The Wonderful Life of Ford Mustang

by RoyalRainbow

Chapter 20 – Take-Your-Sister-To-Work Day

Chapter 20 – Take-Your-Sister-To-Work Day
Scootaloo could hardly believe it.  It’s something that she has dreamed of for so long.  It’s one thing to hang out with her esteemed role model and figurative big sister, Rainbow Dash, all day long, but to be taken to the same place where Rainbow trains and performs with the best of the best, that sounds almost too good to be true.
When Dash proposed this idea to her a few days ago, Scootaloo could hardly contain her childlike excitement as she dropped everything she was working on regarding with her scooter and immediately flew into the house to enthusiastically share it with her parents.  Of course, the overly eager filly was practically begging to go with Rainbow this weekend, even as so far as doing additional chores once she gets back. But there was no need for her to go the extra mile as her mom and dad offer their permission to their child and Rainbow Dash, whom they do see as a responsible mare that knows on how to look after their daughter.
After that was settled with Scoots’ parents, Rainbow had her own priorities to take care of after that, where she sent a letter to Spitfire to inform her commander about her plans and how she wants to give her biggest fan the best experience the Wonderbolts can offer. And after a couple days later, Rainbow Dash received a letter back, which Spitfire gladly gave her approval in her reply.  With their trip all set up, Rainbow just needed to prepare herself on something else she needs to address once she sees her favorite aerobatic team this weekend.
Now, on a clear Saturday morning, Rainbow Dash packs some of her stuff in her saddlebag, says her goodbyes to her husband, picks up Scootaloo at her house, and the two of them take the express train that is on route to the base of the Wonderbolts Academy.  Granted, Rainbow would get there faster if she was allowed to fly, but the train ride itself wasn’t all that bad and they are making great time for themselves.
Once the train stops at the station that’s adjacent to the massive plateau, the two Ponyvillians are guided by a couple officials from the Wonderbolts, who lead them to an exclusive elevator that accessible to those who can’t fly.  Despite their inability to fly at such a high attitude, Rainbow and Scootaloo get to enjoy a great view of the scenery from the glass-cased lift as it takes them up even higher.
After passing through the layer of clouds, the two passengers exit out of the elevator and Scootaloo gapes excessively with wide, astonished eyes as the grinning Rainbow Dash gladly provides the introductions to her place of work.
“Scootaloo, welcome to the Wonderbolts Academy!”
At once, the anxious, little filly takes in on all of the wondrous sights before her, featuring surrounding clouds that house the complex’s facilities and a towering, cloud-made waterfall that’s pouring an endless stream of rainbow-colored water into the mountaintop’s creek.  Dozens of Pegasi fly around the plateau with their individual responsibilities, including those training in the various obstacle courses and challenges.
As the massive pupils in Scootaloo’s eyes expand to their limits, Rainbow Dash is amused by the little pony’s speechlessness as she asks with a grin, “So what do you think of this place?”
“SO… AWESOME!” she utters with a very wide, squeaky smile.
“I know, right?  And it’s gonna get even more awesome once I show you the ponies I hang out around with!  Ah, right on time!”
And as Rainbow points it out with a fore hoof, the all-star trio approaches from the sky above and lands before the well-received visitors.  The three Wonderbolts have their individual sunglasses and are all wearing their respective military uniforms outside of their trademark flight suits: Spitfire with her navy blue jacket, Soarin with his light blue collared shirt and black tie, and Fleetfoot with her grey, fur-lined collared leather jacket.
“Hey, Rainbow Dash!  Good to see you again!” Spitfire says warmly as she hugs her pregnant friend before getting a good look at her.  “Wow!  You’ve gotten a lot bigger since the last time we met!” she adds with a giggling grin.  “You sure you don’t have another one in there?”

“Come on, Spitfire.  Give me a break, will ya?  These are some growing foals I’m dealing with here.” She responds lightheartedly as she pats her stretched out belly.  “Anyhow, I believe there’s no need for introductions, right Scoots?”
“Yeah, who’s doesn’t know these three?” the filly beams ecstatically.  “They’re almost as famous as you are, Rainbow!”
The three Wonderbolts are speechless by the fan’s bold statement, and Spitfire glances at the awkwardly smiling Rainbow Dash before asking with a smirk and an arched eyebrow, “Almost, huh?”
From her commander’s teasing, the sheepish mare from Ponyville replies with a toothy grin, “Well, what can I say?  The kid really looks up to me.”
“So, this must be the filly Dash keeps bragging about.” Soarin says with a friendly smile as Scootaloo lightly blushes from the attention she is receiving.
D'aww! What a little cutie!” Fleetfoot gasps joyfully as she gets a closer look at the filly.  “What’s your name, sweetie?”
Bashfully, she answers, “Umm… S-Scootaloo, ma’am.”
Tee-hee… There’s no need for formalities, Scootaloo.  Please, just call me 'Fleetfoot' like everypony else.” she insists sweetly as she offers a fore hoof to shake, which the young Pegasus gladly accepts.
“So, ready for your big tour today, Scootaloo?” Spitfire asks with a big grin.
From that reminder, Scootaloo hops up and down with renewed enthusiasm. “You bet I am!”

