I Dreamed a Dream

by D4ftP0ny

And It Is Only a Matter of Time

“She’s late.”

Twilight Velvet stood at the large window in the library of her home, her bright blue eyes gazing peacefully at the sweeping plains and mountains of Equestria that spread out before her. The summer sun was shining brightly today, its golden rays caressing the land lovingly as it climbed towards its zenith. Velvet’s keen eyes darted to her left, her gaze focusing across the large lawn of her manor to where the majority of the city of Canterlot lay basking in the late morning light. It was a beautiful day, but even a cursory glance at the sky revealed that it would not be so for long. Over the plains just to the west of Canterlot a large cloud formation was growing, a huge, looming thing, a brutish gray cloud that continued to grow as the Pegasus ponies from Canterlot’s weather team constructed it. The sun still dominated the sky, but a definite shadow was slowly falling across the land as the storm grew larger. The unicorn’s lips quirked into a smile as her gaze shifted from storm in the distance to the reflection of her husband in the window pane.

“As usual,” the mare said softly. “Though I suppose it’s hardly unexpected- she’s been late to every party, gathering and get-together that we’ve ever held, so why should this be any different?” She watched the reflection of the soft blue unicorn as he shook his head and let out a deep sigh.

“I suppose I’m always hopeful,” he admitted as he stepped up to the window, his golden eyes shining brightly in the sunlight that poured into the library. “It never hurts to have hope, does it, Velvet?” He turned his head to smile warmly at her, and despite their long years of marriage Velvet still felt a gentle skip of her heart at the love in his gaze. With a sigh of her own the mare leaned over and nuzzled her husband’s cheek, her pale coat contrasting pleasantly with his as she leaned against him.

“No, Night Light… it never hurts to have hope,” she agreed, closing her eyes even as her muzzle crinkled into a frown. “But I’ll admit that I was hoping to make an entrance on cue for once…”

She felt Night Light shift beneath her, and without looking up at him she knew that he was looking out at the road. “I’m certain that she’ll be along momentarily,” he reassured her. “The others won’t begrudge a… what’s the phrase? A fashionably late entrance?”

Velvet chuckled. “Since when have you ever been interested in anything fashionable?”

“Um… late disco era? That sounds right. Lots of flashing lights, very stylish.” Now Velvet couldn’t help but giggle and she bumped her husband firmly with her shoulder, eliciting a grunt and a laugh from the stallion. “All right, maybe that’s a bad example,” he admitted.

“It most certainly is. I’ve seen pictures of you from your high school days, and those fashions are best left in the past.” She felt Night Light’s shoulders slump dramatically though he still somehow remained steadfast beneath her, supporting her weight easily as she leaned on him.

“Aww, but I was going to pull out my old hat and glasses from my graduation,” he said, feigned disappointment painting his words. “You remember the ones- gold, lots of gems, reeeeally flashy. I’m sure that everyone would love them…” Velvet snorted and was about to reinforce that she was the one who dressed him when she felt his shoulders straighten beneath her, lifting her head with it. “Ah, here she is, finally.”

Velvet opened her eyes and straightened, turning her body away from Night’s and towards the window once again. Beyond the library window stretched the beautiful greenery of their yard, and opposite the house stood the open archway that heralded the estate as the home of the Sparkle family. It was a simple archway made of beautifully curved metal that swirled and arced ethereally around the six-pointed magical star that had been the family’s recurring symbol for no less than ten generations, and as Velvet watched a pale-coated unicorn with a flouncing pink mane sauntered beneath it, her pace careful and measured as she made her way towards the manor.

Twilight Velvet’s eyes darted to the clock that sat atop the desk at the far side of the room. “Fifteen minutes late almost exactly. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was trying to make the rest of us wait.” Night Light breathed a chuckle as he gazed out at the young mare as well.

“That wouldn’t surprise me in the least, all things considered.” He gave his head a minute shake before turning away from the window, his tail swishing eagerly. “All right, let’s go meet her at the door- we’re not horribly late, but we should be going as soon as we can.”

“I agree.” Velvet’s gaze lifted from the unicorn below them to the storm in the west as it grew larger seemingly by the second. Soon its peak would eclipse the sun and begin the slow process of smothering Canterlot in shade. “It looks like the Pegasi are going to be finished with the storm sooner than expected, and I would hate for anypony to be caught out in the rain.” She turned away and nodded to her husband. “Let’s go.”

The two unicorns made their way out of the library and turned down one of the larger hallways in their expansive home, their hoofsteps echoing faintly on the brilliantly polished wood beneath them. Twilight Velvet still couldn’t believe that she was living here, in the home that had been in her family for more generations that anypony could remember. She’d played here as a filly with all of her cousins and relatives whenever they’d had large family gatherings, and she could still recall the wonder she had felt gazing at the lifetimes worth of Sparkle family treasures that had accumulated here. In fact, she felt it still whenever she wandered the manor’s halls, seeking the solace and comfort of her predecessors as she moved forward with her life. It wasn’t quite as small or cozy as the home she’d raised her children in, but it was quickly becoming home for her nonetheless.

