Commander Thorn in Equestria.

by SolidArc5542

A bond between brothers! Fluttershy's feelings?

"Skywalker should have attacked by now!"

"Don't worry, he knows the plan!"

Commander Cody and Jedi General Obi- Wan Kenobi, during the battle of Christophsis.


As Thorn walked through the crowded streets of Ponyville, greeting ponies along the way, he was going to help out Fluttershy today. She apparently requested his presence, not that he cared what the reason was, he was always there to help people, or ponies in this case. Walking past Carousel Boutique, he saw Rarity walking out of it. She waved at him, he returned the greeting. Thorn had insisted Sev should join him, but Sev told him he needed some time alone, probably to fight of animals, or hunt.. Without letting anyone notice. He had told Thorn about the "incident" he and Fluttershy had. He demanded Thorn not to speak of it to anyone, which Thorn agreed to do so.

After a long and not-so boring walk, he finally reached Fluttershy's cottage. There he saw Fluttershy, taking care of her animal friends. He smiled underneath his helmet and walked up to her. He had left his Z6 with Sev, not wanting to scare the animals. But he still had his dual pistols with him, just in case something might happen. Fluttershy saw Thorn walking towards her and smiled. She flew up to him and smiled.

"Hello." She greeted him.

"Hello to you as well." Thorn replied, receiving a giggle from Fluttershy. "So, what do you have in store for me today?" He asked.

"Well, I actually need your help with Mr. Bear, he hasn't been eating his food, and he doesn't seem to like it when I get too close." Fluttershy replied.

"Alright, show me this little "Mr. Bear" of yours." Thorn said.

"Follow me, he's just around the corner." Fluttershy said while flying away from him. Thorn followed her. 'Pfft, probably some kind of small animal that doesn't want to eat his food.' Thorn thought, letting put a small chuckle.

"Here we are." Fluttershy said while motioning at a big ball of fur.

"Alright ya overgrown furball, eat up." Thorn said while patting the ball of fur. Suddenly the ball of fur stood up, and became bigger. There stood a creature Thorn had never seen before, it didn't remind him of any of the creatures he had ever encountered in his travels across the galaxy. But there stood: A bear.

"Uhh, nice boy, down." Thorn said. The bear swinged its paw at Thorn, Thorn jumped out of the way, just in time before the bear could hit him. He grabbed his dual pistols and aimed them at the bear. "That's not a pet, that's a killing machine!"

"No, Mr. Bear is really nice, he's just.. Grumpy for some reason." Fluttershy retorted, giving the bear a sad look. "I don't know what's wrong with him."

"Perhaps an infection?" Thorn suggested.

Fluttershy shook her head. "No, he has always taken his medicine, and later time I checked, he had no wounds or cuts."

"Hmm, perhaps it has rabies." Thorn said.

"No, of he had, other would have infected the others too, and there is no foam around his mouth." Fluttershy said.

"Well, either way." Thorn said while looking at Fluttershy. "That thing has got to eat, whether he likes it, or not."

"I know, oh I wish there was something I could do." Fluttershy said.

"Hmm, why won't we ask Twilight for help, or even Sev. Thorn said.

"We could try Twilight, but I think it is for the best if we'd leave Sev out of this one, seeing as he had so much "fun" at the whole "Pinkie Pie clone incident."

Thorn laughed, remembering how Sev had shot all of those clones.. In a way, they deserved it, they were annoying to say the least.

"Well, you go get Twilight and I'll watch this thing here." Thorn said.

Fluttershy nodded and flapped her wings. She took of and flew towards Ponyville.

"Now." Thorn said while holstering his pistols. "What to do with you?"

The bear roared at Thorn.

"... Kriff it." Thorn said while activating his commlink.

"What is it now Thorn?"He heard Sev ask from the commlink.

"Nothing much, got a new creature here for you, perhaps you would like to inspect it?" Thorn replied.

".. I'll be there in ten minutes." And with that, the conversation ended.

"Well, that was quick." Thorn remarked while looking at the bear. "Don't you think?"

The bear, for some reason, nodded.

The ten minutes had passed, and in the corner of his eyes, he saw Sev walking towards him, carrying his Z6 Rotary blaster cannon. Thorn waved at his brother and he pointed his finger at the bear.

"That's it." Thorn said.

"Hmmm." Sev mused while walking around the bear, inspecting every feature of it. "Paws are medium sized and it has sharp claws, its probably carnivorous, this would make a great trophy."

"No, the reason I asked you to come here is because this thing won't eat." Thorn said, not wanting Sev to kill the bear,

"I see, but you can't just "feed" animals, they like to hunt." Sev said while nudging the bear with his foot, making it roar in annoyance.

