//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Recovery, Unwanted Attention, & Royalty? // Story: Tumult // by Shattered Heart //------------------------------// "I'm sorry, but I can't do it. You aren't the one..." I hear in the darkness a darker shadow outline of a being talking to me. What is it that you mean? "I love someone else. I'm sorry. What? Wait! Where are you going?! WATCH OUT!!! You're gonna be alright! YOU HEAR ME?! The medics are on their way. STAY WITH ME. “It’s that familiar voice from the night before, so this is a dream? Is it some sort of memory? Wait. I think this is the whole memory of the dream I had the night before. I hear another voice. I think. I think it’s my voice? "I guess this is how it ends. Being a ____ that hasn't gotten the chance to be loved before dying. I think I knew I was going to die like this. I don't think she can hear me. Maybe i'm not even moving my mouth. Maybe these are my last thoughts. Awww man. Being a ____ that has so many hobbies, I have so many regrets dying like this. I never got to see how my favorite show ends, how my favorite game series ends, or even what types of technology will be available for the future I wanted to live long to see all that. I wanted to live long enough to at least be loved. Why am I dying anyway? Oh yeah. Got hit by a... Yeah. *sigh* If I knew this would be the reason I would die, I guess it would have been better if I had never learned to love. I wouldn't be dying right now. I guess if I could have done it over. If I could have another chance. I'd wish that I could never fall in love." The voice stopped. Was that really my voice? No. I don't know. I can't remember. If only I could talk. Wait I can talk. Then is that voice mine? I can't remember it. I suddenly hear another voice. "Do you wish for another chance? Then accept this body that I have created! Walk the many roads no _______ has ever walked! Oh. and don't think this body is just like any pony else's. if you want to live, this is your only choice! Mwahahaha, you'll thank me later. I'll be keeping an eye on you! After all, life has been such a bore lately!" It’s his voice. That guy from the other night. Suddenly that guy's voice ends and yet another new one rings in my ears... Sweetie Belle? "Hey! He looks like he is in pain! Wake him up! He must be having a nightmare! Hey Malty! WAKE UP!" *Thud* Waking up on my head hurts, and quite frankly I have the familiar feeling of that only the floor could possibly provide. It seems I have fallen to the floor... Again. And here I thought those days of lying face first on the ground have ended. "Oh my, are you okay? Hehehe you landed funny. Come on crusaders help me get him to bed," Sweetie Belle sang. Standing to my feet I feel way better than yesterday. Looking down at the 3 fillies Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, & Scootaloo, I nod at them and walk out of the door. "Wait! We are in charge of your health!" Sweetie Belle had shouted at me. Wait. They are in charge of my health? Suddenly the thoughts of what happened last night made me shiver. Shaking my head attempting to forget the travesties of the night before I continue to walk the door, with the "Crusaders" following me. "Wait! We have to check you out of the hospital," Sweetie Belle had explained, but it seems like too much trouble... So I think i'll just walk out the front door. A gust of wind hitting my body, lifting my scarf making it float into the air as it is weighed down from being tied around my neck, as the door opens and the sun shine blinding me, I see many ponies staring at me... Its not a good feeling... I pull up the scarf to cover the bottom half of my face. Walking through town aimlessly I hear ponies all around talking about me, "I hear he fought a whole pack of Timber wolves. I heard that he has no face, look! You can see it under his scarf! I heard that is actually a mask. He must be a monster, that's why he hides behind a mask" I never knew that ponies could be so mean. I have only been showered by the kindness of Twilight and the others. "Lift yer ears up Malty! Don't let those bullies... Well... bully you!" Apple Bloom had commanded. I didn't even notice my ears were flopped. I guess this just means that I really do have feelings. I feel a little better at the thought of having emotions. Thankful for Apple Bloom's kind words I pat her on the head, which caused an argument among the crusaders. Something about not being fair. By the end of the argument I end up patting all of their heads. Fillies are a hand full. "Where are you goin anyways Malty?" Apple Bloom asks. Thinking to myself I suddenly question myself, Where am I going? I ask Apple Bloom where Twilight is, then suddenly Apple Bloom jumps. "Oh! Twilight said to take Malty to Twilight! Let's get Malty there safe and sound! Cutie Mark Crusaders BODY GUARDS! YAAAAAY!!! We will protect Malty from all the bad ponies that try to bad mouth him!" The trio suddenly shouting deafen me, but I can't exactly complain with them thinking of my well being. A couple hour pass, I suddenly find myself at the front of the hospital I had stayed at last night. We had gone in a circle. Come to think of it we wound up doing anything, BUT go to Twilight. We chased a random squirrel, we ate lunch at their club house, we went swimming, I got CPR performed on me after nearly drowning. Yeah. We did a lot of things, but seeing Twilight or the others was not anywhere on the list. I ask the crusaders what exactly is going on, then suddenly Scootaloo jumps, “OH YEAH! We were supposed to bring you to Rainbow Dash!" What? Rainbow Dash? No we were supposed to go to Twilight. I begin to ask them again, but they stare at me for a good minute, before Scootaloo suddenly shouts, “RAINBOW DAAAAAASSSSHHHHH!!!" In the blink of an eye, maybe even quicker than that Rainbow Dash appeared out of nowhere, landing beside us from the sky. "What's up shorties? And not so shorty," Rainbow Dash greets looking at the crusaders then at me. I pull up my scarf to cover the bottom half of my face again and face Rainbow Dash asking her to take me to Twilight to get some books to adapt to. "Got it!" Rainbow Dash states, going through her saddlebag. "Here you go! My very own self- made copy!" Grabbing a shining notebook from Rainbow Dash I look at the cover... There is no title... "It's my very own book I wrote to help Scootaloo with wing exercises to try to get her to fly! It has everything that could ever be needed for a filly Pegasus up to a full grown Pegasus like me to become the best flyer they can be! Like yours truly of course. Just in case Scootaloo did become a famous flyer from my book I made sure to make multiple copies so that I can rake in the dough! Heh. Ponies will practically shower me with diamonds to get a hold of this book!" Rainbow Dash is kinda egotistical isn't she? But there is something charming about that. Opening the note book I find it hard to read, the sun probably being so bright that I can't read it properly. "A new road has been traveled. Many more roads are now possible," the familiar voice states. The notebook I had held was no more... I didn't even know I could adapt with notebooks, I guess there are a lot more things that I don't know about myself. Suddenly hearing screeching noises I turn to see the Crusaders. "M-M-MALTY IS A PRINCE?!" the Crusaders shout at once. What are they yelling about? "WHOA! YOU! HOW?! WHAT?! HUH?!" Rainbow Dash babbled, not making any sense. What exactly is every pony making such a big scene about? Suddenly seeing Twilight finally I wave to her, her eyes widening, and one eye twitching. "HUH?! You're a PRINCE?!" Why is every pony saying that suddenly? I sign to her that I have no clue what she is talking about. "What? Look in a mirror! Look there!" Twilight requested. Looking behind myself I saw a tinted glass that showed my reflection.Ah, So that's why every pony was freaking out. I have a horn, and wings now. Wait. What?