//------------------------------// // An Imprompt Teleportation // Story: The Lone Survivor // by AvidSeason //------------------------------// Navigating through the Everfree Forest was always a big hazard to everypony's health. Thankfully Twilight Sparkle was there to actually be a decent guide. Contrary to popular belief she did not always stay in her castle. Much like the other Princesses, when she was first given an actual title all she did was go on adventure upon adventure. You see, there's usually a four-to-five month waiting period between actually getting Princess responsibilities and becoming a Princess. Usually it would be a shorter time-frame, but when she achieved alicorn-hood she immediately became a Princess in every aspect. Thus a lot of paperwork was thrown upon Celestia and Luna hooves. Anyway she had a lot of time on her hooves and with it she usually travelled around, saw the sights, and studied more about her particular field. For the later, she usually went to Zecora to get a better view on the magic capabilities of other creatures because all she was familiar with were her own species and Spike's. Unfortunately, with Zecora's peculiar way of speaking many concepts were lost in translation. Still, she did not stop her weekly visits. Twilight wouldn't stop seeing her favorite potion friend. Anyway with her many weeks of hiking through the forest, she was probably the best guide to get besides Zecora. Unfortunately she was in an area that she did not have that much experience being in, so Twilight was horribly lost. Every turn she made through the overgrown forest led straight back to where she began. She was starting to get extremely furious. It was like the forest was deliberately keeping her trapped here. It was getting really frustrating. She was this close to just teleporting him back to her house. Unfortunately due to previous discomfort for non-unicorns when she performed the spell, it felt like she was morally obligated to actually tell him what was going to happen. She had a pretty good idea on how to explain to him what was going to happen. Twilight had gotten the idea from him after all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zandar and I were following Twilight through the forest. At first she was confidently striding, but the as time went on and we kept hitting the long-since dead fire pit she started to look a little like the Lesson Zero episode. I made sure to keep myself and Zandar at a maximum of five feet away from her. Then slowly she turned around. Her face held a slight frown and her forehead was slightly knitted. It looked like she was deep in thought. Or she could've been constipated. Most likely the former rather than the latter because pretty soon her face lost its concentration. Her horn started to glow with that familiar magenta as a stick was picked up. The stick was put to the soft ground and it began to draw. I've got to say, Twilight is an incredible drawer. Well....compared to me that is. It wasn't any piece of artwork, but the point was gotten clearly across. It had taken several minutes but she had finally drawn two drawings. One was us minus Zandar on top of a circle with I guess trees surrounding us. Twilight's horn was surrounded in waves, which I guess is her doing magic. It also had an arrow pointing to the second drawing. Now the he second drawing was of us in the exact same position, but I couldn't tell where we were supposed to be. It looked like a place with a lot of buildings. I got the gist that Twilight was going to teleport us there. I don't know why she didn't do it in the first place. It would've saved us a lot of time just roaming the forest. I would have said I would gladly go with her, but I still don't get horse language. Besides that there were only two questions remaining on whether or not I should come with her. Carefully I grabbed the stick out of her grip. I still wasn't sure whether or not magic could hurt me or not. Unceremoniously the magic glow vanished as soon as I touched it. A slight tingle was felt all along my arm, but it wasn't unpleasant. Her face had a perplexed look before she shook her head. Guess she didn't turn off her "magic" by herself then. Oh well. It's a matter to deal with later when I actually understand her language. Now hopefully I can make the matter clear with my drawings. The concepts are pretty easy to understand, I guess, but hopefully Twilight actually understands the concept that I'm trying to tell her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Twilight didn't undertand what the heck he was doing. She had expected him to nod yes or no, but all he did was take the stick out of her magical grip, somehow disrupt her natural mana flow, and began to also draw in the dirt. At first she didn't know what he was doing. He was studying the first drawing she had made and made as close a duplicate as possible. There were some holes between the lines though. He also drew it above the arrow she had made between the two. Then he went below the arrow and drew some sort of wavey-thing. She didn't know what to make of the two drawings. She looked back up at him. He was staring at Twilight expectantly. She was trying to understand what he was trying to get at until an old book she hadn't read since she was seven came to mind. It was about the Neighstein-Rosenhoof Bridge. By an old book she seriously meant old. It was originally what got Clover the Clever to go into Space-Time magic and get apprenticed to Starswirl. She was amazed at what the creature knew about magic. If he knew anything else it would greatly help the ponies progress. Unfortunately she didn't know what the other picture represented. She pointed towards the bridge. He sighed while nodding his head. Twilight looked at him puzzled. She shook her head and began charging the spell until he had grabbed her horn. The magic was instantly siphoned out into