Speak Up Please

by Living Madness

History's for dweebs

The buzzing noises of the hard working ponies of Canterlot university could be heard for miles around. Each earth, pegasi and unicorn pony diligently made their way to their appointed lectures eager to teach or be taught, many in their collective groups conversing with friends and teachers alike.

This was the noise that one mare had come to know well in her third year at the centre of the imperial city.

The mare waited for the rest of her class to leave, never a fan of being in or even around a crowd, though she was one in a group of six like-minded friends she still clung to her old timid ways. These days it was mostly out of habit, at least that was what she liked to tell herself.
As the noises outside of the class room door declined to an acceptable level for the quite pegasus, she diligently clutched her books lightly to her chest and left her seat.

It took only a few moments before the mare reached her pre-destination pit stop. Always allowing herself this little break in between classes to sooth herself and check up on her charge.

Twisting the knob of her school locker left, right, then left once more. She heard the metallic clunk of the tumbler activate telling her she had entered the correct combination. Slowly she opened the door making sure to look over both shoulders. With a warm smile she leaned down and stared inside. A pair of bright green eyes peer back at her, earning an even bigger smile from the shy yellow pegasus.

“Meow” the emerald eyes answered looking up at her inquisitively.

“Why hello to you to Ms Fluffy, did you enjoy your nap?” The mare asked, gently leaning in to stroke the little tabby kitten as it lent in and purred at her, greedily nuzzling her hand as she hit the sweet spot just behind its tiny ears.

She giggled. “Don’t worry Fluffy, mommy’s only got one more class and then you can come home back to mommy’s house and she can spoil you with a nice big bowl of warm milk.” The pegasus cooed earning another happy purr from the little tabby.

“So… you told him yet Shy?” a brash voice behind her asked.

Fluttershy epp’ed shooting up from her locker, slamming it shut instinctively as her wings flared out in full panic.

Turning back she spotted the owner of the voice. An athletic and toned figure barely hidden behind the sports gear she adorned. The mare with an outlandish and some would say flamboyant rainbow mane that complemented her own tomboyish personality perfectly, stared back at her friend in a slouched posture barely holding back a cocky smirk.

Fluttershy caught her breath placing an open hand gently on her breast to calm herself down. “Rainbow please, I told you not to sneak up on me like that.” Fluttershy lightly scolded, before turning back to the locker hoping she didn’t scare her tabby too much.

Rainbow frowned, moving beside her and leaning her shoulder against the other lockers before folding her arms in a nonchalant manner. “Sorry Shy didn’t mean to scare you like that, just thought you’d be used me doing that by now.” She smiled wickedly, poking her friend in the arm. “Or did you think I was somebody else huh? Maybe your little crush.”

It was truly testament to her love for animals at that point that the shy yellow mare didn’t slam the locker closed once more in shock as her back went stiff once more. Eyeing her surroundings for any unwanted eavesdroppers. Mainly ones with a love for fashion and a purple mane to be specific. “I-I don’t know, um, what do you mean Dash?” She finished weakly, already feeling her cheeks glow in a crimson blush.

Rainbow shook her head, waving away the excuse. “Yeah yeah, sure you don’t, I must be talking about the other human.”

Fluttershy looked down at her feet pressing her two index fingers together as she flushed an even more exaggerated red. “Dash, please, I told you that in confidence, you promised you wouldn’t tell anypony!” she beseeched her sky blue friend.

“Wow, wow take it easy there Shy” Rainbow yelled back holding her by the shoulders in an attempt to calm her childhood friend’s fears. “Course I ain’t gonna’ tell any other pony Shy, ‘Sheesh’ I was just teasing you a little, that’s all.”

Fluttershy turned back to her locker sighing sadly as she sorted through her books. “It’s not funny Rainbow. I don’t even know how I feel and this whole thing.” She bit her lip slumping her head against the roof of the locker in exhaustion, letting her mind wander she watched her kitten settling back into its blanket after its previous scare. “This is just all so confusing to me right now. I don’t even know if it’s right to have these feelings.”

Rainbow lifted an eyebrow at her, clearly not understanding the magnitude of the question raised. “Wait, because he’s not a pony?”

