
by StreakTheFox

Part 2

Begin Part 2

“Hello there, ladies!” Came a voice from behind the trio of friends as they sat at the bar, having just received their usual drinks.
As all three mares looked back, they saw a pony with a light violet coat, a sapphire-blue mane with a sky-blue streak in it, and a cluster of starts with a black background for a cutie mark. The mare in question was also smiling at them, her eyes glancing over each one at a time as she came up from behind.

“Oh, hi there!” Colgate said, waving a hoof at the new pony.

“Hello,” Carrot top said with a soft smile.

“Hey there sexy, I'm Berry Punch, how you doin!?” Berry Punch blurted out, already checking out the mare who approached them.

“Berry, you know you shouldn't greet ponies like that, especially ones we don't know!” Carrot Top scolded.

“It's no problem, really,” The strange mare said with a giggle. “I like that kind of feistyness in a mare.” The mare gave Berry Punch a wink, which she returned with a low, sensual growl.

“Anyways...” Colgate began, “You must be new here. I haven't seen you around before, and I know almost everypony in this town.”

“Well yes, actually, I am new here.” Replied the light violet mare. “My name is Starshine Brightglow the third, but you can simply call me Starshine,” Starshine smiled happily as she got a bit closer to the three.

“Well it's a pleasure to meet you, Starshine,” Carrot Top said.

“Yeah, always cool to meet new ponies around here!” Colgate exclaimed jubilantly

“So how are you in bed, honey?” Berry Punch asked, winking her eyebrows at Starshine. Sensing something odd, she turned to see both of her friends glaring at her angrily, where she then replied with a simple, “What?”

“Berry...” Colgate deadpanned. “Can you please not do this again? Do you remember what happened last time with Lily and Rose?”

“Hey, she's hot!” Berry punch crossed her front legs together defensively. “Besides, she said she was okay with it, right?” The three turned to Starshine.

“Oh, I dunno...” Starshine said, turning around and lifting her tail up to slide against the bottom of Berry's chin. “Maybe you should come and find out...?” With that, Starshine peeked back at Berry as she shook her rump teasingly at her.
Berry Punch got a look in her eye just then, a look that only her friends could recognize. In an instant her two friends had realized it, and were just barely able to catch Berry Punch as she flung her whole body towards the teasing mare, most likely intent on having her way with her right on the club floor.
“BERRY!” Colgate yelled, her hooves around Berry's neck and chest as she strained to hold her back. “Stop it, not here, not in public like this!”

“Stop being such a horn-horse Berry!” Carrot Top said, holding Berry's waist with both hooves.

“Gimme gimme gimme!” Berry spoke frantically, her lower hooves kicking back and forth as her front hooves were pointed straight towards Starshine. “She's so hot and she wants it, I know it, just lemme have her!”

“My!” Starshine turned to face the three, trying her best to hold in her laughter. “I didn't know your friend was so... motivated!”

“It's alright Starshine,” Colgate began, still struggling with Berry. “Our friend here just, ugh,” Colgate and Carrot Top finally managed to get Berry back on her seat, her struggling stopped. “Well... she's apparently really horny tonight...”

“You should see me when I'm drunk,” Berry said, turning to Colgate.

“We HAVE seen you when you're drunk...” Carrot Top as-a-matter-of-factly. “You end up tackling somepony, groping them and ultimately barfing on the floor all in a span of about 10 seconds!”

“Yeah, and we really don't like getting thrown out of bars because of the stuff you do Berry,” Colgate added.

“Actually girls,” Starshine interrupted, drawing the attention of the three mares. “I really don't mind. In fact, that's sort of what I'm here for...” she did her best to make a shy face as she turned away slightly, batting her eyelashes.
Carrot Top and Colgate stared at Starshine for a few moments and then back at each other, and then down at Berry, who they ultimately noticed was no longer in her grasp. Slightly startled at the new development, they looked over to see Berry Punch already pressed up against the new mare,running her hoof against her back.

“So whadya say we go find someplace nice and comfy then?” Berry cooed, wagging her eyebrows up and down repeatedly.

“Mmmm... that sounds like an idea,” Starshine lapped her tongue against Berry's cheek once, staring straight into her eyes.

“Oh boy oh boy...!” Berry Punch did her best to hold in her excitement for just a bit longer, looking back to her friend while her hooves lightly bounced on the ground one at a time. “Hey, I'll catch up with you girls later, that's cool, right?”

“Yeah, sure, why not...” Colgate sighed as she looked back and forth between the two. “You both go have fun, we'll see ya later.”

