//------------------------------// // Meeting the Pies // Story: Diane // by PerfectRed //------------------------------// An eerie calm had settled over Pinkie’s room, as she awoke that morning. The usual sunlight, beaming through the small barred window, was replaced by a faint gray light. This atmosphere actually reminded her of being back on the desolate rock farm she once called a home. Pinkie twisted herself out of the bed, hearing the sound of rain hitting the outside of the building. The sound was faint, so she could tell it wasn’t raining heavily. She let out a small yawn, before moving herself into a seated position on the bed. She had been told by Tessa that her parents would be arriving very early in the morning, so she wouldn’t have much time to sleep in. Pinkie gazed above her through the small window, wondering what the events of today would bring. She couldn’t deny the small twinge of excitement that had built up inside her upon hearing the news of her family’s visit. Though, at the same time, there was a coil of anxiety in her chest. She had no idea what to expect, the family she had remembered her whole life, was apparently nothing more than a delusion. She wondered if this one would be any different. Pinkie turned over to see her plush alligator, giving it’s usual stitched grin. She picked it up, giving a small smile. “Don’t worry Gummy I’m sure everything will be fine.” Pinkie knew the toy wouldn’t respond, but at this time she was willing to take any reassurance she could get. Snapping her head to the door, she heard the familiar clicks, that indicated someone was entering. The door opened slowly, revealing two familiar faces. Tessa stood in the doorway, accompanied by Fiona. “Good morning Diane. I hope you slept well.” Tessa said cheerier than usual. Diane greeted her with a half smile, “Well I wasn’t going to sleep in even if I was tired.” Pinkie turned to face Fiona, who gave her a small wave. Pinkie returned the gesture. “Well, there’s not really much time to waste. Come, we’ll escort you to the visitors room.” Tessa said motioning for Pinkie to get off the bed. She nodded, getting off the bed. Upon leaving her cell, Tessa and Fiona made a quick detour towards the showers. Pinkie herself, felt she needed one. She took her shower quickly, all the time Fiona supervised her. After drying off, she put on a clean gown, and rejoined with her escorts. The journey continued down the familiar hallways that had been shown to her the previous day. Pinkie however saw Tessa take a different route. She was lead down a separate hallway from the one that led to the day room. From here she could see the hospital being a lot more crowded. Orderlies and different members of staff walked past them, possibly getting ready for their shifts. Pinkie stuck close to Fiona the whole way. The sudden increase of individuals began to put her on edge. The group suddenly stopped in front of a single door. Pinkie glanced upwards reading the words over the door. “Visitors room”. This was it. “Diane, I’m going to have to ask that you wait in here for a few minutes, okay?” Tessa said giving her usual reassuring smile. Pinkie simply nodded. She honestly didn’t have much to say at this point, she was saving that for her family. Tessa opened the door, and with a growing curiosity, Pinkie stepped through the door. What awaited her was a white room. The room itself had a several different tables, silver chairs were placed neatly around them. In the very back of the room were two windows which only gave off a dim light due to the overcast outside. The rain continued to pour outside rolling down the glass pane, the small light beams causing the droplets to glimmer. Pinkie stepped over to the window observing the weather outside. Taking a closer look outside, she observed the landscape that surrounded the hospital. Despite the grey weather Pinkie made out the green hills that dotted the landscape. Since waking up in the hospital, she’d always wondered what it was like beyond it, but never actually had the time to think about it thoroughly, but seeing it now, she could only stare in awe. The creaking of the door, pulled her away from looking at the window. Pinkie froze at the sight. In the doorway stood the exact same characters seen in the photograph. Only there was obviously a slight age difference, but still, this was them. This was her family. Behind them was Tessa, who gave a small smile, allowing the family to come in. Their faces a mixture of shock and awe. Pinkie noticed the older woman trying to hold back tears. The two younger girls, seemed to have a slight expression of excitement. While the oldest, simply stood with a small smile on her face. Then finally Pinkie glanced at the older male, who she could see like the woman, was also trying to hold back tears. The woman was the first to speak. “Diane?” Pinkie’s eyes began to water, as a wave of emotions began to build inside her. “M-mom?” Pinkie uttered the words without even thinking. The family’s expressions turned to that of joy, as they began to move towards her. Pinkies younger sisters were the first to run forward. Bracing herself Pinkie felt two sets of arms wrap around