//------------------------------// // You're All Mine, Sterling Silver // Story: Sombra Dislikes Crystals // by The Apologetic Pony //------------------------------// And so Sombra’s horn lit up again, images of amethysts in his mind. The voices called to him, overpowering all other sensations to the point where they were the sensations themselves, but it was calming in a way. He didn’t have any dread or fear of them, and they weren’t even loud, they were just all there was. He felt dizzy as he saw the sky again, but there was nopony choking him this time. Luna had her wing tightly embraced around him, making Sombra fiercely warm. ‘Congratulations for making it back from the brink, or wherever.’ ‘That was... hard work.’ ‘You’ve conjured what looks like it’d be a marvelous Hearts And Hooves day present!’ He’d been too busy snuggling against her to notice the black, crystalline heart neatly laid in front of them. It was about half the size of him. ‘Oh, I spose’ so.’ ‘Looks as solid as the others.’ ‘I like you holding me of course, but is there any reason for doing it while I was wacked out? Or were you that desperate?’ Sombra smirked. ‘So harsh.’ she said, and prodded him with her hoof. ‘It’s important not to get lost while you’re like that, I thought some proximity might remind you you’re here, with me.’ ‘It was one of the first things I noticed.’ ‘Good.’ ‘So er, what are you going to do with that?’ ‘You know Som-bra, I don’t know. Give it to you?’ ‘It’s yours?’ ‘Well you are all mine.’ She leaned close, and gave him something else. There was a lengthy silence before they took a break from being ever so entwined, and Sombra said ‘I heard the crazy voices again.’ ‘Mmm-hmm?’ ‘They were kind of nice though, like whispers, not as overwhelming as before.’ ‘They might have grown to like you.’ ‘What are they like, actual? They exist outside of me and amethysts?’ ‘We’ll figure it out eventually, this is the great unknown. There must have been more talented individuals, with equally, if not stranger magic than you, but we’ve found hardly any recently... and Celestia’s got them all. Not that she loved any of them.’ ‘Huh.’ Sombra wondered what to do around Luna sometimes, when they weren’t kissing, talking or taking a magical venture of her suggestion. Sitting in quiet, as they were now was fun, I guess, but seemed a bit pointless. Similar to the time spent making small talk with his mother it seemed necessary, but not so interesting. I mean, we can’t be kissing all the time can we? Silliness. ‘You think there’s anything else worth doing?’ ‘Not yet, though I think I’m going to fiddle around with this thing a bit. I have a few ideas, mad sciency ideas.’ ‘Will your mane be all frazzled when I see you next time?’ ‘Yeah, and I’ll have a vial of purple liquid with me too.’ Isn’t purple more of a witch thing? ‘Last thing, my love have you thought anymore about moving into Canterlot?’ ‘Not yet, haven’t told my mother yet either.’ ‘No rush.’ And with that, Luna wished him a safe trip. Though when Sombra saw his pegasi for the night, he remembered he’d forgotten to tell her, oh well. Should probably ask about the dreams too, maybe. The wind was sharp that night. Ground, keys, door, close, bed. No weird Lunas please. They can’t have been the same guards right? Yeah can’t be, they would have said something. There were no weird Lunas to speak of. He’d just awoken, but Sombra already pined to see Luna again. It was very noticeable now, that as he enjoyed the days with Luna more, and more, the days inbetween were becoming fillers, barely tolerable time killers. So what’s going to happen in between this time? ‘Hey so might you want a job? I imagine you could find some way to use the money.’ Robyn said at the table, empty breakfast plates in front of them. ‘Er, about that. You know that moving Canterlot thing we talked about day before yesterday?’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘Well don’t dismiss me when I say this, but I kinda want to.’ ‘For a job? But what kind of job you’re gonna get offers accommodation?’ she said, laughing. ‘For a mare.’ Robyn’s back went a bit rigid. ‘That’s sudden. I haven’t even met her.’ ‘That’s cus er, she’s Luna.’ ‘What?’ ‘She’s Luna.’ ‘What?’ ‘She’s Luna.’ ‘Her?’ ‘Her.’ ‘Lunar Luna?’ ‘Yup.’ A great myriad of expressions crossed over Robyn’s face. ‘So you and her...’ ‘Mmm-hmm.’ As if he’d restored Robyn’s youth, she jumped off her chair and rushed to hug him. ‘Oh my gosh congratulations!’ ‘Hey hey we’re not getting married you know.’ ‘But it’s Luna! Oh I’m so happy for you!’ She squeezed him even tighter (somehow). ‘Yeah, love you too.’ ‘And to think I was so worried after your father left us! She’ll be great for you!’ ‘Sure, I might even be able to bring you along with me.’ ‘Really? She’s that generous? Oh my gosh I still can’t believe it!’ ‘Can’t breath, anymore.’ To his mild chagrin, she only let go several seconds later. Guess I’m still a teenager. ‘I’m taking you out tonight.’ ‘Oh you don’t have to.’ ‘No, you’re not saying no, I’m not letting my son run with Luna her royal highness without a five star meal in his belly.’ It happened to go pretty well for a “filler” day. He told her in more detail about how it started, and how they sometimes pretended it was all for the lessons really. She seemed quite interested if she could move to Canterlot too under the Princess. Probably wants an early retirement. Perhaps the best way to tell Alex to fuck off is to have a good time, and dine in glory. Good afterthought.