“Great! Let's get going then!” Berry Punch looked at Starshine who nodded back in agreement, and then the two began trotting towards the door, their rumps playfully bouncing back against each other's the whole way there.
After they left and the door shut behind them, Colgate sighed again and turned back around, her hooves moving to her drink. Carrot top did the same, and the two sat there silently for a few moments as they thought about what just happened.

“You know...” Carrot Top began. “For once, I would like to have just a nice, regular evening at a bar, just hanging out as friends without something coming up and ruining it.”

“Yeah, I know what ya mean...” Colgate replied, using her magic to lift up her glass and take a sip of the hard liqueur. Her mouth scrunched as she pushed the glass away lightly, realizing her drink was over to the side, and that she had just had a sip of Berry's.

“Ya think those two will be back any time tonight?” Carrot Top asked, shooting a glance at Colgate.

“Tonight? I think we'll be lucky if they turn up sometime before next week!”

Starshine and Berry Punch headed up the stairs and opened the door to the outside. As soon as they were out the door they began walking down the street, Starshine following Berry closely. The two looked back at each other constantly, shooting alluring gazes at one another while giving soft, playful growls. Starshine, or Luna, however, didn't want to wait to walk back to somepony's house to get some action, as she wanted it right there and then.
In an instant she turned her body and flung it at Berry's, pushing the two back into an alley and into a darkness even denser than the one they were already in. Berry landed on her back with Starshine pounced on top of her, already feeling her hooves up Berry's coat and sniffing deeply at her mane.

“Oh baby!” Berry exclaimed, wrapping her hooves around Starshine. “I didn't know you wanted it this bad!”

“Oh, there's a lot of things you don't know about me...” Starshine whispered as a large grin appeared on her face. “Perhaps I should show you...”
It's going to be too much work to have fun with her while keeping up this form, Luna thought. I think it would be more fun if I was in my real form anyways.

“Oh, whatever it is, I don't care! Just don't hold anything back!” Berry ginned back at her as she pressed her hips up, grinding roughly against Starshine.

“If you insist... hehe,” Starshine grinned as her fur began to glow slowly, her man waving as if it was suddenly being pushed by a gust of wind.
Berry Punch stopped and watched as Starshine's form grew brighter, eventually glowing white as she also grew in size. Her hooves elongated some, her mane puffed out and elongated, and she even appeared to grow a pair of wings... and a horn! Berry Punch was awestruck, her mouth agape as the light faded away, revealing the regal figure of Princess Luna above her, still holding her pinned on the ground.
Now that she sees that I'm really Princess Luna, she probably won't want to play with me anymore... I guess I'll just have to force her like I did Twilight.
“Oh my gosh, L-luna...? Princess Luna!?” Berry Punch stared up at Luna, her body frozen from shock as her mouth still hung open. “T-this, this is... I... I can't...”
Yup, just as I thought...

“...I can't believe it, this is so... so... amazing!”
Mhm, now I'm going to have to force her down and-wait what?

“Wait...” Luna did a double take, rearing her head back slightly as she stared down at Berry in confusion. “You are not afraid of us, nor are you wishing to try to get away from our powerful grasp?”

“Get away? Are you kidding me!?” Berry flung her arms out widely as her face lit up. “It's always been one of my biggest fantasies to get to sleep with a princess! I mean, you are and your sister are just so... sexy! Especially you!” She slid a hoof up just under the base of Luna's throat and slowly trailed it downwards. “Mistress of the Night, Princess Luna... you don't know how tantalizing that sounds!”

“Hmmm... Mistress of the Night... we like that,” Luna smirked down at Berry, getting comfortable with this new development.
Sure, she no longer had to force a pony, but now she would be able to experiment with one a bit more wiling. She let her mind wander a bit, thinking of how far she could push the envelope with this purple mare. Then, an idea struck her, and her eyes widened along with a widening grin as she lowered her head towards her subject.

“Oh, we're going to have some fun with you,” She whispered as her magic began to work into a nearby patch of grass. “Lets see how much you're willing to do with us... let's, experiment!”
The patch of grass was quickly plucked out of the ground and molded together, quickly forming into a long, thick piece of rope. At the same time 3 other patches of grass around the two were morphed by magic, all of them turning into long strands of rope. Before she had any time to react, each strand wrapped around each of Berry's legs and pulled her into the air while her limbs were pulled apart from each other. Luna's spell held the ropes in place, keeping them taught with Berry's figure fully exposed before her while her body was held upwards. Luna approached slowly, lowering her head down to between Berry's thighs and licking between them, riding her tongue all the way up to her chest, neck, and across her lips before pulling back.