Velvet and Night moved as one to the staircase on their right, and without a single hesitation in their stride they turned smoothly, descending the stairs in perfect unison as the door to their home swung open to admit the young mare they had seen from the library window. Sunlight flooded into the large open room, filling it to the brim with brilliant summer; the young mare, however, wrinkled her nose and closed the large wooden door quickly, shutting out the light and the outside world in favor of the subdued warm brown and gold of the Sparkle’s home. The couple on the staircase slowed as they approached the base of the stairs, and Velvet felt a smile curve her lips as the other mare turned towards them.

“It still amazes me that you’re always late for one of our functions, Twinkleshine.” Velvet and Night hit the bottom of the stairs together, their hooves clacking in perfect cadence with one another as they made their way towards the young mare. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you’re trying to tell us something…” Velvet’s smile curved and she gave her head a shake. “But I’m certain that’s not it.”

The pink-haired mare’s eyes narrowed, but when she spoke her voice was carefully light and airy. “Oh, you know- I got caught up in this and that.” She shrugged nonchalantly. “But I’m here now, and that’s the important thing, right?”

“Quite right,” Night Light said with a glance at his wife. She met his gaze, and the stallion’s brow furrowed at her for just a moment. “Your presence is very important today,” he continued, his countenance smoothing as he turned back to Twinkleshine, “because we have a great deal to discuss concerning recent events.”

“Like your daughter’s coronation?” Twinkleshine’s words were plain enough, but her tone sank minutely as she spoke and Twilight Velvet’s keen ears did not miss it. No matter the young mare’s tone, however, Velvet could not keep a giddy wave of excitement from rising in her chest at the mention of the coronation. It had been a day of incredible pride for the parents of Twilight Sparkle, and it was not one that would lose its impact on Velvet for the rest of her life.

“Yes, quite so,” replied Velvet with a nod. “Twilight’s transformation into an alicorn as well as her coronation as a Princess of Equestria is cause for celebration, and we have a lot of plans to make!” She turned her back on Twinkleshine and started moving deeper into the house. “So come along, Twinkle; we shouldn’t keep the others waiting any longer.”

Night Light and Twinkleshine quickly fell into step with Velvet, and the trio made their way from the entry hall into one of the home’s smaller hallways that connected the front room to the largest dining room in the manor. It was the room used most often for parties or social gatherings and as such had been placed in an area of the home that was quite easy to access. It was spacious and beautiful, with large windows and gilded chandeliers and accessories that could be arranged for any type of get-together imaginable. It was the most logical choice for a meeting of a sizeable group of ponies…

Today, however, it sat empty and devoid of any visitors, because today it was not Twilight Velvet’s destination.

Instead of leading them all the way into the dining room the unicorn mare stopped in the dark hallway that attached entryway to dining hall, her eyes sweeping the wall until she found what she was looking for: a small knot in the wood of the wall, a polished blemish that anypony walking through would have completely ignored. Velvet raised her hoof and pressed firmly against the knot, holding it in place for three full seconds until a dull click resounded in the woodwork. The unicorn’s smile grew as she held the button and silently counted another four seconds, when a second, louder click echoed in the hallway. Now Velvet gave a push with her hoof, and a pony-sized section of the wall gave way before her, a seamless doorway that became, for all intents and purposes, invisible when closed. Her grandfather had told her that it was a credit to earth pony craftsmanship, and that it was the perfect way to hide something from magic-happy unicorns. The door now moved under its own power, shifting further back into the wall before sliding to Velvet’s right and out of sight to reveal a set of carved stone stairs that spiraled down into the earth beneath them.

Velvet stepped aside and allowed her husband to precede her into the secret door, exchanging excited smiles with him as he did so. Twinkleshine came next, but there was no smile for her hostess as she passed; instead she favored Twilight Velvet with something that bordered on a glare as she brushed past the older mare and moved onto the hidden stairs, her voluminous tail swishing impatiently behind her. The unicorn felt a flare of anger behind her eyes, but in spite of Twinkleshine’s impertinence it went no further. Instead, the warmth of pride and happiness still filled Velvet to the brim and her anger was felt then forgotten as she stepped inside and pressed a plainly marked button on the wall. The hidden door slid out from its housing and returned to its closed position, sealing the three ponies into the dimly-lit stairwell.