her. She let out a gasp from the impact before taking a look at the two girls. “Diane you’ve gotten so big!” the youngest one said. “It’s been so long”, the older one added. Pinkie gave a nervous smile. These two girls looked like Marble and Limestone, but were those actually their real names? “Mable, Lilly, try not to throw your sister over.” Pinkie’s father cautioned, at the same time answering Pinkie’s question on her sisters names. “Woops, hehe sorry sis.” the youngest said, who Pinkie assumed was Mable. “It’s, uh, it’s okay.” Pinkie said giving a nervous smile. The two girls let go of their sister, backing up for Pinkies mother and father to see their daughter. Pinkie’s mother moved over to her. The two were almost the same size. Her mothers eyes were streaming with tears as she embraced her daughter, tightly. Tears began to run down Pinkie’s face too, as she returned the embrace. All her previous anxieties began to fade away, she knew that she was in safe hooves. Or in this case hands. They finally pulled apart after a couple seconds. “Honey you’ve… you’ve grown so much. I’m sorry it’s been so long.” Her mother said through sobs. Pinkie honestly didn’t know what to say, the best she could do is try to comfort her. “Mom it’s okay, I-I’m here now.” Pinkie said giving her mother a reassuring smile, before turning to her father. He too was crying but was holding it in better than her mother. “Well, I can’t call you my little girl any more can I.” He said his voice cracking slightly. “Oh, stop being so stubborn and give your daughter a hug!” Pinkie’s mother scolded, pulling her husband and her daughter into a group hug. Pinkie let out a small laugh wrapping her hands around her father, who returned the hug giving a small chuckle. “Who am I kidding, you’re still going to be my little girl.” Her father said teasingly rocking her back and forth. Pinkie gave a small giggle. “I wasn’t that small was I?” Pinkie and her father broke the exaggerated hug. She turned to find her two younger sisters giggling at her father. In the midst of all the excitement, Pinkie didn’t see the hand that had placed itself on her shoulder. She turned around to find her older sister who she recognized instantly. It was Maud. Her calm expression was unmistakable. The two of them stared at each other for what felt like the longest time, before Maud finally spoke. “You probably want a minute, to sit down.” Pinkie paused for a moment then nodded. “Yeah this is… a bit much to take in.” “Oh, don’t worry Sweetie we can sit down if you want.” Her mother held out a chair from one of the nearby desks for her daughter. “Here take a seat Diane.” Pinkie slowly took a seat in the chair. The rest of her family followed suit getting comfortable around one of the tables. Pinkie couldn’t hold this in any longer, she had been waiting to meet her family for days. She cleared her throat. “Um, I can’t really express how happy I am to see you but...” She knew that she had to say this from the get go. “There are some things I can’t remember. I can’t really remember what my life was like before, well, a couple days ago.” Pinkies comment made her mother cover her mouth. Her father gave a saddened look. “I… it’s okay Diane, we were told by Doctor Sparks about your condition, at the moment. She did say we’d have to jog your memory a bit.” “Hey, but you remember us a little, right sis?” Lilly asked curiously. “Yeah I do, I remember all of you. Just not in the way you might think.” Pinkie said lowering her head. Pinkies mother, gave her a reassuring smile. “Honey, if there’s anything you want to ask just ask away, no matter how silly it sounds.” The last comment made Pinkie give a half smile. “I think I’d like to know more about you. I can only remember snippets of you, I’d kinda like to know more, if thats okay.” Pinkies mother gave a bright smile “Of course it is hun, I’d be happy to tell you. Your father is a geologist, do you know what that is?” Pinkie gave her a nod. “Oh good, I was afraid I’d have to explain it, your father always gives the most complicated explanations.” Her Husband scoffed. “Hey, half of the time when I’m explaining you don’t listen.” “Love you to dear.” Pinkies mother giggled giving her husband a small peck on the cheek, receiving a grumble from him. Pinkie tried to hold in a laugh at the display. “So mom, what do you do?” “I’m an artist. I mostly do painting, but I do like to experiment from time to time.” Pinkies mother said giving a cheery smile. Pinkie was shocked to say the least, she never remembered her mother being an artist. They were rock farmers! “Ooo, sis’ come on we wanna speak.” Mable said raising her hand. “You don’t even have a job Mable.” Lilly joked poking her sisters side. “Hey, neither do you!” “Girls!” Their mother’s voice caused them to stop. “Now don’t you have something to say to your sister?” The two girls nodded. “Weelll, I’m just finishing middle school.” Mable said cheerily. “And I’m in highschool”, Lilly added in, “and Maud’s in college.” Pinkie actually wasn’t too shocked at that, she turned to her older sister. “What are you doing in college Maud?” “Geography, I want to go into a similar field as dad.” Maud replied