“No!... well maybe a little but, um it’s because he’s my teacher and well… he’s older I guess.”

Rainbow shrugged her shoulders. “Pfff, Shy it’s not horn surgery, he’s a nice guy, you’re a great mare, he’s like what twenty seven or something? You’re more than old enough, what’s the problem?”

Fluttershy shut her locker softly this time as she brought a books back up against her chest, using them as an impractical shield to hide behind both physically and she sometimes wished emotionally.

“But it’s not that easy, he’s a teacher and I’m his student and he’s so much better than I am. I’m just a silly little filly, he doesn’t even notice me…not that I blame him.” Fluttershy felt her eyes begin to water, but before she could fall down the inner abyss of self-doubt, she was so used to, Rainbow cupped her chin with her fingers, and lightly bringing her head back up to meet hers.

“Hey, we talked about this, you’re a beautiful, smart and awesome mare and no matter how smart he might be, he’s the dumbest hum-err guy, thing, in all of Equestria if he doesn’t see that.” She gave her friend a cocky smile and a wink as she locked eyes with her crestfallen friend.

Fluttershy despite herself giggled at her cyan friend sniffing away some of her tears before they threatened to trickle down her pale yellow cheeks. “Rainbow he’s the only human in all of Equestria.”

Rainbow took her hand away and embraced her friend in a firm but comforting hug. “Exactly”

Fluttershy giggled again as they ended the hug.

“So you going to ask him out or what?” Rainbow inquisitively asked.

“Oh I don’t know about that.” She answered weakly, once more staring down at her fluffy lime coloured jumper not meeting her friends gaze.

Rainbow fought hard not to slam her head on the locker in irritation at her friend’s lack of motivation. “Shy seriously, you talk about him like all the time, I have to ask you about your vet studies just so I don’t go crazy from hearing about him every time. You can’t just back down now or I’ll never hear the end of it!” Rainbow moaned bringing her own wings up in an exacerbated pose.

“But I don’t even—“

“Shy either you ask him by the end of this week or I’m going to.” Rainbow threatened.

Fluttershys eyes went wide “Y-you can’t!”

“I can and I will, I’m sick of seeing you like this Shy it ain’t right! You need to get it off your chest. He’ll either say yes, or if he’s dumb enough he’ll turn you down, at least you know what was what, you get me?”

Fluttershy looked at her friend, once more biting her bottom lip, she didn’t know how to argue with that, her argument was ultimately correct; If she cut away all the other major variables that was. “I understand Rainbow but, I only really see him in class, he usually goes down to the school bar, after seminars and I, you know why I don’t feel very comfortable going there. Not that its bad that pony's go there or anything it’s just—“

Rainbow massaged her brow lightly, at least Shy was giving her something to go on now. She knew the mare didn’t set foot in the student bar. Rainbow new better than any of Fluttershy friends her reasons for disliking alcohol or at least pony’s under the influence of it. At least now Rainbow had something to work with.

“Okay okay I get ya’ Flutters. But it’s almost the end of term and who knows what will happen when spring break hits. You might not get another chance like this, it’s now or never Shy.”

Fluttershy clutched her books tighter. “I know, I know, It just, what do I do? I can’t just ask him in the middle of class!”

Rainbow brought a hand up scratching the side of her jaw bringing her head up to ponder the conundrum “Well duh, of course you can’t do that. Hmm, what you got to do is find him when he’s alone…Why don’t you try getting a detention or something so he has to see you after class?” She finished giving her a cocksure smirk.

Fluttershy didn’t even dignify the idea with a response simply giving Rainbow Dash a deadpan look. As the athletic mare brought both hands up defensively.

“Hey I’m just spitballin’ here, don’t get mad at me. I’m not the one that’s gotta' find a way to ask out her history teacher.”

“Shh” Fluttershy scolded looking around the hallway again for any potential listeners. “Rainbow please, do you have to be so loud!”

Rainbow cackled, about to throw another teasing retort when the sound of the bell echoed through the hall signalling the beginning of a new hour.