Contrasting the house above sharply, the stairs in the spiral case were rough-hewn and utilitarian rather than beautiful and artistic. Velvet’s hooves scraped slightly across their coarse surfaces as she followed her husband and Twinkleshine down into the ground beneath Sparkle manor. The walls were perfectly smoothed stone, and her grandfather had told her that this was the only part that the architects had used magic on; after all, even the most talented earth ponies couldn’t get stone to be perfectly smooth and circular, and that’s what their ancestors had wanted. Every ten feet there sat a small lamp, set into the stone wall and enclosed with glass to avoid an unwary pony touching the magical flame that flickered within. The lamps lit the stairway with just enough light so that a pony would not fall and hurt themselves on the way down, and the journey downwards was quiet and uneventful for the small group as they moved from the warm, dry house above to the damp, cool spaces below.

Velvet had often tried to judge how far beneath the manor they went on this journey, and to her best estimations the stairs plunged to somewhere between four and five stories beneath the earth before finally ending in a heavy metal door set firmly into the stone. Ahead of her she could see Night Light’s magic ignite, and after a moment she heard the tell-tale squeak of the metal hinges opening, a sound that echoed in the stairway and caused Twinkleshine’s ears to fold back against her mane.

“Honestly, don’t you Sparkles take care of your home?” she muttered. “The hinges in Starshine manor don’t squeak like that…”

Night Light exited the stairs, his magic holding the door open for the two mares as they descended the last few steps to the bottom level. Velvet felt her left eye twitch, and in spite of her husband’s pointed look earlier she gave her mane an imperious toss as she stepped from the stairs into the corridor beyond.

“Well, I would have worried about oiling the hinges but I’m afraid I’ve been too busy attending coronations and royal events to have gotten to it.” She gave Twinkleshine a sweet smile. “I suppose if I had the same amount of free time that the Starshine family has I could make sure that all of our hinges were oiled properly.”

The other mare’s eyes narrowed, and Velvet could practically see her mane bristling. “My family’s level of activity is NOT my fault, Velvet,” she hissed. “And if you ever insinuate such a thing, I’ll-!”

“Ladies, please.” Night Light’s deep voice sliced through Twinkleshine’s words like a broadsword, cutting her off and drawing the attention of both mares to him. He gave each of them a deep frown as he closed the metal door behind them. “Might I remind you that now’s a terrible time to be fighting among ourselves, especially when we’re about to speak to the others?” He turned his golden gaze to his wife, and in spite of her swelling pride she felt her ears droop slightly at his stern gaze. “You know how important this is, Velvet,” he said quietly. “You said it yourself: a united front. We must present a united front or the others will lose faith in us, and then who knows what could happen?” His gaze darted to Twinkleshine, and Velvet felt a spark of jealousy as his frown softened as it fell upon the younger mare. “And Twinkleshine, I understand that you are disappointed in your family’s motivation but that cannot rule you. At least you made the decision to stay. You are here, and as one of us you have a duty to see that our plans go off without a hitch- that is all you should be worried about right now.” His lips quirked into a smile. “Perhaps you can even rekindle your friendship with Twilight Sparkle. That would certainly help everything work seamlessly.”

The young mare snorted. “Rekindle… that would imply that there was something kindled there already. We were never friends… even though I tried.” She let out a sharp sigh and raised her eyes to his, her expression calm once more. “I’m sorry, Night Light- I won’t lose control again.”

“Good.” The stallion looked to his wife, his expression melting into a grateful smile that made Velvet’s jealous nature ease. Night Light had a way with ponies that Velvet did not, and for all her prowess at planning and maneuvering it was Night who could put the hearts and minds of ponies at ease with his genial nature. A loving smile touched Velvet’s lips as her husband turned and headed down the corridor. Truly he was her match, a completion to her whole; and besides, he would NEVER go for a tart like Twinkleshine.

The trio made their way down the short corridor towards the wooden door at the far end, their hoofsteps echoing freely in the enclosed space. Lamps of the same type as the ones in the stairway lit the hall, and Velvet was thankful for the damp coolness after the heat of the summer day above. As they walked, Velvet cleared her throat softly.

“How are the Lemons fairing this summer, Twinkleshine?” she asked politely. “I haven’t heard from them in quite some time.” Twinkleshine turned her head and arched an eyebrow at her suspiciously, clearly expecting this to be bait for another round of taunting, but Velvet just smiled at her until finally she sighed.

“They’re doing well. Lemon Hearts is still in Ponyville and doing rather well I’d say; she’s taken quite a shine to the place and seems content to stay there until we need her.” The unicorn smiled. “Lemony Gem has been in correspondence with Princess Cadence, as I’m sure you’ve no doubt heard.”

“Cadence did mention it, yes.”

“She’s moved back to Canterlot to ensure that the Lemon family doesn’t lose all of their daughters to ‘the country’.” Her smile became fond. “I miss seeing them on a regular basis, but there’s no way around it…” Twinkleshine gave her head a minute shake before turning her gaze back to Velvet. “And what of the Heartstrings? How are they doing?”

