A Dazzling Reformation

by Thunder Roller

Five Nights at Pinkie's: Night 5

At sundown, Sonata woke up, scratching herself all over. She rose up from her sleeping bag, and seen Aria, Adagio, Pinkie, and Sunset Shimmer playing a card game. Pinkie and Sunset were sitting on Pinkie's bed, while Aria and Adagio were sitting across from them, laying cards down on the makeshift table between them.

"How did we get here?" Sonata asked, standing up out of her sleeping bag.

"You fell asleep while we were working." Adagio said, not looking at Sonata. "Applejack said we could go ahead and come back here, and thanked us for the help."

"Oh." Sonata said. She looked down, and seen she was in night blue pajamas. Her face lit up and and looked back at the girls playing cards. "Did... one of you undress me?"

"Why are you so embarrassed?" Aria asked, looking at the cards in her hands. "Its not like its the first time we had to put you in more appropriate clothes."

Sonata observed that everyone else were in their every day attire. "Why am I in pajamas and you're not?"

Aria shrugged. "We didn't know how long you would be asleep, so we assumed it would be all night."

Sonata took a step closer to the table, and noticed some of the cards were black, when the rest were white. She didn't know much about cards, but she knew a regular deck was normally all white with a red back, and usually had a picture of royalty. She read the one black card that was laid out on the table out loud.

"What's fun until it gets weird?" Sonata then raised an eyebrow. "What are you girls playing?"

Sunset sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Cards Against Humanity." Sunset answered. "I suggested against it, but they wanted to play."

Adagio shrugged. "I didn't really understand why Sunset was so... disgusted by it."

"None of you seem to be disgusted or laughing." Sonata observed.

"Thats because we, literally, just started playing." Aria sighed.

"Can I join?" Sonata asked, scratching her side.

"Only if you stop scratching." Aria said, a little irritated.

"I have some baby wipes on my night stand." Pinkie said, pointing to her night stand.

Right next to Mr. Feather's cage, was a light blue plastic box with a wipe sticking out. Sonata walked over to the night stand, and started wiping herself down with the baby wipes. Soon, the urge to scratch was gone, so she took a seat next to Aria.

Sonata seen that everyone else had five white cards, so she grabbed the appropriate cards, along with the appropriate amount. Silently, she read her cards.

"Whiskey, Politics, Viagra, Horror Video Games, and Puberty." Sonata then spoke out loud. "Some of these are funny, but some are really freaking weird."

"Do you see what I mean?" Sunset asked. "Its not a family friendly game!"

"So, whats the rules?" Sonata asked, ignoring Sunset's comment.

"The holder of the black cards read them out loud, and the holders of the white cards try to come up with the funniest ones!" Pinkie said excitedly. "Once you picked the funniest one, you put them down in a pile, and the holder of the black cards shuffles them, and reads them one at a time with the black card!"

"I get it!" Sonata said, nodding her head.

"There is a surprise." Aria commented, rolling her eyes.

"Bitch." Sonata snapped back.

"Grumpy Bitch, Grumpy Bitch!" Mr. Feathers corrected.

"Thank you!" Sonata said back to Mr. Feathers.

Pinkie Pie cleared her throat. "Has everyone picked their cards?" Everyone nodded in agreement. They each set down one card, and Pinkie shuffled them before reading them out loud. "Okay, the black card said: What's fun until it gets weird?

"Here is what you girls picked: Being touched by your friends in inappropriate places." Everyone giggled silently. "A bunch of idiots playing a card game instead of interacting like normal humans," Everyone busted out loud in laughter. Once the laughing calmed down, Pinkie continued. "Puberty, and Being Tickled below the belt."

Everyone chuckled a little at the last one."I have to say, the winner is: What's fun until it gets weird? A bunch of idiots playing a card game instead of interacting like normal humans!"

"Yes!" Aria shouted, pumping her arm.

Pinkie then handed the black card to Aria.

"Why did you give her the card?" Sonata asked.

"At the end of the game, the one with the most black cards wins." Sunset explained.


"Now, I'll give the black deck to Sunset." Pinkie explained. "We keep going like this until everyone has gone twice. If there is a tie, we will keep going until someone has more cards."

Sonata nodded. "I get it."

Sunset cleared her throat when she picked up a card. "Listen, son. If you want to get involved with BLANK, I won't stop you. Just steer clear of BLANK." Sunset then looked up from the card. "I suggest picking up two more white cards, just in case."

Everyone nodded and picked up two white cards. After a few moments, they all placed down two cards, and Sunset shuffled them before reading out loud.

"The first couple says: Masturbation, and Sandpaper." Everyone busted out loud in laughter. Once it died down, Sunset read the next two cards. "Kinky Sex, and Rusty Chains."

