Dragons of Hourglass

by Rammy

Songs on a Starlight Night

Harmony groaned. He had just been akowen from the same fiery nightmare. Ever since after the fight with Sombra and the week at Scorpan’s to purposely trigger his illness he had been having them nearly nightly. At least they were right now just nightmares and not ‘visions’ like before. He could stop them but it still caused his heart to race. Also, Spike seemed to not be in them anymore so he figured that one time was just that: one time. Sadly, having the nightmare meant he wouldn’t get anymore sleep for a while. He stretched, yawned, and got up to go for a walk.

“We really need to rebuild the city.” Harmony commented out loud to himself. While Hourglass never scared him it didn’t mean that he liked the creepiness of walking at night in a nearly deserted, half-ruined ghost town where thousands lost their lives in a moment’s time. All in good time I suppose.

Harmony was nearing the library when he noticed that Golden Heart was up and sitting on the Spire. “What are you doing up?” He called up.


Harmony swiveled his ears around trying to pick up any sound. After doing it for several minutes and not picking up even the faintest of sounds he gave up. Must be too faint for me to hear… One thing did come to mind on why Golden Heart would be up so late ‘listening.’ “Nova?”

“Yes.” Golden Heart jumped down. Harmony was glad he was an alicorn as he could feel the ground shift. The dragon breathed a bit of flame then spun it around with his claws. The flame expanded and slowly was replaced by a guitar wrapped in cloth. “I managed to finish curing the enamel on the guitar for you.”

Harmony carefully took it in his magic. “Well then, I better go find him so I can give it to him.”

Harmony started to head off towards the forest to the west of the city. He stopped when he felt a clawed hand on his shoulder. Harmony looked back to see Golden Heart staring off in the direction of the forest and Nova. Golden Heart said nothing but Harmony could catch the implied meaning from how the dragon was staring off. “I see.”

As Harmony headed off his heart seemed to skip a beat. He just couldn’t wait to give the guitar to Nova. He just knew to see his reaction would worth the cost. At the edge of the city he could finally hear the faint sound of an ocarina.

Where is he? This forest isn’t that big… Harmony was getting frustrated. He had been looking for a while trying to pinpoint where Nova was. The problem was that between the trees muffling and echoing sound and that Nova appeared to not be constantly playing he was not having much luck.

Hey dad look at me
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according to plan?
And do you think I'm wasting my time doing things I wanna do?
But it hurts when you disapprove all along

The song sounds somber. That is not something he usually does… Harmony ducked under some branches as he pushed through. At least the forest is no longer hostile to us. He stopped as he lost the direction of where the singing was coming in from.

And now I try hard to make it
I just wanna make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
Can't pretend that
I'm alright
And you can't change me

Good, he singing again. Harmony was a bit worried that he would have to rely on a tracking spell. No, it’s not that... its, its introspective! I wonder…

'Cause we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect

Harmony could hear that Nova had stop singing and was playing his ocarina. He could tell he was getting close but he also knew he was running out of trees. As he approached the edge of the tree line he could see the whelp sitting on a branch on a lone tree near the mountain’s edge. As per usual the dragon was leaning against the trunk except his tail hung limply. Nova stopped playing his ocarina. Harmony stayed back in the darkness of the tree line. He wanted to see if he could find out more of why he was playing such songs.

Ever since I could remember,
Everything inside of me,
Just wanted to fit in
I was never one for pretenders,
Everything I tried to be,
Just wouldn't work

If I told you what I was,
Would you turn your back on me?
And if I seem dangerous,
Would you be scared?
I get the feeling just because
I’m a dragon with a dark, dark past

I'm only a drake with my flames to guide me
I’m only a dragon with a dream
But I can't move on with these memories

I just wish I could set aflame and move along
and ever since I could remember
I’m just a dragon....with a dark, dark past

ENOUGH! Harmony roared. Nova nearly fell out of his branch from the shock. “Have you become so clouded? Have you become blind? Nova Blaze this is not you!”

The wind picked up and the sounds of rustling leaves filled the air. Nova nervously looked about. All he could see was the moving trees and the twinkling of the stars. Harmony was nowhere to be seen. He couldn’t even smell the alicorn. At least he hoped it was him.

Suddenly, he could hear ocarina music floating in on the breeze. He quickly looked down and could still see his own was still on the necklace.