Velvet felt her defensive nature rear up, as she was certain that Twinkleshine’s had, but after a moment she sighed as well. “They are doing as well as can be expected. Their family took quite a blow after both Lyra and Minuette were in Cadence’s ill-fated bridal party, and as such they’ve had a hard time re-establishing their clout here in Canterlot…” Velvet’s eyes widened, and despite her previous tension with Twinkleshine she gave her a sympathetic look. “Oh Twinkleshine, I-,”

“Yes, I’m well aware of how difficult it has been for them,” the younger mare whispered through gritted teeth, her eyes locked on the door ahead of them. “I was one of them, if you recall.”

“…yes, I do. Forgive me, I had… forgotten.”

To Velvet’s surprise Twinkleshine did not take the offensive; instead, she let out a frustrated sigh and turned her eyes back towards Velvet, her smile tight but friendly. “Thankfully, most of Canterlot has forgotten that as well. It was actually a blessing that the Changelings attacked when they did- that event made our brainwashing a forgettable one… for some, at least.” She sighed and gave her head a sharp shake. “But they’re doing well, then? I haven’t spoken to Lyra or Minuette since the wedding.”

“From what I’ve been told they’re doing as well as could be expected. Lyra, like Lemon Hearts, has decided to stay in Ponyville, and if I’m honest I think it’s for the best. She’s just doesn’t have the heart to hold secrets like this.”

Now Twinkleshine’s smile softened. “She always was an honest mare… almost too honest for her own good.”

“You all knew each other at Celestia’s School, didn’t you?”

The pale unicorn nodded, her pink mane bouncing. “Yes. Lemon Hearts, Lyra, Minuette and I were all at the School with your daughter, and try as we might we just could not get her to pull her head out of those books to do anything.”

Velvet chuckled. “Yes… that does sound like my Twilight. But what of Minuette? She seems infinitely more capable than her cousin.”

“Oh she is. She’s back here in Canterlot, doing much the same as Lemony Gem- ensuring that the Heartstrings family maintains its foothold in the ever-shifting sands of Canterlot politics.” Twinkleshine sighed wistfully. “I long for a day when we can all get together and have fun again… things have become very complicated since graduation.”

“Such is the life of a noble,” Night Light said, stopping before the door and turning to face the two mares. “Our families have done this for generations untold, and we will continue it, as is our duty.” He glanced to his left where a small alcove had been dug away into the stone, and in the sizeable indentation there were a large series of hooks that held dark brown cloaks. Velvet had counted them every time she had come down here- twenty six cloaks on twenty six hooks, a representation of how great their numbers had once been. Twenty six families, twenty six houses pledged to a united cause…

Now as Night Light levitated three cloaks off of their hooks Velvet counted those without cloaks: nine. Nine ponies to uphold the legacy once supported by over two dozen…

Night Light donned his cloak, his magic pulling it tight around his shoulders and drawing his hood up to obscure his face. Velvet’s magic ignited and in unison she and Twinkleshine did the same, the long brown cloaks covering them from nose to tail. It was an ancient ritual from a time long since passed, but it was something that their group still did to show solidarity and loyalty to one another.

Night’s hood swiveled from Velvet to Twinkleshine, and once he saw that both had their cloaks on he turned and pushed the door open, admitting them into the room that had been their destination from the very start.

It was a large space, easily as large as the dining hall in Sparkle manor above them and adorned with similar furnishings. Two great chandeliers hung from the stone ceiling and cast a brilliant illumination upon the single huge circular table that sat at the center of the room, and atop the table’s broad surface lay a detailed map of all of Equestria adorned with various multi-colored pieces of paper. At the end opposite the door sat three unoccupied chairs- those meant for Velvet and her companions- and six other cloaked figures, three on each side of the unoccupied spaces.

“Good day, my friends,” Velvet said as the three ponies entered the room, their cloaks swishing along the smooth stone floor. “I apologize for our lateness, and assure you that this will not keep you longer than necessary.” Twinkleshine shut the door behind them and together the trio made their way quickly around the table to the three open seats. Twilight Velvet took the center seat, Night Light the seat to her right and Twinkleshine the seat to her left, and with another glance around the table Velvet said, “In light of our tardiness, we shall begin immediately.”

The unicorn lifted her right hoof into the air and allowed the cloak to fall away from it, revealing her coat color to the others present. “With these cloaks we hide ourselves from our families, our friends and our allegiances,” she intoned solemnly. “The plans discussed here remain here, as these cloaks do. Should any member break the confidence of this circle, their cloak shall be removed and all revealed for the world to see.” She lowered her hoof back to the table and nodded. “So said our ancestors, and so says this circle.”

As one, each pony present placed their hoof pad-down onto the table, their cloaks falling away to reveal their varied colors. “So says this circle,” they replied in unison.

“Then let us begin.” Velvet lifted her hoof and used it to throw her hood back, grateful to be done with the ritual part of the meeting. “Welcome, everyone- I’m glad to see you all made it.”

