that a strong guild is not decided by power are wealth, but by the members." Lyra listened carefully.

"The members all stick out for one another, so it's almost like one big family, so if anyone were to mess with Fairy Tail or it's members, then they will have to deal with the entire guild." Natsu finished.

"That sounds, great actually...." Lyra was then cut off by Happy.

"Aye! It is, a wizard is not even a wizard without the support of his guild mates." Lyra felt touched by this and asked.

"Have you ever considered starting your own guild Natsu?" Natsu nearly choked when he heard this. Happy looked at her with admiration, his eyes shining as he smiled.

"I'll take that as a maybe then." Lyra said.

"Aye!" Happy answered.

"Lyra, if I were to start my own guild then you might be one of the first to join." Natsu said. Lyra smiled at this comment.

"Natsu, why not let her join Fairly Tail!" Happy said excitedly.

"Right then It's settled, Lyra you are now a member of Fairy Tail." Natsu pounded his fists together as he said that.

"What! Really you'll let me join the team!" Lyra was excited, she jumped up and down with glee. Just then an explosion went off behind them. Lyra screamed and hid under a bench. Natsu and Happy looked behind them, fleeing ponies were running around frantically. Three unicorns then came out of the smoke.

"Nopony move, this is a hostage situation, if ya don't wanna get hurt then ya better do as I say." Mantus said. Just then Icefire noticed Natsu and Happy staring at them.

"Hey Mantus, who's this clown?" Icefire said.

"I don't know, Rango take the freaks out." Rango then laughed as he lunged ot Natsu, his horn glowed as he then turned into a giant wreaking ball of rocks.

"Natsu look out!" Happy shouted. Natsu then jumped and did a summersalt in mid air, bringing his heel down hard on the back of Rango's head. Rango hit the ground with a loud boom, as the skin of rocks melted away. Rango was unconscious and laying limp on the ground.

"Mantus, did you just see that?" Icefire said.

"Yeah I did, this kids gots some moves." Mantus then turned to Icefire, "You deal with the kid while I go search for anypony that might be hiding, and if Rango gets in the way, kill him." Mantus then turned around and went the other way.

Icefire let his horn glow with a blue flame. Just then Lyra spoke from underneath the bench.

"Natsu run, these guys seem strong." Natsu only grinned.

"That just makes me want to kick their asses even more. Happy take Lyra out of hear things might get heated." Happy raised a paw to his head.

"Aye, Natsu!" He then used his tail to pick up Lyra and carried her off to the sidelines.

Icefire shot forwards like a rocket and Natsu jumped to the side.

"FIRE DRAGON'S CLAW" Just then Natsu's foot lit up with a brilliant flame and he side kicked Icefire, sending him crashing into a wall.

Icefire slide down and landed. "So this kid can use fire magic, well two can play at that game."

He then shot a fireball at Natsu who then did something that surprised both Lyra and Icefire. He grabbed the flame and sucked it up into his mouth and swallowed it.

"Did he just...."Lyra said dumfounded.

"Aye, thats Natsu's special ability. You see Natsu had perfected a special type of fire magic. With it he has Lungs like a dragon to breath fire, scales like a dragon to survive in fire and claws like a dragon to attack with fire." Happy said.

"He what!" Lyra said.

"This type of magic was originally used to deal with dragons. By transforming parts of himself into that of a dragons, Natsu can cast powerful fire based spells." Happy said. "This is why Natsu is one of Fairy Tails strongest wizards."

"That's, amazing!" Lyra said, "I never knew that Natsu was so strong."

Natsu finished absorbing the fire and said. "Thanks for the meal. Now I have a fire in my belly." He then punched his two fists together, "FIRE DRAGON'S RAOR!"

Natsu then turned his hands into a makeshift pipe and blew as hard as he could into it. Flames burst forth and hit Icefire straight on, causing an explosion that sent Icefire flying through the wall knocking him out.

Out in the other room Mantus heard the fight and went to investigate. He saw Natsu standing above his two comrades with both of his fists on fire. Mantus backed up and turned tail and ran.

"This is to much, boss please forgive me." Mantus said as he bolted out the door.


Lyra used her magic to tie up the two unconscious unicorns, she then turned to Natsu and said,

"That was awsome, I've never seen magic like that before. You have to teach it to me sometime." Natsu stared at her and laughed.

"No way, you're too week for this kind of magic, besides it's my own style."

"Aye, Lyra Natsu's magic can only be taught by a dragon, and you wouldn't have any use for it ether." Happy said.

"Oh come on....." Lyra retorted.

"Anyway lets leave this place and try to find the one who made this request." Happy said.

"I'm with Happy on this one, it would be hard to explain this mess to the soldiers, you do have soldiers here right?" Natsu asked. Lyra looked around, the place was complete chaos. Walls had holes in them and the floor was all torn up.

"Uhhh, yeah lets go." She said. And with that they left.


"So you're telling me that you ran into some trouble." A large earth pony said. His figure was hidden behind a curtain. "This displeases me Mantus."

"B..b..b..but boss err, Don John there was some sort of alien and it weilded magic I have never seen before, please give me a second chance."

The Don breathed slowly. "Very well, I'll send some men to track down this thing, and when they find it I will personally take it out myself."

The Don let out a long maniacal laugh.