“W-wait!” Berry punch suddenly cried out, stopping Luna in her place. “I... I've never done bondage before...”

“Well it's your lucky night then!” Luna exclaimed, happy to see she will be able to get some sort of forceful pleasure out of this. “First times for even you it seems!”
Luna did not hesitate after this. She immediately pushed her face towards Berry's, locking the two in a deep, passionate kiss. With a flash of magic from Luna's horn, a leather riding crop materialized from behind her, levitating in the air with her magic. It floated behind her as the two kissed, their tongues wrapping around each other's while their teeth playful bit at each other's lips. The kiss was hot, and it was also very wet, drool beginning to drip down as the two seemed to lose themselves into the intensity of the kiss. Luna raised up her hoof, pressing it between Berry's haunches lightly as the riding crop lowered down, positioning itself perfectly behind her rump. After another moment, the leather crop swiftly swung at Berry, impacting her rump with a loud slap.
Berry yelped loudly in the kiss, her hooves twitching in the restraints. Luna pulled the crop back with her magic and slapped again, coaxing out another muffled yelp. Her hooves continued to tug against the ropes to no avail, her body squirming around in mid-air while she began to let out short moans with each slap. With each swing of the crop Luna added extra pressure with her hoof down between Berry's thighs, making each jump of her body grind her inner thighs against Luna's hoof. Luna continued slapping her, tightening the rope with her magic as well while their kiss only deepened, lustful moans escaping from both of them.
Eventually Luna pulled back from the kiss as she began to slide down Berry's body, kissing and licking her coat all the way down while her magic continued to influence the crop. Her hooves rubbed against her legs and her hips, feeling her squirm around while Berry's moans became more vocalized with her recently freed mouth. Soon Luna reached the junction between Berry's legs, stopping as she examined the area closely as her tongue wiped over her lips. Luna leaned forward slowly, taking a long, slobbery lick between Berry's haunches, inducing a loud, hearty moan from Berry. She bit her lip, trying to hold her moans in some but ultimately failing when Luna's lips connected with her coat, rubbing and kissing against her lower body.
Berry's brain was a scrambled mess, and she loved every moment of it. She was being used like a toy, her entire body at the mercy of the Mistress of the Night, and it did not take long for her to moan at the top of her lungs as the sensation of a hard climax rushed through her. Her eyes seemed to roll into the back of her head for a few moments before she closed her eyes, her tongue hanging out of the side of her mouth as she passed out from the overwhelming sensation. Her body went limp, her head hanging with her tongue dangling freely from her lips. With no more yelps coming from each spank Luna's riding crop gave, she realized that her time with this mare was over.
Luna pulled back slowly, looking over the mare's body and realizing just how much she had been sweating. She licked her lips slowly and pouted, wishing that this mare would have lasted long enough to service her as well. But for now the pony was used up, apparently letting it all out from the excitement of being handled so vigorously by a goddess such as herself. With a slight smirk Luna undid the spell on the ropes, letting Berry gently lay against the ground as the rope turned back into grass. The riding crop also disappeared, dematerializing in a puff of sparkly back smoke.
Well that was a bit of a buzz kill... Luna thought to herself. I hardly got much satisfaction out of that, but at least this subject enjoyed it...
She looked over the sleeping mess that was Berry punch, sweat dripping down from her coat as she snored loudly.
Next time I do this, I'm going to have to pleasure myself first, and then them... maybe...
With a soft inward chuckle, Luna turned around and began trotting back towards the street, leaving Berry in the alleyway. Magic folded around her and changed her form, once more dissipating to reveal Starshine who proceeded to walk back to the pub.


“Are you sure about this?” Derpy Hooves asked, keeping herself hovering just above the ground as she kept pace with the pony beside her. “It's getting late, and I need to tuck my muffin into bed still!”

“Oh don't worry Derpy, it's not that late,” Cheerilee replied with a friendly smile. “Besides, it's good for young fillies to stay up a little late every once in a while, allows them to spend that excess energy they build up from eating so many sweet treats.”
The two continued on, traveling down the streets of Ponyville towards one of the few places that are still open at this time. As they approached they heard some noises coming from a nearby alleyway, but ultimately ignored them when the entrance to their destination came into view. The sign at the front read clearly, 'Melody's Midnight Mares'.

End Part 2