“I’m just glad that YOU finally made it,” a stallion to Velvet’s right said, his voice tight and haughty. “I was beginning to think I’d come all the way out here for nothing.”

Velvet’s smile stayed firmly in place even as her eyes rolled. “We aren’t that late, Blueblood. I’m certain that you’ll be back in plenty of time for your next appointment.” The bulky cloak at the end of the row reached a hoof up and threw his hood back, revealing the brilliant white coat and bright blond mane of Prince Blueblood.

“I hope for your sake that you’re right,” he huffed. “I swear, if my Aunt finds out what’s going on because I was late for a meeting with her…”

“Then we’ll all know that it was because you cracked under pressure, Blueblood,” said Night Light as he threw his own hood back, a teasing grin on his face. “I suppose I wouldn’t really be surprised.” Across the table the blond stallion’s eyes widened in anger, but before he could spit a retort back at Night Velvet raised her hoof and forestalled them.

“All right, that’s enough,” she said, trying her best not to chuckle under her breath. “Night Light, you know better than to tease your cousin like that during a meeting.” Her smile grew slightly. “Wait until after the meeting.”

“And I think Night Light is right; how would Aunt Celestia find out anything from you being late, Blueblood?” another voice from Velvet’s right asked. The pony in the center of the three raised a hoof and tossed her hood back, revealing a long, straight horn, unblemished pink coat and voluminous tri-colored mane topped with small golden tiara. “She never questioned me when I was late- why should you be treated any differently?”

Blueblood glared at the mare next to him. “That’s because you were always the favorite, Cadence,” he muttered sulkily. “The alicorn from one of Aunt’s other bloodlines… always so precious, so delicate…” His eyes narrowed even further, if that was possible. “I’m afraid that Celestia is still a bit old-fashioned in some things, and that includes making any stallion in her family a perfect gentlecolt.” He shuddered. “You have no idea the trouble she gave me about the whole Gala incident a few years ago…”

“Well, you DID treat Twilight’s friend rather poorly,” said Velvet. “VERY poorly, if I’m being honest with you.”

“I was TRYING to get her to leave me ALONE!” he said with a roll of his eyes. “How many times do I have to explain it?! I thought that no mare could be STUPID enough to want to be around a stallion who behaved like that, but she wouldn’t go away!”

Velvet felt a wave of amusement well up inside her as Blueblood became irritated, but after a moment she raised a hoof once again. “All right, Blueblood, all right. We understand what you were trying to do, and we apologize for poking at one of your sore spots. Don’t we, everypony?” She glanced from Night Light to Cadence, and with conspiring smiles at one another her husband and daughter-in-law nodded. “All right then- let’s move on. This meeting was called to update everypony about Twilight Sparkle, her ascension, her coronation… and how this all affects our plans.” Velvet felt her pride and happiness swell up once more, and it was a struggle to keep her voice level and calm as she spoke. “As you all know, our daughter recently accomplished something that we had once thought impossible: she ascended. She, like our beloved Cadence before her, did something so extraordinary, so noteworthy that she was given the opportunity to become one of the true royal bloodline. One of the alicorns.” Velvet felt her eyes well up with tears of joy as she remembered her daughter, standing resplendent before a crowd of her new subjects, her wings spread wide for the world to see. “In addition, Celestia crowned her Princess, making the title legal, binding and official, just as she did with Cadence.” She gestured to her daughter-in-law, and Cadence nodded in agreement.

Now Night Light sat forward, his hooves pressing against the table and the map atop it. “As you are all aware, such a thing had never been considered as a possibility before Cadence came into our lives, because until we heard her story nopony had ever been told that such ascension could take place.” His eyes swept the gathered ponies. “However, once it was discovered that one could, through extraordinary talent or deed, become one of the alicorns that have ruled for so long… well, it was only natural that we do our best to meet said requirements, and to our relief Twilight met and surpassed them all.”

“That’s what happens when you unite old bloodlines,” Cadence said with a glance at the hooded figure to her left. “Ancient magic begets ancient magic, and Night Light and Twilight Velvet come from very old unicorn families just as I came from a very old Pegasus family.” She reached her hoof out and touched the pony to her left, her smile gentle and sweet. “Thankfully, Twilight wasn’t the only one to inherit some of that old-world pony power, right, Shiny?”

Shining Armor threw his own hood back, his cheeks flushed slightly. “Ah, I don’t know about all of that…” he said sheepishly, his hoof wrapping around his wife’s. “I mean, I’ve always been stronger than your average unicorn, but I guess I never really thought that it was something to do with our family.”

“Your magical strength might come from our family, dear,” Velvet said with a smile at her son, “but your drive, your tenacity, and your sheer will- those are things that cannot be bred into anypony. Those things are yours alone, just as Twilight’s traits are hers, and we couldn’t be prouder of the both of you.” The unicorn stallion smiled up at her, but Velvet could see traces of uncertainty in his eyes.

