//------------------------------// // Enjoy my brain's wastes. // Story: Mad Shorts by a Madman // by Seratina //------------------------------// The sun was shining brightly on a beautiful day, with a clear blue sky and a wonderful breeze. Birds tweeted in delight as they landed on a peculiar tree within a small town by the name of Ponyville. Within the tree, a tiny cutesy wootsy teen-aged dragon kneeled next to a prancing purple pony. "Please! Don't make me your test subject again! Don't you remember what happened last time?" "You worry too much Spike. Rarity only refused to talk to you for a week, that's less than half the last, last time you helped me! I'm only going to ride you for a few hours anyways." "R-r-ride me? That doesn't mean what I think it means right?" "Well if it gets you all hot and bothered, I'll just put more effort from my end, ok?" "You're not giving me a choice are you?" "Now you get it my slav-slick assistant. Let's get going! Grab me some water, so much pumping action always makes me thirsty. Let's meet downstairs where we have more room" While Spike trudged to the kitchen to grab some canteens of water, Princess Twilight loomed one last time at her spell book "Humanicus Appariticus: Wonders from Beyond the Mirror volume XXIII" Still reading her book, Twilight grabbed a pillow and a checklist with her magic and bounced downstairs, ready to take Spike on the wildest ride of the century. "Water? Check" "Memorized spell? Check" "Comfy pillow? Check" "Spike braced with his hands and knees and floor? Check" "Open door? Check" Twilight threw her checklist into the fireplace and got ready to work some serious magic. As she started speaking the magical words, she and Spike were wrapped in a mystical purple glow of residual purple magic. Soon, Spike's eyes started moving to the side of his head and his body became thinner than his long, firm, throbbing tail. His limbs merged together into two pairs, one on the front, on the back. Spike's spikes grew tall and flat, and his fabulous ab flab pulled out into two pedals at his side. The Spike bike was almost ready. Twilight put a pillow on the flat spike which functioned as a seat, so she wouldn't chaffe herself like the first time she tried this spell. She carefully sat on top of the pillow, and found her balance. After turning the Sbike towards the door, she started to pedal. Soon they were out the door and flying down the street. The whole town looked on as the Princess pumped the machine with beautiful gyrating lower body appendage motions. As the sweat flew of her brow, the princess of Magic howled with exuberant abandon as she enjoyed the heat of motion between her body and Sbike. Without watching where her wheels were wandering to, her epic journey took her into the everfree forest, where she was never heard from again. To this day, people mourn the loss of their princess, and tell this story to the children who misbehave. And the moral of this story is to always make sure have a checklist of where you're going, or you may end up taken away by the monstrous wheeled machine that snatched their precious princess. The end.