//------------------------------// // RSA Wind Sweeper // Story: Happy Birthday Jackie // by Sipioc //------------------------------// Moving through the air as peacefully as the clouds it glided through, RSA Wind Sweeper made its way back to port. The completion of her patrol duty on the Bovinia-Svineland border had gone about without incident. True enough, it had been five years since the WarThog Uprsings, however, the brass felt that a presence was still needed to remain vigilant in case a "resurgence of hostilities" began a new. The Aeronaut itself was a middle sized vessel, with a crew compliment of just over thirty. Four decks and a formidable arsenal of long range to short range cannons. A massive propeller, that stretched a good ten feet taller then the ship itself, was placed in the exact middle of the main body and provided much of its forward propulsion. Two smaller pivoting props were mounted on the wings which stood out like raised arms, which served for the maneuvering thrusters. She was golden brown in color and grey on her belly. Displayed on her nose was a scandalous bit of aircraft graffiti; A curvaceous pegasus mare, Riding a broom with a fierce, yet alluring, look painted on her face, her name "Windy" written in flowing silver letters by her open (stiff) wings. While the Sweeper wasn't the most advanced ship in the Royal Navy, she still cut a dashing figure in her own right. The crew busied themselves with there work, mostly maintenance and general up keep. Still the atmosphere was rather lax. They would pass through the border into Equestria early this evening and would be at there destination shortly after nightfall. Currently, Aeroswane, Donkey Xote and his assistant, Serene, were fine tuning the Heliumite batteries that kept the ship aloft. A risky procedure to do whilst several thousand feet in the air, but strictly routine to the donkey engineer and his adopted diamond dog daughter. The silent machination, known only as 'Sprocket' to the crew, having finished his duties on the gun deck hours ago, remained at his post, a statue in more than one meaning of the word. Down the tight corridor, the Post Master, a plucky young Wyvern by the name of 'Vern', had just received today's mail delivery. With a belch of green flame the last letter turned from ethereal mist to tangible paper and was neatly placed in the dragon's mail basket. He took a moment to peruse the list of lucky recipients of today's mail call, reviewing in his mind which crew member got what letter and where they currently could be found. This allowed him to plan his path accordingly and get everyone there treasured letters from home as fast as dragonly possible. He paused as he looked at the care of line in one letter from... Ponyville? A grin found its way across his beak, as he decided he would stop at the bridge first and deliver this letter to the captain. ----------- The sky spread out before them like an endless sea of blue and white. In between openings in the clouds below lay the city of Istanbull, one of the larger cities of the Bovinian nation. It's skyscrapers built somewhat modestly, but solid to withstand the bovine's sturdy nature. Above were the heavens, unobscured in a blanket of thin crisp air. This was once a sight only a Pegasus could enjoy but through the wonders of aeronautical engineering the sky was open to all. All this, and more was the furthest thing from the mind of Captain Quill Point Cloverhoof. He was a grey unicorn, his blue mane and tail were tied back neatly to regulation. His uniform, pressed and neat. It was his eyes, however, that were easily his most distinguishing feature. They shone a bright orange, "a gift from my mother" he would say, but would then leave it at that. His eyes held a steady calm that the crew would gain strength from even in the worst of times; and they'd seen there share. Those same eyes found themselves pouring over various papers, reports, and charts he had strewn in a storm of organized chaos on the large map table nearest his captain's chair. He would study a certain report while simultaneously scribbling down notes with a quill held in a green telekinetic aura emitted from his horn. Looking at his note, then refer to his pocket watch sitting on the table, examine the map, scratch out another note. He would then reflect on the gauges of windspeed, velocity, and current output of the solar power plant. He had been at this process for hours, and, apart from the fifteen minute step out on the open deck to 'get fresh air' and acceptance of coffee, which was now quite cold, he didn't seem like he was stopping soon. The Sweeper was due for a refit on there return to the Las Pegasus shipyards, which meant a well deserved shore leave for the crew. Three weeks, to return home and be with family and friends. Quill and his officers, on the other hoof, were headed for Canterlot at Central Command; 'two day ride by train' he noted. Aerial shots taken by the Sweeper's new camera of the Svineland capital of Boara-Boara would need to be developed and examined by the colts in Military Intelligence and Quill would be on hand to answer any lingering questions the pictures couldn't answer, as well as provide a briefing on the mission; 'three