//------------------------------// // Golden Journal #14 // Story: Dragons of Hourglass // by Rammy //------------------------------// From the Journals of Golden Heart, He of Hourglass, Firstclaw of the Clan of Hourglass, Dragon Keeper of Harmony.   Entry #13 (3 months after Clan inception) He of Laughter was finally able to decipher our problems with the defense grid. He of Harmony wasn’t kidding that that it would take years to get the skills necessary to reprogram the artificial intelligence or ‘A.I.’ Apparently it was an ability to know who the ruler of the city is even without any input from the control room. It just knows. Or at least that’s the only part that made sense(I’m still nursing the headache). Of course I asked who the A.I. thought was the ruler which turned out to be He of Laughter. When the catastrophe hit the city many millennia ago the only surviving citizen was He of Laughter so the it defaulted to him as the ruler. He was more than happy to I quote ‘turn over the keys’ to me (whatever that meant). We did some tests afterwards and it appears that I now have control over the defense grid. The true test will be when we have a real enemy attack. On hearing that I could lock He of Laughter out of Hourglass made Quartermaster quite giddy. Which I immediately shot down when I gave him the task of constructing the spell matrix. Quartermaster was not happy to say the least and I nearly clawed him for using the word outsider. Ever since Quartz… I will not have my own clanmate speak about He of Harmony like that. I should have stopped it sooner. I’m reaching a limit with He of Harmony. I’m okay with the need for privacy on some matters but this is getting out of hand. He of Harmony has nearly died several time by this mysterious ash disease. I can tell he is hiding something about it from me. Why I don’t know. I don’t want to resort to a challenge just yet. I also don’t want He of Laughter to get involved. Even though I know he has known He of Harmony the longest I feel, somehow, he may be less likely to given me a straight answer or slip up in a way that would be helpful. The Ascended One, however, I think, will be the most open and honest. For the moment He of Harmony is with the Hermit of the Oasis. They are trying various tests to figure out what triggers the episodes to better avoid and manage them in the future. As much as I wanted to be there for that (one because it will put extreme pressure on He of Harmony physically but also because I want to know what his is hiding and why.) The hermit wouldn’t allow it. If it wasn’t for the hermit’s extreme skill at dealing with magical illness and He of Harmony‘s extreme trust in him... Let’s just say I made sure he knew what would happen to him if anything went wrong.