//------------------------------// // Ch.1 Sometimes you know the world hates you. // Story: My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic. The Light at the End of the Tunnel. // by StormBreaker //------------------------------// "It's dark... can someone turn on the lights?" I asked, not realising I said it in my head. I soon realised I had my eyes closed, and opened them to a place that seemed to be even darker. "Hello?" I called in my head again. "What's going o-ah!" I screamed as I noticed I was falling. Along with the feeling of dropping, the air kept whistleing against my ears and face, making it impossible to consentrate. "Wha-whats going on?!?!" I yelled loudly, as my breathing bulleted threw the roof. The place looked like a big cilander with about ten feet across the middle. And of course, it went very deep. "You... I meen we had so much potential..." a voice rang in my ear. And it wasn't a normal voice, well of course it's not because who really.. but, well you get the point. When he talked, It seemed to work like a telephone, when he was talking it cut out all the noise around me. "Who's there?" I yelled, not realising I was talking in my head again. "Oh now that would take all the fun out of it? Wouldn't it Jason?" he said with a hint of arogance. "How do you know my name?" I demanded, my descent begining to speed up. "Oh I know many things... things that the very concept, could destroy a weak mind like yours, or ours?" the voice said. "Who are you calling weak!? and what do you mean by ours?" I yelled, getting angry. "See what I mean? You'r so easy to control! With one word, I could control every aspect of your... or should I say our, life.... And for the other question, I won't answer. You have to find that out for yourselve.." it said aragently. "What do you want?" I asked it, again speeding up. "This isn't about me... It's about you, or us?" it said, walking out. It looked really strange, you know, since we were falling. I don't know how, but he seemed to be standing on the air, descending at the same speed as me. "What are you talking about us?" I asked, trying to speak over the rushing air. He looked really weird, like each limb kept changing into a diffrent person... or creature. You couldn't give him a discription, because one second, he'd be fat and ugly, and a second later he'd be a toothpick, and good looking. "I have a message for you, I mean u-ah who cares!?" he said disgruntled, then changing his face intell it solidified... into mine. "You must let them go, it will destroy the balance of your world. It is better for you not to interfere!" He yelled, his face shifting again. "What would you know about balance?" I yelled, his presance alone, let off the feeling of anger. I couldn't control myself. "What makes you special? Because you can stand on air? Big deal!!" I said, beginning to gain control again. "And who are you talking about!" I finished. "More than you know..." he said, with a hint of grief. "And for your other question." he started. "Well... thats not how this game works. Dosn't it?" it pushed, expecting me to answer the question. "Oh look at the time! You must be going! Goodbye Jason! We will meet again!" it finished. Only realising seconds before I hit the bottom, that I was going to die. "Wha-?" I groaned, sitting strait up in bed. My entire body was sweating, and it felt about 200 degrees. "What was that?" thought to myself as I got out of bed. I walked over to my small bathroom connected to my bedroom. "I need to lay off the sugar..." I thought before quickly taking a shower, brushing my hair, and overall geting ready. After I was finished, I started walking- wait, wait, wait. Sorry I forgot to introduce myself! My name's Jason, most call me Jace, I'm in my Senior year, and... the best part. I'm a brony!! A group of the biggest My Little Pony fans of the century! (Sounds stupid right? No, no it dosn't, its awesome.) I have very near blond hair that comes about half an inch pasted my eyes. I usually have eight or nine zits on my face, but for some reason I didn't have any today. Now that introductions are threw, lets continue with the story. I opened my closet which, like usual was very cluttered, but it was less so then usual. My closet was sepearated into two sections, my regular cloths, which I wore on a regular basis. And my My Little Pony stuff, that I wore whenever I felt like proclaiming to the world I was a brony. Which was pretty much every day. Oh yeah, did I mention I was a brony? Probably not, I have a horrible memory... After I finished putting my cloths on, (a pair of levi's, and a white polo shirt with the mane six sticking out of the fake pocket). I walked out of my room and sat in the living room. Like she usually did, my mother left for work early, so I had the whole house to myself. I looked at the clock in the living room, and noticed it said 6:50 at the moment. School started at 7:50, so I had roughly an hour intell school started. Once I had eaten and done my morning chores, I grabbed my binder and walked out the front door. I decided to take the long away around and see if I could see my friend Riley Patterson. After five to ten minutes of walking, I finnaly cought up with him. He's in my same year, about six feet, and acourding to another friend, ok looking. He wouldn't have very much trouble with ladys... if he didn't act stupid around them. We would have been talking about what we thought the new episode of My Little Pony would be about tomarow, but apparently there having a big break between the end of season two, and the beginning of season three. As we walked inside our giant school and to our table, we noticed Cole Swim, another friend of ours. Was sitting already there. He usually didnt get to school untell about ten minutes before so it was a little odd to see him. "Hey Cole," I said as we walked up to our regular table. Cole was a bigger man, not that strong, but definatly not weak. And unlike us, he is brilliant. I'm not talking smart, I mean brilliant! He's aslo much better than both of us combined, when it comes to girls. "Good, hey guys, look at my awesome shirt!", he said pointing at his shirt. The shirt was compleatly black and had a picture of Derpy in a really fancy suit. It said at the bottom, "Riviting tale, gentlecolt". After we stopped laughing, we started talking about random gibberish, from My Little Pony, video games, and of course, fanfics. After school finished, we walked outside the school and began to walk home. Laughing and making fun of each other along the way. "If you were able to visit one of the mane six in real life as a human, which one would it be?" Cole asked as we walked. "Well, for me it would be Rainbow Dash", Riley said as he laughed at the stupid question. "Well of course it is Riley. You've written about 15 clopfics inclouding you and her. "But for me, well I like them all, but Fluttershy is easly my favorite.", I replyed. "Rarity for me.", Cole said, answering his own question. "Why do you ask?" I questioned as we passed my house. "I dont know, I was just wondering", he answered. "Well, we passed your house a second ago, ill come over later and hang out". Riley said. "Ok, bye guys.", I said as I backtracked and entered my own house. As I entered the house, I could smell the fresh scent of cookies. "My mom must be home.", I thought as I walked threw the seemingly empty house to the source of the smell. "Mom!", I called when I traced the smell of the cookies to the living room. "Oh, your home! Good, I'm going to be gone for a few weeks, four at the most. "Why?" I asked. "Work's sending me on a buisness trip to Las Vegas", I heard my mother say from her bedroom. "Going to stay with grandma are you?", I replyed as I helped myself to the cookies. "Yep," she said as she exited her room with a really big breifcase. "Remember, no big parties, no-", she stopped noticing I was talking. "No wild partys, not to many friends, I know your credit card numbers if I need them, and only if I need them.", I spouted out. "I've been home alone, I remember." "Ok, well I love you. And Goodbye.", my mother said as she walked out of the door and drove off. And that quick, she was off, "Thanks for leaving again", I said sarcasticly as I went back inside and layed on the couch watching tv. After an hour or two of just waiting around and doing nothing. My friend Riley finnaly came over. "Hey," he said as I opened the door. "Hey, want to play some soccer at the high school?", I questioned. "Sure! I love soccer." he said as we started walking. After about an hour of walking and talking, we finaly got to our schools football field. It was a 15 minute walk, but that's kind of what happened when we walked. "That was a weird question Cole asked a while back." Riley said. "Yeah," I replyed. "But just imagine if it was real. It would be really cool huh?" "Well, lets play some soc-" BOOM!! "Wha-?!?!", we said in unison, being shoved to the ground.