Sev handed Thorn his Z6 and nudged the bear again, this time, the bear swinged its paw at him. Sev dodged and punched the bear, making it yelp and recoil.

"You have to show them who's in charge, if you don't, they'll get too dominant." Sev explained while walking towards the bear. "Down boy!"

The bear roared at Sev, Sev roared back and raised his fist. This time, the bear did nothing and looked at Sev, almost pleading him other to hurt him. Sev held out his hand. The bear hesitantly held out its paw, until it felt a sharp pain I'm its paw. It retracted its paw and looked at Sev, angry, but relieved.

"What did you do?" Thorn asked curiously.

It was then that Sev, showed Thorn a small.. Thorn. "This was stuck in its paw, thing must have been so annoyed by it, it got a short temper." Sev said while throwing the thorn away.

"Wow, that was fast, I'm sure Fluttershy appreciates this." Thorn said.

On cue, Fluttershy came flying towards them, stopping in mid-air when she saw Sev. She slowly flew towards them and greeted them.

"H-Hello Thorn.. And Sev." She greeted them. "How are you doing?"

"We're good, oh, and Sev fixed the problem with Mr. Bear, turns out there was a thorn stuck in its paw." Thorn replied.

"I think I'll eat again, so don't worry about that." Sev added.

"Oh, t-thank you so much." Fluttershy said with a kind smile.

"You're welcome, but I almost forgot, I promised to help out Applejack at her farm." Thorn said while turning to face Fluttershy. "Unless you want me to help you out with something else."

Fluttershy shook her head. "No, that is alright. You have already done enough. Good luck with helping Applejack."

Thorn nodded and began his walk towards the apple orchard. Meanwhile, Sev was pondering what to do, he'd have to admit, this place was kind of boring.

"Sev, would you perhaps like a cup of tea, or maybe some water?" Fluttershy asked politely.

"Some water will do, thanks Yellow." Sev replied while sitting down on the ground. Crossing his legs, he grabbed his DC-17m and started to clean it, a usual routine for Sev. Fluttershy came flying up to him with a glass of water, strangely, holding it in her hooves. She handed it to Sev, Sev removed his helmet and drank the water. Putting his helmet back on, he noticed Fluttershy staring at him.

"Something the matter?" He asked, making her blush a bit.

"N-No, I was just wondering if you would uhh, maybe go to Ponyville with m-me?" Fluttershy asked.

"Ponyville, that means crowd, that means a lot of civvies, meaning the answer is: No." Sev replied while continuing to clean his blaster.

"Please?" Fluttershy asked.

"Please, won't help." Sev replied in a neural tone.

Fluttershy flew up to him and gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes he had ever seen. "Pretty please?"

Sev sighed. "Just let me finish this and we can go, but only for a limited amount of time." Sev warned.

If Sev wasn't around, Fluttershy would have squealed from happiness. You see, ever since she saw what Sev had done to Sombra, she was scared. But after spending more and more time with him, even getting him to talk about something else than war, she found out he was quite a nice person. You just had to dig really deep to find his soft side. Eventually, Sev finished cleaning his blaster, they began their walk towards Ponyville.

"So Sev, what are you afraid of?" Fluttershy asked the Commando.

"Nothing scares me." Sev replied.

"Oh, well my mother always told me that everypony is scared of something, even if they don't like to admit it." Fluttershy said.

"I'm not afraid of anything, it would be wise to drop the subject Yellow." Sev said while looking into the distance.

"Well, there's Ponyville, uhm, would you mind if we visited Rarity first?" Fluttershy asked. Sev shook his head.

"No I don't mind, just make it quick." Sev replied.

Fluttershy smiled and they continued their walk towards Ponyville. Coming across many different ponies, greeting them along the way--only Fluttershy did all the greeting-- they finally arrived at Rarity's boutique. As on cue, Rarity came walking out of the boutique.

"Fluttershy, darling, are you ready for our trip to the spa?" Rarity asked. It was then that she saw Sev. "Oh, and I see we have a stallion, or should I say man,to accompany us."

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a spa something that woman attend to, to do.. Woman stuff?" Sev asked.

"Well, there are some stallions who visited the spa, but not very often. But it is quite a relaxing experience." Rarity replied while walking over to Sev. "You could really use a pedicure, or some make-up to cover that nasty scar of yours."

.. How do you know I have a scar, the only one I showed my face to was. Sev said while turning his head to Fluttershy. Yellow.

"Huh? Sev I promise I didn't tell anypony about what I saw!" Fluttershy quickly said, not wanting Sev to get angry at her.

