//------------------------------// // 9. Fancy Meeting you Here! (by Eyeswirl the Weirded) // Story: Sunny, Moonie, Twily // by Jetto //------------------------------// Gustav's Outdoor Delights wasn't the most renowned cafe in Canterlot, probably because it wasn't actually owned by the titular chef. Still, the association of the name and some of his dishes on the menu did enough to keep it in business. That was where Twilight, Sunset, and Moondancer were gathered while their dormroom, and the library, were both being cleaned after the incident with The Spell That Must Not Be Named from the tattered book they found. Finding at a table in the shade close to the building, Twilight scowled a little at her reckless friend. "Well, we're banned from the library for a week. Thanks a lot, Moondancer!" She sat down as well. "Hey, it made perfect sense at the time!" "Twice?!" Moondancer nodded sagely. "You would have been at it all day trying to figure out the missing glyphs, I figured you'd appreciate some experimentation." Twilight facehoofed. "Yes, you're right, you formed the spell in two different ways to get the exact same disastrous result. Well done, Moondancer, you're a genius." "Thanks!" As Twilight stared daggers at her beaming friend, Sunset took her seat by the two of them. Despite her shared annoyance with their predicament, her voice was calm. "Give her a break, Sparkle, the integration of smaller spells to fill in the blanks fit perfectly with what we'd seen. Both times." Twilight raised a disbelieving eyebrow. "How can you be okay with this?!" "I'm not," Sunset nearly snarled, "do you have any idea how embarrassing it was to finish explaining to Mrs. Bookmark, with three professors present, why we were there and how we'd definitely be careful enough not to do it again, only to immediately hear it happening again behind me?!" Moondancer winced. "Ouch. Right in the reputation." Twilight frowned, knowing the trouble Sunset already had in that department. "Sorry, Sunset." Sunset shrugged. "Whatever, they should at least be done fumigating the dorm some time this afternoon. I was thinking that, sick as this might sound, what if that outcome was what the spell was supposed to do? What if it looked right because it was right?" "That," Twilight deadpanned, "would indicate that the mind capable of coming up with a spell that complicated was one of a twisted freak, for whom no amount of therapy would ever make the world whole again." Moondancer beamed. "But hey, if I got it right, I really am a genius!" Twilight rolled her eyes, smiling a little. "I don't even want to think about what that implies." "Hey!" The others giggled. Meanwhile, a stallion well-known in the city of Canterlot walked among the tables alone, seeking respite. And perhaps some tea. Did they serve danishes here? He'd soon find out, taking a seat somewhat removed from the rest near a balcony overlooking a small, but extravagant garden. Before the waiter came by, he heard voices from a table around the corner of the building. "I'm just saying," Moondancer defended with a shrug, "maybe we could stand to do things differently every now and then." Twilight quirked a brow. "More experimentation, you mean?" Sunset would have associated that word and Moondancer with very different concepts under ordinary circumstances, but if she said as much out loud, her libido-addled friend would win. The white mare nodded. "We didn't know what would happen with the spell, and now we do. It might not have been the best outcome, but would you rather just leave everything we don't know a mystery?" "Well, no," Twilight conceded, "but there's got to be a safer way than just galloping in and winging it. Maybe small-scale procedures of gradually increasing extremity?" "Pfft, yea, if you have that kind of time. Life is short, making mistakes is how you learn!" "And how you get thrown out of libraries!" Moondancer pouted. "I said I was sorry." Twilight groaned. "What do you think, Sunset?" Leaning back on her chair, Sunset looked upwards in concentration. "I think... As long as there's some practical benefit, some kind of goal to reach or something we can use, it doesn't really matter how we get to it." Twilight and Moondancer both grinned brightly, turning to the other to say the same thing. "See? Told you." They both blinked, Moondancer recovering first. "What are you talking about? She meant that diving in works fine in the end." There was a pause as she beamed. "In school and some other places!" Twilight ignored that last part. "What she means is that slow and careful works just as well!" "I'm right here," deadpanned Sunset, "you could just ask me." They spoke in unison again. "Not now, Sunset." She grumbled. It was ungentlemanly to eavesdrop, but he could barely help himself, these fillies were having perhaps the most engaging discussion he'd heard in weeks! He listened in silence for the better part of fifteen minutes. The scientific method vs. the drive of discovery, meticulousness vs. expedience, the demand for reliable data vs. the reality of one's own ever-encroaching mortality. Well, he knew which one he would choose when it came to engaging these