//------------------------------// // Chapter 4:  Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity-jig // Story: Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon’s Bogus Journey // by Justice3442 //------------------------------// Diamond Tiara’ and Silver Spoon’s Bogus Journey Chapter 4:  Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity-jig  -oooooo- A rather large, rounded black controller whizzed through the air, stopping as it collided with a large pony skull. The large video system accessory cracked open bone and sent white fragments in all directions as the skull and body attached to the skull fell to the ground. “Die, skeleton pony, die… again!” Button Mash exclaimed as he yanked on the wire of his controller and pulled it out of the fractured skull of the skeletal pony he had just dispatched. The pony flailed its bony legs about and Button quickly spun the controller around and around vertically. Once again, the air whooshed as the controller flew through it at an alarming speed. Button brought the controller down on the skeletal ponies head again and again until it ceased moving. A shadow suddenly fell over Button and he turned to see a pony with greyed flesh which was missing in patches looming over him. He quickly yanked on his controller wire. It held fast for a bit then came to him with unexpected speed. Button fell over backwards as the cable end which was now just a series of splayed copper wires fell onto his stomach. Button looked up at the zombie above him with fear in his eyes. He could feel hot tears well up behind his eyes as the rest of him froze in terror. “WATCH OUT, BUTTON!” a high pitched voice called out. ‘PHOOOOOOM!’ A bright green glow suddenly engulfed the zomponie, turning it into a smoldering pile of burn flesh and bones. Button breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks, Sweetie Belle.” Sweetie Belle smiled at Button as she trotted up to him. “Of course, Button! I wouldn’t let… Wait what’s wrong?” Button’s eyes continued to tear up as he stared at the broken end of his controller. “This was my last original X-Barn controller! Now I won’t be able to play it anymore!” Button whined. Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow. “Did you even play it to begin with? That thing is older than you… almost bigger too!” “But… but… my ‘Princess of Pastursia’ saves are on there!” ‘Hissssssss!’ Sweetie Belle’s head jerked up at the sound of the inhuman hiss. She took a few steps back as a group of skeleton ponies advanced on her and Button. “I think we have more important things to worry about than old video games, Button…” “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS UNDEAD DESTROYERS, YAY!” Sweetie Belle’s eyes went wide. “Oh no…” Button’s ears perked up. “Was that Apple Bloom and Scoota—” “GET DOWN!” Sweetie Belle cried out as she dove on Button. No sooner had she brought herself and the brown colt to the ground then a batch of rocket-like fireworks zoomed overhead, trailing colorful sparks before they collided with the undead ponies with a colorful ‘KABOOOOM!’ “AAAAAAH!” Button cried as fiery greens, blues, and reds exploded in front of him, sending bones in every which direction. Sweetie Belle rubbed her horn as a few errant green sparks shot out of it. She stood up with an irritated expression on her face as she turned to the two fillies who had just lunched their firework attack. “You could have warned us.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “We shouted ‘Cutie Mark Crusader undead destroyers, yay!’ What more do you want?!” Apple Bloom nodded as she trotted alongside Scootaloo. “Ya clearly knew that meant to duck and cover!” Button stood up and brushed some dust off of himself with a foreleg. “I thought that was just what you were supposed to do anytime you girls screamed out.” The girls all went silent. Sweetie Belle sighed. “I think Button just burned us bad, girls…” “I did?” Button asked. “Should I go get some cold water?” “Ya don’t need to rub it in!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “Rub what in?!” Button said in confusion. “Water is supposed to be poured onto burns…” Scootaloo let out an exasperated sigh. “Whatever…” She tried to turn and look at her flank. “Do I have my cutie mark yet? I bet it’s something cool like a flaming skull.” “That would be pretty cool,” Sweetie Belle said as she stared at Scootaloo’s flank, “but I think your backside is just covered in dirt and dead pony bits.” “Aw, man…” Scootaloo said. “Seriously!” Apple Bloom moaned. “How many of these stupid skeletons do we need to explode to get a cutie mark?!” Sweetie Belle gulped. “Well, at least one more if we want to survive long enough to get one.” The foals all turned as large skeletal pegasus approached them, its bony wings spread as it slowly drew closer. “Girls…?” Button said in a worried tone. “I