//------------------------------// // Introduction // Story: Ruby's Diary: The Prequel to Story of The Blanks // by Fandom Trash Snivy //------------------------------// This diary belongs to: Ruby The owner of this diary is nine years old. If this diary is ever lost, please return to this address: 23 Foalyard Street, Sunny Town Hello diary. My name is Ruby, and I live on 23 Foalyard Street in Sunny Town. What's weird about Sunny Town is that it is not located in a vast area; it is in the Everfree Forest. That's right; the Everfree Forest. Y'know all of those tales about the plants and animals taking care of themselves? The weather working in strange ways? A magical zebra living in a small hut? Those tales are all true because they got passed down by word of mouth to here: Sunny Town. Sunny Town isn't as bad as other ponies make it out to be. In fact, the only bad thing about us is that we have vastly different beliefs than other normal ponies. Everypony here is a blank flank and an earth pony. We believe that pegasi, unicorns, and ponies with cutie marks are a curse to life in Sunny Town. Of course that's not what it's like in other towns and cities in Equestria, but apparently we civilians here in Sunny Town care about those beliefs very much. For example, a unicorn moved into Sunny Town one day. Vera Seedy, our mayor, would immediately seek out this new citizen and welcome them. She would carefully examine them for a horn, a pair of wings, or a cutie mark. In this case, this is a unicorn that has a cutie mark. Any pony that doesn't follow the beliefs of Sunny Town would be breaking the rules, right? Vera would immediately notice that, and would question the unicorn citizen. I imagine that she would be saying this: "Oh I'm so sorry miss, but you can't live here. You are a unicorn and you have a cutie mark. We only let earth ponies with no cutie marks live here." Then the unicorn would probably say this: "Huh? What's up with that?" Then the unicorn would realize the surprisingly-large amount of earth ponies and blank flanks in Sunny Town. "I'm sorry, but you must leave." "W-why? I just want to live here and-" "LEAVE NOW!" The unicorn would be left with nothing to say as the other citizens from Sunny Town would crowd around her. Vera would just be standing there, watching her citizens mob around the unicorn. I wouldn't be doing that, of course. It feels just, y'know, wrong! I would just be staying inside with my best friend named Mitta. Mitta is not a filly like me. She is a youthful mare who is around sixteen years old. She befriended me after my parents had, well, I'll just explain that later... Anyways, back to my example. So, many ponies would swarm around and mob the unicorn, Vera Seedy watching them with a wicked smile on her face. The citizens take the unicorn away to a special building. Then, erm, something happens... Oh no. I hate describing what comes next. After everypony prepares the unicorn (as I've mentioned before) for, erm, the thing, Vera Seedy tells everypony to gather in the town square. I hate gathering in the town square for anything, even when it's not because of "the thing". I must mention that I'm painfully shy around other ponies except for Mitta. This was because she was my babysitter before, y'know, things happened to them... So after everypony has congregated in the town square (including me and Mitta. Mayor's orders...), Vera Seedy walks over and says something like this to everypony: "Everypony, we are gathered here today to witness..." Everypony would grow silent. "...a cremation." Soon, everypony would be forced to watch the unicorn burn to death. It was gruesome; so gruesome that I wanted to look away at once. But everypony has to watch. Sometimes, there are even more gory punishments than cremating somepony. Sometimes somepony else other than Vera Seedy is in charge of putting somepony to death. It's really dark sometimes in Sunny Town, but I get through it somehow. Now, about my parents... They're dead. They accidently discovered their cutie marks when they asked permission from Vera Seedy to go on a vacation to Manehattan for a week. Mitta was my babysitter for the entire week, and I couldn't be any happier... Until my parents came home. My dad had the cutie mark of a house and my mother had the cutie mark of a purse. Too bad our mayor Vera Seedy noticed. By the time I ran up to her quarters it was already too late. My parents were ordered to be executed at 2:30 p.m. that one Thursday. They were brutally sliced open with a knife and beat to death with it. It was a very sad and bittersweet day. I still grieve to this day while I stay at Mitta's house. I still don't like to talk about my parents' deaths... Perhaps I should talk about something happier now. Oh, I know! How about I talk about my favorite citizens of Sunny Town? Oh, I could go on about that right now! So, there's Grey Hoof. He is the party planner of Sunny Town. He holds all of the celebrations like birthday parties, weddings, foal showers... Whatever you can name, he'll start a party for it. He's so friendly and outgoing! Gladstone is one of the most mellow ponies I've ever met. He's usually content with everything in his life, be it neighbors, living conditions, or something else. When he's not content with everything, he tries to right every wrong he sees and hears to be mellow again. I guess I could say that he'd even be mellow when he's dead. Now on to Roneo and Starlet. They've been dating since two months ago. At that time it was just a cute little crush that they had on each other. Then one day, Roneo finally got his head out of his flank and asked Starlet on a date, hoping she'd return the feelings he hoped she had. Of course she said "yes", and now they are sweethearts who won't seem to ever shut up about each other. They're still pretty nice to me, though... Lastly there is Three Leaf. She loves to converse about leaves. She loves to go bird-watching; sometimes Mitta and I tag along with her. The Everfree Forest can be dangerous and scary as everypony says, but Three Leaf loves to just angrily stare it in the face. I've already talked about Mitta. In fact, I'm sitting in her house right now, writing in this diary. She's the one who gave me you, diary. Well, it's about time I should be getting to sleep. Goodnight, diary. Ruby