three, as hesitance might mean he'd never hear from them again! He stood up. Moondancer was beaming. "So it's settled! Twilight, you ask the guy who sits a few rows behind you in Inkwell's class to go out for a drink!" "WHAT?! That is not even remotely related to careful analysis!" "Sunny and I would be watching the whole time." Sunset's brow furrowed. "Like hell I would!" "I would be watching the whole time," amended Moondancer. "That," deadpanned Twilight "really doesn't make it better. And, why?" "Because seriously girl, you need to get laid, like, right now!" Twilight flushed. "Moondancer!" "No rush." "Anyway," Sunset said with a roll of her eyes, "the point I was trying to make earlier was that so long as you get some kind of result, does it really matter one way or the other how you get it?" "Depends," said Twilight with a raised eyebrow, "does it involve skeletal monsters?" Sunset facehoofed. "I swear, you try to help some ponies and-" "Pardon me," came a refined voice, "could I trouble you three for a moment of your time?" The three turned to see a snappily-dressed stallion with a blue moustache and a monocle. He smiled at them. "Forgive my wandering ears, but I couldn't help overhearing your latest discussion. I've listened to many a scholarly discourse in my time and I dare say that the three of you would hold well in Canterlot's intellectual circles. As such, would the three of you accompany me to a demonstration this afternoon?" Moondancer, Twilight, and Sunset all answered at the same time. "Yes!" "No." "Maybe." They shared a quick look, Twilight regarding the newcomer curiously. "I'm sorry Mister, uh..." "Pants," he offered, bowing a little, "Fancival Ebenezer Pants at your service, Fancy to my friends and Fancy Pants to most everypony else." "Right. Sorry Mister Pants, but what exactly does our intelligence have to do with this demonstration?" "Well, would I be mistaken in thinking that the three of you are aware of and enrolled in, perhaps already graduated from, Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns?" They shook their heads. "Splendid. Forgive me if this is in the least bit condescending, but it follows that you would be aware that many ponies before you have finished their time in Her Highness's prestigious academy and have since found other activities with which to preoccupy themselves." The trio nodded, Moondancer smiling a little too widely. Fancy Pants smiled. "This afternoon's showing is an event orchestrated by such ponies, specifically those who directed their academic careers to the study of past works. They'll be presenting an eigth-century (following the banishment of Nightmare Moon) runic projection matrix for discussion." "Okay," nodded Sunset, "so where do we come in?" Fancy frowned a little. "Well, the real draw of these gatherings has been my personal crux of attending them of late; the discussion value, specifically with those in attendance. There are certainly a few with points to make and relevant matters to explore, but some others that merely wear the airs of the learned pony, reciting tired rhetoric and snorting when challenged. I won't mince word-oh!" He blinked a few times. "Forgive my manners, I've not so much as asked any of your names!" "Moondancer!" "Twilight Sparkle." "Sunset Shimmer." Fancy smiled. "Marvelous, pleased to meet all of you! Now, I won't mince words, conversation in some of these events can be akin to pulling teeth with wishful thinking, so I, and surely some others in attendance, would be grateful if the three of you could come along and share your thoughts this afternoon." For once, Twilight and Moondancer had the same reaction as they shared uncertain looks, mulling it over. Sunset spoke up. "I have to ask, for purely comprehensive reasons, you understand," Fancy nodded, "how do we know you aren't one of the posers yourself, that you just want us to come with you so you can look good standing next to us." Twilight furrowed her eyebrows. "Sunset!" Before she could bring up their talk about not immediately distrusting ponies, Fancy smiled. "Well, in lieu of your own discussion, I would offer benefits to be had and the choices regarding them." Sunset resisted the urge to grin with a weird kind of satisfaction. "Please do." "By devoting a portion of your time in the company of my peers, the three of you stand to gain a chance to trade thoughts with some well-polished minds outside of Celestia's school, possibly make a few friends therein, and have a jolly good time while you're at it." Twilight scratched her head. "It'd give us somewhere to be while the dorm's being cleaned, too." Moondancer and Sunset nodded. "Possible benefits established," Fancy continued, "you have the options of taking a chance at reaching them by joining in, or asking me to be gone, whereupon I'll leave the three of you in peace." Sunset nodded, mollified. She turned to her friends. "So, what do you guys think?" Moondancer grinned, thinking up another possible benefit. "Shin-digs like these usually have a snack ta-I mean, an hor's devoure table too." Twilight shrugged, smiling a little. "We've really got nothing better to do. Count us in, Mr. Pants!"