lost my controller in a pony skull…” Button said as he raised his black cord which ended in frayed wires. “We used the last of our fireworks…” Apple Bloom said. Scootaloo turned towards Sweetie Belle. “Why don’t you just blast it?” Sweetie Belle looked at Scootaloo with a nervous expression. “I bumped my horn when I was trying to avoid getting exploded with fireworks.” Sweetie Belle made a face like she was concentrating then winced as a few more green sparks flew from the tip of her horn. “It just hurts when I try to blast something right now.” The foals all looked up at the skeletal pony with terrified expressions as it drew closer and closer. Sweetie Belle and Button quickly wrapped forelegs around each other as they began to tremble in place. A heavy guitar rift sounded out that quickly raised in pitch to a fever of notes being played rapidly. The ponies ears all perked up. “It sounds like… rock music?” Scootaloo uttered. The ponies and even the skeletal pony turned to see a teenaged brown colt with spiky black hair slowly walk over on his hind legs as he held a yellow and black electric guitar. A thick amp wire was bolted to the guitar on one and bolted to a large amp on wheels on the other. He continued shredding a riff as he approached within a couple yards of the foals and skeletal pegasus. “Hey bonehead!” The pony called out as he rapidly moved his right hoof over the guitar strings. “How about some heavy metal!?” The skeletal pony snarled and poised itself to attack, but the brown pony suddenly gripped his guitar by its neck and swung it into the air, causing the guitar amp cord to go taunt. The heavy bolted ends of the cord held as the large amp attached flew into the air. It soon landed on top of the skeletal pony, sending a spray of cracked bones in all directions. Scootaloo’s jaw dropped. “That was the most awesome thing I’ve seen a boy do in my life…” “Wow! Nice one, bro!” Button cried. Sweetie Belle nodded. “Yeah! Thanks for saving us.” “We sure owe you one!” Apple Bloom said. “No problem.” Button’s brother said as he looked around. “You don’t suppose any girls saw that, did you?” “I’m a girl!” Scootaloo cried. “Er, I meant older—” Scootaloo dropped to her knees and raised her forehooves under her chin. “Please let me have your beautiful pony rock babies.” “Ummmm…” Button’s brother said as he looked down at Scootaloo. “You’re like super young, so this is weird?” Button tilted his head slightly as he looked at his brother. “Don’t you talk to older girls all the time?” Button’s brother frowned. “Age is just a number…” “Yes!” Scootaloo said triumphantly. “Unless you’re still a kid.” Button’s brother added hastily. “Aw man,” Scootaloo said. “Gibson!” Button’s brother flinched as he heard the familiar tone of his mother calling out his name in irritation. “Are you hitting on an eight year old?!” A slightly gore covered Love Tap demanded as she limped over to the other ponies, one of her forelegs wrapped around her blood splattered bat. Gibson gave his mother a slightly disgusted look. “No! I’m being hit on by an eight year old! Big difference.” Scootaloo frowned heavily. “You two are so ageist!” Love Tap and Gipson exchanged a quick look. Gibson cocked an eyebrow. “We also don’t want to go to jail.” “Well, you’re in luck!” Button said in a cheerful tone. “Because the magistrate’s office is on fire and also full of skeletons.” Love Tap gave her youngest son an awkward smile. “Button, sweetie? That’s not helping.” ‘Ffffeeeeeooooowwwww…’ The ponie all jumped slightly as a bright pink portal suddenly opened up close to them, sounding very much like a hollow wind blowing through town. The portal squeezed out a darkly robed figure holding a scythe in a bony hand. The figure was quickly followed by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. “There ya go, kids,” Grim said to his companions. “Home sweet—” Grim gave his surroundings a confusing glance as he noticed all the destruction and undead running about “—home…” Diamond Tiara scanned the chaos. “… There’s a lot more fire than when we were here last.” Silver Spoon nodded. “True, but now there’s less skeletons!” Gibson gave out a disappointed sigh and trotted off dragging his amp behind him. “Is it just skeletons and kids running around today?!” “Hey!” Scootaloo cried out as she pointed at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. “Didn’t we already kill you two?” Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon turned and glared at the Crusaders and Button Mash. Apple Bloom shook her head. “I don’t know what yer complainin’ about.” She said to Scootaloo. “If they’re back, it makes what we did a whole les morally ambiguous.” “Moral whatsit?” Button asked. Sweetie Belle turned towards Button. “She means ‘not as wrong’ if they’re back from the dead.” “Oh!” Button exclaimed. He gave Sweetie Belle a blank look. “I don’t get it.” “There they are!” Diamond Tiara said as she pointed at the foals. “Go slice them up or steal their souls or whatever.” “Slice them up! Slice them up!” Silver Spoon chanted. “What?!” Love Tap cried as she held up her bat. “Over my dead body!” Grim’s eyes widened. “Bless me bones, it’s Love Tap! Haven’t seen you since you brought your son back from the dead!” “Grim?!” Love Tap exclaimed. Her expression softened and she lowered her bat, quickly cantering up to Grim to wrap her forelegs around him and give him a hug. “Oh, it’s so nice to see you again!” The reaper returned the hug. “It’s certainly been too long.” Grim grinned down at Love Tap as the two parted. “Ya really should sacrifice more often.” Love Tap grinned sheepishly. “Well… I try to only do that when I have a good reason…” Apple Bloom and Scootaloo turned and looked at Button Mash. “Wait, you’ve died before?!” Scootaloo exclaimed. Button sighed and hung his head. “I don’t want to talk about it.” Love Tap chuckled. “Actually, he means Gibson.” “Button’s older brother?” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. “How’d he die?” “Oh, he was trying to save time by practicing the guitar and showering at the same time.” The girl’s eyes all went wide. “You’re kiddin’, right?” Applebloom exclaimed. “MOM!” Gibson shouted from several yards away as he decapitated a skeletal pony with his guitar. “Don’t tell them that!” Scootaloo shook her head. “She wasn’t joking…” Love Tap tapped at her chin ponderously for a moment. “You know in hindsight, I probably didn’t do a good job warning the boys about the dangers of water and electricity.” Grim chuckled. “Hehehe, Yeah… Good times.” “Enough with the chitchat!” Diamond Tiara cried. “Yeah!” Silver Spoon chimed in. “Get with the reaping already! Reap those kids dead!” Love Tap narrowed her eyes at Grim. “What?” She uttered in an icy tone. Grim held up his hand defensively. “I’m sorry Love Tap. I had no idea da girls had a beef with one of your kids.” He turned towards Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. “Sorry girls, deals off,” he said as he waved a hand in front of him. “WHAT?!” Diamond Tiara cried. “That’s not fair.” Grim sighed and leaned on his scythe. “Look, if I had known ahead of time it was one of Love Tap’s kids who’d done ya both in I’d have told ya to ask for something else.” “Well too bad!” Diamond Tiara said. “We want revenge!” “WE’RE OUT FOR BLOOOOOOD!” Silver Spoon exclaimed as she shook a forehoof in the air. Diamond Tiara turned and gave Silver Spoon an impatient look. “Calm down. You seem a little too into this.” Silver Spoon took a few calming breaths. “Sorry… It’s just… Something about all this murder has got me all hot blooded.” “Look kids,” Grim began, “I’m just saving you both some time. If I kill those four fillies over there—” “I’M A BOY!” Button protested. “…Whatever…” Grim said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “If I kill those kids, Love Tap is just goin’ t’ kill you two and probably your parents or something t’ bring them all back. And then suddenly I have four snooty ponies to deal with.” A slightly crazed grin suddenly came over Love Tap. “Oh, I’d do it, too!” “Well, just kill her, too then!” Diamond Tiara said. “YES!” Silver Spoon cried. She made a slicing motion across her neck. “Slice her open her neck and decorate Ponyville with her entrails!” Diamond Tiara sighed. “Seriously Silver Spoon, you need therapy or something.” Love Tap narrowed her eyes. “Now wait just a da—” “SKREEEEEEEAAAAAAA—” Another skeleton attacked the ponies, its mouth opened wide showing a mouth full of jagged teeth. Teeth that soon flew every direction with a ‘crunch’ as Love Tap swung her bat and caught the undead aberration in the mouth. The skeleton fell to the ground in a heap, its skull now little more than a cracked mess. Grim sighed and shook his head. “Dis place is a big enough mess at it is girls. I already got me work cut out for me with all the ponies being killed by the undead. I don’t need t’ be adding to my own work load.” “Oh I get it!” Diamond Tiara said. “You’re just scared of her!” she said as she gave Grim a haughty look before she raised her muzzle into the air. Love Tap wasted no time in lifting the body of the skeleton at her hooves and tossing it hard into another shambling mass of skeletons coming towards the ponies. With a sound of bones cracking, the group collapsed to the ground. Grim held up a bony thumb and forefinger, holding them less than an inch apart from each other. “A little bit, yeah.” Grim gave the girls a cheerful smile. “How’s ‘bout I get rid of all dese skeletons for you? Dat’s more dan fair…” “No way!” Diamond Tiara said as she quickly crossed her forelegs in front of her chest then flung them out. “Why should I care that the undead have risen to eat all these poor losers?” “Poor?!” Sweetie