“Thanks, Mom,” he said softly. “I… I really hope you’re right about all of that stuff… because I think I’m going to need all of it.”

“Moving on,” said Twinkleshine, throwing her own hood back finally. “In light of Twilight Sparkle’s meteoric rise in the world, we have to re-examine our own plans and ensure that everypony is clear as to where each family stands.” She let out a sigh. “My family, the Starshine family, has all but given up any hopes of achieving our goal and as such I am the sole remaining representative of the Starshines.” Her shoulders slumped, but she plowed on. “The Lemons and the Heartstrings are still with us, though as tertiary support units at best- neither family has the interest in putting themselves in harm’s way, but old allegiances die hard.” She pointed to several of the mint green pieces of paper on the map with her hoof. “Lyra Heartstrings is in Ponyville, and Minuette Heartstrings is in Canterlot- either will be available if we need them, although Velvet and I agree that Lyra is probably best left to her own devices.” Her hoof darted to another note, this one a lemon yellow. “The Lemon family has their daughters likewise positioned, Lemon Hearts in Ponyville and Lemony Gem in Canterlot.”

“Oh, Gemmy is back in the city?!” Cadence’s eyes lit up brightly. “She told me in a letter that she might be moving back but she hasn’t written me in a few weeks!” Twinkleshine nodded.

“Yes she is, and if you would like to contact her I would encourage it.” Her hoof tapped the yellow note next to Canterlot. “She told me that she’s doing her best to re-establish a hoofhold in Canterlot, and a little royal clout could go a long way in making that easier for her.”

“I… I’m still confused.” All eyes at the table shifted to Shining Armor, whose ears folded back against his mane at being the sudden center of attention. “I mean, this seems to go a lot farther out than just this circle,” he said after a moment. “We say that the plans stay here with the cloaks, but you’re talking like the Lemons and the Heartstrings know what’s going on, as well.”

“They don’t,” Velvet assured him, her lips quirking up into a smile. “All they know is that we wish to be informed of where certain members of their families are, just in case we need a favor. All of our communication is done through casual means, of course- simple small talk about how the family is doing, who has moved where, et cetera. It gets us all the information we need without hurting anypony.”

Twinkleshine nodded and tapped her hoof on the map. “Canterlot and Ponyville are the two places that Princess Twilight spends her time- that and the Crystal Kingdom, of course.” She nodded to Cadence. “But considering that the Princess of the Crystal Kingdom can pull the strings there, I’m certain our newest Princess will have no problems.”

“Consider her taken care of,” Cadence said with a bright smile. “I want every step of her journey to be as easy as possible.”

“And that’s all any of us really want, Shining Armor,” Night Light said, offering his son a reassuring nod. “We want your sister to be supported every step of the way. That’s why we have ponies who help her, that’s why WE help her. We always want somepony there to assist in Twilight’s evolution into the Princess we all know she can be.”

Velvet’s eyes darted to the map, where a detailed drawing of Canterlot Castle sat above the city. “The Princess of Equestria,” she said softly.

The words hung heavily over the table as they always did, and the silence that followed seemed to hammer home the severity of the subject. Velvet hardly felt anything anymore- she had been brought into this circle when she was very young, after her older sister had passed away tragically in an accident. Her grandfather had known then that a Sparkle had to be present in this circle, and since he was much too old to continue he had passed it on to Velvet’s older sister, Aurora Sparkle… but after Aurora’s death Velvet had been given the Sparkle family’s place, and she hadn’t looked back since. Cadence had been much like Velvet when she had first arrived: young, naïve, uncertain as to what her role could be… but it hadn’t taken Velvet and Night very long to convince the young alicorn that she had more potential than her Aunt was letting her see.

Shining Armor, on the other hoof, had just recently entered into the confidence of the circle and was still trying to grasp the enormity of their plans. As such, hearing his mother refer to his sister as the sole ruler of their country must still register quite a shock for him.

“Aren’t you getting a little ahead of yourselves?” a voice from the other side of the table demanded. “It seems like you’re already planning your victory parade when you haven’t fought the war yet.” Velvet’s eyes narrowed, and slowly she turned to look at the pony who sat at the center of the other trio.

“And aren’t you forgetting your place, Spitfire?” she muttered icily. “As I recall, you were told that you were allowed to attend but not contribute.” The other pony threw back her hood, revealing a brilliant orange and yellow mane that seemed to make the room brighter with its presence.

“What about LUNA?” pressed Spitfire, her voice tight with anger, “You’ve got all these plans for getting one of your own on the throne, but all those plans revolve around just ONE Princess sitting there in the first place! You told us three years ago that Luna’s resurfacing could present a problem and you’ve NEVER GONE BACK TO THAT!”