days, hopefully'. Further debriefing meetings as well as a Captain meeting on the Changeling Containment Action; 'three more days.' He was also requested to accompany Captain Galea in her briefing to the princesses; that would take most of the afternoon, 'Galea likes to talk' he frowned, knowing all too well his former CO's delight in talking, at least with those just as or higher ranking than her. Prince Blueblood also was holding a charity ball for the Canterlot elite and Military Officials; 'one evening I will never get back' he sighed. To say it was depressing to watch his free time dwindle away; a sacrifice to appease the insatiable beast of obligation and the two headed hydra of responsibility, was an understatement. Still, this was the role in life he chose and despite all of it, when he was here among the clouds, with his crew, on his ship, it was all worth it. It better be too, he had given up a life of relative ease back home to be here. The Cloverhoof family was descended from the infamous Clover the Clever lineage and as such held respectable influence and wealth in the Green Isles, a small chain of loosely populated villages off the coast of the Equestrian mainland. Despite there prestige, the Cloverhoof children grew up 'proper', as his father would say. A strict work schedule in the clover fields to learn the lesson of hard work, a well rounded education, and plenty of time to rough house and play in the lush green thickets of the small island community. His life trajectory, though happy and wrought with its own rewards, would have been on that of his family's reputation. Quill had wanted to strike out on his own make his own name for himself, and to that he had so far succeeded. He had earned his mettle during the WarThog Uprisings, been apart of the team during the Dark Well incident, and his recent participation in the Changeling campaign, each had earned him acclaim justifying his rank of Captain at the age of twenty three. Yet, looking over the numbers and his schedule it seemed that he would have four whole days to himself; or rather four days he could spend with 'her'. He ceased his writing and allowed his mind to wander to the road that lead to the outskirts of that small hamlet just outside of Canterlot. The dirt road would meander till the outlying oak and chestnut trees changed into Apple. A white picket fence corralled the orchard, where fields of apple trees lay in neat little rows. The top of a small hill in the road and the old red barn would come into view, framed perfectly between the trees. It would be Apple bucking season which meant 'she' would be hard at work. Her mane and tail tied back in her pony tail. Her pappy's hat adorning her head. He would come down the road and she would spot him and her freckled face would grace him with that smile that melted his heart every time. "Captain." She never called him that, not sure he hated it though. "Sir?" It was at this time, that the orchard had seen fit to change back into the steel and grating of an Aeronaut bridge, the rustling of leaves devolving to the hum of propellers, and the mare in question grew wings and a beak coupled with a concerned look. Quill blinked as his mind made the trip back to the waking world. "You alright sir?" Vern said, concern in his voice. "Yes...yes, ah'm fine. S'rry 'bout that Vern." Quill reassured the winged dragon. A year of elocution at the officers academy had merely dimmed his Islish brogue. In casual conversation he could speak with the best of Canterlot society but this was his ship, so buck it. "Alright." Said the dragon forgetting the dreamy look the captain had had on his face. "I have a letter for you sir." The post master proudly handed the captain the letter, and watched for his reaction. Quill took the letter in his magic and examined it. The recipient was indeed him and the return address was none other than one Applejack 'Jackie' Apple, Sweet Apple Acres, Ponyville. A tug at his heart caused a warm smile to betray his lips. He took in every flourish of her writing in that red ink she always used, also including his name for her; a name she hated originally when they first met. "She responded fast, she must of really liked the jacket, sir." The little dragon beamed. It was with his help that the Captain was able to orchestrate the special delivery, it took specific timing and some cashed in favors, but for the Captain and his 'friend', Vern went all out to help. Any chance to fan the flames of love. Realizing where he was, Quill dropped the smile and resumed his 'captainly' composure. "That will be all, Mister Vern." Vern stood at attention, and let off a crisp salute. "Aye, aye." The dragon scurried his way off the bridge, to continue his route, the smile never leaving his face. Delivering 'those' kinda letters made his job all the more worthwhile every time. " Aww, come on Cap. No need to be embarrassed ." Came a curt voice from the winged pony at the helm. The Soaring Master went by the name Cavalier Fortune. All too often the Los Pegasus born pilot, had a bad habit of speaking his mind in lieu of rank and etiquette. Still his flying skills spoke for themselves and he had pulled the crew through more than one nosedive in his tenure at the helm. "So, is