Belle protested. “Losers?!” Apple Bloom chimed in. Scootaloo sighed heavily. “You know I’ve had to restuff my pillows with my own feathers? It sometimes hurts to pluck them, but it beats sleeping on bags full of sawdust.” Love Tap’s eyes went wide. “What?! What the heck is wrong with your parents?!” “Well, actually—” “Hey D.T.,” Silver Spoon piped up, “don’t look now, but I think your house is on fire.” “What?!” “Yeah,” Button chimed in as he pointed towards a pillar of smoke above a massive home in the distance, “and all the fireponies are too busy dealing with skeletons to put the fire out.” Diamond Tiara frowned. “I still think we should get more out of the deal.” Love Tap looked at Diamond Tiara in disbelief. “Your house is going up in flames and you’re holding out for more?” “Well I want to get something out of this experience!” Apple Bloom took a step forward. “What about your memories of all the fantastic places you two must have been? Ah mean, you showed up to down with a weird skeleton guy in a robe! Ya both have to have some great stories to tell” Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes. “I meant something not totally lame, d’uh!” “Weird?!” Grim exclaimed. “Lame?!” “I still think you look cool,” Silver Spoon said. “Thanks, mon.” Grim said with a smile. “Look girls, I’ll buy you both ice cream.” Diamond Tiara gave Grim a serious look. “Can I get pure evil topping?” Grim sighed. “Yeah, sure.” Diamond Tiara smiled and held out a forehoof. “Deal!” Grim and Diamond Tiara shook appendages. “Ice cream?!” Silver Spoon exclaimed. “That’s all it took?!” Diamond Tiara gave Silver Spoon an irritated look. “Pure evil is hard to come by, alright?” “The pact is sealed…” Grim said in a deep rumbling voice as his eyes began to glow red. He spread his arms out and stared up at the sky which began to darken. Holding onto his scythe with one hand, he floated several feet up into the air which seemed to pulsate with a darkness. All the ponies took several steps back. The ground shook.  The sky continued to darken until it was a starless black, then it started to glow an eerie shade of green. A sharp, fast wind cut through the town, putting out fires and chilling the still living to their core. Grim’s eyes began to glow red and soon the fiery glow was practically shooting upwards out of his eyes and out of every hole in his robe. The undead stopped their attack, each skeleton and zombie turning towards the glow and shambling towards it. Soon Grim and the ponies were surrounded by the undead, each one staring poised and staring at Grim as if waiting for his command. Grim looked back down, regarding the undead with a displeased stare. “Alright ya pile of bones, get going. Time to pack it up.” The undead horde simultaneously erupted into a chorus of disappointed sounding groans, like a group of children just being told it was time to leave the playground… if children shambled about and feasted upon the flesh of the living. “Now don’t give me any lip,” Grim said. A skeletal unicorn spoke up from the crowd. “We don’t have—” Grim quickly swung his scythe and pointed it at the unicorn skeleton. A green blast fired from the scythe, hitting the unicorn and exploding it bony body out in all directions. Grim lowered the end of his scythe back to the ground. “Anybody else want to try bein’ a funny bones?” The undead slumped their shoulders, lowered their heads and began to trot off towards the graveyard. “Girls!” a feminine voice called out from above. “Still a boy…” Button uttered in irritation. A purple blur suddenly slammed into the ground, skidding to a halt. The ponies all look as Twilight Sparkle woozily stood up to her full height, Spike on her back holding on for dear life. “Well Howdy, Twilight!” Apple Bloom greeted. “Howdy, Spike!” “Hi, Twilight,” Sweetie Belle greeted. “Hey, Spike!” “Yo,” Scootaloo said simply. “Heya, Princess!” Button greeted cheerfully. “Hey, Mustache buddy!” “Hey Button,” Spike said as he slid off Twilight and hit the ground with an “Ooff.” He picked himself up. “Hey, girls.” Twilight gave the girls a frantic, apologetic look. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner, but when Rainbow Dash came by to tell me just how bad everything was, I looked up a spell that would take care of the undead and—” “Hey Twilight,” Spike interrupted, “where’s all the skeletons?” Twilight’s blinked a few times as she looked around. “Uh…” “All taken care of, mon,” Grim said casually. “Yeah, thanks a lot princess!” Diamond Tiara said sarcastically. “Thanks to you just sitting around, I had to save the town instead of getting my wish of revenge!” Twilight frowned. “But—” “Yeah!” Silver Spoon chimed in. “I missed out on murder because of you!” “You suck, princess!” Diamond Tiara cried. “Way to leave the whole town hanging!” Silver Spoon added. “Your hair could use a good