//------------------------------// // 5 - The Grip of Darkness // Story: Soarin's Pet Rock // by Beware The Carpenter //------------------------------// "Mwhawahha! Hahahmwhaha! “No dude! Snap out of it!” “MhAhHHa! MWWWhaaahaa Mhamhahahiea!! “Soarin buddy, stop before it’s too late!” “"MwhawhwMWAahha! HAHAwhaHA! MhammmwHAHAhieA!!” “Let her go! She hasn’t done anything to deserve this!” "MHWAAhemaHMheaWA! MHAmhaWWAhwaMmWHA! HMMheAMWHAmheaMWEmeH! Stoner tried, but it was no use; Soarin just wouldn’t listen to him. Ever since he’d put that amulet around his neck, it was like he’d changed into a different person, one who’d devoted his life to unspeakable acts of pure evil. After leaving Bluey at the warehouse, Soarin should have gone home to bed. The big show was tomorrow and Soarin needed sleep, but instead, he went flying. Rising with rapid ease above Canterlot, he looked down in contempt at the innocent, sleeping forms of the denizens of the fields below, and embarked on a merciless and unparalleled rampage of cow tipping. Stoner tried to stop him, but the amulet was just too strong; and within the space of a few minutes, more than a dozen helpless victims had been cast to the ground, crying out in shock and pain, leaking body fluids as Soarin flew away laughing. He returned to Canterlot, his heart darkened, and spirit emboldened and began door knocking at random. Not just one or two houses mind you, but entire streets! By the time the first door was opened, Soarin would have knocked on every door, and already hidden in the clouds above, reveling in his unholy speed and the confused neighborhood he had disturbed. By the time the sun rose, the darkness had consumed Soarin entirely. When the public swimming pool opened, Soarin was one of the first ones in and then, when no one was looking… he peed in it. It was disgusting, and yet now, before Stoner’s very eyes, Soarin was doing something more despicable than everything else he’d done put together. It was just an hour before the show, and Soarin had been on his way to the Wonderbolt locker rooms when he saw the crowds lined up outside the stadium. Among them was a herd of foals. Sweet, innocent, trusting little foals who’d come all the way from Cloudsdale to watch the Canterlot Cup in their imitation Wonderbolt uniforms to cheer him on! Soarin began talking to them, but every smile hid his heart of stone. He pretended to appreciate their fandom, offered to sign their uniforms, and on every single one he intentionally spelled his name wrong! When the foals got back to Couldsdale they were going to show people the uniforms, and say they’d been signed by Soarin, and then no one would believe them. The foals would be accused of forging false memorabilia; they would be shunned by their friends, cast out by their families, caused to question their own sanity as to whether or not they really had seen the famous Wonderbolt. They would be cursed, and ridiculed from both within and without; driven from civilization and forced to live in the wilderness where they’d resort to cannibalism to survive until only one remained who, driven mad by his guilt and loneliness, would be transformed into a slenderpony roaming wastelands and preying on the blood of hapless wanderers until the end of time! “MWHAHEMMHAMA! HHAHAHMHAMWHMWHA! HWMAHWAMMHAWWHAM! HAHAMWHAHHMMWAHAAA! “Soarin?” Stoner didn’t even know if that name applied to his big brother anymore, but he spun around and saluted the sexy team captain Rainbow Dash, already in uniform; looking at him confused, “Why are you laughing like a supervillain from a kids comic book?” Normally when Soarin needed hogwash fast he’d ask Stoner for help, but this time he just glanced down, to his amulet, and Stoner felt another wave of evil passing into Soarin; “… I’m… happy.” Rainbow Dash blinked; “Fly with me” she ordered, gesturing to an isolated cloud, well out of earshot. Soarin followed without a word and landed down next to her, grinning, “Are you high?” Soarin checked their altitude, “Only sixty feet.” Dash leaned forwards, lowering her voice, “You know that they check us all for doping before and during the show. If you’re not clean, I will wring your neck.” Soarin smiled, took Rainbow Dash’s unsuspecting hooves and placed them on either rise of his own throat, “The judges can check my downstairs all they want, and they wouldn’t find anything dirty, but you might.” Rainbow Dash stared, blushed and scowled; and Soarin was gone, backflipping off the cloud and beelining towards the locker room to don with his reclaimed uniforms.