Velvet glared at her silently for a long moment, but instead of answering the Pegasus’ question she turned her gaze to Shining Armor. “Now, this is a perfect example of why we don’t tell anypony outside this group our plans. We are there merely to nudge others in the direction that we wish them to go, but some of us have a harder time doing that than others. Spitfire was inducted into this circle very young, and through her we were able to direct our first prospective Princess…” Her eyes went back to the Pegasus mare. “…until Spitfire told her twin sister everything.”

“I didn’t tell her EVERYTHING,” Spitfire protested, pointing a hoof at Velvet. “I didn’t tell her any names or what our end goal was- I just told her our plans for her! I…” Her ears drooped. “I thought she deserved to know.”

“And as a result, she became a power-hungry lunatic who almost ruined generations of planning in her mad dash to be crowned Princess.”

Now Spitfire’s mane bristled and she placed both hooves onto the table aggressively. “Don’t you dare talk about my sister like that,” she hissed. “Sunset Shimmer was always a little crazy, but she was my sister and as far as I’m concerned it was your plans that drove her over the edge, Velvet.”

Velvet sighed and shook her head sadly. “And ever since Sunset Shimmer disappeared without a trace the Shimmer family has lost their standing in Canterlot and this circle, leaving only Spitfire to pretend to represent them.”

“How DARE YOU-,”

Velvet didn’t even let her finish; instead, she turned to the hooded pony on Spitfire’s right. “Soarin, I would remind you that her good behavior is paramount to her remaining in this circle. Please, try to keep her under control.”

Spitfire’s eyes widened, and there was certainly fire in them now. “Are you telling him to put me on a leash?!” she snarled, half-rising from her chair as her hidden wings lifted her cloak behind her. Before she could come across the table at Velvet, however, a blue hoof stopped her from moving.

“That’s enough, Spitfire… c’mon, sit back down.” His voice was calm and soothing, but the young Pegasus responded to it as if he had shouted it into her ear. Her mouth clamped shut into a thin line and her eyes glared hatefully at Velvet as she shifted and quickly resumed her seat. The stallion next to her threw back his hood, his soft blue coat and mane contrasting sharply with his marefriend’s vibrant colors. “Just take it easy, okay?” he said with a squeeze of his hoof. “Velvet’s right, you did promise to keep quiet to stay in the loop.” The mare snorted and turned sharply away from the group, her hooves crossing over her chest in defiance. Soarin sighed and gave Velvet an apologetic smile. “Sorry, ma’am- Spitfire’s been worried about Princess Luna’s involvement in the whole thing ever since she came back, and a few years is a long time to worry about something this important.”

As always, Soarin’s propriety put Velvet at ease and after a moment she nodded. “You’re quite right, Soarin. Princess Luna has been a very large variable in our plans ever since she was brought back to Celestia’s side, and until recently I will admit that I was at a loss as to how to deal with her.” She smiled, her gaze taking in all of the ponies at the table, including the one who remained hooded at Velvet’s far left. “However, the recent events in Canterlot have settled a solution into our laps.”

“While we were there celebrating with Twilight after she and her friends had defeated the villain known as Tirek, we had the opportunity to speak to Princess Luna at some length,” said Night Light. “We tried to find out as much as we could through our usual indirect questions, but the Princess of the Night proved more perceptive than we had anticipated. She guessed that we had aspirations to see Twilight on the Equestrian throne.” The gathered ponies all muttered uncertainly, including Princess Cadence, but Night Light held up his hoof to forestall comments. “I was terrified at first, but Luna seemed disinclined to seek after our methods. In fact, it didn’t seem like she cared at all and was only interested in why.”

“When we told her that removing Celestia from power was something our ancestors believed would help our nation she seemed very curious.” Velvet shook her head before continuing. “She reminded us that she was not here for a thousand years, and as such had no real idea of her sister’s ability to rule as a sole monarch… but she did say that if Celestia were somehow removed from power and Twilight placed into it… that she would not fight for the throne.”

A gasp went up from the small gathering and Cadence sat forward eagerly, her eyes glowing bright.

“So she wouldn’t put up a claim to the throne herself?” she asked. “Why not?”

“From what I gathered she has no desire to try and rule modern Equestria, least of all by herself.” Velvet shook her head sadly. “She was gone for over a hundred generations of ponies, and so much has changed since the time when she and Celestia ruled together that she knows she cannot adapt well enough to be a good ruler to her ponies on her own. She wishes nothing more than to live her life peacefully among her subjects, without a crown or duty to hold her. A truly noble admission, if I might be so bold to say.”

“And what about Celestia’s… removal?” Shining Armor asked tentatively. “What did she say about that?”

“Her words were, “A thousand years of hatred do not vanish like smoke on the wind”,” Velvet quoted. “I… somehow believe that while she would never again raise a hoof against her sister, she would also not try to stop us from doing whatever we felt was necessary to remove her.”