Everyone chuckled at the first one, but it wasn't very loud. So, Sunset went ahead and read the next two. "Taco Bell, and Locked Bathrooms." Sonata laughed loudly, but no one else seemed to get it.

"Sonata, you keep giving away your cards." Adagio pointed out.

"I can't help it!" Sonata snapped back. "It happened to me before."

"I'm not even going to ask." Sunset said, before reading the next card. "Two chickens shitting in a box, and being a... OH MY GOD!"

"What did it say?" Adagio asked, curious.

"I... I just can't." Sunset said, giving Adagio the last card.

"Being a motherfucking box." Adagio read out loud before busting out in laughter. "I thought mine was funny, but this just takes the cake!"

"Where?!" Pinkie asked, looking around.

"I mean this one has to be the winner." Adagio said, still smiling about the card.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." Sunset said, covering her face with her hands.

"I win this one!" Pinkie said, taking the black card. "Dagi, your turn."

Adagio picked up the black deck, and took the top card. Upon reading it to herself, a sinister smile grew on her face.

"Oh, I think I'm going to like this one." Adagio said before reading her card out loud. "When I'm alone, I like to BLANK, to pleasure myself."

"Oh, I have the PERFECT one!" Pinkie said with a smile.

Everyone looked through their cards, and placed down their choosing in a pile. Adagio picked up the cards, and shuffled them before reading the first one out loud.

"Okay, When I'm alone, I like to BLANK, to pleasure myself. The first one says: Go on a Ferris Wheel." Adagio looked up with a straight face. "I think someone here doesn't get the joke."

Sonata looked down, not saying anything. Adagio shook her head and continued to read. "The next one says: Watch Tentacle Porn." Everyone chuckled slightly at that one. "Nice, very nice. The next one says: Make good use of an empty wine bottle."

Everyone laughed out loud, including Adagio. "Okay, okay. The last one says: Bring whips and chains to a whole new meaning." Aria started to laugh out loud, and everyone turned their heads to her. "Aria, I think you need help."

"Hey, it was funny!" Aria snapped back, still laughing slightly. When no one joined her in the laughter, her face lit red in embarrassment. "It was funny, Damn It!"

Adagio rolled her eyes. "What ever you say, Aria. The winner goes to the wine bottle." No one claimed the card. "Well, who had the wine bottle?"

Blushing madly, Sunset raised her hand. Adagio smirked, and waved the black card. "Oh, so you like wine bottles, eh?"

"N-no! It was only for the card!" Sunset said, trying to defend herself.

"Oh, I think differently. If you like, I can help you with that little fantasy of yours."

Sunset swiped the card from Adagio. "I don't need your help, thank you very much!"

"So, you do like wine bottles?" Adagio mocked, still smiling. Sunset tried to come up with something to say, her cheeks still as red as cherries.

Adagio reached over, and caressed Sunset's cheek with the back of her hand. "Its okay, Sunset Shimmer. I like to have a little fun from time to time as well."

Still smiling, Adagio pulled her hand back and gave the black deck to Aria. She gave Sunset a final wink before Aria drew the card at the top of the deck.

"The card says: When you get right down to it, BLANK is just BLANK."

"Well, this is going to be really fucked up." Pinkie Pie said, looking at her cards.

Everyone picked their two cards, and set them down in a pile. Aria shuffled them, and pulled the first two cards.

"Okay, the first couple says: Freddy Fazbear's Pizza and A deathtrap."

"ITS A TRAP!" Pinkie Pie said out loud, her eyes going wide.

"Um... Okay." Aria said, before reading the next two out loud. "Math, and Mental Abuse."

Sunset chuckled. "I can agree to that."

"Amen, sister!" Sonata said, pointing a finger at Sunset.

"The Monster under your bed, and Ronald McDonald." Everyone laughed at this one, but not uncontrollably. Aria snickered, and read the last two out loud. "Hand Lotion, and Masturbation Aid."

No one could hold back their laughter, and Pinkie slammed her fist down onto the table. Aria held up the black card with a grin on her face. "Okay, who likes Hand Lotion?"

"I do!" Sonata said, snatching the black card.

"Really?" Aria said, surprised. "I would of thought you would of had the Ronald McDonald one."

"Glad I didn't!" Sonata said, waving the black card.

Aria slid the black deck to Sonata, and she drew the card on top. She read it for a moment before reading it out loud with a smile on her face.

"Okay, the card says: What is something you don't want to find in your soup?"

There was a couple of glances at the people next to them before the read their cards. Moments later, they all sat down their cards. Sonata sloppily shuffled them before reading the first one out loud.

