The Cassandra Crossovers

by CassandraMyOCisBestpony


Ana walked through the palace feeling lonely. She was sad because her parents had died. Cause of Death: Being a parent in a Disney movie. She nodded to the painting of Joan of Arc, "stay cool, Joan." She sang "do you want to build a snowman" but Elsa didn't want to. Ana was sad again, until she felt a hoof on her shoulder.


"Yes, it is I. Wipe your tears child." She handed Anna a soft silk handkerchief.

"Thanks, Cassandra. Want some pickled herring and Lutefisk?"

"I'll pass thanks, so what is the problem?"

"Elsa just stays locked in her room all day, even when I ask her if she wants to build a snowman. I feel more down than a penguin caught in an ice fjord."

"Don't worry Anna" said Cassandra, "I'll build a snowman with you."

"Oh, thank you Cassandra! Finally someone who understands how difficult it is to be a princess."

"I know that firsthoof" said Cassandra, "I'm Princess Celestia's long lost sister. I was forced to abdicate the throne because ponies were jealous of how great of a ruler I was." Cassandra used her level 99 diplomacy skills to coax Elsa out of her room.

"Elsa?" exclamed Ana

"Elsa has something she wants to say. Go on, Elsa," said Cassandra,

"I....i.... I didn't want to build a snowman because I felt inadequate next to Cassandra's snowman building skills."

"By the hammer of Thor, Elsa, is that what this was about?" said Ana, "you don't have to beat yourself up over that; no one can measure up to Cassandra's level 99 architecture skills." They hugged. They were lucky to have a friend likeCassandra.

10 Years Later

"This is my fiancée Hans. Don't those mutton chops just make him look trustworthy?" asked Anna.

"Well, in Equestria I've only met one prince, and he was a total scumbag on our date, but a blazing stallion in bed. Since this is the Mirror World, the only logical conclusion is that Prince Hans is the opposite of that."

"Erm yeah you've hit the nail on the head, Cassandra" said Hans nervously.

Applejack eyed him up. "Well as th' element o' honesty mah judgement is.... he's bein' honest."

"We love each other, Cassandra!" insisted Anna."

"Yeah, love is an open morgue - I-I mean door!" added Hans. to Ana, he said, "I would never shut you out. Just in.," as they began their musical number.

"I mean it's crazy" said Ana, "we finish each others'-"

"Sisters' lives" said Hans. "I've never met someone who's tricked so easily."

"Jinx! Jinx Again"

"My mental man-ip-ulation, will lead to your ruination."


"Will die"

"It's just meant to be."

"Say goodbye"

"Say goodbye"

"To your sister Elsa. She will not be living anymore."

"Love is an open dooooooooooor. Life can be very shoooooooooort,"

"With you."

"Kill you."

"Love is an open doooo-oo-oor."

Applejack bumped into a suit of armor. "Turribly sorry sir..." she looked up at it and gasped, "Oh mah Celestia, this guy's been frozen by a cockatrice!!!! Sound th' alarm, we got a Everfree forest breach!"

"Hmm she has blonde hair like Elsa, and freckles like me," commented Ana, "you don't think maybe she's maybe related us?"

"By the hammer of Thor, I hope not" said Elsa.

Ana had a big fight with her sister Elsa that led to Elsa revealing her magic ice powers. Elsa fled to the mountains our of shame. Cassandra had given Elsa a singing lesson back when she was little and had a voice like a cat swallowing a banshee. After the lesson, Elsa's singing voice had blossomed into a perfect dulcet as smooth as pure liquid brass. Sadly, she could only sing one song a year, otherwise people would get jealous of her talent. "Let it Go" was the best song ever performed in Arondale, thanks to Cassandra.

"Elsa, it's time to stop throwing a tantrum," said Cassandra.

"Cassandra? By the hammer of Thor, how did you get here so fast?"

"Wings, blondie" said Cassandra, "Applejack didn't survive the climb, but on the plus side, that means I only have to carry one of you down. Now c'mon, hop on my back.

"Well you can just take a hike. Didn't you hear my song, I said 'stay' not 'sway'."

"Is that your final answer?"

"It is."

"All right then. I didn't want to have to do this, but you've forced by hand." Right next to Elsa's castle, Cassandra built her own ice castle, that was twice as big and infinity times as cool as Elsa's. The princess voiced by an actress from "Rent" fell to her knees, the shame of her insignificance too much to bear.

"There, there Elsa" said Cassandra, "being worse than me doesn't mean you're bad, it just means you're normal."

"Y-you mean it?"

"Yeah, now let's get you back home."

"By the hammer of Thor, I'm so glad you're both alive and not dead," said Hans.

"Yeah, sure you are" said Cassandra.

"Elsa, Cassandra!" said Anna, running towards them. She embraced them both in a hug. Hans took this opportunity to draw his sword and raise it above his head. Without even turning around, Elsa and Cassandra simultaneously conjured up icicles and ran them trough his gut.

"Ack" said Hans

"By the hammer of Thor, he was evil!" exclaimed Anna.

"That's right, he was trying to trick you" said Elsa.

Suddenly Ana realized that there weren't any handsome guys for Elsa to have "Oh, I'm sorry he was evil Elsa. Now you don't have a boyfriend."

"It's ok, Anna. Cassandra taught me that it's ok to be single."

"Say, what did you eat when you were up in the mountains?"

"Snowcones" said Elsa, conjuring one up.

"You know, if you sold those in Canterlot, you could make a fortune off of Princess Celestia's consumption alone," said Cassandra. Then she turned to Anna, "Since you learned a lesson today, I'm going to unfreeze your heart," said Cassandra. She conjured up a spell, and a sense of warmth washed over Ana as her white hair turned back to red.

"Oh thank you Cassandra!" said Anna, "now I can get married with Kristoff. I've known him for about 2 more days than I knew Hans, but this time, I'm sure it's not infatuation."

Cassandra was in Canterlot to represent Equestria in a universe summit, when a portal opened, and a slender ice-blue unicorn with a golden mane stepped through.

"Pony Elsa!" said Cassandra, "have you come to sell snowcones?"

"Well that, and to thank you for saving my kingdom. I wanted to reward you with some practice kissing. Will you warm up my icy cold lips? she asked with here eyes half-lidded.

"I have a soundproof chamber in my bedroom," said Cassandra, "you can sing to me without anypony hearing... or make other noises, depending on where the night goes."

"Ooh, by the hammer of Thor, you're naughty" giggled pony Elsa, "don't make me wait another second!" She was practically dragging Cassandra along, "there's no time to lose, Cassandra! We have to hurry before I get a love interest in Frozen 2!"