“That’s a lot of supposition on your part, Velvet,” Spitfire muttered as she leaned forward and propped herself up on the table. The unicorn turned and regarded the Pegasus with another cool gaze.

“She did not try to stop us, did she?”

Silence fell across the group as they all considered the implications of having Luna’s indirect blessing upon their plans. Velvet watched their faces as they all pondered this new information, and she was pleased to note that all of their eyes grew brighter and more determined as they did so. Even Spitfire seemed mollified by the new revelations, if her silence was any indication.

“On that note,” Velvet said after a moment, “we come to the final piece of business for this meeting. Now that Twilight is publicly recognized as royalty, Night Light and I will officially be moving here, into my family’s manor. This means that we can hold more meetings with more regularity, and nopony has to wait a year or more for updates.” She gave Spitfire a nod of concession, and to her surprise the Pegasus returned it, albeit minutely. “This also means, however, that our plans may require revision or action at any moment, so please be vigilant. After all, we never know when the right moment will come.”

“You really think we’ll get a chance soon?” Twinkleshine’s eyes glittered with hope. “I mean… our families have been planning this forever… do you really think we’re close?”

Velvet smiled. “My dear, think about it. Celestia was captured by Nightmare Moon when she came back; she was also captured by Queen Chrysalis when she invaded Canterlot, abducted by the Tree of Harmony when Discord’s seeds came to fruition and then almost destroyed by Tirek.” Her smile took on a slight edge as she stared at the map before her. “I think she’s weak, and that we may not have to do anything but move in once she’s gone.” Her eyes flicked up and darted from pony to pony. “As such, we all must remember that once Twilight takes power it will not just be her that we must be close to- we will have to get to know her friends, as well. They’re a powerful force in Twilight’s life, and we must be certain of their intentions before we allow them to accompany her into the ruling seat of the country.”

“I have to take some credit in that regard,” said Blueblood. “Rarity and I patched things up between us on one of her trips to Canterlot, and while I wouldn’t exactly call us best friends I’d say she trusts me to one degree or another.” He chuckled. “At least she trusts my father implicitly; she’d take his word for anything, and he vouched for me.”

“Fancy Pants was a trusted member of this circle,” Velvet agreed. “If he told me you were the Queen of Saddle Arabia I’d probably believe him.” The assembled ponies snickered, even Blueblood.

“At any rate,” he continued, “Rarity at least seems reasonably loyal to Twilight, though her personal drive sometimes gets in the way. I’d say she won’t be a problem, especially if certain bribes pass through her hooves.”

“Spitfire and I have also been making contact with Rainbow Dash, ma’am,” Soarin said with a respectful nod. “She’s proved loyal to her friends time and again, and I don’t see that shaking anytime soon.”

“Excellent. And the others?” Her eyes went to Twinkleshine, who nodded emphatically.

“From my observations in Ponyville and the reports from Lemon Hearts and Lyra they are unshakable, Velvet. She’s got a wonderful support unit in them, and they’ll be able to see her through the trauma of losing her mentor, no matter how it happens.”

“That is wonderful to hear. I would hate to think that Twilight would suffer too greatly in the name of Equestria.” Velvet’s gaze returned to the map, her eyes sparkling with plans and pride. “And that just leaves one last thing… Soarin?”

“Yes ma’am?”

“Have you told your brother everything he needs to know?” Her eyes darted to the last hooded figure at the table as Soarin nodded out of the corner of her eye.

“I have, ma’am.” He gestured to the figure at the far left, a broad smile splitting his face almost in two. “He’s already started on his portion of the mission, and from what I’ve heard he’s doing a great job so far.”

Velvet smile winningly at the last hooded pony. “And what do you have to say for yourself, young Flash?”

The last pony raised a yellow hoof and threw back his hood, revealing a tousled dual-tone blue mane and bright blue eyes that met Velvet’s gaze unflinchingly as he grinned. “Things are going very well, ma’am,” he said with a nod. “Twilight and I just keep ‘bumping into each other’, and every time we do she seems more and more interested.” His grin grew. “Once I’ve pulled her in a bit more I’ll ask her out.”

“And you’ll be there to support her no matter what?” Velvet asked firmly. “That is the stipulation here, Flash Sentry. If you and your brother desire the Sentry family to be joined with the Sparkles in this there can be no second-guessing of your loyalty. Will you be her heart in this, and be with her always?”

Flash Sentry nodded slowly, his eyes locked with Velvet’s. “Absolutely, ma’am.”

“Excellent.” Velvet’s gaze softened, and her smile along with it. “How much longer do you think it will take?”

“Oh, a few more bumps. I’ll try to get them in as soon as possible.” His grin widened once more. “Basically ma’am… it’s only a matter of time.”

Twilight Velvet reached a hoof out and traced it across the map before her, touching every corner of the land of Equestria as her eyes grew hungry.

“Only a matter of time…” she whispered eagerly.