calmly. “Wow, I don’t know what to say.” Pinkie said in disbelief. “I know it’s hard to take in Diane, being away from us all this time.” Pinkies mother looked down. “I still can’t believe how long it’s been.” “Mom, I know this may be hard to answer, but, why am I here? What caused you to put me in here?” Pinkie asked reluctantly. Her mother gave her a saddened look. “Diane… you must understand how much we love you. It ruined me and your father to send you here, believe me.” “Things became complicated and we were beginning to worry about you.” Pinkies father added in, placing a hand on his wife's shoulder. “No no, mom, dad, I’m not mad at you. I just want to know how I developed my illness. When did it start?” Pinkie, paused giving her parents a stern expression. “Please, I want to know.” Her parents exchanged glances, occasionally glancing at Pinkies sisters, who simply listened to the conversation, having worried looks on their faces. “Diane, I’m sorry for being sorry for being so hesitant. You have a right to know.” Pinkie mother said, receiving a nod from her daughter. “Thank you.” she said in a whisper. “Well honey, you have to understand. When you were younger, we brought you to this hospital before. At the time Doctor Summers had told us that you were suffering from schizophrenia, but that it wasn’t a serious case. She recommended we keep an eye on you, while also giving us medication. We didn’t think much of it at the time. You acted for the most part, as any normal little girl would.” Her mother paused. “Nothing happened for a couple years after. You were just always so happy.” She choked on the last word. Pinkie saw the emotions beginning to overwhelm her mother. “Hun?” Pinkie’s father asked worriedly. “No, it’s okay.” She took a breath. “There was an accident, at your school. You used to come home bruised from what other little girls did to you, and one day things got out of hand.” “What happened?” Pinkie asked “These group of girls, those monsters, used to tease you, and hurt you. We talked to the school about it many times, but that only seemed to make things worse. You used to come home to me bruised, paranoid, and with your condition it only made things worse. You began to refuse going to school, and slowly began to talk to your self on many occasion. You said you could see things that weren’t really there. Anytime we tried to even suggest leaving the house you would panic, saying you didn’t want to leave this world you called Equestria. You were losing yourself Diane” Pinkie’s mother let out a sob. “We were afraid, that we were going to lose you permanently. So despite our objections we checked you into the hospital under Doctor Summers care.” Pinkie couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her whole life, was the product of her own mind. She had accepted it days ago, but to actually hear it from her family, provided a sense of truth. Tears began to well up in Pinkie’s eyes. “W-why didn’t they let you visit?” Pinkie asked her lip quivering. “They told us that your condition was beginning to worsen, that it would be dangerous for us to visit you at that time.” Pinkies father hugged his now crying wife. “We had no control over it, they found it best to take our daughter from us, not even allowing visits.” Pinkie felt the tears dripping onto the table in front of her. It was her fault she’d couldn’t keep herself together, she did this to her family. “It’s my fault.” She whispered a second after she began to cry. This whisper caught ear of her mother, who quickly moved over to her daughter. Putting her arms on her daughter’s shoulders, the two made eye contact, where Pinkie could see closely the resemblance her mother had to her. “Now you listen to me. This isn’t your fault, none of it, don’t you ever say that, don’t you ever say it.” Pinkie mothers said still sobbing. “M-Mom- I want to go home with you, I want to leave, I don’t want to be here.” Pinkie sobbed into her mother's shoulder. “We’re trying sweetheart, we’re trying.” Pinkies mother cooed in her daughters ear. The two sat like that for a little while. All the while Pinkie’s sisters and her father watching, saddened by the sight. After a few minutes, a knock came from the door. Too Pinkie’s surprise. It was Doctor Summers. “Mr and Mrs Pie? I’m going to have to speak with you.” Doctor Summers said, a twinge of sadness in her voice. Pinkies father nodded pausing for his wife to get up. Pinkies mother nodded, breaking the hug with her daughter. She reached down giving Pinkie a kiss on the cheek before moving over to her husband. Maud at this point had gotten up and walked over to her mother. She whispered softly in her ear, which caused her to call Pinkie’s other sisters. “Girls come along with me and your father for now.” Pinkie’s mom said softly. The two girls nodded, moving over to give their big sister a hug each. Pinkie embraced them both, the tears now drying onto her face. As the group left the room, Pinkie and Maud were all that was left. Pinkie stared at her sister, who pulled up a chair next to her. Maud sighed. “You know, after you were checked in here I didn’t think I could function properly.” “I wish things had been different, I