“Oh shoot gotta’ get to practice or Ms Spitfire will kill me, laters Shy. Remember what I said it’s now or never yeah?” She quickly yelled, shooting up into the air and flying around the corner before Fluttershy could get a word in edgeways.

“Hey no flying in the corridor, how many time do I have to tell you Ms Dash!” A voice echoed around the corner.

“Sorry Ms Cheerilee.” The tomboyish voice hurriedly replied.

Fluttershy shook her head in amusement, rolling her eyes as she sighed heavily. Though annoyed at the brashness of her friend and if she was honest with herself more than a little envious at how her friend could take something she was finding to be a momentous philosophical and moral conundrum and reduce it to a simple yes/no question. Even with all these built up emotions, she couldn’t help but smile though, just a bit.

She never could be angry at Rainbow Dash it wasn’t in her nature to hate even a little and it was only because she knew that the Pegasus, for all her loyalty and reliability, never and would never know the word subtlety.

It was her own fault, she considered, for telling Dash in the first place. Then again she did have a sneaking suspicion that her Athletic friend knew anyway. Fluttershy did have a bit of a habit of talking a bit too much to Rainbow Dash when she was truly infatuated with something or in this case someone. You only had to mention an animal once and she was off.

Then again she had to consider the fact that perhaps she was making too much of this herself and that perhaps Rainbow was right. Though her heart ached and her brain argued back and forth with Rainbows idea. Her own plan of wait and hope would almost definitely end up fruitless if she persisted with it.

She decided she would have to wait for opportune moment. If the time came, she was just going to have to hope she had the strength to ask.
Placing the books into her rut sack, she bit her lip in trepidation. She knew what her next class was and she knew that somehow it was now or never, this was it.

She took a step forwards and marched softly to her next class.

Room 109 History.

Fluttershy read the words etched into the door for the fifth time and gulped. She had been standing there for a few moments now, but try as she might she couldn’t build up the courage to open the door. She reached for the door knob but her timid hands shook each time her fur felt the icy cold sting of the metal handle. Lowering her head in defeat she tried to settle herself. For once in her life she could not calm these butterflies that culminated in the pit of her stomach.

“Come on Fluttershy you can do this, just treat it like all the other times you went to class.” She whispered to herself. Stamping her foot down, she stared at the door in determination. Pushing down the fears as best she could. This was not the time, especially if it would lead to her being tardy, that alone wouldn’t help her case she told herself.

Just as she was about to actually reach for the door she felt a soft finger tap her on the shoulder.

Fluttershy turned quickly and looked up in horror. All of her previous motivation leaving her in a mass exodus as quickly as it had entered.

There standing a good foot and a half taller than her was the subject of her fears Mr Alex Dixon, her history teacher. The man who she had been puzzling over for the better part of year was now standing right next to her, alone, in one of her most fragile moments of her psyche.
She stuttered, unable to form coherent sentences, all she could do was stare at him eyeing his curious sapphire eyes as they stared down at her.

“Are you okay there Fluttershy, the doors not locked is it?” he asked sincerely, turning his gaze to the door then back to her.

Fluttershy opened her mouth then closed it bringing the books in her hand further up her chest as she shrank into herself letting her long pink mane fall over her face disguising her features and closing her off from the outside world.

The man’s features went from mild curiosity to genuine concern, brushing a rebellious black strand of hair back in formation with the other gelled back strands he reached over and lightly held her shoulder with his pale white palm. “Fluttershy what’s the matter? Are you feeling alright, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” The man asked softly crouching down to meet her eye line.

Fluttershy wished she could speak, she practically begged herself to say something, anything to the man. But all she could think about was what Dash had said, the idea now seemed impossible to her. How could she do this when she couldn’t even look him in the eye?

Yet despite her fears the shy mare lent into the touch ever so subtly, this was the first time she had ever been so close to the man. She sniffed as her nostrils were invaded by the strong yet not unpleasant aroma of the mans aftershave. She eyed his shirt a soft black cotton t shirt with a pattern hidden loosely behind a fancy tailor made over coat, giving the veneer of a man that at first glance was undoubtedly someone to be respected. But once removed would make him look more like the very students he taught, than the overly strict teachers he worked with. Another trait that Fluttershy adored about the man, he not afraid of what other thought about him. Even if it was simply that he had a habit of under dressing on most occasions.