Why you so blind to see?
Please take it from me
You have nothin’ left to prove
don’t let doubt be found in you

For I know who you truly are
Not what the dark says you are!
There a light in you bursting to come out!
Just let your heart shout!
Bring forth your worth!
Greater than gems
Brighter than gold!
Is the heart within you!

A light above got Nova’s attention. Above him he could see aurora lights dancing. But he still could not see Harmony anywhere.

Forget those others
Be true to yourself
To fit in only ends
With fates of pretending

Just let your heart shout!
Bring forth your worth!
Greater than gems
Brighter than gold!
Is the heart within you!

Harmony finally walked into the opening so that Nova could see him. His fur gave off light as brightly as the moon. Harmony had not caused this amount and kind of change with just harmonic music magic in a long time. He figured it was because of Nova Blaze.

Greater than gems
Brighter than gold!
Is the heart within you!

The hearrrrt with….in yooooooou!

The lights above and the shine of Harmony fur slowly faded along with the music. Nova tried desperately to restart his mouth and brain. Is that the power of harmony songs? I have also have that kind of power within me?!

“So, why so many introspective songs tonight?”

Nova just shrugged, not quite sure himself. “Just thinking about the future, I guess. What brings you out here? “

“I hadn’t seen much of you in weeks and I…”

Nova waved his claw dismissively, “Don’t apologize. I’m used to being alone.”

Harmony could hear the sadness in Nova voice. While he wasn’t here originally to apologize he could tell that while Nova was used to it he didn't like the loneliness.

“Nova, you are not alone anymore. But... I can’t be around all of the time. Did you try spending time with He of Hourglass?”

“Well…” Nova sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. “He...hehe...”

Harmony facehoofed “Let me guess Quartermaster?” A look from Nova confirmed it for him. “Listen Quartermaster can be scary and is a bit gruff but you will not find a more loyal dragon then him.”

Harmony trotted up so that he good see out to the lands below Hourglass. “Enough of that. With some help I just finished something that I want to give to you.”

Nova flipped down from the tree limb he was on. He could see that Harmony didn’t have anything with him. He eyed around to see if maybe Harmony had put it down near by before he sang. A flash of light confirmed it as before him was a long object wrapped in cloth.

Nova slowly unwrapped the cloth to reveal a bass guitar. It was in a shape of a scorpion. The body was white but the claws were the color of his hair/spines the stinger was black just like his claws and his triangle black eye scales. He could see that it has a neon blue strap. He fiddled with the dials for a moment. It has the same colors as me!

“The enamel coating is made, among other things, from your shed scales so it’s almost as resistant to scratching as typical dragon scales.” Harmony explained as he watched Nova excitedly pluck at the strings. He beamed from ear to ear. Totally worth it.

Nova didn’t know what to say to the gift. Everything about it was perfect from its scorpion shape to the scale enamel to the fact that Harmony his brother was so thoughtful. It was almost too much for him. He knew then that it would be as precious to him as his scorpion ocarina.

Nova looked at his ocarina lovingly. The only thing he had from his parents especially his mother and now he had something just as valuable from his brother. He still couldn’t understand the generosity of this pony but as it was from his brother it didn’t matter. His brother loved him like his mother, like his father.

Harmony had one last thing about the guitar he wanted to reveal. “Do you know something more? I been working to get you this guitar since that night in the train so you could fully use your gift. I ooph...” Harmony lost all of his air as Nova hugged him.

As Nova hugged Harmony he could hear the beat of their hearts but there was a beat of something more. Nova’s heart stopped for a moment. A metaphorical stone dropped into the pond of his life. It was as if the fog of his troubled mind cleared. For the first time he just knew what and who he truly was. He couldn’t help but let the tears fall. He felt the only thing left was to let his brother and the world know. It was like he just needed to roar to the heavens.

“Harmonious Knight…” Nova pulled away from the hug. “I…. mphfth”

“Stop.” Harmony shut Nova’s mouth momentarily. “He of Hourglass wants to speak to you first.”

“But I wanted…” Nova protested as soon as Harmony let go of mouth. Why would his brother stop him?

“To have me hear the name you have Chosen?” Harmony smiled, his eyes shining. “I do have my ways…” Harmony hid his laughter behind his hoof. “But before I allow you to roar your new name He of Hourglass wishes to have a word. After that you may let your heart shout.”

“You just had to do that…” Nova facepalmed.

Harmony chuckled before taking the lead back to Hourglass. A single tear ran down his face as he sent off an invisible flare.