“Good!  Because we’ve got a lot in stored just for you!”


Throughout the rest of the morning, The Wonderbolts lead Scootaloo around the academy’s campus as they enlighten the orange filly on the daily routines the members partake in.  Their latest stop in their scheduled tour is checking out the hangers on top of the cloudy runway.
“Wow!  And you get to do this everyday, Rainbow?” Scootaloo asks in continuous excitement after soaking in all of that she has learned from them.

“Pretty much.” Rainbow answers with a casual shrug.  “Well, there are also tours and military duties we have to take care of, but this is where we all meet for our usual practice and meetings.”

“That’s right, Dash.” Fleetfoot agrees before the company stops as the white-haired Pegasus points the tour's next attraction.  “Here, Scootaloo.  Take a look at our famous air obstacle course over there.  It’s where our recruits practice their flying and challenge themselves with adapting in different weather environments.”
Then Soarin adds, “Yeah.  We cover all the basics from rain, snow, heavy winds, thunderclouds, and on special occasions, hail.”
Up ahead the tour group is a setup of the various obstacles.  The first obstructions are a trio of purple, tuba-shaped cloudmakers with volunteers on standby to pour the right concoctions to make the clouds.  Next up is a multitude of small clouds that are molded into aerial rings, but after that, is a huge cluster of dark thunderclouds.  And towards the end is a row of ginormous machines in the shape of strange-looking hair dryers that are blowing large gushes of winds.
As Scootaloo gazes at the obstacle course’s features, Spitfire softly breaks the filly out of her trance as she asks with a smile, “Wanna give it try yourself?”
Scootaloo’s eyes widen from the mention of Spitfire’s offer before she stammers in response, “M-m-me?!  Really?!”

“Sure.  We’ve even prepped it up all up just for you.”
The orange pony pauses even further before making her decision as she alternates her speechless gaze between the four older Pegasi.  Then she looks at her small wings as they flap rapidly, which causes her confidence to subside before she gives her answer with a humble yet nervous smile.
“O-oh, there’s no need to do that for me.  I mean, I’m not even a Wonderbolt Cadet, so I really shouldn’t--!”
“Oh come on, Scoots!” Rainbow interrupts with a confident smirk.  “There’s no need to be so modest!  Just one fly for us!”