Her arm went numb in the soft embrace of his firm hand. Even if it was only for a second she felt faint, her breath quivered and softened as despite herself she eagerly enjoyed the basic comfort of his caring touch.

This was the moment, she was alone with him, there was no time but now. Summoning what little courage she had left she looked up at the man still mostly hidden behind her pink wall of hair.

M-m-mister Dixon s-s-sir?” she whispered forcing every syllable from her mouth as she tried to stared into his hypnotic ocean blue eyes.

Dixon smiled softly “Sorry Fluttershy can you speak up please, I must be going deaf with my old age haha, what was that?”

I-I-I l-l-lov—"

“Oh Mr Dixon sir thank Celestia, I’m so sorry I’m late, I was in the library and I didn’t hear the bell go. I ran as fast as I could and… Fluttershy is everything okay?” A voice behind the man called out.

Both man and mare turned to see a lavender unicorn standing just behind them with a confused expression on her face.

The historian turned coughing lightly as he stood back up to his full height to meet the lavender mare with his trademark smile.

“Oh hello Twilight, don’t worry I’m late myself, I got caught in that horrific weather raging outside, those weather pegasi can really cook up quite the storm. Isn’t that right Fluttershy?” He asked. However as Dixon turned he only caught the literal tail end of Fluttershy who had rushed into the classroom.

Turning back to Twilight, the man furrowing his brow in confusion. He sagged his posture somewhat as the corners of his mouth dipped into a deep frown. “I wish she wasn’t always like that, she's such a bright young mare but I can never get her out of that shell.”

Twilight turned her gaze away from the closing door, looking back to her teacher. “Oh yes she’s very smart and sweet, she just a bit I suppose timid is the nicest way of putting it, then again she’s usually not this bad.” Twilight pondered, once more staring at the place her friend and fellow classmate had once occupied.

Dixon sighed twisting one of the sides of his well-trimmed moustache up to curl it up with the other side as he had been known to do while contemplating something. “Well could you do me a favour Twilight? Go sit next to her and see if she’s okay, I do worry about her sometimes, but it’s pretty clear she won’t tell me if anything’s wrong.”

“Of course Mr Dixon.” Twilight answered crisply and with a dutiful smile that Dixon returned.

“Please, outside the class room its Alex, I’m still trying to make everypony know I’m not like some of the other stuffy old ponies running this place.” He said, turning to open the door, before quickly shooting back to Twilight. “Uh, don’t tell them I said that.” He quickly added.

Twilight giggled, nodding in thanks as Alex turned to open the door holding it for the lavender unicorn.

Inside the class room was awash with different colours and types of ponies. Most simply gossiping, laughing or trading answers to the assignments set as they chatted away in their collective cliques.

As always Fluttershy found her place at the side of the seminar room, a few seats away from the nearest pony. She had chosen the spot herself before the beginning of the second year and even after making friends with Twilight and the others she still preferred to sit by herself. Once again she told herself it was out of habit.

Sinking down into her chair, she shivered holding herself. How could she have been so stupid! She scolded to herself, why did she think confessing to him right outside the classroom was even a remotely good idea? Was she that desperate to tell him that she would have thrown away her very education because she couldn’t control her emotions.

Fluttershy felt ashamed of herself. Her father had been right all along, she was worthless, what would Dixon even see in her anyway. A silly little filly with an equally silly crush. She wanted to disappear, crawl in the deepest pits of Tartarus and call it her home for as long as she lived.

She fought back a tear rubbing it quickly with her thumb. She looked up hoping that no pony was watching her. Scanning the room she was happy that at least her other classmates neither noticed, or were not interested in her plight. It was what she deserved anyway, a grown mare almost twenty one years of age and she was crying like a foal who dropped their ice cream cone. She felt pathetic.

As she continued her paranoid scan of the room she noticed Twilight enter quickly searching the room with her eyes before meeting Fluttershys gaze. The unicorn smiled, waving at Fluttershy before moving over to her.