"Then how does she know?" Sev asked, his voice filled with anger.

"Well.. Remember that time when you slept in my room, I kind of got a itsy bitsy peek at your face." Rarity replied, answering the question for Fluttershy.

"White, I am going to leave now, I need to blow some steam off. When I get back, we are going to have a a little talk about the privacy of others." Sev said while turning around and walking away from the boutique.

"Should I.. Hide?" Rarity asked.

Fluttershy shook her head and smiled. "Sev can be a pain in the rear, but he is nice once you get to know him."

"Alright, but Fluttershy, you wanted to talk about Thorn?" Rarity asked.

Fluttershy blushed at her question. "Yes, about that."

"You like him." Rarity teased.

"I do not, I think he is very nice and he would make any mare happy." Fluttershy retorted.

".. Alright, whatever you say darling." Rarity said with a flick of her mane. "To the spa!"


"Applebloom, give me my helmet back!" Thorn demanded while running after the little, farm filly. They had been running for several minutes. This all started because Thorn was helping Applejack collect apples, but because of the heat, he chose to remove his helmet. But because the little filly was so interested in Thorn, she choose to grab his helmet and put it on. She was going to show it to her friends, but Thorn saw her just in time. And now, they were running through the orchard, Applebloom laughing and Thorn annoyed by the fact he couldn't catch her.

Applebloom was giggling to herself. 'He'll never catch me.' She thought while passing another apple tree. She was about to make a run for the barn, looking back, she saw Thorn running after her. She thought she was going to get away with this, but it water then that she bumped into somehow. She fell on her rear, Thorn's helmet falling of her head and rolling away from her. Applebloom rubbed her head.

"Hey, can't ya watch were yer.. Going?"

"I could be asking you the same question." Sev retorted while looking down at the filly. He crossed his arms and tapped his feet impatiently. "Well? What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I uhh, I was just having a litte fun, mister." Applebloom replied, frightened of the figure in front of her. Sweetiebelle had talked about him, she told her his name was: Sev, that his voice was the scariest thing you'll ever hear, and that his armor, was the creepiest armor ever made.

Before Sev could retort, Thorn came running up to them. He picked up his helmet and looked at Applebloom with a stern expression.

"Applebloom, if we were on Coruscant, you would have been arrested and put into juvenile hall." Thorn said while wiping some dirt of his helmet. "But, since we're not on Coruscant anymore, I'll let you of with a warning. Don't do it again."

Applebloom nodded. "Sorry mister, but it's just that, since Applejack grounded me, there's nothing much ah can do."

"Well why not try and help out in the orchard." Thorn suggested. "You can take over my shift, because my work is done anyways."

"But." Applebloom said, only to be cut off by Thorn.

"It's either that, or I tell Applejack that you touched someone's belongings, without asking first."

"I would take the deal, kid." Sev said.

Applebloom pouted. "Alright, but this isn't over!"

"Sure it's not, now go." Thorn said, waving the filly off.

Sev watched as the filly trotted towards the many trees in the orchard. Not wanting to stay at the orchard for much longer, Sev turned to Thorn and spoke up.

"Thorn, I need to blow some steam of, I am going into the woods to hunt for fresh meat." Sev said while grabbing his blaster. "You want to join?"

Thorn nodded. "Sure, I could go for some meat, haven't eaten some in a while. Just let me get my Z6 and we can go."

"Alright, meet me at the edge of the orchard, there's a passage way that leads to the forest." Sev said while walking past Thorn. "Sending you the coordinates now."

Thorn's commlink bleeped. Thorn nodded and began to walk to the barn. Reaching the barn, he garbbed his Z6 and went on his way. Not bothering to disturb Applejack, since she was too busy bucking trees, he followed the coordinates Sev had given him. Finally reaching the coordinates, he saw Sev standing at the egde of the Everfree forest.

Sev nodded at Thorn and they began their trek into the forest.


Meanwhile, on one of the many cargo bays of Coruscant..

"Do you know who I am?" Blaze asked.

"Yes, you're that ARC trooper, Fives or something like that." Fox replied.

Blaze laughed, but was this really Fives? His hair was the standard, short, Jango Fett hair style, but last time Fox checked, Fives was bald. Blaze walked towards Fox and kicked him in his gut, making him clutch his stomach in pain.

"Do you see the tattoo of the number five on the side of my head?!" Blaze asked while picking Fox up.

"No, I don't." Fox replied. "But if you aren't Fives, then who are you?"

"I am the one who's going to end all of this, I am the one who will end this war and spare many of our brothers a cruel fate!"

"Who are you, trooper?" Fox asked.

"My name, is Echo."