“But Rainbow Dash!” the nervous filly interjects quietly in shame.  “My wings… they're not big enough--!”
“So what?  I started out with small wings myself when I was a filly like you, and look how awesome I turned out!  Plus, I know this really big guy with wings as tiny as yours, who’s been here as a Cadet alongside me, and he did pretty well for himself here.”
Despite the role model’s reassurance, Scootaloo still feels ill at ease from participating in the Wonderbolts’ famous air obstacle course.  So Rainbow kneels down closely where their foreheads nearly came into contact and brushes the pony’s mane gently while carrying on her encouragement for Scoots.
“And besides, would I really put you on the spot like that if I knew you couldn’t handle it yourself?”
“You really think I can do this?” Scootaloo inquires softly with a small, budding smile.
Confident as ever, Rainbow Dash arches a shrew eyebrow as she maintains her bold grin before replying, “Scoots, when have I ever let you down before?”
After giving it some more thought, Scootaloo finally bears a more confident smile before saying with a nod, “Okay, I’m ready to give it a shot.”
“That’s the spirit!” Rainbow grins with pride before facing her comrades.  “You heard her, Wonderbolts!  Get ready for launch!”
With their salutes, the Wonderbolts do a quick check-up on the obstacle course while Rainbow Dash preps Scootaloo up by giving her a pair of googles as well as giving her some quick tips.  “Remember: don’t think too much about this.  Nopony is going to time you, so it’s not a race.  Just imagine this as your usual runs with your scooter.  Or better yet, just think of all the times we’ve practiced together.”
After everything was checked out, Spitfire approaches the two Ponyvillians as says with a smile, “Okay, we’re all set now.  Anytime you’re ready, Scootaloo.”
With a quick hug, Rainbow adds one last thing with a wink and a reassuring grin, “Trust me, you got this.”
With her confidence boosted from her favorite pony, Scootaloo takes one last breath to dismiss what’s left of her nerves and places the googles over her eyes while displaying a determined grin.  With everything set and ready for launch, the novice flyer breaks into a gallop on the runway and leaps in the air to begin her trial.
The first major obstacles are the hovering, pink clouds, which are transformed into miniature thunderclouds thanks to volunteer flyers who charged them up with some good kicks.  Despite how intimidating the field of aerial mines are, Scootaloo passes through them with no problem thanks to her small size and smooth turning.  To the poised, little filly, these hazardous clouds were no different than how she would navigate through the makeshift obstacles when she rides on her scooter.
After zigzagging through pink, charged-up clouds with surprise ease, the junior speedster takes a break through the series of hoop-like clouds.  Just like before, navigating through those hoops didn’t provide much difficult for the young stunt flyer, but the same can’t be said for the massive storm up ahead.
Within the dark, cloudy tunnel, the obstacle course’s midpoint is filled with heavy rain, crackling thunder, and bright lightning, but those were only minor distractions compared to Scootaloo’s biggest challenge in her trial run: the strong winds blowing against her direction.  Due to the storm’s heavy gusts, the Pegasus’s flying is cut down short tremendously as she gradually loses speed.
It is just as Scoots feared, her wings are not big enough.  But just as her fears start to get the best of her, she recalls on Rainbow Dash’s encouragement as well as all of the private training she went through under her big sister’s tutelage.  Her wings may be small, but that doesn’t mean they’re not as powerful as they were before Rainbow took her under her wing.  With that reminder in mind, Scootaloo rebuilds her confidence and drastically increases her flapping, which allows her to drive through the harsh winds.  And thanks to her tough tenacity, she eventually reaches for the light at the end of the tunnel.
Once she exits out of the storm, the self-assured Scootaloo breezes through the last obstacle as she loops above and below the large airstreams from the air-blowing machines.  And after overcoming every challenge in her trial run, the tenacious flyer beams with pride as she gets closer to the runway’s finish line with the Rainbow Dash cheering and waiting from the other end.  Unable to contain her enthusiasm on what she just accomplished for herself, Scoots speeds up to cross the finish line, and the ecstatic Rainbow Dash cushions the head-on collision with a well-deserved hug.

“Rainbow Dash, did you see that?” Scoots asks with a gleeful smile.  “I did it!  I really did it!”

With a very proud smile, Rainbow coolly answers, “I had no doubt about that.”
In the midst of Scoot’s triumph, the other Wonderbolts approach the pair as Spitfire offers her own congratulations with a grin, “Nicely done, Scootaloo.  You did pretty well for a filly at your age.”
“Really?” she gasps ecstatically.  “Did I break any records?”
“No.” Spitfire responds simply, which earns her a small, adorable pout from the filly.  “But you certainly did much better than most Cadets who ran the course the first time.”
“Yeah, it was still really impressive.” Soarin adds warmly.  “Not many Pegasi can demonstrate such smooth control.”
“Where did you learn to make such tight turns like that?” Fleetfoot asks with keen interest.
“Well, I do pick up after my big sister here.” Scootaloo boasts lightly with a smirk as she directs a meaningful gaze at the Rainbow.
As much as she likes to boast, Rainbow can’t take all of the credit and she pulls Scootaloo in for a playful noogie while praising her efforts in return.  “Hey, that was all on you, sis.  You were a natural out there.”
The three Wonderbolts are speechless by the sisterly relationship between the two before Fleetfoot is the first to break from her stupor as she comments to her friend, “Rainbow Dash, I didn’t know you had a sister.  Though I do see a bit of the resemblance from you two.”
“Well we're not exactly related, but she is the best thing to have for a sister, figurative or not.” she states with pride as she pulls the beaming filly for another victory hug.