the surrounding environment. She cantered back a ways ,afraid of a total magic siphon from her body. He released her horn and pointed towards the manticore and then to the drawings. She was puzzled before realization hit her. He wanted to know where he was going to be in all this. She picked up the stick he had dropped with her aura and began to draw again. She drew the manticore in a fenced area that was supposed to be Fluttershy's backyard, but she couldn't get the hut right. At any rate, he seemed to understand and he nodded in her direction. It then occurred to her to actually warn Fluttershy about the surprise manticore visit. She pulled out a piece of paper and began to write a short notice to her before she teleported it on top of her living room table. Hopefully the birds wouldn't get to it. She looked over to him and nodded. He seemed to understand that he should get ready. He patted the manticore's back. He looked at him while he pointed to the drawing of the manticore in the fenced area. The manticore looked towards the drawing before the manticore had purred towards him. It must have been okay with the situation. Carefully she weaved her spell once again wary of his influence on her horn again. With the spell complete, and the aura swirling around her horn, she nodded towards him and started the spell. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WoOooOOaAaahhh! Rainbows everywhere!!!! HAhahaHAHAh. There's even Pink, fluffy unicorns. HHHHHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA. *Ahem* Sorry about that. I went through a little madness right there. Teleportation via "magic" sure is trippy. Anywho, the whole trip was frickin' wierd. I kept having hallucinations and all I saw was a kaliedescope of rainbows and anti-rainbows. Please...Don't ask me what color they are. So after all the teleportation nonsense, I ended up in Twilight's castle. It was probably one of the many servant rooms or something, because all that I saw when we arrived was a giant bed and some desks of various natures. However I was currently in the fetal position on the floor and puking my heart out. God it hurt like hell. Twilight of course was freaking the fuck out. She tried to make it better by either conjuring or teleporting a towel in here or something, but the puke would not stop. Eventually she just sat (laid?) down and consoled me by putting her hoof against my back and gently patting it. After all the throwing up and stuff, Twilight had...fuck it I'm saying conjured. So Twilight had conjured paper towels and began to wipe up the puke. I was impressed by how she was acting through all this. She was being very quiet, and she was keeping her OCD in check. If I were her I would've torn my body apart in the name of SCIENCE!!!! But then again, she did see some wierd creature just start puking. Even I would've been put off by that. When all was said and done, Twilight had said some stuff in horse language and walked out of the room. I'm pretty sure that she had said, "Stay there, I'll be right back with some puke anylizer." Or something like that. While she was out, I guess that I could perhaps look around the room. I stood up from my sitting position on the bed and looked around. Next to the bed was a dresser drawer, so I started there. I opened one of drawers on it and discovered a journal of sorts. I opened it to find it blank of any language except the front page. I couldn't understand it one bit, but when Twilight shows up she could probably tell me what the heck this is via pictographs and such. I put the book on top of the desk next to the oil lamp., and walked towards the desk in the corner. Opening it I found some quills, ink, and a stack of three books. Each one was filled with many characters and pictures. I would've said that these were picture dictionaries, but I couldn't really be sure. I sat down in the armchair by the window/tiny balcony and began looking at the three books. After a while of the most intense book studying you could imagine, Twilight came back with a book of her own. Most likely it was a "spellbook" of awesomeness or "A Complete Guide to Mythos" book or something like that. Anyway her horn started was glowing again. I watched carefully as if it could somehow tell me the secret of its excess. After a while I think Twilight noticed because she was tapping my leg again. I looked down towards her face before a picture suddenly appeared in my face. I took it out of her magical grip and held it away from my face. I think it showed my head, a hollow hole inside it, and my mouth was open with a bubble coming out of it. Swirly stuff was inside the hollow and it was kind of swirling out of my head into another swirl out there emanating from a stick. I....think I know what's going on here. Twilight is going to try to "magically" implant knowledge into my brain on how to speak their language. Twilight is going to try to get in my head and make me understand her language. Normally I would not allow this kind of tampering with my brain. However, if I am to actually understand their language without speaking in weird neighs and horse clicks all the time. I would also like to see what this actually does in terms of "magic". I gave her a nod. She nodded back and put her book over next to the stack on the desk. She started making more "magic" swirls on her horn until a brilliant flash startled my eyes. When the flash vanished back into the normal lighting and I found myself on the floor. I hurt a LOT. It had felt like she just took my body apart, made everything burn, be covered in acid, and put it back together piece by frickin piece. Then everything went black. When I came to from the pain coma, I was on the ground sobbing my heart out. I must've fell while she was doing the "magics". I looked up and saw that she was at about face value. Then her mouth started moving in her weird tongue clicks. "Did it work?"