"Okay, the first one says: Pubic Hair." Everyone gagged at that one. Sonata composed herself before reading the next one. "Fish Semen." Sonata looked up at Pinkie Pie, who was whistling innocently.

Sonata shook her head, and read the next one. "Horse Meat."

Sonata looked over to Sunset Shimmer, who was looking at everyone suspiciously.

"I don't know who you are, but I will find you, and I will kill you." Sunset warned, looking at everyone.

Sonata shook her head and read the last card. "Chicken feathers." Sonata looked up at everyone with a 'really?' look on her face. "Okay someone most likely just put this one down just to play something."

"So...what card won?" Aria asked.

Sonata picked up the black card and looked at everyone. "Who had," Sonata took a moment to calm her stomach before continuing. "Pubic Hair?"

Adagio raised her hand with a small grin.

Pinkie Scrunched up her nose. "That card was gross Dagi!"

"I know, but I just put what I didn't want to find in my soup!" Adagio defended, taking the card.

"I take you speak from experience?" Aria snickered.

"NO!" Adagio snapped back.

"Okay, so who's next?" Sonata asked looking around.

The girls played the game for a few more hours, jokes were made, people were offended, but at the end, Pinkie won the game with seven cards, causing her to cheered loudly. Once she calmed down, everyone, except Sonata changed into their pajamas and went to sleep.


At midnight Sunset heard a vibrating sound. She looked around for a moment until she seen her bag had a slight lavender glow to it. She quietly got out of her sleeping bag and tip toed over to it. Sunset opened her bag and seen the book she uses to contact Princess Twilight was glowing.

Sunset Shimmer picked it up and left the room. She walked down the hallway until she reached the bathroom. She seen the light wasn't on so she knew everyone in the house was still asleep. Sunset opened the door and walked in.

She closed the door, turned on the light, locked the door, and sat down on the toilet and opened the book to the page that had new writing in it.

"Dear Sunset Shimmer,

I am proud that you have given the Dazzlings a second chance. I hope everything went well at AJ's today. Also I really do hope that they are changing for the better. But, you have me curious... how different did Sonata become just by one of Aria's comments? I want to find out myself.

Spike and I will be arriving at Canterlot High tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. Can't wait to see all of you again.

-Your friend, Twilight Sparkle."

Sunset closed the book with a sigh before leaving the bathroom. She made her way back to Pinkie's bedroom, and slipped into her sleeping bag before welcoming a silencing night's sleep.


At 8:29 a.m. The girls, along with Mr. Feathers, were standing near the Canterlot High statue, waiting for Twilight to show up.

"When did she say she would be here?" Aria asked, getting impatient.

"8:30." Sunset said. "Just be patient. She'll show up any moment now."

Once Sunset finished her sentence, a blinding white light came from one of the statue's panels. As quickly as it started, a lavender girl with purple hair and a white blouse came flying through the light, soon followed by a purple and green dog. The girl and the Dog tumbled on the ground for a moment before coming to a stop.

The girl lifted herself up and rubbed the back of her head.

"Ugh! Does that thing always have to fling me out?!" Twilight Sparkle asked before standing. Twilight turned, and seen the girls, staring at her. "Um... Hi?"


Before Pinkie could bombard Twilight anymore, Aria slapped her hand over Pinkie's mouth, instantly making her go silent.

"She gives me a headache sometimes." Aria said with a sigh. "I never knew someone could be worse than Sonata."

"Um... Okay." Twilight said awkwardly. "So, uh... Have you girls been having fun?"

"It has its ups and downs." Adagio said before petting Mr. Feathers. "Isn't that right, my little birdie?"

"Oh, you have a Parrot?" Twilight said, walking up to Mr. Feathers' cage. "Whats his name?"

"Mr. Feathers. I've never seen a more well-behaved bird."

"Well-Behaved my ass!" Aria screamed.

Twilight's head instantly turned to look at Aria, but before she could say anything, Mr. Feathers had something to say.

"Pig-tail slut!" Mr. Feathers shot back.

"I'm..." Twilight said, having trouble finding words. "Confused."

"Well, Twilight." Sunset said, putting a hand on Twilight's shoulder. "This world has a bit of a larger vocabulary than Equestria. I'm mean, sure, Equestria has insults. But this world's insults are a lot worse."

"I'm not a slut, Chicken Fingers!" Aria snapped, pointing an accusing finger at Mr. Feathers.

"Bad Breath!" Mr. Feathers said, shaking his head violently.

"I'm not sure I want to learn this world's vocabulary." Twilight said, taking a step back from Aria and Mr. Feathers.

"Yeah, probably not." Sunset agreed. "Watch this." Sunset turned to Mr. Feathers with a smile. "Mr. Feathers, what do you think about Sonata?"