After Scootaloo’s victory over the obstacle course, Spitfire then suggests they take a break from their tour as it is getting close to lunchtime.  So the three tour guides lead Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash through the main office building, which causes the orange filly to ponder on why they’re being taken here when the dining hall is next door.
“Wait, aren’t we going to have lunch at the mess hall?”
“Better than that, Scootaloo.” Spitfire gladly answers with a clever grin.  “We’re giving you exclusive access to our private lounge!”
Just as Scootaloo gasps with joy once again, Fleetfoot adds with equal enthusiasm, “Oh, you’re going to love it!  We have everything and more!  We even have a pie buffet!”
Then Rainbow leans closer to the filly’s ear as she whispers with a crafty smirk, “Originally meant for Soarin, of course, thanks to a pie industry he once sponsored.”
But the rest of the Wonderbolts catch Dash’s whispering, as the mares giggle to themselves while Soarin is dumbstruck by that assumption before he whines out loud, “Hey, come on, guys!  I don’t like pies that much!”
“Oh, what a shame.” his fiery-haired wife pouts in mocking disappointment.  “And they just added coconut pie as one of today’s specials.”

“Ooo!  My favorite!” he squeaks in anticipation over his preferred treat, which earned a few more muffled giggles from the mares once again.
After Rainbow’s laughter dies down, a thought comes to mind, and she quickly gets the captain’s attention, “Hey, Spitfire?  Can we stop by your office real quick?  There’s something I need to discuss with you.”
A bit surprised by Dash’s sudden urgency, Spitfire answers with a modest nod, “Sure.  Soarin, could you and Fleetfoot lead our special guest to the lounge for me?”

“You got it, Captain.” Soarin salutes to his commander.

“Thank you, sweetie.” she responds by giving her husband a gratifying kiss, and she and Rainbow begin to turn around.
But before they head off in the opposite direction, Rainbow notices Scoot’s slight confusion and reassures the filly, “You go ahead and help yourself.  I’ll be back before you know it. And be sure to save a big slice for me, will you?  Don’t want Soarin to hog all the pies, you know.” she ends with a lighthearted wink.
After Scootaloo nods to her big sister, she follows Fleetfoot and Soarin while Rainbow and Spitfire make their way to the latter’s office.  Once they are inside the captain’s work place, Rainbow gently closes the doors behind her as Spitfire turns around to face her coworker.
“So what’s up?”
In response to Spitfire’s casual inquire, the yellow mare is met with brief silence as Rainbow takes a deep breath before she turns around to face her respected leader.  But instead of answering her commander, Rainbow silently walks past Spitfire before she reaches for something inside her saddlebag and places it on the older Wonderbolt’s table.  Looking over the other mare’s shoulder, Spitfire is shocked to see what Rainbow just laid down.  Folded neatly on the table is Rainbow Dash’s very own Wonderbolt flight suit.
Completely startled by the recognizable item, Spitfire stutters in bewilderment, “Wha…?  What’s this all about, Rainbow?”

“I figure since I may no longer need this anymore, I might as well turn this in early while I get the chance.” the sheepish mare answers cryptically while nervously rubbing the back of her head.

                    This vague response continues to leave Spitfire completely baffled as she inquires even further, “You-you’re… you’re quitting the team?  But why?  This is what you’ve wanted for so long, right?”

“Of course, Spitfire!  Being a Wonderbolt is like a dream come true for me!”
“Then why--?”
But she suddenly stops herself as a terrible thought crosses her mind.  Trembling subtly on such an awful idea, Spitfire then ask in a lightly quivering voice, “Rainbow Dash… is everything okay with you?”
“It’s… complicated.” she admits uneasily.

“Rainbow, please tell me what’s going on.  This isn’t like you at all.”
“You know about my husband’s dragon powers, right?”
“You mean where he emits that golden, magic glow and breathes fire?  Yes, I’ve seen it firsthoof before.  Why?”
“Well… a few months ago, he discovered a new power… where he can see into the future.”

Puzzled by where Rainbow is going with this, Spitfire asks, "So, what did he see?"

"Well… umm… he saw something… happened… during the birth of our twins."

"Like a complication that may prevent you from going back to the Wonderbolts?"

"Ehh… something like that, yeah. But a lot worse than that. He saw that I… I…"

As Rainbow struggles from revealing the grim possibility in her future, Spitfire pieces it all together on what her dejected teammate is trying to say, so she saves her the trouble by muttering it herself, "That… you might not make it in the end?"

