The Doctor's Experiment

by Daylight Glimmer

Chapter 3

Lyra walked in surrounded by her many new friends, they were asking questions about the 'machine'. Lyra confessed she had never seen it, but was being powered by Celestia. Many were in awe that Celestia was doing this for Lyra! A few, such as Cloudkicker and Cherry Berry, were not as impressed.

"Wow, all of this just for an experiment!" Carrot Top marveled.

"Well, it is pretty dangerous. Not to mention I could die, but I could. That is why I decided to be the one to do it. My life is crappy and means nothing to no one. Except Bonbon, and apparently all of you!" Lyra told them.

"Lyra, you are my best friend. I will be praying to all the Princesses that you live," Bonbon said giving Lyra a little hug.

"Thank you Bonbon!" Lyra replied.

After checking in, the receptionist showed Lyra to Dr.Stable.

"Hello Ms.Heartstrings," Dr.Stable welcomed.

"Hi," Lyra replied feeling a little more optimistic.

"Are you ready to begin in thirty minutes?" he asked coolly.

"I'm ready whenever you are ready," Lyra told him.

"Then we will start then," he finished. He then showed Lyra the room she would be staying in. She got settled in and talked with her friends until a another doctor came in and had everypony leave.

"Hello Ms. Heartstrings," he greeted.

"Please just Lyra," she said with a bit of a smile.

"Lyra then, I am Dr.Pulse, but you may call me just Pulse. I am going to tell the details. I am an anesthetic, I will be giving the medicine that should keep pain away," he informed the green unicorn.

"Ok,' she commented.

" Dr.Scope and Nurse Coldheart will be giving you a proper check-up before I do my part," he finished as they reached their destination.

" Well here we are then," he said as they entered a white room with another door.

There was the other doctor and nurse both special bags. She could hear talking in the other room, also there was a sort of bed with wheels in the middle of this room. The other doctor beckoned her to sit on the wheeled bed, so she did. Once settled, Dr.Pulse left and Dr. Scope started speaking, the nurse got things out of their bags.

" Hi there Lyra, I'm Dr.Scope all I'm here to do is make sure that you are going to be ready for this and disinfect your body before Dr.Pulse comes in to do his job." he stated. Lyra simply nodded.

The nurse and Doc gave her a thorough check-up before giving her like five shots! Outrageous. Once done they both gave goodbyes before leaving. Then came in the anesthetic with two other nurses and some sort of thingies she couldn't describe. After slipping on a patient gown, and being leaned back fully on the bed, she felt Dr.Pulse strap a mask over her face, then a few minutes later the world became fuzzy and she couldn't feel her body. She could hear muffled words, and expected to unconscious, but never did.


In the room with the 'machine' Celestia stood beside it and watched Lyra get pushed inside and transitioned onto the steel platform next to the 'machine'. She was strapped in securely, and suction cups were connected all over her body. Next Celestia stuck her horn inside a special hole that draw magic from her. Dr.Stable put the 'machine' on a level of one. It slowly started powering and was pulling a little magic from the alicorn, not enough to feel it coming out though.

Lyra was shaking and looks of fear and pain were crossing her face. "I thought you put her on full?" Dr.Stable asked Pulse.

"We did...." he trailed off.

"Let it finishing running doctor, we may not know if anything has been done to her at all." a nurse said.

"Hm, you have a point Nurse Snowyheart," Dr.Stable replied.

Celestia spoke," Do we really want to risk more than we need to?"

"Well your highness, it only has about thirty more seconds," he answered.

"You're the doctor," Celestia replied as the second was up and the machine powered down.

Lyra's eyes were wide and scared. "Quick, we need conscious sedation- STAT!" he said quickly.


Once Lyra was in her room asleep, all the ponies in the room with the 'machine' had a talk.

"What we saw today, was unusual," Dt.Stable started. "We will have great knowledge once this is over, but first I think we need to know if her life span has extend or decreased. The best way to do that is by doing a blood test," he informed the ponies. "Then we can try again tomorrow afternoon." he finished.

"But doctor, we all saw she went through a lot. Why don't we wait a week?" Nurse Snowyheart asked.

"I completely agree, Dr.Stable I saw with my own two eyes the pain within," the Princess told him.

"With all due respect your highness, we need to keep this as short as possible." he replied.

"I can leave and come back next week," Celestia told him.

All the others agreed, so the doctor was forced to give in.


Lyra's friends were waiting the entire time, Lyra knew they were waiting for her. She now knew that she was only wanted by one, but by many. That everypony had a part to play in the world, that life was never crap, but a gift. A gift to share with others, the gift of light and love.....