Mr. Feathers started to flap his wings violently. "Taco Breath! Taco Breath!"

Twilight chuckled. "Okay, I can see a lot has happened while I was away. Maybe you can fill me in."

"Yeah, I can tell you all about it when we get back to Pinkie's house!"


"So, Sonata couldn't handle the farming work, so she collapsed on a pile of hay when I was gathering Chicken Eggs."

Twilight chuckled at this. Sunset had pulled Twilight away from the rest of the group, and they were currently in Pinkie's kitchen, sitting at the middle island.

"What did Applejack do?" Twilight asked.

"Well, she appreciated the help." Sunset said. "But she understood the Dazzlings weren't really physically built for Farm work, so she let us leave early. I think she got Big Macintosh and Applebloom's help."

Twilight nodded. "That sounds like her. But, do you remember when I told you that I was curious about Sonata's condition?"

Sunset shivered before nodding. "Yeah, I remember."

"Well, I remember you told me it happened during Rarity's visit. What exactly happened?"

Sunset sighed. "Rarity made them new outfits, the ones you seen them wearing. Sonata was extremely thankful, and even apologized for the Battle of the Bands. She got very emotional, and started to cry into Rarity's shoulder.

"Aria made a comment about Sonata being too emotional, and she just... snapped. She had mascara running down her cheeks, her bangs created a shadow over her eyes, and she wore a very sinister smile. Even the way she walked became scary.

"She went up to Aria, who was very scared at this point, and threatened to do something to her that night. Obviously, nothing happened, but it was still very creepy."

Twilight tapped her chin as she thought. "And you said she didn't remember any of it?"

Sunset shook her head. "No, she didn't. When we told her about it, she just shrugged it off like it was nothing!"

"I think I have a theory, but I can't be sure unless I actually see it. Has it happened after that?"

"No, it didn't. So far, she's been the same, normal Sonata."

After that, a loud, fast thumping sound came from the stairs. Twilight and Sunset quickly rushed to the stairs, and seen Aria running down them.

"SAVE ME FROM THAT DEMON!" Aria screamed.

A sinister chuckle soon followed. "Don't run from me, Aria~" Sonata said, walking down the stairs as her hips swayed. "It'll only make things harder than it has to be."

Twilight squinted as she struggled to make out Sonata's facial features. She could see Sonata's creepy grin, and the mascara running down her cheeks. But she couldn't see her eyes in the shadow of the stairway.

Aria hid behind Sunset as she used her as a human shield. Sunset looked at her, angrily.

"Aria, what did you do this time?" Sunset asked sternly.

"Nothing, I swear!" Aria said, swiping in Sonata's direction. "She's getting closer!"

"They're safe." Sonata said inching closer. "Its you I want. After all, I'm too emotional, too weak, the worst person alive, I believe your exact words were."

"Sunset, what got her out of it last time?" Twilight asked in a hurry.

"She just, snapped out of it herself." Sunset said, unsure what to do.

Feeling uncomfortable, Sunset broke free from Aria to stand next to Twilight. Aria glared daggers into Sunset's eyes.

"Traitor!" Aria accused.

Seeing Sonata inching closer, Aria started to back away before tripping, and falling onto the couch. Sonata chuckled, and crawled on top of Aria, one knee between Aria's thighs. Sonata placed one of her hands on Aria's chest to keep her down, and allowed her body to rest on top of Aria's their faces inches apart.

"You're mine now!" Sonata threaten.

Before Sonata could do anything else, her eyes blinked rapidly, and her mascara streaks seemed to disappear. Sonata looked around, and noticed the position they were in, especially her hand.

"Um..." Sonata said, slightly confused. "Were we... doing something?" She looked to her side, seeing a shocked Sunset and Twilight. "Uh... Is this exactly what it looks like?"

"Sonata," Aria said, getting her attention. "Get off me, or you're dead."

"Okie Dokie!" Sonata said, jumping off of Aria before skipping up the stairs.

"Okay, Theory Confirmed." Twilight said with a nod. "I believe she has Multiple-Personality Disorder, also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder. It seems to be activated when she feels a mass of negative emotion pointed at her."

"How does that make any sense?" Aria asked. "She's a freaking Siren! She feeds off of negative energy!"

"Used to be a Siren." Twilight corrected. "And I'm talking about a different kind of negative. Yes, she did feed off of negative energy, but it wasn't directed at her. Let me ask you, how long have you been insulting her?"

"Ever sense we got to know each other." Aria answered. "But you don't think I have anything to do with it, do you?"

"Well, her other personality is always pointed to you, so you have to be involved in one way or another. If I'm correct, you are the actual cause."