brushin’,” Grim piped up. “Hey!” Twilight protested. “You could stand to brush your teeth more often.” Twilight glared at Spike. “What?” Spike said with a shrug. “I thought we were all sharing!” “Come on Silver Spoon,” Diamond Tiara said. She turned to Grim. “Come on… uh… tall, spooky guy… Let’s get some ice cream.” Silver Spoon began to follow Diamond Tiara into town. “Wait…” Grim said as he followed the two ponies. “Ya don’t even know my name?!” Twilight puffed out her lower lip. “But—!” “Sorry, Twilight,” Sweetie Belle said as she shook her head. “But it really seems like those three saved the day.” Sweetie frowned heavily. Most the other ponies around quickly matched her expression. Scootaloo was the first to speak up. “I think I need ice cream to deal with this situation.” “Me too,” Apple Bloom chimed in. “Me three!” Sweetie Belle said. Love Tap smiled. “Well, you all did a great job combating and surviving the undead, I think a little treat is in order.” “Yay!” Button said triumphantly as he reared up on his back legs and flailed his front legs about. Love Tap and the group of foals began to trot of after Grim and the other two girls. Twilight’s lower lip began to quiver. “But…” she said, her voice starting to crack. Spike rested a gentle claw on Twilight’s side. “Forget it Twilight. Maybe somepony else will accidently summon the evil dead and you can save the town from certain and gruesome doom next time.” Twilight sighed. “You’re just saying that.” “No I’m ice cream!” Spike insisted. Twilight cocked an eyebrow at Spike. Spike grinned nervously. “Erm… I… I should really catch up with everypony else.” Spike turned towards the group of ponies walking towards the only slightly destroyed Ponyville downtown. “Hey guys!” Spike called out. “Wait up!” ‘Grchrchrchrch…’ Twilight looked up to see Gibson dragging his heavy amp over towards her, the wheels on it bent and broken. He stopped a few yards away and held his guitar up in play position. “So…” Gibson smiled and strummed his guitar a few times. “Word on the street is you like ponies who can play the guitar.” Twilight let out a long continuous groan as she shot a grumpy look in no particular direction and began to trot off. “I’m going back to bed,” she announced. Gibson’s face lit up. “I like where this conversation is going!” -ooo- “More evil! More!” Diamond Tiara shouted in a demanding tone. Grim sighed as he squeezed his bony hand causing green goo to ‘splurt’ out of the squeeze bottle was holding and completely cover a large bowl of ice cream Diamond Tiara was sitting in front of. “Yesssss!” Diamond Tiara said in a triumphant hiss as her ice cream was soon lost under a heap of viscus slime. She dug a spoon into the messy mass and started shoveling it into her mouth. Grim tossed the now empty bottle behind him. The sound of already broken glass clattering could be heard as it bounced along the debris covered ground. “Can I have blood and guts on mine?” Silver Spoon asked. Grim narrowed his eyes at Silver Spoon. “No.” “Well, can I have strawberry since that looks like blood and guts?” Grim gave Silver Spoon and irate look as he clasped his hands together then opened them creating a swirling dark purple portal that seemed to scream out with the sounds of a mass of people in pain. He reached in and pulled out a squeeze bottle labeled ‘strawberry’ and handed it to Silver Spoon. “Did your parents not hug you enough, child?” Grim asked in a grumpy tone. Silver Spoon took the squeeze bottle into her hooves. “No. No, they did not.” “How’d you get stuck babysitting those two anyway?” Grim looked up at the pony who asked him. Love Tap sat at a both surrounded on either side by foals who happily dug at bowls of ice cream. Spike also sat at an end, busily making short work of his own bowl. Grim gave Love Tap an exhausted look. “These two brats caused so much trouble in the afterlife they became my problem!” Love Tap shook her head. “Why am I not surprised…?” ‘Ring!’ ‘THUD!’ The sound of a bell ringing followed by a door falling off its hinges could be heard as a pink pony with a curly mane walked in followed by a grey pony with a straight purple main in a greyish-blue frock. “…I’m telling you, Maud,” Pinkie said to the pony following her. “There’s nothing like a bowl of ice-cream after a hard day of exploding and crushing the undead.” “Sure, Pinkie,” Maud replied in a monotone. “Hey, Pinkie!” Spike greeted as he hopped down from his booth and walked over to the two mares. “You two survived the undead attack okay, I see.” Pinkie blew a dismissive gust of air past flapping lips. “Pffbfffbfffbbbft! Maudie and I used to deal with the undead all the time back at the rock farm.” Spike raised an eyebrow as he glanced at Maud.  “… I thought your sister was named ‘Obsidian’.” Pinkie shook her head. “Noper! You must have mesretconed—IMEAN, misremembered.” The End.