Fluttershy panicked, she didn’t want Twilight of all pony’s to see her like this. Quickly rubbing the residues of her sadness from her cheeks she straightened her posture and placing a mask of normality over her face. She had practiced the act well when it came to hiding the issues of the heart.

However before Twilight could reach her friend her expression quickly changed when she saw something behind Fluttershy.

The yellow mare gave Twilight a perplexed look before looking over her shoulder slowly. She felt the heavy vibration of the larger figure slump down in the seat next to her ruffling its thick brown wings as it fought to take off its tanned aviator coat. Fluttershy looked at the beak and then at the scaly claws of the griffoness and gulped. The griffoness settled into her seat crossing one leg over the other and slouching back in a dominant, uncaring fashion. The griffon turned her gaze slowly to Fluttershy lifting a brow up at her when the little mare didn’t shift her gaze.

“Something on my face, pipsqueak?” She said nonchalantly.

“N-no, sorry.” Fluttershy quickly blurted out, snapped her gaze back to the front of the room. She spotted Twilight stand there for a few more moments, before reluctantly returning to her original seating area at the front of the class, casting her gaze every few seconds back to Fluttershy with a worried frown on her muzzle.

Turning from Twilight, Fluttershy watched as Dixon went about his usual pre-seminar routines. It always amused her how much flair he put into every little thing he did. In many ways it reminded her of Rarity but to a much less bombastic extent. It was often he did this, he was by no means the smartest or brightest teacher this university had to offer, but it was obvious to all that what he lacked in credentials, he more than up for with charisma and passion. And of course the statistics didn’t lie, he rarely had a student bunk off one of his lessons and even more rarely did he have a student fail.

Dixon stood behind his desk flipping through his notes. Occasionally he looked up to address a pupil in light conversation as he straightened out his granite grey and slightly drenched over coat and shot back his lukewarm coffee in his mug. At least that’s what Fluttershy deduced based on the humorous grimace he gave after finishing it.

“Gahh, I need to petition the uni for a better coffee machine in the staff room. This tastes like it was made in the pre-classical era.” Dixon lamely joked, it was his subtle way of addressing the class to settle down as he began his seminar.

Fluttershy despite herself giggle behind her hand. Even if he was the issue for her melancholy, his sunny dispersion always seemed to cheer her up, even when it was only indirectly meant for her.

She caught the griffon next to her at the corner of her eye, huff and roll her eyes at the lame and cheesy joke.

“Okay class, today's the start of our new topic, I hope you’re as excited as I am, this is one of my favourite periods in ancient history and undoubtedly one of the most important.” He smiled his ever charismatic smile as he scanned the classroom.

“Boring!” the griffon stated, perhaps a little too loudly, but it wasn’t quite certain whether her intentions were to actually be caught or not.

Dixon scanned the seminar room quickly locating the griffon behind the call. “Boring Ms Gilda? But I haven’t even told you what it is yet.”

The griffon sat back more smugly folding her scaly appendages together and staring cocksure at the teacher.

“It’s all boring, there’s nothing cool about history, it’s all for dweebs, the only reason I’m taking this stupid class is because I was forced to.” She retorted back to the teacher.

A pony huffed on the other side of the classroom. “Really I’m all for intellectual debates Mr Dixon, but there’s absolutely no merit in what Gilda's saying.” Twilight argued back, standing up in her annoyance and pointing to the griffon who smirked smugly back at the mare.

“Now now Twilight, I like an open classroom you know that, everyponys entitled to their opinions and besides Gilda’s right. “ Dixon finished sitting back on the top of his desk.

“I understand sir but—Wait, what!?” Twilight all but screamed.

“The dweebs just—Wait, what!?” Gilda yelled back at the same time.

Dixon leaned back on his desk placing his hands behind himself for support. “Well of course you're right Ms Gilda. Who better to tell us that Griffon history is dull and pointless than a very griffon herself.”

Gilda leaned forward clutching the tip of the desk in mild panic. “Wait that’s not what I meant!”