wish this never happened to me, I’ve caused you all so much pain.” Pinkie said sniffling. “Diane. You need to stop blaming yourself.” Maud advised in her monotone voice putting her arm around her little sister. “I… I know but.” Pinkie hung her head. “Diane, you have to realize that mom, dad, Lilly, Mabel and me don’t care how long it’s been, we’re happy to see you now.” Maud turned to face her. “You have to understand that what happened was out of your control. We missed you.” Pinkie gave a small sigh, wiping stray tears from her eyes. “I know, I know. I’m just sick right. Thats what they’ve been telling me, at least since I woke up in this place.” “You honestly can’t remember anything from a few days ago?” Maud asked. Pinkie sniffled “Yeah. Well not exactly. It’s a bit hard to explain, I’m not sure you’ll be able to understand.” Maud gave a small smile. “I haven’t seen my little sister, in a long time. I’m happy to hear anything you have to say.” Pinkie thought about it for a second, and decided maybe it was best to let Maud know what was troubling her, afterall, she was her older sister. Even in her delusions, she could always remember her family being there for her. “Well, I don’t really know how to say this but, according to Doctor Sparks, I’ve been living a whole different life in my subconscious, where I was a… pony. Pinkie paused to see Mauds reaction but it hadn’t changed. “Um well in this world, all of you existed, as well ponies. Thats how I remember you all, but everything else, my childhood in my memory was completely different to the one your telling me.” Maud stared at Pinkie for a couple seconds, before giving a small nod. “I understand.” Pinkie blinked a few times. “Huh, just like that?” “Like I said what happened in the past couldn’t be less important.” Maud sighed. “I remember when you used to come home crying. You were a confused little girl, who had no idea why certain things were happening to you. Honestly, maybe it’s best you don’t remember, your real past.” Pinkie’s eyebrows shot up. “I don’t understand, why would I want to forget my real past.” Her sister sighed. “Because I want you to go into the future happy. The same goes for everyone else. Maybe it’s just best going forward, that you don’t have it on your shoulders.” Pinkie was speechless. What Maud was telling her, was actually making sense, her life in the past seemed to have scared her mind, in turn putting her in this institution. Would she really want to remember these scaring memories. Had Equestria possibly given her a fresh start ? She gave her sister a small smile giving her a small hug. “Thanks Maud, I guess I have something to think about.” Maud returned the embrace. “I’m always glad to help you. I want the best for my little sister.” The two broke the hug, hearing the door open again, Pinkie’s family had come back in the room, walking over to the two sisters. “Maud Honey, we have to go.” Pinkies father turned to Pinkie. “But before we do Diane, we have something to tell you.” Pinkie’s attitude perked up, “What is it?” “Well we had a talk with Doctor Summers. Over the next month, they're going to start monitoring you, to see if your fit to be checked out of the hospital.” Pinkies mother said giving a half smile. “Y-you mean, I might be let out of here ?” Pinkie nearly shouted. Pinkies mother nodded. “We can only hope.” “Don’t worry Sis, I think there gonna let you out !” Mable said cheerily, which made Pinkie smile. Pinkie gazed over to Maud who had given her a thumbs up behind the rest. “I really do hope so.” Pinkie stared at her family. Her real family. She got out of the chair moving in to embrace all of them. The Pies, all locked into a group hug around Pinkie. For the first time being in this place, she didn’t feel alone anymore. “I-I love you guys.” Pinkie said quietly. “I’m glad to have talked to you. Pinkies mother caressed her daughters hair. “We love you too Sweetheart. Pinkies mother’s eyes began to water “Just hang in there, you’re not going to be here forever.” The group broke apart, each family member saying there separate goodbyes. Maud was the last to leave, giving her little sister a wave. Pinkie returned the gesture, feeling happier than she ever felt. Maybe this was a fresh start. Maybe it was time she stopped looking for answers in the past, and tried thinking about the future. Pinkie was escorted back to her room by two orderlies. Tessa apologized, saying she had other sessions to attend. Pinkie understood, allowing the orderlies to escort her back into high security. Upon entering her room, she heard the familiar locking of the door, before throwing herself, onto her bed. Today had opened her eyes, and to learn that she could possibly get out. Only excited her even more. Pinkie laid on her back staring at the white ceiling, her stuffed alligator in hand. She hadn’t felt this happy since she was in… “Aww look, Mrs. Saddie Pie, is finally giving me a smile.” Pinkie’s eyes widened. She knew that voice. She turned to face the source of the sound. “No, not you.” The pink pony smiled maliciously. “The one and only.” The Pink Pony hopped to Pinkie’s side, causing her to recoil in fear. “We have to talk, Diane.”