it from your pen pal? Anymore saucy pictures?" Cavalier gave a backward glance at Quill from where he sat behind the controls. A smug grin plastered on his face, ready to pounce on this opportunity to make the 'oh so stalwart captain' blush. Quill recalled the pictures in question. According to Jackie they were a prop used in teaching a friend a lesson. Afterward she felt that they would be safer with him. His jaw nearly hit the deck when he got them. Applejack had always been down to earth, conservative, and not much of a show pony for her looks. Those pictures were a grand departure from the mare he knew, and he couldn't help but notice that there were moments in those snapshots that seemed like she enjoyed that little deviation. Still how would anyone else know about them? More than likely Cav was bluffing, he was good at that. Still, on the off chance, the grey unicorn had since hidden them away on his quarters, for safe keeping. Quill narrowed his eyes in response, but then smirked at the haughty gold pegasus. He opened his mouth to rebuttal with a searingly accurate comment on how the last friendly letter Cavalier had received from a mare was from his mother, when a smaller yet sterner voice injected herself between the two. "As usual, Mister Fortune, you are proving to the world that you could stand to learn a little more difference and a lot more class." The higher pitched voice came from Commander Whisper. She was the faintest light blue in color, her silver colored mane held in a tight conservative bun, a stern look cemented to her face, a crisp and trim uniform, and she had the most intriguing pair of butterfly wings. Commander Morning Whisper was a Breezie, and stood only a few inches tall, but the presence she carried moved mountains. For all intents and purposes she should have been the captain, but few military admirals would put someone in command that could be taken down by a slight breeze. The idea of that being remotely true was laughable to Quill. 'Wisp' commanded respect and the winds themselves wouldn't dare cross her. He had once see her make a Stallion twice his own size cry in shame for dereliction of duty. Still when the chips were down she too was an invaluable asset to the crew, a well of knowledge, and Quill's closest friend. "I don't need to go to class to know I'm different, mam." Cavalier stated sarcastically, but being certain to add the 'mam', he wasn't that stupid. Whisper glared at the pilot before she turned toward the cluttered chart table. She leap forward, fluttering and coming down gracefully to stand at her post; a miniature seat that over looked the bridge. She bristled at the pilot's lack of discipline. Despite Cavalier's clear talent, it boggles her mind why the Captain put up with him as much as he did, more so why she did. She shuddered to think she might be getting used to him. She looked over to see her friend and CO open the letter he had received. A part of her wanted to remind him he was on duty, but seeing him pour over the letter like a schoolcolt on Hearts and Hooves day made her smile. 'And he thinks he's so nonchalant.' She chuckled to herself. She continued in her duties, there wasn't much of anything that needed doing but, regulations and the like said otherwise. The sun was still high in the sky and the turbulence was minimal. Solar power intake was working optimally as was engine efficiency. The crew was enjoying the uneventful ride home. It would be the perfect time for a drill she thought. She glance over at Quill Point to bring it up, but halted when a small look of apprehension had replaced his normally stoic features. "Everything alright sir?" She queried, genuinely concerned. "It appears she did indeed receive the jacket, and likes it a lot." Quill said flatly not even looking up from the letter. "That's good isn't it?" "It tis." Now looking up from the letter with a shrug. "Apparently, the other Elements wer' present on its delivery, guess that changes things a bit." Whisper paused at hearing this. For nearly a year now she was one of the few, privy to the fact that Captain Quill Point was in contact with the elemental embodiment of Honesty. She saw in him the signs of his growing affection for the mare and was savvy to girl's subtle reciprocations; as if snapshots were subtle. She had never herself met this Applejack, but the six avatars of Harmony were world famous for there adventures and there knack for saving the world. Trouble also had a knack for finding them, making the normally quiet town of Ponyville the center of chaos. Whisper emerged from her thoughts and addressed her friend in the most encouraging manner she could muster. "Battle Stations, Captain?" Upon hearing this Quill, sat up in his chair and eyed the horizon. Where he was going would be wrought with uncertainty. Unpredictability a certainty, but the reward? His thoughts drifted back to that sweet smile, emerald eyes that he had gotten utterly lost in, the...kiss shared. "Damn the Torpedoes, Commander." The serenity of the clouds yielded away to the sound of klaxon as the Wind Sweeper picked up speed for simulated maneuvers. The crew jumped to their stations prepared for what may come. Her Captain could do no less. "Here I come Jackie."