Feeling choked up in her own articulation, Rainbow gives her answer in the form of a weak nod, and Spitfire gasps faintly while her eyes widen in immense shock from this upsetting news. The two mares pause in the middle of their unsettling conversation as the staggered Spitfire walks over to her chair behind her desk and plops right on her seat.  After taking a moment to let all of this sink in, Spitfire looks at her equally distressed teammate with wide eyes and offers her consideration to the best of her abilities.
“D-Dash, I’m so sorry to hear that.  I… don’t know what else to say.”
Rainbow offers a small smile in return for her team captain’s concern.  But as they resume their silence, Spitfire looks at Dash’s blue-and-yellow uniform that’s still sitting on the table, staring back at fiery-haired pony, waiting for her to accept the inevitable outcome.  Taking a break from staring at that suit in front of her, the veteran Wonderbolt closes her eyes and takes in a deep breath.  Once she exhales, she opens her amber eyes as they display her usual levelheadedness.  And to Rainbow Dash’s surprise, Spitfire gently pushes the uniform back before continuing in a calmer manner.
“However, I can’t accept this.”
Baffled to see her commander acting this way, Rainbow responds in a sharp tone, “Spitfire, I’m trying to do you favor--!”

“Well so am I, so listen up!” Spitfire retorts as she lightly slams her fore hooves onto the table.  “What happened to the death-defying mare I first met at the Best Young Flyer Competition?  The one who saved my life as well as the others while pulling off the Sonic Rainboom?  The same pony who is just as much an inspiration to me as I am to her?  The Rainbow Dash I know isn’t one to quit without a fight!  Because if there’s anypony I know who can pull off miracles, it will be you, Rainbow!”
As Spitfire emphasizes her points, Rainbow is deeply shocked to hear such admiration from her biggest role model, especially the part on how much she inspired Spitfire.  With the blue mare startled by these words of appreciation, the yellow mare gets out of her chair to walk towards her friend as she continues in a gentler tone.

“Until that happens, I can’t accept your resignation just yet.”
And once their faces are inches apart from each other, Spitfire quickly pulls the increasingly startled Rainbow in for a big, constricting hug.  Petrified in the older mare’s embrace, Dash suddenly feels something wet around her right shoulder and neck as Spitfire tightens her fore hooves even further.  And It didn’t take long for Rainbow it figure out as the barely contained tears seep out of the mare’s tightly shut eyes before the lead Wonderbolt ends her statement with a heartbreaking plea.
“So please, Rainbow… don’t you dare give up, not on me and not on yourself.”
After the grief-stricken Spitfire finishes what she had to say, Rainbow Dash quakes with so much emotions building up inside her, not just from hearing her role model’s strong words of encouragement, but also from knowing on how much Spitfire truly cares about her.  Overwhelmed by so many feelings, Rainbow gradually breaks into soft tears and wraps a foreleg around the embracing mare before she simply whispers her gratitude in Spitfire’s ear.
“Thank you, Captain.”
Despite their flowing tears, the two Pegasi bear big smiles for each other’s comfort, and eventually, they break free from their emotional hug while composing themselves.  In the midst of wiping away their tears, Rainbow adds in more casual manner, “But still… you should be prepared for the worse just in case.”
“I’ll considered it later.” Spitfire assures as she finishes up drying her eyes.  “So… are the twins going to be okay at least?”
“As far as we know, yeah, they’ll make it in the end.”
Sigh… that’s a relief.” Spitfire replies with a relaxing smile.
“Yeah, tell me about it.  Hey, I hope this hasn’t freaked you out too much.”
“What makes you say that?” she perplexes slightly.

Then Rainbow breaks in a very shrewd grin and remarks in a sing-song voice with a wiggle of her eyebrows, “You know~!  When you and Soarin make a baby someday~!”
Taken back by Dash’s strangely welcoming quips, Spitfire lets out sheepish giggle as her blushing is as intense as her fiery mane.  “Come on, Dash!  Don’t bring that up at a time like this!”
“Awwww!  But I want one of my foals to have a worthy rival someday!” Rainbow pouts excessively as she bashes her big, cute puppy-dog eyes.  “Plus, we can even re-establish our own rivalry on who’s the coolest mom ever!” she adds with a persuasive grin.

“You mean who can spoil their kid the most as well as brag on all of their latest accomplishments?”
Despite displaying a deadpan look on her face, Spitfire could hardly keep up her playful act for long as she breaks into a very amusing grin before she shakes hooves with the equally smirking Pegasus to seal on their deal.  “You’re on, Rainbow!”
Feeling much better now, the two friends share a good, well-earned laugh to break from their recent, nerve-wracking discussion.  But suddenly, their moment to relax gets interrupted by an abrupt plop and soft “oomph” from the doorway.  And once the adults turn around to see the sudden intrusion, Rainbow Dash becomes scared stiff by the appearance of the one pony she isn't ready to confront just yet.