“Well you said it yourself Gilda, history isn’t cool, therefore griffon history must also be uncool. Or are you retracting that statement?” he asked in an obviously faked confusion.

Gilda sunk back in her seat, sweating somewhat as an uneasy laugh leaves her beak. “We’ll uh no. Pony history stinks, but I guess Griffon history’s cool, how could it not be!”

Dixon smiled clapping his hands together theatrically, he launched himself off the desk and back into the centre of the classroom.

“Couldn’t have said it better myself Gilda!” he stated “I encourage your voice and your opinion in this class, just like I do every ponys voice here.” He turned back to her with a smirk. “But please, next time you make an observation, do make sure you have some facts and sources to back it up okay?”

The griffon grumbled threats of pain and discomfort that would never come before looking down at her lap briefly nodding.

Fluttershy despite the potential danger she was in being so close to the disgruntled griffon smiled once more. Once again she was reminded of one of the reasons she had formed this crush so long ago. Never had she seen him raise his voice, never shame or undermine any pony even at outbursts such as these. He always found a way to treat it with a moderate amount of respect that resonated with her inner morality.

“Okay class, as I just mentioned we will be looking into Griffon history particularly fifth century and the origins of the Griffonian empire or more specifically the two great tribes that allied to create it. Now I’m going to give you a moment to discuss the pre-reading sheet I set before the seminar with the pony sitting next to you while I come around and give you back you latest assignments.”

The smile left the little pegasus lips as quickly as it came once she realised that the only one within reach of her was the disgruntled griffon herself. She looked down at her sheet alive with highlights and annotations then at the griffons who had neither.

She bite her lip again, this was going to be a long seminar.

Gilda slumped back grumbling to herself, she hated it here. Not only did all the dweeby wimpy ponys look at her funny, but the funniest dweebyist looking one of them just made her look like a jerk right in front of her stupid classmates.

“Stupid mom, stupid history, stupid mom making me take history.” She grumbled to herself. Glida found her wings already begin to twitch in irritation, she wasn’t used to sitting down this long. Back home she could practice flying for hours, it was practically encouraged among griffons. Those who couldn’t fight learnt and vice versa, it wasn’t that they shunned education, far from it. But with the constant border disputes with the minotaurs and other monstrous creatures from the bad lands that made anything this pony land had seem downright laughable by comparison they needed strong and able griffons wherever they could have them.

To make a long story short she was a fighter.

But that was not the life she was able to choose. Being part the noble family, house Ironclaw, she was expected to have both an education and strength, her family expected nothing less from a future heiress to the pride.

Gilda sighed, she hated it that much was true. But she knew her duty and as much as she might kick and scream about it she knew that for whatever reason she was supposed to know this stuff. She might as well learn. Not that she was going to make it easy on anypony, she still had to have some fun wherever she could find it and maybe find one or two short cuts along the way.

Looking at the corner of her eye she spotted the little weak Pegasus. Eyeing her for a moment she smirked. Hunting and tracking had taught her well, how to understand her prey, their behaviours, their strengths and weaknesses, and she knew how to read this pony. She could easily tell when somepony lied, why they hesitated, she could practically smell when somepony was happy. Not that this uni wasn’t rife with that. Alcohol and horny ponies made a very distinctive smell indeed.

That wasn’t the reason she smirked however. This little one was just too easy to read, she could see how she leant forward when he spoke, smiled when he smiled, laughed when he joked. Yes she was definitely easy to read. She was practically swooning over the teacher. Gilda looked down at the Pegasus paper, the mare certainly did her work.

Gilda thought for a moment, she could do her work study hard and probably scrape a B+ if she worked hard enough. She wasn’t stupid, she knew that better than anyone. But when it came to street smarts she was a prodigy in her own right.

The mannerisms, the hiding, the fact that she chose to be away from her other classmates, this was one shy pegasus. She wouldn’t be surprised if it was in her name or something like that. These ponies were always too on the beak for her. Yes, she could use this mare. Make her pride happy and hopefully get back to her younger brothers and back to fighting instead of being stuck here wasting ink. Yes she could definitely help this poor love struck mare. As long as she knew where to ask that was.