Left 4 Friendship: Magic is Dead

by UnweptSchlipps

Interlude 1: Can't Help But Worry

TS: We heard the gunshot, and we immediately rushed back inside. When Pinkie and I got back, we saw them just…laying there. We could see the corpse of the Church Pony in the Safe Room, where the walls were painted with his blood. Fluttershy was quietly sobbing, wrapped in Rainbow’s hooves. Frankly, it was…it was heart-breaking, you know? It gave us a reminder of the toll this whole ordeal has put on us. It put things into perspective, and showed just how bad things were.

Oh, by the way, sorry for interrupting. It’s me, Twilight. Rainbow’s here too to help me out. Pinkie and Fluttershy went down to check on the barricades and cook some food. So for now, it’s just us.

RD: What’s up guys?

TS: We felt as though certain things…they can’t be explained with a simple story. So that’s why we’re here, to provide some…commentary. So, where was I? Oh yes. So Fluttershy and Rainbow were just sitting at the entrance, huddled together.

RD:I didn’t know what to do really. I just felt so bad for her, y’know? I’m not gonna lie, I’m not exactly the best with comforting people. But seeing Fluttershy like that…it was something I hadn’t seen before. I’ve known her for years, and I have never seen her so…vulnerable. I had to do something. And I was afraid that, if I let go, she was going to go under.

TS: So we all came together in a group hug, comforting not only her, but each other as well. For a while, the four of us stayed there. I guess for a while, it was as if all the troubles around us were blocked off; vanished. It didn’t matter where we were, because we were with each other.

RD: Pretty sappy, Twi’.

TS: But you know it’s true, Rainbow.

RD: Heh. I guess so. And I definitely would’ve rather stayed like that than have to go face more zombies. But, unfortunately, we couldn’t stay there forever. We had to go inside the safe house. Fluttershy was still pretty scared, so I led her inside, covering her eyes so she wouldn’t have to see the blood. There was a ladder leading up to the upper storage room. She climbed up first, then me, then Pinkie. I heard the slam of the metal door, and then Twilight came up.

Let me just say that something was definitely wrong with that stallion. The walls had hundreds of scribbles, and they all said “Better safe than sorry”. Truthfully, I felt a little sorry for the guy. Yeah, he did try to kill us (which was totally uncalled for), but it was because this whole zombie infection made him like that. He was probably a normal pony just like us. And after seeing Fluttershy curl up in the corner, shaking from fear and trying to sleep, I was worried that she was going to become like him. And if not her, then us.

TS: Whoa, the big bad Rainbow Dash was scared of something?

RD: Not scared. Just…anxious. It was pretty hard not to be, especially since Canterlot was a huge bust.

TS: At the time, we still didn’t even have plan. We were just surviving for as long as we could, hoping that we’d find something. Basically, all we had was guns and buns. And I didn’t even rhyme ‘em on purpose.

RD: Our “dinner” was basically pain pills and a piece of cupcake. Pretty scrumptious, huh? So anyway, Fluttershy was already asleep. But it wasn’t sleeping, more like taking a break from one nightmare to go to another. She was tossing around, mumbling something.

TS: We were so worried, and at times we were tempted to wake her up. But which was worse, leaving her in her dreams or taking her back to reality? We didn’t know.

And surprisingly, Pinkie was asleep too. And although it wasn’t as obvious as Fluttershy’s, she was twitching a bit too.
It didn’t seem like a problem at the time, especially with Fluttershy next to her. So for a while, it was just me and Rainbow awake. And don’t think we chose to stay awake either. Our fear just wouldn’t let us.

And for almost equally as long, we didn’t say anything to each other. That’s right, we didn’t even give some kind of sarcastic remark about the other. That’s how scared we were. When we did talk, it went like this:
“I’m worried.”
“No shit.”
“I’m being serious, Rainbow.”
“So am I.”
Pretty good conversation, no?

RD: I’ll be honest with you Twilight, I was pretty frustrated. You probably were too. Our plans were blown up right in front of our eyes, literally and figuratively. And those buckheads bombed my wing, which is still broken by the way. Finally, I just couldn’t hold it anymore. I took the cupcake in my hoof and tried to hurl across the room.

TS: Apparently, somepony can’t throw to save her life. And the cupcake, instead of hitting a wall, hit my face.

RD: Man, Twilight looked freakin’ hilarious. Frosting was all caught in the bandages on her head, and I just couldn’t stop laughing. I guess I laughed I little too loud. ‘Cause that was when Fluttershy woke up.

And it was for just a moment. In just the second that she opened her eyes, I could see something. Something glimmering in her eyes, completely changed from the way she was a few hours ago. Hope. At first I thought she was still dreaming, imagining she was back home at her cottage. Now I realize it wasn’t because of that. It was because she saw us. It was us, Twilight. You covered in frosting, me laughing my wings off, it was a lot like we were back at Ponyville. It was almost like...like the old times. Jeez, it seems like such a long time ago...

But then…reality began to creep in once again. And…the hope I saw in her eyes, it vanished. But instead of fear returning, there was something much worse. Nothing. Her face was wiped clean of any emotion. She just sat back, and went back to sleep without even saying a word. I don’t know what happened in those dreams of hers, but…okay Twilight I admit it, I was freakin’ scared.

TS: And you weren’t the only one. Fluttershy…she wasn’t exactly in the best shape. Neither were we.

RD:That little bit of hope I saw kept me thinking. That was about the time when I asked, “Twilight, do you really think there’s someplace safe out there?” There was a pause, and then you said…what was it you said again?

TS:So I looked at Pinkie and Fluttershy, and then I said, “Well of course, Rainbow. I have to. Otherwise, what’s the point of fighting if you’ve got nothing to fight for?”

RD:Hey, you really know how to make a pony feel better, Twilight.

TS:Heh, no shit.